Garden Of Hearts

By Geertwim

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It was a chilly autumn eve, the mildew dripping from the dying leaves - they burst in brilliant reds and oran... More

Chapter 1: Call to Adventure
Chapter 2: Utopia
Chapter 3: Untamed Beauty
Chapter 4:Wake at the Break of Dawn
Chap 5: New isn't Much different from Old
Tears go unheard but not Unseen
Trauma lingers like a Ghost
Homemaker, Home is with you
Innocence is either a Blessing or a Curse
Some Things Simply Are
Make a Way
First Heartache
Is Love Fate or Choice
Unresolved Pressure
Another Affection
All Consuming Winter
Warmth of You
Sleep is nice but You're Better
Storm of Isolation
Blood for the storm Gods
Respect your Elders, unless...
In the Safety of These Walls (NSFW)
Slowly but Surely
JiΔ›jiΔ› is the Best
Communication is Key to wants
Mysteries of Self
Time Without
Comfort in Your Arms
A way to A Cervitaur's Heart
Song of a Broken Soul
Dear Deer, A lesson in Alliteration
Growing Pains Comes In Spurts
Knowledge is the Key that unlocks all Doors
Make my Heart Grow Still
Inevitable Dread
The Obvious Choice
A Young Faun is full of Stamina
Tell me a Story
A Tale of You
Love Comes with Heartache
Evading Death when He Comes
When I'm Gone, Would I be Missed?
The Sound of Your voice
Escape into the Unknown
Epilogue: New Beginning (1/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (2/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (3/3)

Never Alone When you're Here

12 3 0
By Geertwim

The next time they woke up it was considerably later in the day. If Brett had to take a guess, it was probably around midday. He opened his eyes and saw the sleeping face of his most favorite person. He smiled and just softly watched Eddy sleep. While he wanted to kiss Eddy, he promised him not to violate him in his sleep anymore. Sad days for a needy faun. Eddy had his mouth hanging open as he slept, he was drooling ever so slightly. He was a sleepy mess, but still somehow cute. Brett took the end of his scarf and gently wiped away the drool. They did more than their fair share of intimate things and something like drool wouldn't diminish the beauty that was Eddy. Then he settled back and watched the deer a bit more. He would wash the scarf later.

Eddy's legs twitched a bit - much like a dogs - he was dreaming about something. He gave no sign of what he was dreaming about but he was most definitely dreaming.

Brett carefully made some space for Eddy even though it was hard since he had no desire to get kicked. The faun was not really familiar with dogs but he knew hooves hurt like a bitch when colliding with his body. Eddy's den was really small and didn't leave him a lot of room to back away but he tried his best to still hug Eddy.

Eddy only twitched, luckily not kicking his legs. That would definitely be a bad thing if he was flailing in the den. He did start to stir awake though. That calmed Eddy down as well. He gently stroked over the cheek and whispered sweet nothings into Eddy's ear, low enough to not wake him up but to maybe calm him down.

Eddy made a little noise when hearing Brett's low voice, it was soothing to the deerling. The sound assured him that he was safe and not alone. This put him at peace. And that was exactly what Brett wanted. As the deer calmed down, he came closer to leech of the beautiful warmth. This was what he was living for. Finally he didn't have to freeze anymore!

Brett rubbed their noses together and settled his head back on the moss. He closed his eyes and sighed. Maybe he should get out and reheat the soup? But if he did that and Eddy woke up, all alone, that would not be nice. Not when the deer came back early to eat breakfast and spend more time with Brett. So he simply waited.

The deer would most likely wake up soon, unless he really didn't sleep with the herd. Then that would be an entirely different story. Eddy, however, did look like he was lightly sleeping and would wake up. Which he did, slowly but surely. Brett definitely used the time to just be happy to have the deer back. The night was not so fun and the nap definitely helped him with that.

