Garden Of Hearts

By Geertwim

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It was a chilly autumn eve, the mildew dripping from the dying leaves - they burst in brilliant reds and oran... More

Chapter 1: Call to Adventure
Chapter 2: Utopia
Chapter 3: Untamed Beauty
Chapter 4:Wake at the Break of Dawn
Chap 5: New isn't Much different from Old
Tears go unheard but not Unseen
Trauma lingers like a Ghost
Homemaker, Home is with you
Innocence is either a Blessing or a Curse
Some Things Simply Are
Make a Way
First Heartache
Is Love Fate or Choice
Unresolved Pressure
Another Affection
All Consuming Winter
Warmth of You
Sleep is nice but You're Better
Storm of Isolation
Blood for the storm Gods
Respect your Elders, unless...
In the Safety of These Walls (NSFW)
Slowly but Surely
JiΔ›jiΔ› is the Best
Communication is Key to wants
Mysteries of Self
Time Without
Comfort in Your Arms
Never Alone When you're Here
A way to A Cervitaur's Heart
Dear Deer, A lesson in Alliteration
Growing Pains Comes In Spurts
Knowledge is the Key that unlocks all Doors
Make my Heart Grow Still
Inevitable Dread
The Obvious Choice
A Young Faun is full of Stamina
Tell me a Story
A Tale of You
Love Comes with Heartache
Evading Death when He Comes
When I'm Gone, Would I be Missed?
The Sound of Your voice
Escape into the Unknown
Epilogue: New Beginning (1/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (2/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (3/3)

Song of a Broken Soul

14 3 0
By Geertwim

Eddy nodded with a grin, "They live in a pasture, not too far from here actually so we will be able to make quick travel tomorrow."

At that, Brett flinched, his eyes went wide and fear entered his eyes, "Pasture?", he whispered.

He had no soft spots for that anymore, "It's a good, loving one, right? Not like mine?"

Hopefully it was. It had to be! No one should ever... Brett stopped himself and shook his head, "Forget what I said. You ... you don't have humans here. Sorry. I forgot. The pastures here would obviously not be like the ones I grew up in. I momentarily forgot that fact. I'm so sorry. I ... my mind went blank for a second. I have no excuses. I'm deeply sorry."

"It's okay Brett, you don't need to apologize about it. Also by that word I just meant it's a clear grassy area where they graze." Eddy softly explained to Brett.

"Yes, yes of course. I knew that but... Like... I'm sorry, I think, no I know my mind has gone blank and ... It was like... Everything was erased for some reason," Brett smiled but his shoulders dropped and the excitement from just now was barely there anymore. It was like a pufferfish who lost all its breath. He rubbed over his eyes and stirred the soup again to have something to do since he couldn't fiddle with the ends of his scarf anymore.

"I will do better," he barely whispered. It was more of a thought to himself than to Eddy or even to be heard in the first place.

"You don't need to apologize, it's okay," Eddy watched Brett, deciding he would use different wording next time. Such as grassland. He knew Brett was a traumatized individual and some things still haunted him. Eddy couldn't fix that but he could be understanding.

But Brett didn't understand why he himself could say 'pasture' in the past and not now, today of all days, it was painful to him? He had no idea, so he looked up at Eddy's gentle face and took his hand with his free one.

"Say it again please. Pasture. I want to get used to hearing that." Maybe that would help him.

"Are you sure? Because we don't have to do that, or push you," Eddy said wearily. There seemed to be no use to it really.

The faun shook his head, he didn't know why it was today of all days, but he would bear it, "Just.. just maybe today is a bad day. I want to know if it was a one-time occurrence or not. Maybe it hit me unexpected and that was the problem, but I definitely shouldn't grow it into a future one by hiding from a word. A word can't hurt me. Not this one at least." There were a few that would rip him apart, like 'I don't love you' from Eddy or 'I don't need you. Go away' from Belle or Ray or Eddy. Those would rip his soul and will to life to shreds. But 'pasture' shouldn't be one of those. It was too normal, other people said that as well. He needed to be stronger!

So he lifted his eyes and looked Eddy square in the face. He would do it. And he would do it now! If Eddy compiled of course. Without him, it wouldn't be much of an exercise.

"Please, Eddy. I want to grow stronger."

"Okay, Bretty. Should I use it in a regular sentence or randomly?" Eddy asked, wanting to make sure. But the problem was, the faun had no clue either, so he shrugged.

"Maybe try both? Let's see what I react stronger to."

"Pasture," Eddy decided to say it randomly first, wanting to get one option out of the way.

And this time, Brett had absolutely no reaction whatsoever. Not a flinch, not a black out, nothing. The faun blinked confused and tilted his head to the side, "Nothing. Maybe in a sentence or something?"

