Od Harpix_

79 14 69

In this Energy story, John and the others go to Earth. But that doesn't mean that all evil will go away fore... Více



5 1 8
Od Harpix_

John's alarm clock went off. He sat up in his bed, and clicked it off. He looked at his phone.

9:00 AM.

He yawned, and started to get out of bed.

''I need to go to the store and get my stocker job back.'' He said. He turned to Frostina, who was still sleeping, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and went to Oliver's room.

he gently shook him, trying to wake him up.

''Hey buddy.. come on..'' He said. ''You gotta go to preschool today.''

Oliver squirmed around and slowly opened his eyes. 

''Noo..'' he whined. ''sleep..'' 

John smiled.

''Don't you want to go? You'll have so many other little kids to play with, and so many toys.'' He said. ''And if you behave there, maybe i'll bring you something back.''

Oliver tiredly sat up in his bed. 

''Okay Johnny..'' he said.

''Good. Now go get yourself together.'' John said. ''You can have some cereal for breakfast okay?''

Oliver nodded, got off of his bed, and ran to the bathroom.

''His first day of preschool since he came back.'' Frostina said, walking into the room. ''That's really cute.'' 

John smiled at her. 

''Yeah, he'll enjoy it.'' He said. ''Are you going to be bored while me and Oliver aren't here?''

Frostina shook her head. ''No, i'll be fine John.'' she said. "you should go and fix  Oliver's cereal.'' 

John had forgotten all about that. He went to kitchen and fixed Oliver's bowl of cereal. 

Oliver came and sat in his chair at the table. His cereal was placed infront of him and he frowned.

''i didn't want smiley wheats,'' he said. ''i want fruity funs!''

John shook his head. ''Sorry bud, but that's sugary.'' he said. ''No sugar early in the morning'' 

Oliver pouted, and picked up his spoon. He took about five bites, and pushed his bowl away. 

''Done!!'' he yelled and jumped out of his chair. ''Let's go to school! let's go to school!''

''Go get in the car.'' John said. ''I'll be there in a sec.''

Oliver nodded, and ran outside to go get in the car.

John turned to Frostina, who was standing right beside her.

''I'll see you later..'' He said. They kissed each other, and John headed outside to drive Oliver to preschool. 

Frostina smiled to herself. She got herself together, because she wasn't going to be inside all day.

She opened the back door, and started to walk towards the forest. The warm sun felt sort of good on her cold skin, and so did the wind blowing her hair all over the place.

She  hummed to herself, feeing happy and cheerful until..

She saw someone sitting by a tree. 

''is it just me or is that somebody..?'' she said. she walked a bit closer, and saw that it was a girl.

''huh..'' she said in confusion. Frostina's eyes widened when she saw that her arm was bleeding.

''oh no, she's hurt!'' Frostina said, quickly kneeling down by the girl. Frostina shook her, trying to wake her up to make sure she was okay.

the girl eventually woke up, slowly opening her eyes. 

''Ugh..'' she groaned. She saw Frostina, and immediately jumped up.

''Who are you?!'' she yelled. ''And what are you trying to do?!''

Frostina flinched, not expecting the girl to jump up and yell at her.

''I'm not going to hurt you!'' She said. ''I just wanted to-''

''To what?'' the girl interrupted. ''Kill me?!''

''What? No!!'' Frostina said. ''i saw that you were bleeding, and i wanted to help you..''

the girl slowly stepped back.

''You have white eyes.. i've never seen that before..'' she said. ''Are you a alien? some sort up super human creature?!''

Frostina stared at her for a second, then burst out in laughter. 

The girl glared at her. ''What's so funny?!'' she shouted.

Frostina wiped her tears away from laughing too much.

''Ohh.. it's just that.. i'm not a alien.'' She said. ''I just have powers that made my eyes like this. ..What's your name by the way?''

The girl hesitated for a second.

''..Martha..'' she said quietly. ''Martha is my name.''

Frostina smiled.

''That's a pretty name.'' She said. ''My name is Frostina! if you come with me, i can fix your injured arm.''

Martha looked at her arm. It looked more worse than last night.

''How can i trust you..?''She asked. 

''Coming with me would be better than being in pain in this heat, right?'' Frostina said. ''You don't have to be afraid. I promise i won't hurt you.''

