
De Limwa_ish

738 137 10

Mai multe

One:Night chat
Three:A silly fight
Four:Unexpected Visit
Five:Not a bitch after all!
Six:Heart wrenching
8:perfect Euphoria
9:The perfect gift for the after party
10:Perfect salvation
11:His love
13:Homecoming 2
15:A nice ride at sunset
18:The big Green 'j' monster
20:Romano empire
22:The Romanos and Casimiros
24:The Muse

21:Romano Empire

8 4 0
De Limwa_ish


"Well this looks interesting"I flipped the first page just to see the same words written in black.Okayy I didn't know our family had another empire other than Imperial R&A,not to mention this one has mafia attached to it...I'm dead curious.

I quickly dusted the last dirty shelf remaining before settling down on one of the leather chairs.

The first thing the book contains is a building of a huge Mansion gray and white in color with really tall pillars..it looks impeccable.

The book is like a history of what ever the 'Romano empire' is so I started reading.

"Any where the name 'ROMANO' is being mentioned in ancient Italy and other neighboring lands,one always gets fear and fright in response.As to those who know them,they always know their place and try not to be irrational when around them.As for those that only hear stories they try to avoid them and even deemed them as bad news.

The Romano empire didn't become the number one mafia in Italy just by name,they earned it,the fear,the respect,the power and everything that comes with it.

Since the early 70's the empire thrived hard as back then they were only fresh meats to the business.Like every other person Leonardo Romano craved for authority and power,the need to be in control,after staying an errand boy in a family that runs a mafia business and seeing the benefits and profits one gets from it,he manipulated the situation and managed to become dear to the mafia boss who fell in love with Leonardo's handsome face,the two became a happy couple but many know that Leonardo was never in it for love or any heartfelt feelings just for the thrill and benefits,he acted and satisfied the boss,and although he never truly loved the mafia boss he was indeed a worthy partner to rule along side the boss and serve as support and strength to the boss and he made an excellent consigliere.

They continued to live peacefully as Leonardo had no one as a family,he was a lonely orphan.A day came when the boss was killed,assassinated by another empire who had a grudge with his family.

After that Leonardo took over and controlled the empire.He married a young woman from a prestigious family and builded a family of his own,many of the late bosses relatives where mad but there was nothing they could do.

Generations after generations,all the hairs of the changed Romano empire known for their cruelty,the ability to always win and get what ever they wanted,they improved they connections and trade,builded the empire on sweat and blood of the innocent and guilty alike,making friends and foes along the way Each hair contributed greatly to the raising of the empire till a legendary hair was born, better than all his ancestors,better than his father who was seen as the best,he raised the empire into the number one in the whole of Italy,as they became the biggest traders of illegal drugs,prostitution,extortion,loan sharking,stock manipulation,and many more,they made billions.

The handsome hair was feared by many,he was ruthless beyond words,next to him his opponents appear medieval and diminutive,he walked with pride..."

"Why is this place torn off?"It is an eyesore,it makes a huge contrast compared to the neat appearance of the book.

I'm really intrigued by this 'Romano empire'.It's definitely another Romano family from Italy...I went back to reading after pondering on it for a while_

"His siblings helped in running the empire keeping it as the best.Their father Giuseppe was indeed proud of them.Many envied them and a lot of their foes wanted them destroyed,but non had the power to face them

To keep things in check the empire had strict rules for the workers and the members of the family,to avoid any unnecessary fights and killings amongst them"


The round of knocks on the door cut me off,I looked over to see mom standing outside the door with her head piping through...I quickly kept the book aside for her not to say I'm searching dad's stuff.

"Fabiola I was wondering wether you're done by now,you should go to bed you've got school"

"Okay mom"

"Good night"she said before leaving.

I packed up the cleaning stuff before going back to my room to retire for the night bringing the book along...I hope dad doesn't notice it's absence,I'll ask him to let me have it when he returns anyway so.

As much as I'm interested in wanting to read more I'm also sleepy,so I kept the book on my study table before getting comfy on my bed.

Morning arrived and I did my usual routine before leaving for school.

After meeting up with the gang I headed to class along with Gen and Alex,we are having the same class today.

We walked in and retrieved our seats before quietly waiting for the teacher..I decided to pick up conversations with Alex.

"So Alex.."


"How's it been?"okay that was something

"How's what been?"he questioned back with a smirk.

"I don't know stuffs"I said hitting his shoulder which made him chuckle.

"Well stuffs are great Vina"he said still chuckling.