"Okay let's try a sentence. Do you want to go to the pasture tomorrow?" Eddy waited to see if this would get a reaction. But again, nothing happened. Brett furrowed his brows and shook his head.

"I don't know why I reacted to the one before, but not now?"

Maybe it was because it hit him unexpectedly or because of some other hidden meaning? He nibbled on his lower lip and his mind came up blank of other suggestions. He didn't know. Maybe because... Maybe that was it!

"Maybe... But that's just a theory right now, Eddy, but, maybe, maybe it's because we spoke about beings living in the pasture? And I worried how they were treated? Maybe it was ... because..." He fell silent, not knowing how to describe it. Maybe because of what he envisioned? Maybe because of other beings being exploited in a pasture? The faun didn't know.

"Well, whatever it was, it doesn't seem to hold me back now?"

"Maybe it's simply because you didn't expect it earlier, and now you do," Eddy suggested softly since he wasn't quite sure.

"That could also be a fact," Brett sighed. Why was this so complicated?! "Well, but yeah. Maybe drop it unexpectedly at some point during the next few days. I want to test that theory."

It was better to go deeper than to stop now. Stopping wouldn't bring him anything, only moving forward.

"Okay if you want that," Eddy didn't like the sound of trying to torment Brett, but he would do what was asked of him. Especially since it might help Brett. The faun was happy that his friend would help him even though it was clear Eddy didn't like the idea that much.

"Don't worry. I just want to try something. If I never know what it triggered, I might succumb to it again, you know? And Maybe not just one word but more and more until I am unable to do anything because everything will seem sharmful to me. I want to live free of all restraints the old master put on me. I don't want to cower in front of mere words. And for that I have to be strong. Well, stronger than now obviously. I want to grow. I want to withstand that. And if I only run away and hide, I will never accomplish anything."

Brett smiled and leaned against Eddy. He had a wonderful friend and lover at his side and for Eddy he should do his very best. Only then he was someone who was worthy.

"I know you will grow above it. You won't let him hold you back," Eddy reached over and ruffled Brett's hair.

Hearing that made Brett feel lighter. The soft touch was a wonderful addition to that feeling. And since they were back at their den's and no one was close by he could risk it, right?

"I love you Eddy," the faun whispered, "I can only do that because of you." And it was the truth. Without Eddy so many things would be different. So Brett was thankful for the encounter that brought them together. Starting with Ray and then Eddy napping at his usual spot. All was like it was fated to be.

"I am here to support you and stand by your side Brett," Eddy smiled gently at him. They were there for each other no matter what. If they were inside the safety of Eddy's den Brett would reward such cute stuff with a kiss. But now he couldn't. But he could rub his cheek against the arm and giggle, "I would kiss you for that. You are the most precious Eddy."

"We can kiss in the den," Eddy's tail waggled a bit, he loved kisses very much. They were so good!

"Yes, we can and we definitely will. But sadly now we are not in the den. But we have at least half an hour. I can put the pot farther away so I don't have to stir it. If you want to quickly hide in the den, that is." Was Brett too greedy? It was not untrue what he said, they indeed had time for a little quickie or just half an hour filled with kisses and hugs. But for that Eddy needed to be on board. Brett would not push for those things. But the faun knew both liked the kisses and hugs and the more intimate stuff they did.

"I think I would like that! It would be nice to take a little break in the den, then to be able to come out and eat," Eddy liked food and liked Brett, killer combo!

The faun chuckled and nodded. He removed the pot from the fire and got up. After that, he helped Eddy to his hooves and placed a subtle kiss on the fingertips. He waited for Eddy to go in first. It was always such a wonderful sight. Hopefully the deer never noticed that or teased Brett about it. But when Eddy was wiggling down, seemingly stuck, Brett wanted to grab the strong behind and do unspeakable things to his lover. Consented unspeakable things of course. Maybe they could do that in the future? Probably not but Brett's mind was vast for all the dirty stuff they could do.

"After you my deer dear."

Eddy giggled at that as he crawled but mostly wiggled into his den, then he waited for Brett patiently. He wanted to get some kisses!

Brett slipped behind quickly and as soon as they were settled onto the bed of soft moss, Brett took Eddy's face in his hands and rubbed the soft cheeks.

"May I kiss you now?"

"You may kiss me now," Eddy giggled happily as he looked at his beloved faun. He wanted all of his attention. It was utmost amazing!

The faun in question gently tugged at Eddy's face and when the deer lowered his head, Brett attacked lovingly. A lot of soft kisses were placed where they belonged and Brett only left a small break between them for the necessary air. Not much though but it seemed to be enough.

Eddy giggled even more, for him it was how he showed he was happy. Giggles or delighted squeals. Both were free game for him.

