Thorn in the Rose {Book 1 Of...

By morgangrigori

696 71 29

Belle is a maid living in service of a handsome prince who she falls madly in love with. Jealous of all the o... More

Story Aesthetic
Gifted Him with a Rose
Chapter 1: Bonjour
Chapter 2: Huntress
Chapter 3: A Bitter Anniversary
Chapter 4: Day of the Beast
Chapter 5: Tales by the Fire
Chapter 6: Entertains (Like Gaston)
Chapter 7: Encounters with Knives
Chapter 8: Huntress in her Natural Habitat
Chapter 9: Into the Woods
Chapter 10: The Beast
Chapter 11: The Girl in the Window
Chapter 12: Matching Stories
Chapter 13: Someone to Speak To
Chapter 14: Mentor
Chapter 15: Laying the Foundations
Chapter 16: Hatred and Jealousy
Chapter 17: Solitude
Chapter 18: Days in the Sun
Chapter 19: An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 20: An F You Letter and A Book With A Purple Cover
Chapter 21: A Promise is a Promise
Chapter 22: The First of Many Visits
Chapter 23: The Room of Pain and Selfish Desires
Chapter 24: Partner in Crime
Chapter 25: An Unexpected Agreement
Chapter 26: Not an Idle Threat
Chapter 27: Letters and a Lost Family
Chapter 28: A Nervous Gaston and Hunting Traps
Chapter 29: Through the Darkness and the Pain
Chapter 30: The Secret Wish
Chapter 31: Yellow Sparks
Chapter 32: Valerie
Chapter 33: Powerful Words
Chapter 34: New Levels
Chapter 35: The Frozen River
Chapter 36: This Groundbreaking Discovery
Chapter 37: The Curse of the Rose
Chapter 38: Bits of Blue
Chapter 39: Fingers Crossed
Chapter 40: Poison the Waters
Chapter 41: The Bracelet
Chapter 42: How Could I Have Known
Chapter 44: Time Out
Chapter 45: Not Such A Bad Idea After All
Chapter 46: The Long-Awaited Day
Chapter 47: Lost Hope
Chapter 48: The Look of Heartbreak
Chapter 49: The Hidden Statue
Chapter 50: The Stormy Night
Chapter 51: The Night the Wolves Came
Chapter 52: Complicated Feelings and a Murderous Rage
Chapter 53: Tale As Old As...
Chapter 54: A Kept Promise
Chapter 55: Days in the Sun Will Come Shining Through

Chapter 43: The Risky Request

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By morgangrigori





"Seriously," I groan. I yank my pillow out from under my head and plop it right over me stuffing it as tight against my ears as I can in a desperate, yet futile, attempt to drown out the sound of whatever creature is trying to get into my room.






"I swear to God I'm gonna stab this thing," I scream into my mattress hoping that perhaps the high volume of my voice will chase this nuisance away. Much to my dismay it doesn't and the creature, probably a bird, continues to tap at the glass right beside my bed.

Eventually giving in to its relentless pursuit for my attention. I fling my pillow onto the floor and with my blanket still partially wrapped around my legs I lazily waddle over to the window. Gripping the curtains with both hands I slide them both open at the same time once again hoping that the small action will scare the creature away. But once again it doesn't budge.

Sighing, I look down at the bird that is perched by the window its small beak still leaning against the glass.

"Shoo! Go away," I tell it as I wave my arms trying to scare it.

But the third time isn't the charm and the bird stays where it is with its beak still against the window and its small and beady eyes looking up at me. It's only when I reach for the latch to open the window that I notice the envelope tied to its leg with a black ribbon.

"I'm guessing that's for me."

I open the window and the bird hops closer to me. Being as gentle as possible I untie the envelope from its leg. The second I have the envelope and ribbon in my hand the bird spins around and flies away at an insane speed.

"Rude didn't even say goodbye."

I quickly shut the window before more cold air could rush into my small room. Glancing at the blank envelope I slowly make my way to my bed where I flop down onto my back.

Who are you from, I think as I look up at the blank object in my hand. This wouldn't be from my mother since she hasn't sent me anything in over a month and she would use a post service rather than a bird. It's certainly not from my aunt for the same reasons as my mom and neither of my brothers is smart enough to use a bird, not to mention literate enough to write a letter.

Eventually, I reach for the knife tucked under my mattress and run it through the sealed part of the envelope effortlessly slicing it open. I carefully remove the folded piece of paper from the envelope before chucking it to the floor. Anxious to see who has written to me this time I unfold the paper. As soon as my eyes trail over the curly words my heart sinks and a pit forms in my stomach. I know this writing anywhere.