So as to not to stare at Eddy the whole time and to wake him up like that, Brett closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the darkness around them and the warmth. It was like a never ending hug. Eddy's eyes fluttered open, they landed on Brett, the fuzzy little thing. He smiled lazily as he looked at Brett, thinking he looked so cute, "Hey."
He said softly with a lazy grin on his face.

At the sweet sound of Eddy's voice, Brett's eyes snapped open and he greeted the deerling with a bright smile, "Hey. I love you."

And yes, it was cheesy but the truth as always. Brett leaned forward and rubbed their noses together like he did when they were asleep.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did, did you?" Eddy asked softly with a little yawn. He bumped their foreheads together, feeling at peace with Brett. This felt so right and made him so happy.

"I did too, thank you for asking." Brett now used the time to kiss Eddy on his lips. Maybe he should ask Eddy if he could kiss him in his sleep as well? They did far more intimate stuff now so maybe it was fine? He wanted to kiss the deerling on every inch of his body, cherishing it.

"Always my pleasure, I want to make sure you're comfortable and happy," Eddy waggled his tail. He wanted to make sure that his faun would be okay. Brett sleeping well was one of the small steps in his health.

"How about you then? Did you sleep well too?" Brett wanted to know. Maybe the deer even remembered what he dreamed of? But was Brett allowed to ask? Of that he wasn't so sure, "Are you hungry?"

"I am hungry. Now that I slept properly I can eat lots," Eddy announced to his audience of one, simply happy to have Brett around. Having someone around made it so much better.

"Good, then I think some food will be in order." Brett knew he had asked Eddy the same question twice in a couple of minutes but he wanted to make sure. Double sure.

"Should I reheat the soup then?"

"If it's cold, then sure," Eddy smiled softly at Brett. Even if it was lukewarm Eddy would eat it but if it was cold, it wasn't as appealing.

"Then I will check and reheat if needed." It could be that it was still a bit warm but honestly, lukewarm soup was not that great. Brett pressed another short kiss on Eddy and peeled himself off the deer to go outside. As he stood in front of the pot and touched it it was at most lukewarm. So he restarted the fire and placed the pot over it so Eddy could have nice toasty food. Then he went back to look down into the den, "I need to reheat it so take your time."

"Will you be outside?" Eddy asked softly, because if Brett were to sit outside he would crawl out to be with him. He wanted to be where the faun was.

"Since I don't want the food to be burned, yes. Yes I will be outside. Want to come and join me maybe?" Brett shot a smile down, not that Eddy could see it, but definitely hear it.

"I want to be with you, yes," Eddy started to move so he could crawl on out. He tried not to get stuck in the entry, but he feared that he may be getting too big for it. But thankfully he passed right through it. Brett watched Eddy as he came up and held out a hand to help him. Together they wandered to the small fire.

"I had hoped you chose this, so thank you."

"I like being with you, so you're welcome," Eddy smiled at him with a little grin. He didn't mind getting up for Brett. It was well worth it.

"Next time I will bring you hot food into your den, okay? I can even feed you if you want." While they calmly talked, Brett stirred the soup and waited for it to bubble. He really wouldn't mind spoon feeding Eddy.

"Hmmm sounds like the pinnacle of laziness." Eddy giggled at that, it sounded like something he would want to try. It could be fun.

Brett nodded, "Then we can try it. And after that you will stretch a little bit okay? I would like to see how you stretch. Would that be okay with you?" and since he fed the deer before it would be okay, right? Brett would work with him of course.

"It's okay with me, I will stretch," seeing as Eddy was actually given a choice he would do so. When free will was given, it was amazing what people would do. As for Eddy it gave him motivation along with a sense of control over his life.

Hearing that, Brett nodded, happy with the choice Eddy made. It seemed that he needed to go about this in a different way than before to see results that made both happy. Brett was happy Eddy stretched and Eddy was happy when he could make choices. That was fine with the faun.

"Perfect then!" He stirred the soup and waited for it to bubble. Only when it bubbled was it hot enough to kill all possible bacteria and was safe to eat. But seeing that the fire happily cracked underneath the pot, it shouldn't take much longer.