"Only kisses?" Brett asked breathlessly. If Eddy just wanted cute kisses, he was fine with it. But if the cervitaur wanted, they could also take it a step further. For now Brett was happy like that. Eddy was giggling and happy, so why wouldn't he be as well? If Eddy was happy, Brett was easy as that.

"Just kisses for now, I think. If we do something else, I want to actually have the time to savor all of you," Eddy said shyly with a blush.

"Wise words. I would love to have you though. But I will be patient and wait for you when you are ready," Brett grinned and claimed the lips again. He knew it could mean they had their passionate dance tonight or tomorrow or whenever Eddy wanted. The faun would never pressure Eddy for sex. Eddy simply kissed Brett back, enjoying the way Brett's lips felt on his own. It was so much better than anything else he had ever experienced.

And so they kissed. And then some more. And then some more again. Brett just enjoyed kissing Eddy so much. He wouldn't know what he would rather be doing. Kissing Eddy topped everything.

Soon thirty minutes was up and they spent the whole time kissing. Before they devoured each other they should maybe devour some soup. Brett was hungry for something else but he knew the deer said he was a bit hungry and he definitely let Eddy wait long enough. So one last peck was given to the deer and then Brett backed up a bit. Both of their lips were red and swollen thanks to all this kissing. Eddy's eyes were wonderfully glazed over and Brett really had to be very strict to himself to not just jump the deer.

"Eddy, I think it's time to make some noodles for the soup. Aren't you hungry?"

"I am and I want to try your noodles," Eddy really did, he thought it would be so yummy! Then again he probably thought that anything Brett could make would be yummy. And Brett didn't understand how one deerling could be so cute!

"Sure, sure, let's get going then. Will you give me the honor and get out first please? I will be right behind you." And holding his animal instinct to bite into the wiggly butt at bay - hopefully. But it wouldn't be long before they could eat the noodle soup. And if Eddy liked it, he could bring some to Belle or give it all to Eddy and make a fresh batch tomorrow. Depending on how much they ate now of course.

"I can do that, yes." Eddy would let Brett watch him wiggle out if he so wanted. Thus Eddy started wiggling out of the den for Brett! And Brett enjoyed this very much. He even dared to stroke over the wiggly butt carefully when Eddy was struggling a bit to 'help' him. Yeah, 'help'. That was as helpful as two left feet but Eddy would survive. Brett giggled and slipped out way easier than his lover.

"You have such a nice butt. You have to go inside and outside first from now on. Always. It's cute how it wiggles. It rouses my instinct to bite and touch it."

Eddy blushed with a smile, "If you like it that much I do not mind doing so."

He never minded, he liked that Brett liked him and to look at him. To that, Brett could only chuckle. Eddy did not mean it like Brett thought and he would be very careful to not take the biting comment seriously. The wiggling, yes, the biting, no. He would speak about that with the deerling later at night when they were alone in the den again.

They strolled back to the fire. Brett put on a new log so it flared to life and put the pot over it. Then he got the bowl where the dough was resting in and sat down. He would add the noodles when the soup was boiling.

Eddy flopped in the grass, wanting to watch Brett. He thought Brett looked really nice when cooking, it was domestic but such a sweet gesture, "I love you so much."

That let Brett's head turn around and he smiled at the deer, "I love you too."

The stirring of the soup was necessary again so nothing burned at the bottom of the pot and the two waited for the soup to boil. It didn't take long thankfully. When the liquid was happily boiling, Brett grabbed the dough and ripped it into small bite size pieces and threw it gently into the soup. He did that until the small ball of dough was gone. The faun had to add a bit more water since a lot was reduced but in the end it was finished. Brett tasted the soup and nodded. The noodles were done and everything was well seasoned.

He filled the bowl with the soup and put the pot off the heat again. The faun handed the warm wooden bowl to Eddy and put the spoon inside.

"Now try."

"I gladly will," Eddy got some into the spoon, blowing on it before shoveling it into his mouth. It was delicious as usual, "Hmmm so good."

Brett just watched the deerling eat the soup and grinned, "Did you have a noodle? Try it and tell me if you like it or not." That was the most important thing after all! And he didn't see if Eddy had one or not. So Brett urged him to try one.

"I will find one to try," Eddy looked for the noodles to slurp. He wanted to eat it all and enjoy it.

The faun chuckled and took the second spoon and easily found one with a bit of carrot. He blew the soup so it was edible and held it up for Eddy to take.

"Now try it if you like the taste of the egg and the consistency. If not, that's not a problem. I won't force you to like it. If it's nothing for you, I will eat them, no worries."

Eddy opened his mouth, taking the spoon in and taking the time to really taste and feel the texture. He decided that he liked it so he hummed a bit.