Dearest Valerie,

I know it has been quite some time since we last communicated, and for that, I am deeply sorry. I am sorry for many things. I do not have many regrets in my life but I know that until the end of my days, I will regret not standing up for you against Belle. All of us deeply regret it. You were right we are terrible friends and we can only hope that you will give us the chance to redeem ourselves.

I wish I could say that my apology is the only reason I have sent this letter. Miss Potts, Charles, Amelie, Fabienne and myself are not the only ones who have regrets or feel a deep sadness from that dreaded day, Henry is suffering as well.

If there is any proof to my theory that you are the cure to this curse then let it be that not a single petal has fallen since you left. He is filled with both sadness and rage and he has started taking it out on himself. I am scared for him. I know that if there is anyone in this world who can help him it will be you. I know that I have no right to ask this of you but please come back to us. You mean more to us than you can even imagine. You mean more to him than even you can imagine.

I understand if you do not wish to come back but I do hope that you will at least consider it. I will be waiting for you at Dante's stable every night for at least one week. If I do not see you after this week then I will have my answer.

Please do not give up on us Valerie.

Sincerely yours,

An overwhelming feeling of rage fills me as I crumble the letter into a tight ball and throw it across my room. How dare he ask me to come back and help him! After what he did and what he said to me he doesn't deserve my help. If anything I should go on with my life and let him rot in that castle forever.

Sighing, I uncurl my fists and look over at the crumpled piece of paper. Despite my overwhelming rage, there is still a pool of sadness floating within. Because, at the end of the day it's not just him that's suffering. It wouldn't be just him rotting in that castle for eternity.

Yes, they didn't stand up for me against Belle and yes I will never forget that and it might take me years or even the rest of my life to even go as much as think of forgiving them for it, but that doesn't mean that they should suffer for something that he brought upon himself. His fate shouldn't affect them the way it has for the last nine decades. They deserve a second shot at life and may God help me I'm going to give it to them.

Whether they deserve it or not is completely up to them.

* * * *

Nerves and anger buzz within me as I grow nearer to the dark and looming castle. While my heart still aches from their betrayal it is still pushing me onward each beat telling me that I have to help them. But all at the same time my brain is telling me that going to the castle is dangerous. The threat that Hen... Beast gave me dances in my ears.

If you ever come back I will kill you, do you understand that? I will kill you. Kill you. Kill.

As scared as I am to face his wrath I will not let it deter me from helping the more decent people inside that castle.

I take a deep and shaky breath as the imposing iron gates come into view.

"Here goes nothing," I say with a sigh as I push them open and lead Dante into the grounds.

As promised, Maurie is waiting for me at Dante's stable which despite being abandoned for a month is still in a decent condition.

"You came," Maurie says as he nervously pulls at his fingers.

"People don't give up on their friends especially when they need help."

A shaky sigh leaves his lips and he hangs his head in shame. "Words cannot express how sorry I am for what happened that day, Valerie." He looks up at me, "We are your friends and we should have stood up for you, but we were too scared of Belle to do anything about it. Could you ever forgive us?"

"Could you?" asks another voice.

I turn my head in the direction of the front porch where Charles, Miss Potts, Amelie, and Fabienne have suddenly appeared each wearing the sake solemn look as Maurie.

Looking out at all their faces a pang of guilt washes through me and the urge to accept their apologies and bring them in for a hug overwhelms me. But I won't do that. I can't do that. Not yet anyway. Not when they have so much to prove to me.

I sigh and shake my head. "Maybe one day I might be able to forgive all of you. But for now, I will still help you break this curse."

Maurie looks up at the group and they all collectively nod.

"Thank you. Did you bring the book?" I open my satchel just slightly so that he can see the purple spine of the book. "Then let's get started."

But, just as we're about to start the journey to his office the front door to the castle bursts open scaring everyone off the porch. I silently watch with a trembling hand resting on my knife as the Beast storms out of the castle. Glaring at me with menacing eyes he curls his hands into tight fists and bares his teeth like a snarling dog.

"What are you doing here?" he roars.

Worried for my life I tighten my grip around the handle of my knife.

"Henry, please just let me explain," Maurie begs but Beast doesn't listen and keeps his hateful gaze directed at me.

"Did I not make it clear what I would do to you if I ever saw you here again." I don't answer him instead, I keep my hand wrapped tightly around the handle of my knife. He smirks. "Well then if my words weren't enough I'll just have to show you how serious I am."

"Henry, no!" Maurie and the others yell, but this doesn't stop him and he lunges at me just as I pull the knife out from the handle.

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