"Yeee," Eddy softly agreed. He didn't mind moving and stretching too much, it was mostly just boring to him. However, Brett said it was good for him so he would endure boredom.

The faun didn't know it was so boring for Eddy. He enjoyed stretching a lot. It made the body agile and not so tense. So it was a good exercise.

Now the pot was bubbling and Brett stirred it a couple of times and took it off the heat. He filled up the bowl and settled down next to Eddy. Slowly he filled the spoon, blew on it and held it in front of Eddy's lips for the taking.

Eddy took it into his mouth, swallowing happily, "Will you eat too, Bretty?"

He asked, wanting to make sure the faun was taken care of. He didn't want him to go hungry.

"I will, I promise," and to show the deer he meant it, he took another spoon and this time he ate it himself. He then repeated the same and held it up to Eddy's lips again. Smiling at the deer Brett urged him to eat now. Occasionally he would fed himself, he already planned to do that anyway.

Eddy smiled at that, he liked this arrangement, it seemed befitting for them. So he opened his mouth and took a bite of soup. Once in his mouth he savored the taste, wanting to give Brett's soup the time it deserved. It really was delicious.

Their breakfast time was rolling lazily and it took them three full bowls to feel satisfied and full. Brett cleaned the utensils quickly and estimated that he needed to add a handful of carrots and a few potatoes, maybe some additional herbs, so they would have enough for lunch and dinner. It was a good soup and so he tried to stretch it even further.

Brett settled with the deer now that everything was taken care of, and snuggled with his favorite deer.

"So you have rice or noodles?"

If so, he could add it to the soup as well! More carbs so they felt satisfied longer.

"Yes, we have those around here. We don't typically grow the grain for it but with all the fruits and vegetables we grow, we barter for them. Basically trading crops and such," Eddy nodded as he explained, "Also didn't you want to stretch?"

"Oh yes, wonderful. Then we can trade for it. I love rice!" Brett smiled and got up. He offered his hand to the deer to help him up. Now was time for stretching!

Eddy took Brett's hand into his own, squeezing it lightly, "I really like rice too. It's very delicious. Especially with some herbs, veggies and salt."
Eddy liked himself some food, it was very good. He got up though, so he could stretch with Brett.

"Yeah, or with meat in my case." Brett chuckled and backed up a little bit so he had room to stretch. He started with slow squats, "Do you want to do the same as yesterday or do you prefer a different set?"

"If you teach me a different set then I do not mind, it sounds good to learn something new," Eddy wanted to know something that he did not. He thought it would be fun to do so, and far less boring than doing the same old routine.

"Sure. Do you want to do a quick recap of the routine you already did and then I show you some new stuff? I think that would help you to not get bored to death until you have ingrained the exercises into your brain." Brett chuckled and waited for Eddy's answer. He was positive the deer wanted to learn new stuff since he was kind of the same like Brett in that regard. New stuff was exciting to learn after all!

"Okay, let's do that then," Eddy would go along with what Brett suggested. He wanted to know all the new stuff! Well, that was enthusiasm! So Brett was highly motivated as well. After they did their recaps, Brett showed Eddy some new stuff which the deer would probably feel tomorrow and ended the exercise with a kiss on the fluffy hair after checking if they were really alone.

"So, what do we want to do now, Eddy?"

"Anything you want to do, I have all weekend with you," Eddy grinned happily.

"Then show me some more spots please. I liked the one so far. Also do we want to wash up in the warm water pond Belle showed me? Having a nice relaxing bath after stretching will help with the muscle cramps." Brett took Eddy's hand and swung it. He felt giddy that his lover and friend didn't plan anything with other people, just with him. It showed that Eddy really cared.

"Let's go clean, then," Eddy thought it sounded nice to simply relax in some water. Even if he prefered the nice cold water more. Oh well, he would sacrifice its chill for Brett.