"Very good," He said after swallowing.

The face brightened and Brett was proud of himself. Eddy liked it! Now he took a spoonful himself and chewed the noodles. They were not overly done but also not undercooked. They were really good in his opinion.

"Wonderful! I am so happy you like them. Do you think Belle would like it as well?"

"I think Belle would like it, she is an adventurous eater," Eddy said with a little grin. He was sure that Belle and by proxy Ray, would be very thankful for the soup. That prospect let Brett smile even brighter and he nodded.

"It is indeed a good soup. Anyway, are you willing to share with them? If not, that's also totally fine. I can make another one tomorrow, a fresh one. I need to make a fresh one anyway and I can make two pots and give one pot to Belle and Ray." Maybe that way he could chop in some meat for them as well. Belle said she didn't mind and Ray certainly wouldn't either.

"I don't mind sharing with them, they are my family," Eddy would be fine with sharing with them, they were important creatures in his life. So sharing delicious food wouldn't kill him.

Brett just didn't want Eddy to ration his food. He could always make more and Eddy shouldn't step back or go hungry because of that. So he would let Eddy decide it was easier and he didn't have to guess.

"It is your food. And like I said, I don't mind either."

"We can share, we can always make more," Eddy grinned at Brett, they could have all of the nom noms for themselves! And they absolutely could! Brett chuckled and nodded.

"Sure, both is good. Maybe if we can trade for some meat then we can make a wonderful meaty soup for Ray and Belle since they both like it as well? I think that is good, how about that? For you, I will obviously make a vegetarian style one. I know you don't eat meat."

Brett would probably snack a bit on the pot with the meat though.

"We can do so, they would like that I think. We have a lot of things we could trade luckily," Eddy hummed with a little nod.

"Good, good." And with that it was settled. It was a good feeling for Brett. It showed that Eddy would eat more of his food! Speaking of which, the bowl was empty. Gently he held open his hands to refill the bowl for Eddy and when the deer gave him the item, Brett generously filled it before giving it back. He ate a few spoonfuls from the pot for himself but he preferred to spoon-fed Eddy instead.

Eddy let the bowl warm his hands, "Thank you so much Bretty."

He was happy to be fed by the one he loved. It seemed so intimate. And it definitely was. Brett just smiled and nodded before taking another spoonful, blowing it and holding it up for Eddy to eat.

"I love to feed you, you know. Well, I love to do anything with you. So that's not a big surprise. But yeah, I love it how you like and eat my food. It feels like a big compliment."

"Well I like when you cook for me, it feels like gentle intimacies. I like that a lot and your food," Eddy grinned.

"Then we are meant for each other." Brett chuckled and fed Eddy another spoonful. Yes, Eddy was right, it felt very intimate without being sexual. Brett decided he liked that a lot. It was like hugging. Innocent to do outside the den but not less intimate.

"Yes, we are!" Eddy grinned warmly. They were made for each other and it was fate that they met. Eddy fully believed it. Since Ajax didn't tell Brett they weren't - but also didn't tell him they were - Brett knew that Eddy had a fateful other out there. But maybe, just maybe, some deity was kind enough to let him have this for a bit longer. Just a few years, even months, would be fine. Until fate decided to be a bitch as usual and killed his hope and ripped Eddy from him. Until then he would enjoy what he had. And seeing Eddy's bright smile, his carefree nature and his willingness to love even a stunted, subpar joke of a being - Brett himself - the faun knew Eddy was meant to do great things. But he would try to go alongside him as far as he could.

He nodded and fed Eddy another spoon. Yes, he knew fate would rip Eddy away from him at some point. But he hoped, he desperately hoped, it would take a while.

Eddy ate on, unaware of Brett's thoughts. He knew and felt he was with the one he wanted to be with forever. He was at so much peace with Brett.

The bowl was quickly empty - because Brett also took a few spoonfuls - and the faun looked at the pot. There was enough for a couple more bowls.

"Do you want one more?"

"Yes, please!" Eddy chirped with a big grin. He loved food and Brett's food the most.

Dutifully, the faun refilled the bowl and helped Eddy throughout the eating process again. The deer did so much for him that it was easy to help him like that. It was a small thing and it brought happiness to Brett as well.

"Hmmm, but afterwards we will stretch again, okay?"

"Okay we can stretch, it keeps us healthy," Eddy's tail waggled, he liked food more than stretching though. Of course he did. Brett smiled and rubbed their cheeks together.

"Good Eddy. But you can have another bowl as well. It's not enough to bring Belle and Ray anyway. It's a bit more than one bowl so yeah. Eat up."

"So we will start a new batch tomorrow or today?" Eddy asked curiously.