"That was the saddest I've heard you both speak,come on you usually argue about what flavor is more tasty or what movie is more interesting"Gen said giving us a pointed look.

I kept quiet not knowing what to say

"We do don't we"Alex said playing with the pen he's holding as if in deep thought.

"Yeah you do"Gen said.

"We'll I still think Vampires are better than wearwolves  and vanilla is better than chocolate"Alex said as if stating facts which I don't support obviously.

"Oh no they are not wolves are like the best no matter what and for Christ sake Alex everyone knows chocolate is always number one,who even chooses vanilla when chocolate is around?Like c'mon Alex"I said in all honesty.

"Nah nah that's not the concept,right dude what do you think is better"he said looking behind me as he asked the person a question..and that's when I passive the familiar scent.

I turned to see him standing right next to me towering over me,making me feel very tiny.

"I choose what ever my love says is better"he said as he took a seat and pecks my cheek.

"Thank you..you hear that Alex?"I flashed him a victorious smile_he rolled his eyes and said...

"Of course he'll support you" scribbling something on his note book he turned and ignored us.

"That he will he is whipped after all"Gen said glaring at Felix.

"You know I can say the same about you right"he returned the same look making her snicker.

"Are you suppose to be in this class"she asked.

"I'm here because my love is here"he answered confidently looking intently at me,which made Gen cringe.

"Oh my God you two are unbelievable"she went back to her textbook.

"Yeah good for you"Felix mumbled making me laugh.

"So"I said Facing him.

"So"he repeated.

"How have you been"I asked.

"Okay my love and you must be too"he answered.

"Aren't your cosine and aunt bothering you"his expression suddenly changed.

"I don't pay them much heed, besides I avoid them most of the time"he said.



School ended and Felix dropped me off at home since today Mr Philips brought me.

I quietly sat with mom at the leaving room knitting the beanie I started the other day and she making some sweaters for the baby.We quietly sat as we awaited dad's return.

"Do you think is gonna be a girl or a boy"Mom suddenly broke the silence.

"I don't know mom but I'd love which ever one it is"I replied.

"Hmm I've been knitting neutral colors that will fit both male and female"she said her hands over her now slightly bulged stomach that's barely discernible...that made me smile.

The sound of a horn cut off our conversation.

"Dad's back"I said excitedly as I abandoned my  knitting and went over to open the door.

He walked in a few helps took his luggage upstairs.

"Welcome back dad"I said hugging him.

"Princess how are you"he hugs back.

"Perfectly well dad"I answered inhaling his familiar scent which makes me feel secure.

"Good"he said pulling away as he looks over my shoulder where mom seats.

"I'll wait for you at the dining"I said striding over to the table where the food is already set and covered.

I waited for them listening to mom complaining to dad..poor dad!

After dinner I went up to my room and sink into my bed...I stared up the the white ceiling..when I suddenly remembered the book
I quickly grabbed it from my study desk and flipped through the pages to find where I stopped.

"Ughh I'm not comfortable in this shirt"I mumbled to myself when I couldn't find a comfortable position...i quickly went to my closet and slipped on a black baggy hoodie.


A round of knocks sounded right when I walked out,dad walked in holding a royal blue jewelry box.

"Princess I brought your gift"he said walking over to my bed and taking a seat on the edge,I sat next to him.

"Thanks dad is beautiful,you must have had a lot of work to do but you still made time to buy us gifts"I collected it and inspected the silver necklace,earrings and bracelet set that has emeralds on it.

"It was no trouble at all"he waved it off.

"Wow is so beautiful!"I said again still admiring it.

"Yeah just like you"He stroked my head affectionately...before standing up.

"I should retire for the night"he said with a smile.

I nodded waiting to see him out when he suddenly halted mid-stride his expression changing drastically into that of controlled anger.

"What is that book doing here?"he asked his voice so cold it made me freeze breaking my heart at the same time,he never speaks to me like this.

"Dad..what happened?.."I reached out my hands trembling with fear of offending him.

"Answer me Belvina what in the world is that book doing here"he shouted making me flinch as I took a couple of steps back.My breathing increased,the tears I've been holding falling non-stop.

"Dad I...I didn't I'm sorry"I stammered.

"Belvina didn't you here me"he said his voice dangerously low,I choked down a sob before speaking.

"I was cleaning your study and I saw it so I thought I could read it because it looks interesting and different from the rest"I managed to squeeze out...I'm so hurt,why is my father being like this,never in my entire life have I seen him this way towards anybody but now he's like this to me and I don't even know why.