The faun thought about that for a bit and led them to the stream first, "How about you soak in here and then we travel together to the pond for me to wash up, hm? We are not in a hurry and can easily do that. How does that sound?"

"Okay, I like the chilly water so I will gladly soak," Eddy stepped in the water, then sat down. He wanted it all to wash over him.

"Well, then have fun," Brett flopped onto the ground and simply watched Eddy having fun. He sat close, but not that close he was getting wet thankfully. He would enjoy his warm bath later.

Eddy rolled in the water, just enjoying it and the feeling of the stones underneath him. They were made smooth by the movement of water. All while Brett watched him. How could one love the cold water so much? He would never understand but if that made Eddy happy then so it be.

"You look adorable."

"Thank you," Eddy smiled up at him from where he wiggled in the stream. It was too nice, he couldn't see why anyone could hate it. Meanwhile Brett was getting second hand goosebumps if he only thought about using that water to wash himself. Nope, not gonna happen, too cold. He was internally grateful for Belle and her compassion to show him the warm pond. He couldn't wait to sink into the water. But for now, this moment was for Eddy. And it wasn't so bad to watch the deer wiggle and roll around in the water, getting all wet and so damn sexy.

Eddy looked over at him, wondering what Brett was thinking, "The water feels really nice. But the smoothe stones are also so nice."

"Yes, yes, my dear. Just enjoy it. I will not join you. Maybe in the summer when it's really hot but not when my dick and balls might fall off because they will freeze off." Brett chuckled and simply watched how Eddy rubbed himself against the smooth stones. The soft underbelly was exposed and he felt good about it. Eddy trusted him enough to show him the most vulnerable part of him even out in the open. It was different in the den of course, since they were secure there, but here, out in the open? That was really a big thing.

"Sure, I will wait then until it's warm," Eddy would hold Brett to that. He wanted good water times with Brett. Splashing around would be so fun. When it was warm, Brett would gladly join Eddy in a cooler stream of course. But not in fall! So Brett simply nodded along and smiled at his love.

"Hmmm, I envision doing naughty things to you when you are rolling around like this." It was only fair Eddy knew what he was doing to Brett, right?

"You won't come in the water though so I have nothing to fear of your naughty thoughts," Eddy giggled somewhat evilly.

"Well, that is true, but you will come out at some point. And that is when I strike!" Brett doubted his weewee would do the trick and stand up when he was emerged in cold water anyway, so he wouldn't push too much. And after all, Eddy would come out. Even if he had to bribe him with lovely food.

"Yeah?" Eddy said playfully with a little smile, he liked listening to his naughty faun. It was cute and a turn on, interesting mix.

"Hm yes. Maybe I will bribe you with a nice carrot out first and while you snack on it I will have you," Brett snickered and resisted the temptation called Eddy for now, "Or I bribe you with a lot of food for you to come out on your own and then give you a lovely reward after you filled your belly so much you can't move anymore. I am no predator but I sure like it when you are laying defenseless in front of me."

"Defenseless and vulnerable for you," Eddy softly purred as he watched Brett. He rolled to his stomach so he could get up. He stretched a bit.

While Eddy was always delicious looking, Brett liked the male when he was down and whimpered in pleasure. The stretching was not bad either. The faun chuckled and got up, "Thank you for your trust in me. I will always do my best."

Eddy stood up then shook, getting water everywhere, "You're welcome, Brett."

He smiled down at Brett, guessing they would be getting going soon. The geep simply smiled and was happy that the cold water was not getting on him as much. A few stray droplets hit him. But those were fine in his eyes. He offered the deer his hand and when he took it, they started to wander to the warmer pond. Maybe Eddy would find the warm water more alluring when Brett was with him? Not that Brett planned to change Eddy's habits but it was worth a thought.

"Why do you like the ice cold water? I mean, I don't mind but I was curious if there was a particular reason you like it more? And wasn't the hot spring then pure torture for you?"