"Tomorrow. So it's then super fresh and very tasty for them. Also I am not into wasting anything and wasting the logs for fire is not a good thing. So yeah, I will make both when we make breakfast. First our breakfast, then theirs." Brett wasn't sure what Eddy was asking as a hidden question but Brett told Belle she would get some, not when. So he was free to choose whenever he wanted to bring Belle the food.

"So we should trade for the meat early then," Eddy nodded mostly to himself. Maybe they could when they went to get some milk. Oh, yes, true. Brett nodded and rubbed his cheek against Eddy's arm again.

"You are so smart. Yes we should do that. Or use it now as an ingestion walk and to get a bit more walking in our life. We can trade the meat now and maybe some milk if you want, maybe even some sugar, and then we can head back? Then I will release you from the stretching exercise. Because we walk. You know?" The faun wanted to give Eddy a way out from the boring stretching as well.

"After we stretch or before?" Eddy asked softly, he wanted to appease his faun. Stretching was healthy and bartering helped further their goal.

"Well, like I said, if we trade today, I will not force you to stretch," The faun giggled. Was that a change in Eddy's behaviour? Did the deer really want to stretch by himself?

"We could do both, maybe," Eddy said thoughtfully. Surely there was time for both. They didn't have to do one over the other.

"Sure. But you dislike the stretching exercise. I just thought you would like to hear that you don't have to do it," the geep gently smiled at the man at his side. Sometimes he had the feeling they were talking not to each other, but to talk cross purposes. Was that such a situation? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Brett would just answer all questions Eddy had - if he had any at all.

"I know it's good for me even though I don't like it, and I also know that you are just trying to help me. So I am okay with it for those reasons," Eddy smiled. That rewarded Brett with another spoonful of carrots.

"Yes, I do want to help you and I love you even more for appreciating it. Well, if you can endure it then, we will first stretch after you empty this wonderful bowl of soup I made only for you, and then we trade some okay?"

It made Brett indeed very happy that Eddy saw reason in his proposal. He wanted to have the deer around very long and stretching helped with that.

"Okay!" Eddy nodded with a grin. He liked the happy look the faun had. It made him feel content.

Shortly after that, Brett and Eddy finished the bowl and after Brett cleaned everything they got up and did their stretching exercise. Brett even showed Eddy a new one so the deer wouldn't die of boredom after all.

It took them maybe half an hour, then everything was wrapped up. They travelled first to the storage where all the peaches were stored, traded them for meat, sugar, milk and some more flour - Brett stayed back as before - and then they went back to the den. Brett stored everything carefully away so everything was ready for tomorrow. And it was only late afternoon. They made a lot of progress today. Except for Brett's den sadly. But he would work on that harder when Eddy was away and at the herd. Which was in two day's time.

For now, they lounged on the warm moss outside and soaked up the warm but weak rays of the sun.

"So, when will you leave me for the herd in two days? Before or after breakfast? I just want to know so I can prepare the food accordingly."

"Yes, and after I think," Eddy liked Brett's food more than the herds so he would eat Brett's.

Brett nodded, yes he would make a big batch the day before then and they could reheat it that was quicker than making it from scratch. Not that he wanted to get rid of Eddy faster but he thought the deer would appreciate Brett's efforts. The deer wanted to go back to the herd so it was only natural.

Brett shuffled and laid his arms and chest on Eddy's back since the deer was laying down as well. The faun was using Eddy as a very comfortable and warm pillow.

"Hmm, may I ask why you don't like mushrooms?"

"They are my mortal enemies! When I was younger one almost took my life from me," Eddy said dramatically but it really meant that he had choked on one. It was a traumatic experience.

Brett blinked in confusion. What?

"Wait, what? Did a mushroom fairy attack you and tried to kill you? Or was it something else?" Brett got up and patted Eddy's cheeks and looked over the deer in apparent concern, "Does it hinder you now? Anything I can help you with?"

What if the mushroom stunted Eddy's growth? What were the long term effects? Did a mushroom try to infect Eddy and take over his body? Anything was possible for the faun.

"I choked on one as a kid, and turned blue from lack of oxygen," Eddy explained less dramatically this time so Brett could understand, "All it troubles me with now is bad memories. It's okay though."

Well, that was concerning but also Brett could understand better now. He nodded, "Yes, bad, bad mushrooms. But that means you are traumatized from them, not because they don't taste good."

Which was not really better or easier to handle but it was better than Eddy having an anaphylactic shock. That was not really treatable in this world. The faun smiled and rubbed the tips of their noses together, "But that means I can eat them all I want, right? But no kisses for me afterwards."

"Right," Eddy smiled softly, they were one of the few things he absolutely hated in this cruel world. Eddy didn't hate many things but when he did, he hated it with all of his heart! It was kind of cute to see Eddy so agitated. The deer was usually so calm so it was a new side of him Brett was allowed to experience. The faun flopped back down and his hands took Eddy's in his.