"And that wasn't enough to tell you not to touch it,you can't just go into my office and take what ever you want without my permission..is it your job to clean?"he shouted his voice higher than before..this time I really busted into fits of sobs.

"Dad I'm sorry I didn't know please"I cried out.

"I asked you a question Belvina so answer me"he repeated.He seems to get angrier with every passing second.

He walked pass me and grabbed the book as if it is the book he's angry at..everything was alright moments ago what changed.

"Javier you shouldn't shout at her like that look you are scaring her"mom came into the room with all the shouting,she drew me into her embrace making me cry more.

"Mom what did I do?"I sobbed.

"Nothing dear he's just angry and that's it"she soothes me.

"Why did you let her have the book Marina?"I heard him say as my back is facing him,I don't even have the courage to look at him.

"How could you shout at her like that?"she answered with a question of her own.

He walked out in a fit of rage I knew because of his angry footsteps distancing gradually,I could have sworn I heard him cuss but I'd like to believe is my mind telling me lies.

"Mom"I said trying to make the tears stop but I can't cause is my dad..my sweet dad that never raised his voice at me.

"It's okay dear he didn't mean all that,that wasn't him"she said seating me down on the edge of the bed as she coupes my face.

"I don't understand..why is he angry because I read the book it doesn't even make sense mammy"I cried more.

"I know my love he'll explain it all I'll talk to him it's just complicated"she said and that's when I noticed her own tears.

"Don't cry mom"I said sobbing.

"Then stop crying God I knew this day will come"she said with more tears as she raised her face up and held my head close to her little bump.

"Please explain to me I don't get it"I said trying hard to stop my tears.Is not everyday that your usually calm father lash out on you because of some stupid book after gifting you a beautiful jewelry and then make your pregnant mother cry in front of you then walkout just like that letting out a swear on his way.

"Just try to sleep now Fabiola I'll speak with him"she pecked my forehead several times before leaving.The moment the door closed I let out a devastating sob which cut across the silence of the huge room.

I cracked through my mind to think of any possible reason that will make him this angry because of the book but nothing clicked...Unless the Romano family in the book is actually our family..No way that's crazy!There is no way it's our family.

I laid back on my bed and hugged my pillow...I wish Felix is here..so he could hold me in his comforting embrace..I just want to see him!

I didn't know when my hands found my phone and I found myself dialing his number and waiting for him to pick up_

"Hello my love..."I had to take the phone away so he couldn't hear my muffled cry,is like his voice is a trigger.

"Hmm"was the only thing I could say.

"Can you please come I want to see you"now that is what I want to say but he'll know if I speak too long.

"Are you okay my love"he sounds worried..I closed my eyes and tried to take mom's advice to just sleep...using his voice as my solace.

"Hmm"was my reply.

"Speak to me"he said with that undertone that always gets to me,if only he knows how much it soothes me right now.

"My dad is really mad at me Felix and I don't know why,it even made mom cry,I'm not use to all of this"What I wanted to say but I can't.

"Keep speaking"I curtly say so he wouldn't decipher my groggy voice.

"Tell me about your day"I added.

"Okay,after I dropped you off.."he stared pausing for a while.

"I picked Diego from his friends house apparently he had a fight with his friend because he tried to kiss his sister,I asked him why and he said  'I have a crush on her' that stupid boy..."I laughed lightly at that.

"Then went bowling with the guys_"he continued narrating how his day went in that same heart melting undertone.

"Is your turn now my love"he said after finishing...I kept mum.

"Are you there amore"


"You are definitely not okay my love"he said as if finally letting out something that has been bothering him.

"Should I come over?"he asked when I kept quiet his voice lower than before..the knot I had in my throat earlier suddenly returned,not the crying again..I'm such a cry baby.

"My love?..should I?"he asked again.

"Yes please"I wanted to say but I didn't..with dads mood right now I don't think is the best idea.

"No I'm fi_ne"shoot my voice cracked..he was silent for a while,I think he figured it out but decided to not push me too much.

"Okay my love..I'm here"he softly declared.

I know

"Don't hang up" I said


The line went silent all I could hear is the sound of his breathing as my eyelids become heavier..somewhere in between I think I fell asleep because I could only remember him saying_

"Are you asleep my love?"when I didn't answer and my breathing turned even he really thought I did fall asleep.

"Good night then my love...I love you..so much"and the call ended.