Martha thought about it. Then she made her decision.

''Alright.. i'll go..'' she said. ''But if you try anything, i won't hesitate to fight back!!''

Frostina chuckled. 

''Sure, sure.'' she said. ''you won't have to fight me''.

Frostina walked her to the house and walked her to the bedroom.

When Frostina left to go and find it, Martha looked around the room. 

Martha saw some photos on the walls, and she walked a bit closer to see them. 

The first one was a picture of a young browned hair boy, who looked to be about 11 years old. He was standing next to a brown haired woman. They were both smiling. 

The next photo was a picture of a black haired man standing next to the brown haired woman. She was smiling, and he was not.

The last photo was the same brown haired boy, but he looked much older. Let's say he was about.. 16 years old. He was holding a baby in his arms, who also had brown hair.

''i wonder who she is..'' Martha said. ''Frostina.. i don't see her in any of these photos. Is she a family friend?''

Frostina came back, and she sat the med kit down on the bed. 

''interested in those pictures, huh?'' she said. ''Come, let me take care of your arm and i'll tell you all about them.''

Martha sat on the bed, a bit nervous.

''ok..'' she said. 

''So,'' Frostina said taking things out of the kit. ''The older boy is John. He is the owner of this house, and my boyfriend.''

Martha nodded, bitting her lip at the stinging pain. 

''The baby, who's now four, is John's younger brother. Oliver.'' Frostina continued. '' The brown haired woman and the black haired man is his parents, but they're deceased.''

''Oh..'' Martha said. Her arm was now bandaged up, and it felt a little better. 

''There you go!'' Frostina said, grinning widely. ''How does it feel? Does it hurt?''

Martha stood up and shook her head. 

''No.. it doesn't..'' she said. ''Than you... thank you for uh...helping me.''

Frostina smiled. ''You're very welcome,'' she said. ''I have to ask this.. you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but is there a reason why you were out in the forest like that?''

flashbacks of last night appeared in Martha's brain. She remembered Eternity, and all the things they said in their scratchy, deep voice.

''umm..'' Martha said, nervously playing with the ruffles on her shirt. ''..Someone.''

''someone what?''

Martha sighed. 

''Someone came, and they wanted my soul.'' she said. ''They had a sword. that's how my arm ended up like that.''

Frostina's eyes slightly widened. 

''Oh my..'' she said. ''Someone came in the forest and wanted your soul? That sounds terrifying. I'm sorry.'' 

Martha glared at her. 

''If you want to be safe, i suggest staying out of that forest'' She said. ''They said they were going to be the doom of this world.'' 

Frostina started to feel worried. This meant that someone new and dangerous was going to come along. And she lived near the forest too.

''..I'll tell John, okay?'' she said. ''Where did you come from by the way?''

''i didn't come from anywhere.'' Martha said. ''I live in the forest in a little hut.''

Martha started to walk towards the door. 

''I'm not afraid of them.'' She said. ''I'll go back to living in the forest. If they come back, I'll..I'll use axe on them.''

Before she could leave, Frostina grabbed her arm. (The one that was not injured.)

''Wait!'' she said. ''What if you end up getting hurt worse?''

Martha pulled her arm away. 

"I won't. I'll use my axe.'' she said. "Did you not hear me or something? Don't try to stop me from leaving."

Frostina sighed. 

''Okay, but..'' she said. "Are you hungry? i can make something for you.''

Martha thought about it. She WAS hungry. The only food she ate in the woods was berries which isn't good to be eating all of the time. 

Her stomach growled, and Frostina smirked. 

''Let's get you some good food okay?'' she said. ''Whatever you want, i'll make it!''

Hundreds of foods popped into Martha's mind. She was so hungry, it was hard to choose one dish to eat. But she didn't want to be greedy, so she focused on one. Spaghetti. 

"..Spaghetti.'' she said. "Make me some spaghetti, and i'll get going.''

Frostina's mouth made a ''ooh'' sound. 

''Spaghetti? Nice choice!!'' She said. "while i make it, you can do anything you want. It'll take a while.'' 

Martha nodded, and she walked to the couch. She was finally going to get a home cooked meal. She hasn't eaten real food in so long. And no one has ever been this nice to her in so long too. Maybe people weren't so bad after all. Maybe she could get close to Frostina and get to know her better. And tell her about her past..

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