"Well, then it's decided. All the shrooms will be destroyed with my mouth and you just have to point them out for me."

"Thank you, I rather not come in contact with such vile things!" Eddy explained. Mushrooms were the absolute worst. Brett thought otherwise but if Eddy didn't want those, the faun was definitely fine with it. More for him.

"Nope, I will protect you from the bad, bad shrooms. Anyway, did you know there are shrooms that have a strange effect on beings? They can make you see the music or colors of words and such. I read about that in a book. I am curious about it."

"Yes I have heard of such, they're quite normal here actually. They're used in certain rituals," Eddy said thoughtfully with a hum, "Primarily by the herbalists and healers. That depends on the region though."

"I see. I presume you never tried them because of the known mushroom-issues then? I would love to try it just to experience it but I don't like to take in things that distort my perception. Especially when I am not safe. Yes, I know I am safe with you, but what if something happened and I am out of it? No, it would rather not risk it."

Brett wanted to try it since he read about it but also he was never really safe. So it was just another dream.

"I have not, but we can find you some to try someday. So whenever you feel comfortable," Eddy smiled. He would let Brett try them if he wanted and when he felt it was okay to do so.

"Maybe in the future. We will see." Certainly not now. Brett misled at Eddy and was simply happy. He wished the deer wouldn't need to leave him. Why did the herd invite Eddy back when he just arrived at his doorstep? Life was unfair.

"Maybe then, yes. Whenever you would like really," Eddy smiled softly. He wouldn't pressure Brett into anything. It was all for Brett to decide and the time he would take. The faun nodded and preferred not to think about what would come. Because Eddy leaving him was far more likely.

"May I ask you something? Just... what will happen when the herd decides to take you in wholly, not like now? You will spend your days and nights there, right? Will you forget me?"

"I don't think I will ever fully be accepted back in, even if by appearances it seems so. I will not forget you Brett and I will still come to seek you out." Eddy really just wanted to have a relationship with his family.

Brett nodded. Wel, he hoped so at least. Not for Eddy not being able to get back fully but to not be forgotten by the gentle deer.

"I wish for your best, Eddy, I really do, but sometimes I fear for our future. I know you will never willingly abandon me."

At the very least he had to believe in Eddy, his saviour.

"I just really want to have a relationship with my parents. That's the only reason I really bother with the herd." Eddy spoke softly, "It's hard to have living parents that don't willingly love me because of my actions. It's hard to live with."

Eddy sighed, this was probably the most honest he has been about the whole thing.

"I cannot fathom such emotions or wishes. But I understand the hardships of living with no one to lean on, like you have now. Thankfully you have Ray and Belle to help you at least a little bit. I wish for your parents to come to their senses and welcome you into their arms and family again." Brett wasn't envious of Eddy, not even one bit. Yes, he wished for a family in his younger years, but what he had now was not bad either. But he probably didn't understand the longing Eddy felt whenever he thought of his parents. Brett wondered what hurt more, knowing what you are missing or not knowing it in the first place. Both were sucky options in his eyes. And as he promised himself and Eddy; he would stand beside the deer as long as Eddy wanted it.

"I am happy to have them too, they're always there for me and now you are. I am very thankful for that," Eddy just wanted to be loved! And Brett wanted to give the deer all the love he was able to! He loved Eddy more than his own life! Why was that not enough? Why was Eddy still wondering about the other people? Brett knew it was unfair to think like that. He would never understand the bond between a child and their parents. But he still thought he was lacking since Eddy needed more. The faun was too young and too inexperienced still. So he tried to be better - for himself and for Eddy.

"I will always be there for you, Eddy. No matter what happens. Until I die, I will be here for you. I will always wait for you to come back." Even if the deerling didn't want that anymore. Brett smiled gently up to Eddy and caressed the hand he held in his, "I never felt like that. Like I do now I mean. You mean everything and then some more to me. I love you. I always will, regardless of what the world thinks of that."

"Thank you Brett, I love you too," Eddy was happy that Brett wouldn't treat him any differently because of preferences or actions. It would always be comforting to him. To him, Eddy couldn't help but feel the way he was feeling. It didn't make or break the man in front of him. The most important thing was that Eddy was happy and loved him, nothing else. Just because Brett couldn't understand something, it was nothing to scoff at or ridicule Eddy for it. Brett had to work and try to understand and if he failed at that, then he just had to accept the way it was. That was not Eddy's fault, Brett couldn't do that. So why would Brett ever seek fault in Eddy when it was clear, Brett was at fault?

So the faun smiled and cuddled a bit more with the deer. Hearing that he was loved felt so great!