My throat got dried and I didn't have any water left so I made my way to the kitchen.

On my way I heard Mom and dads muffled voices from the third floor,I couldn't help it when my feet started climbing up the stairs...The door to their room is slightly ajar,I curiously want closer and hid in a way I won't be seen..I know eavesdropping isn't a good thing but when you are in a situation like mine..it can be right.

"Javier how can you say that"mom said in horror.

"You can't keep the truth hidden from her"she added.

"You talk as if the truth will do her any good,it will just ruin the way she sees me"Dad said.

"Well you already started ruining it with the way you acted earlier"mom spatted.

"What was I suppose to Mari?..she read the book"he said in frustration.

"You already tore of those pages,it is you who should explain it to her and you know she'll listen and understand you know our daughter"mom said comfortingly.

My whole being froze...that means that the family mentioned in the book is indeed ours and dad...my dad is the...the Heir.

My dad is a good man, he doesn't hurt people,he..he helps them and he gives charity.The tears came falling like a water fall.

"I know we'll invite Darius's family tomorrow for dinner and explain everything to both her and Felix they need to know how to go about it"dad let out a huge sigh...How is Felix involved in this?And how to go about what?

"Exactly"mom said.

"I hate myself every day for making such an important decision for her when she didn't even know what the world is"Dad said in such a sad voice it breaks my heart.

"No don't,you did what you had to do,if not for you fighting,they never could have been an us..this family wouldn't have existed"mom comforted.

"Thank you Marina you make me feel _"

"Don't say that I don't like hearing it"mom warned,a smile made its way to my lips.

"Did you see that?"mom asked.i panicked thinking she saw me.

"See what?"

"It kicked,the baby kicked"she said with a joyous laugh.

"Really I didn't see it"

"Look carefully"I had an inkling to peep but I didn't,I also want to see my little sis or bros first kick.

"Oh my I saw it you're in your fifth month right"


"Hello there little one,it must be warm in there,you know your big sis is really angry at me she probably hates me right now"I assume he's speaking to moms little bump..and no dad how could I ever hate you,I'm just hurt.

"But I'll talk to her and sort things out and I hope she understands and you too one day,and little Lisana,she'll never know,I'm so sorry for being like this as your dad"he said breaking my heart.Dad please don't say that.

"Javier not again"mom warned and he chuckled...a sad chuckle.

"But we love you okay and your sisters very much"yes we do...so much.

I reluctantly dragged my feet to my room forgetting about the water?I resist the urge to walk in and hug dad so tight and also speak to my little sibling.

All what I've heard kept going in circles in my head...I need to speak with Felix.

That night,It was extremely hard for me to fall asleep,I woke up so early in the morning and prepared breakfast,I ate and covered mom and dads own on the dining before exiting the house,I left a note on the table that reads 'I love you four so much' the fourth person being Lisana...people say you don't count with the dead but in this family we do.

I plan on getting to school early,maybe seat in my car and finish all my assignments and read a novel.

"Morning my love"A familiar voice said startling me to death...I almost punched the person hard on the face.

"Jesus Christ Felix!"I exclaimed my hand over my chest.

"Umm you got it wrong my love,my name is Felix Anderson remember"he said making me roll my eyes.

"Are you serious right know"I eyed him.

"I'm I?"

"Why are you here so early?"I asked instead.

"You know why my love,how do you expect me to just seat calmly after that call last night,I mean your voice was broken"he said coming really close he towers over me,and I could passive his familiar scent,I didn't know when I let my head drop on his chest and his hands immediately went around my waist and mine tangled over his neck.

I let my self wallow in the comfort I yearn for.

"You don't need to explain"he said.

"Dad scolded me really bad yesterday because I took a book from his study and read it a little"

"It seems like he doesn't want me to know something with the way he acted,he even swore,I've never seen him like that,it most be really important with the way they both reacted,mom even cried"he listened his hold tightening around me.

"I heard them saying they'll invite your family for dinner today to explain things to us...I think is about their past,you most think I'm weak"I finished.

"No I don't,you almost beat me up moments ago and I know you are not use to it so it'll bother you a little my love,I'm sorry"he kissed my lips ever so gently and I didn't want him to pull away.

"You want to leave before they wake up,Its just 6:15"he stated raising his hand to check his watch.

"Yeah I know,you also left home pretty early I'm sure Aunt didn't see you coming"I said defending my actions.

"Okay then let's get going"

He said stepping away but I dragged him closer cutting him off guard,we got the message though since he kissed me slowly and deeply,it's been a while since we kissed like this.

