Finally Free!

Door micahbotha

41 3 10

Life is full of unexpected surprises throughout your life consisting of illnesses, natural disasters and the... Meer

Everyday Life
Bad Day!
Court Appearance
New Family and School
The Big Bad World
The Truth About Friends
Delilah and The Future
New Beginning
The Ball
A Bird In A Cage
Azure Traditions
Balls and Answers
A Race to the Sea
No Mans Land
Kyle's Torture
Fishing for Answers
Ambushed Ball
Boat Race and Ball
The Kingdom of Hydrangea
Aurelion's Shores
The Town of Aureolin
Aureolin's Fields
Off to the Gamboge Forests
Pregnancy Dilemma
Plants and Trees Everywhere
Ponceau's Truth
Out With the Skeletons
A Break

Trees and Rivers

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Door micahbotha

As the sun rises with a lot of energy, I groan as my body aches from the riding yesterday but I get up and bath, then get dressed.

Knock Knock

"Your Highness," Kris says kindly so I let him in and he frowns at my state, "what happened to you?" "I am exhausted," I say seriously, "I am trying to study and do all these things at the same time. Guess what? I am not succeeding in convincing anyone of my worth as of yet." "Of course you are," he says but I cut him off. "Stop," I say seriously, "the honest truth is that I am losing to my brother because everyone loves him. Not me."

My frustration is boiling inside me and Kris just looks at me, smiling.

"You are highly intelligent," he says seriously, "you know it is true and you succeeded immensely. No one can say anything as long as you keep trying because endurance is the best quality of a leader. Don't give up just because your past is beating you down." "How did you know?" I ask with pain in my eyes. "I can see what I see in my own eyes," he says sadly, "it is not the greatest feeling to be trapped in your thoughts." "The memories just...," I say as tears fill my eyes, "never stop coming back and...I cannot feel okay with...getting to know someone who seems to be interested in me." He sighs deeply, "Give it a chance but I know it is hard as I saw what my mother goes through everyday due to her past. Sometimes she just does not feel worthy and that person will have to deal with that as well as the past people that keep coming back to bother you." I nod as my tears fall and I sob uncontrollably but then someone else knocks on my door.

"Prince Radley here," the young prince says kindly, "we were not there yesterday because we had to do something and I just wanted to know how you are doing." "Just give me a minute," I say as I try to wipe my tears but Kris opens the door while I am busy.

I just look at Kris and shake my head.

"Are you okay?"the prince asks me with concern. I nod but Kris shakes his head and the prince notices but I try and get away.

The prince steps in front of me to stop me, "Come on. It is okay to feel sad sometimes and let people in." "You would not understand," I say seriously and then look at Kris standing there so we are not alone, "it is just my past." Tears start to threaten to fall again and the prince tenses beside me, "Oh, I don't really know about it but if you need someone to talk to about it then let me know." I nod and smile, "Thanks, I have to get ready for the event today. Will you be there?" He nods and makes his way out with some effort.

Kris smiles at me but I scowl, "You cannot force me to tell people." "I do not want you to tell anyone," he says seriously, "I want you to rely on other people and not just me because I will not be here forever." "Please wait outside," I say seriously and he nods, then leaves to wait outside as I change into riding gear.

Once I come outside, I see Kris waiting for me.

"Thanks for looking out for me," I say with a sad smile, "it will take time though." "He wants to get to know you," Kris says kindly, "let him."

I sigh and walk away as he follows me to the stables.

Once there, I get a map that I must follow with my horse to get to a certain area in the forest.

My horse, the one I was gifted, which is red and white, I have named Ruby.

Once she is ready to go, I notice the King and Prince of Freesia coming towards me. I curtsy once they come closer.

"It is so nice to see you," King Cosmos says kindly and I see jealousy on his brother's face, "shall we go to the grounds together?" "Sure," I say kindly, "I am willing to wait." Prince Radley comes closer and says, "You have a Przemalski?" "A recent gift," I say honestly, "for surviving Ruby." He laughs, "You are telling me. Those horses are impossible." I smile as I get on without any effort and soon they both are ready to ride with their horses.

I remember what she told me yesterday and then I look at the map.