Eddy hugged Brett gently, the silence was comforting and assuring. All very good things in Eddy's mind. The sun was still out and Brett looked around. Maybe he could...? He grinned and got up. Standing right in front of the deer, he bent down and kissed Eddy's forehead.

"I want to remodel my den a bit more. If you want you can keep me company or just relax here, ok?"

"I will keep you company, I like being close to you," Eddy also wanted to help Brett if he could. He knew a bit about den renovations. Brett nodded and kissed Eddy's forehead one more time before stepping back. He was as far as biggering it and all he needed to do now was to pluck moss. But what Eddy said yesterday, still rang in his mind.

"You said, under the right circumstances, you can grow plants, right? Can you grow moss inside a den without exhausting yourself?"

"I can do that. But only when it's the size you want it." Eddy wasn't really sure how much Brett had done with the den.

That would be a lot of fun - for Brett! He pointed to the den's entrance, "Then it's time for you to look and see what I have done! I really just need to decorate the inside with moss and do shelving and such. But we can add that later as well. Maybe you can show me how you work with the magic and I can try my hand at it as well?"

"I will take a look then, and I can also show you how I do my magic." Eddy smiled softly, he would also like to bring Brett to the archives that he had mentioned. And Brett planned to do that tomorrow, after they dropped off the food at Belle's. Hopefully Ray and his deer-lover wouldn't be naughty early in the morning as well. That would be quite unfortunate.

"Yes please. I bet you look awesome when you do magic!"

Brett helped Eddy to get up and together they wandered the few steps to the den. The opening was a bit bigger so Eddy could easily fit in - Brett was tiny so it was never a problem for him - and when they were inside, it was almost double the size of Eddy's. There was a lot of space to store things! It was oval in shape and at the farthest corner a small raised round hill stood out. Brett wandered to it and pointed at it, "I wanted it to be my bed. Do we want to start here?"

"Yeah sure, it's so big in here! Wow," Eddy exclaimed softly. It would be a good summer den since it would allow more air flow.

"Yes! I wanted to have more storage space and for you to be comfortable here. We can use the one you have for winter maybe and this one differently? Because you said your den was perfectly cozy and warm in winter, here it will probably be a problem. So yeah. I thought of it at least. Also I want to do more. Maybe even building a shed for storage and woodworking or plant keeping since the underground dens are not good for them. Can you use your magic here?"

Brett cocked his head to one side and looked at the deer expectantly. It was not as spacious as he probably needed but it was a good first base. He would rather have a smaller, but finished, den instead of a big project and never being able to finish it.

"This can be a summer den! It will have more air circulation for us hot and sweaty beasts," Eddy chuckled as he looked at the spot Brett wanted his bed to be. He gingerly touched the soil to see if he could actually do it.

"Sounds good then! Snuggly warm in winter in your den, cool and airy here in the summers." That was a plan Brett was definitely happy about. The faun was right beside Eddy, watching what the deer did. Now he was just poking and caressing the soil. Was that necessary? It seemed so.

"May I inquire what you do? Can you explain to me what you are doing and which steps you take? It would be a good opportunity to learn for me."

"Well first I am seeing if the soil is suitable. Which it is. So now I do vocal spells. At least for moss, it's an incantation technically," Eddy hummed warmly.

Brett nodded. It sounded very interesting! And now Eddy would perform magic? The geep would do his best to remember those words. "Is moss easy to grow?"

"It is, I think at least," Eddy chuckled. He usually needed seeds but not for moss! Brett nibbled on his lower lip, "I can also get you a fresh patch if it helps you."

Eddy said he needed seeds, and that way it was easier for him, but Brett thought moss might not be that complicated. But also, he had no idea about that.

"That could be easier but it's still doable without it," Eddy hummed softly as he watched Brett. He wasn't sure what would be better though.

Brett kissed Eddy's cheek - they were underground and securely hidden away from questionable eyes - and grinned, "I will get you some, Just wait for a second, okay?"

And without waiting for Eddy to reply, the faun was gone from the den and returned within less than two minutes, three different moss-patches in hand. They were all in Eddy's den as well and growing nearby everywhere. Brett placed the softest on the bed and the other to the side. They would be the walls and the floor. It was a patch of irish moss - Sagina subulata - that still had tiny little white buds. It was extremely soft and wouldn't grow too high. Thankfully, it being underground, it wouldn't form flowers as well since no light touched the plant.

"I like this one for my bed. Can you do it?"

"I can do it Brett, just for you," Eddy winked at him then giggled. It would be a very nice bed indeed.

"You are the best!" Brett chuckled and kissed Eddy one more time before settling back and waiting for the deer to start working.