"I am a big creature, it's easy for me to feel really hot, so it's nice to get cooled down. Also I like the way it calms me and runs around me," Eddy's answer seemed to be hot flashes, he liked to cool off, "No it wasn't torture to me, I liked it. I just prefer the chill."

Eddy told Brett with a hum. Carefully Brett stored that knowledge away. That was probably why Eddy overheated when he ran from the hot spring. So, Brett nodded, "I see. Well, I think this works out or not? I mean, we have a lot of time so it's easy to just say we stop at the stream for you and the warm pond for me. That way both of our needs are taken care of."

And that meant Eddy didn't need to wash himself in the warm pond.

"We can do so, but I don't mind splashing around in the pond. It's bigger and deeper," Eddy said with a little hum. He thought it would be fine.

"Well, only if you feel like you want to do that. I'm not pressuring you. I just can't stand the cold water," Brett took Eddy's hand and they moved to the pond. Brett wanted to wash up and feel clean again and now that Eddy was finished with his bath it was time for his!

"I do not mind, I don't feel pressured," Eddy just wanted to splash around and have fun. He wasn't thinking that he was being made to do so.

"That is good," The geep chuckled and they made their way to the pond. When they finally arrived Brett let go of Eddy's hand and ran into the water, dunking himself under and feeling good. Yes, the water was not close to the hot spring water of course, but it was worlds better than the ice cold stuff Eddy liked.

Eddy hopped on into the water, watching it splash around him. He liked that. He wouldn't splash too much while Brett washed though. In the meantime Brett came up again and looked around to see Eddy closer. Well, that was a surprise. He giggled and splashed the deer.

Eddy laughed at that, then quickly splashed him back. He simply wanted to play but he also had to let Brett clean. But for Brett, fun was more important now. They had all the time in the world to get clean afterwards, so he splashed back, more vigorous than before.

It was a push and pull, both of them wanting to outdo the other. It was a lot of fun, they were laughing carefree and just enjoyed the fun. Eventually they slowed down and Brett cleaned himself before swimming closer to Eddy who was sitting on a smooth stone plattform so they could be closer together without forcing Eddy in the warm water.

Brett turned his head, soaking wet and his hair looking like a pitch black bird's nest, "Well, that was fun."

Eddy cupped water in his hands, watching it slip out. It fascinated him for the time being. He would keep himself calm, "It was, I haven't played with anyone for a long while in water."

"Yes, same here. I actually never played with a human-ish being in the water. I only played a bit with the lambs and kids. Oh yeah, a 'kid' is a baby goat. So yeah. It was a lot of fun. Maybe we can do that again at some point. I would really like that." Just having fun for fun's sake. It was amazing that Brett now had the time for such small things in life.

"We can do it more, I don't mind. The water is fun to play in. It's also very curious," Eddy hummed as he looked in the water. Lots of things fascinated him.

"Yeah, I like to see the deep waters, the ocean, as well. I only ever read about that. So I really want to see it. It's said that this water is salty, do you know anything about that?" Brett read a book ages ago about the ocean. What lived in there, what was it like and it even had a picture in it! Big things where people went on and 'sailed' across the ocean. The faun would love to see that. Maybe Eddy had heard about it? Brett doubted Eddy actually had seen it since he never left the herd.

"Maybe we could go see this ocean then, if it brings you so much wonder," Eddy nodded slightly, he didn't know where to find it but with a map it would work. Brett's thoughts were already ahead of him; he actually planned on seeing the map Ray would procure for him to check if there were any oceans marked in there. Maybe caves to explore, wide open grass fields to frolic in and forests to live in, of course close to a hot spring and a cold stream for Eddy. Maybe even a tiny open minded herd so that Eddy, when or if he left the herd would still feel welcomed and was in his own race's company.

"I hope for that. I will look at the map Ray will bring me when he has it. Then we can plan accordingly. I bet there are places you want to visit as well. When we have everything together we will check which route we want to take and how much time we want to spend on the journey. Then we can take appropriate measures."