The gentle movements turned to rapid ones,we only pulled away when breathless.

"Did you have breakfast?"I asked my forehead against his.


"Then let's go to the cafe and get you something"I said intertwining our fingers before heading straight to his parked car.

When we sat at our special table in the cafe I told him how I think my dad was part of an Italian Mafia and how they describe the cruelty of our family in the book.

"The what?!..the Mafia? Okay that explains his anger"was his exact reply.


Now sitting at the dinner table with the Andersons around,everywhere is quiet.all one can hear is the clattering of the spoons.

Felix squeezed my hand again from underneath the table and I smiled up at him.

I look around the table and took note of everyone's expression,Diego looks relaxed without a care in the world,Felix well is hard to decipher but I'd say he's calm cause unlike me his hands aren't shaking in agitation,our parents on the other hand all look tense as if they're sitting on the steep of a mountain.

"Princess I'm sorry,I hope what I'm about to say will clear things up for you"Dad broke the silence.  

"Dad its okay I'm fine now"I said with a sincere smile.

"Ahem!so my god how do I start this Belvina you Know I lived in Italy before right?"He asked and I nodded.

"Okay but what you don't know is I was the hair to an illegal business"my heart stopped for a while,I already linked everything together but I didn't know hearing it from him will stab differently.I remember in the book,it was mentioned that there are rules to deny them of killing each other for power...how can that even...how can one kill their own family?

And the hair mentioned was really my father.all that description...My body began shaking and I take large intake of breaths,Knowing your father was a merciless killer_

"No Dad tell me is a lie"I shook my head repeatedly.

"Felix tell me it's not true"I turned to look at Felix my body still shaking.He coped my face in his hands and kept on mumbling 'it's okay Bel,it's okay'

"No it's not my Dad"this wasn't what he thought me or how I knew him.

"Princess,Belvina look at me"Dad is now squatting next to me with my chair turned to face him.

I looked into his eyes and I couldn't help but remember the dangerous look he had on last night.I mean he had all that façade going on for his entire life,being feared and dangerous that is until he fought as mom said.My dad killed people,innocent people.Tears slipped down my eyes as I felt like I don't know the man standing before me.

Subconsciously I pulled my hands away from his and I can see the hurt in his eyes.

He stifled a cry or a sound of some sort and I remained rooted to my chair.

"Bel..vina listen to me,don't see me as a
mur..derer,I grew up like that they thought me to be that way,it wasn't my fault,I was born to do it,I was the so called hair"He said his voice cracking he moved away from me to the wall,his eyes so red due to the tears he's holding back.

My gaze lingered on him before it shifted to mom she is also crying so hard,I looked down at my fingers and tried to calm my self,Felix gripped my shoulder in comfort and I sighed inwardly before giving myself a pep talk.

'Belvina listen to him he is your father that can never change and he has repented he is kind and good hearted just like he thought you to be,so listen to him,your lovely father that cares so much for you and everyone around him'

I slowly looked up to meet his eyes and it's even redder than before I know mine is too due to how swollen it feels.

"It started messing with my head,I started enjoying it,I looked for it,I loved the blood the screams and everything I'm so sorry my love,I knew I was losing myself to an evil version of myself,but I couldn't stop,it became mental,I kept doing what I thought I enjoyed"he cried,his eyes filled with regret self hate,what I'm I to do when my dad just tells me that he was the hair of a mafia involved in different kinds of illegal things including murder?

"If not for your mom,Darius and Sofia I could have been dead by now"I cried so hard I think I have no tears left.No don't say that please Dad.

"I'm sorry"he cried.

I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry Dad,you've been through so much and I'm so glad you escaped.

"I'm sorry for being like this as your father,I brought you into this for my own selfish reasons and your sister and your mom,the baby also,it's all my fault_"

"Dad don't say that please I'm glad you are my dad,we are all lucky to have you,you deserve to be happy I know it wasn't your fault you repented and we're your reward Mom,My siblings and I,this family we are your reward"I stood up and walked over to him before hugging him so thigh and I cried in his arms.

"It's okay Dad nothing will ever change now I even respect you more"I said with a short laugh combined with a sob.

He nodded repeatedly.

At some point everyone stood up completely abandoning the food.

"Belvina come take a seat,you too Felix"Aunt Sofia lead me to the leaving room...we all sat quietly..I looked over at dad he sat with mom on the two sitter he smiled nervously at me and I smiled back.


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