"Thank you," Eddy chuckled as he started to whisper his very magical spell. A soft green light illuminated Eddy's fingers as he continued the incantation 'pep ereit vita-e'. Eddy said it over and over until the patch of moss was illuminated as well and slowly spreading. Brett watched fascinated as the moss spread across the raised bed. He gently touched Eddy's shoulder when it was all covered.

"You can stop now. It's covered. You are amazing," he whispered. He didn't know if Eddy was in his own little world when he performed magic or not, but it was definitely safer to just assume so and be quieter than usual.

Eddy closed his mouth and lowered his hands when he heard he could stop, "Feel it, to see if it's to your liking."

Eddy smiled. But Brett didn't need to, he was petting the moss the whole time. "It's amazing! I love it! How are you feeling? Are you exhausted? Do you need anything?"

"I am feeling alright, it's not that tiring to do magic actually. At least not with this kind of magic," Eddy found it easy to work with plants at least. It was good to hear that for Brett. That meant Eddy wasn't exhausting himself for Brett's comfort.

"Wonderful! Do you think you can do that to the walls and the flooring as well? Or do you need something to eat in between? I mean, the flooring is what's more important anyway since I want to install shelves as I said. Or is it too much to ask for?"

"I can do it, you don't need to worry. What do you want for your walls and floors? The same or something different?" Eddy asked curiously.

"Something different." Brett showed Eddy the darker moss, islandic moss to be precise, which had a rougher texture and smelled differents. It was not as floral-y smelling like the irish moss, but rather it had a wood-y scent to it. Also it was more robust to an ideal choice for flooring.

"Okay, we will do something different then. Do you have an idea of what you want already?" Eddy asked softly. He thought Brett's den was looking pretty nice so far.

"Hmm, for the walls, I am set one other moss. But as I said, I need to do the shelving first. Maybe I will dig even deeper, at least in one part, to store more, you know." Brett shrugged, he did think a lot about it, but so far he wasn't sure what he should do first: shelving or the double floor.

"Okay, we will wait for that then so it can be how you like it," Eddy smiled, they would figure it all out. The faun nodded once again. He would need a bit more time. It was apparent that he had to think a lot about stuff. Mainly if he wanted to put in a second storage and also what he would do about the shelving.

"Oh, on that note, we are under a tree, right? Can you let the roots grow into a shelving or is that too hard?"

"We are and we can do that, it won't be too hard," Eddy thought so at least. He could help and make it all look nice.

"That would be the perfect solution actually. Then I can remodel it. Can you show me how you do it? And maybe I can try then? After we get some books for me tomorrow of course." If Brett had magic in his body at all. Because that was also a point where they weren't sure.

"Yes, I can show you and teach you. I do not know much about how magic works for faun's though. I think the archives will have documentation of it though," Eddy hummed thoughtfully.

"Then we should stop here and just take a nap on my new bed, how does that sound? Tomorrow we can go wild." Brett hugged Eddy and pressed a kiss on the temple. Maybe they could do more than just 'napping'? Maybe he could reward Eddy generously? That sounded like a wonderful idea!

"Sounds wonderful!" Eddy wanted to try the new bed with Brett! It would be fun to cuddle and do things together. If the 'things' they would do 'together' were the same, Brett had his doubts about but yes, cuddling was what he wanted. So he was in an instant on the bed. The moss immediately smelled nice and was so soft! He rubbed his face against it and 'baah'ed. Yes, wonderful indeed. His tail wagged - he was laying on his stomach - as he looked up at Eddy, making needy grabby hands towards his wonderful deer-partner.

"Comeeee. It's wonderful!"

Eddy giggled as he crawled onto the moss, letting his body melt into the moss. He cuddled into the moss and to Brett, he wanted all of the bodily touch. Brett used Eddy's movement to crawl on top of the deer, laying on Eddy's back like when he rode the deer. He sighed into Eddy's neck and as soon as the deer sprawled himself, he started kissing the neck.

"You look good in my bed."

"Do I? Because I like your bed." Eddy giggled.

"Oh yes, you do." The faun continued to kiss Eddy's neck and his hands wandered up to stroke the human back and the sides - careful not to tickle Eddy, "I love seeing you under me, on a bed, liking where you are," he whispered. And he absolutely did. He liked Eddy happy and energized outside as well, but nothing was better than to hear the sweet sounds his lover made when he took him. Thankfully the jar with the aloe gel was only a few meters away from them - in Eddy's den of course. Maybe they could use this den for their sweet, sweet love making? A love's next, that was a good idea.

"Hmmm sounds like a good combination then," Eddy purred happily, or well rumbled, because he couldn't purr. He was no cat. Brett gently nibbled at the sensitive neck, testing the waters to 'eat' Eddy. His kisses wandered lower and lower, both enjoying what they planned to do.

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