Life in Roar Omega Roar(Male...

By GMLWriter

18.1K 311 40

(Y/N) is a (Scale color) dragon monster, who enters college life, His shy, introverted personality and higher... More

Decisions we're made
You're official ROR jacket
Annoying Sullivan
Sullivan got kicked out
The Final Exam
Holiday Dinner at (Y/N)'s House
The Beginning of Scare games
(Y/N)'s Transformation
Awestruck on (Y/N)
What If, Part 1
What If: Part 2
What If Part 3
I think i messed up
Toxicity Challenge
An Unbroken Friendship Vow[Not Completed]

Meeting Johnny Worthington

2.5K 41 2
By GMLWriter

(Y/N)'s POV
I felt the bus halt before snapping me wide awake after hours of riding this bus since my home was so far away from Monsters University which is the start of my college life I hope I could change myself into something great after an acceptance letter from MU is delivered on an afternoon in my mailbox. I was feeling various kinds of emotions.
Nervousness, Joy, Anxiety, and most of all: Pride in myself because I got so much in my life that reached college.
I am always ready to tackle exams like it was nothing but my social anxiety holds me back.
"Monsters University, anybody getting off?" My deep thought was cut off by the bus driver who is a blue monster male monster with long brown horns.
"I will sir" I shouted before carrying my two bags as I stand up from my sit which is at the back with nobody beside me.
"Good luck in your college kid" The bus driver spoke to them before I nod in response while I made a small smile at him.

Upon getting off the bus. I see the big gates of Monsters University and I think this is the start of college life.
I took a deep breath while fixing myself, especially my (F/C) hoodie before stretching my wings by spreading them out briefly before I exhale with a puff of smoke coming out of my mouth.
I walked into the gates while scanning around the area to see many monsters in here doing their own.
I start flying in the air to see the campus better while carrying my two bags.
I stared at the building with awe and I could already imagine my future here on this campus.

~After the registration and the tour~
I explore the campus after my first day of class and I first explore the place called Frat row where I can find fraternity houses to join in the scare games. I look around at each fraternity house and I'm quite nervous to talk to them, especially with Roar Omega Roar, I heard that that fraternity only accepts the elite. I see some monsters like me go inside the ROR house and I never had nerves of steel at all nor the courage.
I took a deep breath before I shyly walked toward the porch of ROR's house.
I finally went inside and I heard music playing in the background.
My anxiety start going up and my breathing became heavy. I reach for my phone and my earphone. I played (F/M) and then my anxiety went down slowly.
I felt a hand on my shoulder before I removed my earphone before and turned around to see a monster with purple fur.
"Hey. Are you okay?" He asked me in concern and I see that he is a member of ROR because of his red sweater.
"Yeah" I replied while looking down before I scratch the back of my scaly head gently with clawed hands.
"What is your name?"The purple-furred monster inquires me.
"Im (Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N)" I stuttered nervously and I see him smiling at me.
"Johnny Worthington, President of Roar Omega Roar" He introduced himself and my eyes went wide in surprise as I meet the president of ROR.
"Can you tell me how to join a fraternity?" I inquire nervously at Johnny.
"Well bad news (Y/N), every single fraternity here in MU had different conditions to join a fraternity," He told me before I frown.
"Oh yikes," I mumble while I lower my hood before I start scratching the back of my head.
"I'll consider letting you join if you have higher grades but I'm going to take the chance since you are very intimidating," He told me and it's true I had an intimidating appearance since I'm (F/C) dragon monster with massive wings on my back.
"Meet me here tomorrow okay (Y/N)" He said to me as he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Alright, I understand" I accepted his offer before he left, and then I left the ROR house then I release a sigh of relief since I nearly thought he was going to pry something from me but instead I got what I wanted or maybe not. I went back to my dorm room and then I ate my packed leftover sandwiches before I went to bed after that.

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