"This map is wrong," I say seriously, "I can tell where the trees and where the meadow are. We are supposed to be by the trees so why are we going to the meadow in the opposite direction." "Why would they give us a faulty map?" King Cosmos asks seriously. "All of this is a game," I say seriously, "a test for me and my intelligence as well as to see if I should be the rightful ruler or not as well as some weird traditions I am sure." Prince Radley laughs, "Let's just listen since we have no clue about this stuff." "Well if you did not want to follow," I say honestly, "you could just take the map and find your way. It looks like you will be at Sarcoline a few days before us." Prince Radley bursts out laughing and I jump at his response.

I then lead the way and realize we are the only ones there as well as the Duke and Duchess.

They smile at us.

"I see Princess Anthurium has helped you get here safely," Duchess Lotus says kindly, "since you guys are here, you can help by harvesting some fruits from the trees and once the others come, if they ever do, they will help you. Tomorrow, we will distribute some to the poor. The one who gets the majority, that portion, will go to the poor." I smile and get started.

Prince Radley follows me around with the ladder as we both work together.

"You know this is an individual competition right?" I say with a smile. He nods, "But I have nothing to lose, except my pride." I laugh, "Is that not important to you?" "No," he says seriously, "not more important than losing a birthright." I smile at his kindness, "Thanks."

We get to work and we leave baskets at the Duke's feet as they calculate the food we bring in. Others never come and some come later on, but we win by a landslide.

"Princess Anthurium and Prince Radley worked together to give more to the poor," Duchess Lotus says, "so they will have the honor of giving it the commoners tomorrow and then the rest of their day is free."

The day slowly comes to a close and everyone goes to dinner as no one had lunch.

I sit nearby my father but my mind is somewhere else as the memories of Kyle come back and the preparations for meeting men's needs just rushes back. Tears fill my eyes and my father seems to notice.

"Anthurium," he says and I turn to look at him with pain in my eyes, "you are excused." I nod and get up quickly as I rush to my room then I break down.

As soon as the noise dies downstairs and my sobs quiet, I make my way downstairs in the dark to get food from the kitchen.

"Oh," I hear Prince Radley say as I enter, "are you okay?" I shake my head, "I just want to eat right now." He smiles, "Me too." A sandwich is sitting in front of him and a brownie with ice cream.

"You want?" He asks and I nod. "I can just make it myself," I say seriously but then a maid comes out. "No way," she says seriously, "you are not burning my kitchen." "You would be surprised," I say kindly, "I know how to cook. How about you let me cook for the both of us and you can supervise?" She scrutinizes me but accepts the challenge.

I make a garlic flavored steak with mash potatoes and asparagus.

I place it for all three of us and they both eat first before I can try it.

"Your Highness," she says kindly, "if you were not a princess you would do great here." I smile, "Thanks that is the benefit of growing up somewhere else and needing to learn everything yourself." Prince Radley looks at me sadly and once we are done eating he looks at me, "Tell me what is going on with you."

"My past is coming back to haunt me so that I fail miserably at gaining my birthright apparently," I say seriously as pain fills my face, "you know that my father and mother would die inside if they knew. You would not look at me with the respect that you have now and my siblings would just have more reasons not to talk to me."

I look at the brownie and ice cream, trying to eat it.

"I will not force you to tell me anything," he says kindly. "I was not saying that," I say seriously, "I can clearly see that you like me." He blushes, "What does that have to do with...?" "I cannot, not tell you," I say seriously, "you would never forgive me." He sighs, "It is not like you like me anyways." "No," I say seriously, "I do not know you that well." He nods, "That is fair." "But if I do like you," I say with fear in my eyes, "I would have to tell you and you will leave." He sighs, "You struggle to trust people and I guess it is understandable." I smile, "I have to head to bed. See you tomorrow."

Once I hit the bed, I fall asleep quickly.

The next morning, we are up early to go to the towns nearby that are quite poor.

The sky is calm and blue while the sun smiles down on us. The apples, oranges, cherries, peaches, plums and pears are stacked in baskets into carriages, about three carriages, and then we are placed in a separate carriage from the others to go further into the town.

Prince Radley sits across from me in deep thought.

"Can I get to know you?" he asks me nervously. "Is that not what we are doing?" I ask and he nods. "As long as you are aware," he says with a smile, "don't worry it is not courting, yet." He mumbles the last part.

I ignore that and look at the outside world that is the meadow area. Everyone else is going to the other areas that are richer but this is the poorest area. The beauty is breathtaking as I look at the array of flowers ranging from red to yellow.

"So?" He looks at me and I turn my attention to him. "What?" I ask as the carriage continues to make its way to the nearby town. "How long will this trip be?" he asks kindly. "I, honestly, have no clue because I did not grow up here," I say honestly, "this is my introduction to society." He smiles and laughs, "Right."

We sit in a comfortable silence, in my opinion, but in his opinion, I am sure it is awkward after his weird words that I obviously was aware of.

Soon, the carriages slow down and I get off along with the Prince to arrive at the town. My heart hurts as I see the way they live.

I pause and stare as the Prince gets out from behind me.

Tears start to fill my eyes as I see how some girls are dressed that entrenches in mind the things I did to survive.

There is trash everywhere and clothes are hanging throughout the area. Animals are roaming around searching for food with their skeletons evident. The people are running around doing work and children are running around playing with the bottles surrounding the area.

I see that the young girls are dressed the way I used to be forced to dress because they probably need the money to provide for their families.

"Anthurium?" Radley calls out to me and I come out my trance, "are you okay?" I shake my head, "Memories."

I go to the other carriages and get the baskets out.

The guards try to help me but I stop them. I start to make my way with two baskets on my arms and two in my hands. Radley rushes after me with just two baskets in his hands.

"You cannot carry more?" I ask him and he laughs. "I am surprised you can carry so much," he says in disbelief and I shrug.

Soon, the people in the town start to notice me and stare.

I stop just infront of them and they stare at me in disbelief.

"It is for you," I say seriously and they start to rush forward so I stop them, "there is enough for everyone." I point to the carriages behind and the guards carrying more stuff.

Everyone calms down and they start calming gathering food for their families.

I get tired as I see the sun setting so I sit down on the ground in my day dress.

The town people stare at me in disbelief but I do not care.

Radley comes to me, "Don't you want to sit in the carriage?" "Why?" I ask and he shrugs, "I am here for them not for myself." He smiles at me.

Once I recover, I make my way to the people as some have gone into their homes.

"Your Highness," a young girl says and I turn to look at her, "please join us for dinner." I smile and nod as Radley as well as my guards follow behind me.

I see her sitting outside around a fire with several children running around aimlessly.

A pot is warming on the fire and an older woman comes out to stir it.

"When it work?"the older woman asks. "Later today," the girl says with shame on her face. "Be careful," the older woman says kindly and then shouts, "CHILDREN! COME!"

Four children come running towards the younger girl and hug her tightly.

"Mummy," a young girl says kindly, "don't go tonight, please." "I have to," the young girl says kindly, "let's not talk about this now." "But the lady helped us mummy," the young boy says happily, "so you don't need to go."

I sit on a log along with Radley while the guards stand nearby, watching on.

"But that food won't last long," she says kindly, "no offense, Your Highness." "Oh," the kids all say in unison resorting to curtsies and bows. I smile at them, "It is nice to meet you guys." They smile and giggle.

"Your Highness," one of the young girls says kindly, "can you help us keep mummy safe?" "River," her mother warns, "keep family business in the family." The older lady comes forward and looks at the children, "I do not see clean hands." All of them scurry to get their hands washed.

"Is everything okay?" I ask the young girl kindly. She shakes her head, "Look at this place, Your Highness. Everything is not okay. I know the Azure family tries hard but there simply is not enough nobility, money and resources to keep our children safe from thieves. We buy our safety by giving ourselves to those who threaten to take us. We rather be in control of the situation."

I hear screams resounding in the town so I make my way towards the noise as I see a band of men in black uniforms that look vaguely familiar but my mind pushes out the memory as adrenaline floods into me.

Radley and my guards try to stop me but my adrenaline pushes me forward as I confront them.

"What are you doing in our country?" I ask as I see that the uniforms are not of our people and the people look nothing like us. They ignore me and the young girl behind me comes forward.

"Are you ready to pay?" The men ask and she nervously nods. I look between them and see her children looking on with fear as well as all the other children in the town.

I grab her, stopping her, "Explain this to me." "It is complicated but it is nothing of your concern," she says seriously, "ask someone else who is willing but I am not one of them."

The whole ride home that scene plays in my mind. I feel in my gut that those must be the people that took me and every other child from their parents but to think that parents have gone to lengths to keep their children safe since the country cannot as they are unaware leads me to believe that there are some people that are not loyal to their people or this country.

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