"I don't know, maybe a few weeks or a few months. I want us to have time to actually enjoy traveling, you know?" Eddy spoke softly in thought.

"Sounds about right. I was thinking along the same lines." It was only half the truth. Brett wanted to take Eddy away and never return. But he couldn't just kidnap the deer sadly. So a few weeks or months would be wonderful, "Maybe we can make it an annual or bi-annual tradition? To just travel the realm together. And if we both feel strong enough for it, maybe even different realms? Not like, right now, but maybe in a few years? After we explored everything here of course. But I will be happy if we stay here as well."

The faun took Eddy's hand in his own very wet one and rubbed it against his cheek. Away from everything; that sounded so wonderful. Maybe together with Ray and Belle! It could be like a family trip! Brett would like that a lot.

"That sounds fun to me, let's do that maybe," Eddy nodded, he liked accepting Brett's ideas. They were wonderous to him and exciting. He loved it.

That made Brett smile and he rubbed his cheek the hand a couple more times. He loved that. But he had to let go in order to get out of the water and join the damp cervitaur on the smooth stone for some sunbathing. He needed to be dry at some point.

"Then it's decided! I am very excited to travel with you!"

"I am too, it sounds very fun to travel with you and experience new things," Eddy looked at Brett when he approached the rock near the water. The geep flopped down and snuggled his wet self to Eddy. That way he could really deeply scent the deer. Brett chuckled. He had too many naughty things in his mind because 'experience new things' could be interpreted very differently as well.

"I do too. I take great pleasure in learning how the world moves with you."

"Indeed, it will be exciting. We just need to make it through the winter," Eddy nodded all bubbly. He just wanted to get through everything then enjoy life.

"Winter will be over in a blink of an eye. Especially when we are together. All days will feel like mere hours and it will never be enough for me. I actually look forward to the days we will be snowed in - even if you say it doesn't happen here - and you will be by my side all the time. We snuggle on the mossy bed and just sleep and eat together." If Eddy wasn't at the herd at those times. But Brett didn't say anything like that since Eddy didn't seem to like that. So maybe it was better to highlight their time together instead of criticizing the herd and their 'methods'.

Eddy nodded, it didn't really snow in their area, but it got cold and things could freeze. It wasn't terrible but not completely pleasant either, "Cuddling sounds good to keep warm."

The cervitaur probably would stay for the winter to have a partner. And Brett would love to be that partner, every year from now on.

"Yes. It really does sound lovely. Will you be my partner this year, Eddy?" He should have at least asked before he planned to do all that. It was only common courtesy but Eddy made everything so natural.

"I will be your partner," Eddy spoke softly with a little smile at him, "I did not plan otherwise."

He wanted to be warm and happy.

"Thank you. I will be in your care then," well that was like Brett expected. But still, he had to thank Eddy for everything, "I will be happy to share my body and my heat with you in the winter as well."

"I will be happy to share those things with you too," Eddy would protect his wooly friend! He would be utmost sad if Brett kicked the bucket during the winter, so he mustn't let Brett freeze to death. And he wouldn't now. Thanks to their 'agreement' they reached.

Brett smiled at Eddy and snuggled closer to the big warm deer.

"Don't forget. This is a promise. You can never break it, okay?"

"I don't break promises," Plus Eddy had nowhere else to go. Even if the herd wanted him, he had no place to live or anyone to actually be by his side for the winter to keep him warm. He didn't want that.

"I know and that is why I am comfortable with this. I trust you, Eddy. I will always trust you." Brett rubbed his cheek against the side, knowing that Eddy was a very honest man and would never go back on a promise. That was why he didn't worry for the winter. He and the deer would be comfy and warm in Eddy's den and had months ahead of themselves they could spend together.

"I hope I never break that trust," Eddy knew he was far from perfect, he made plenty of mistakes but he hated hurting others. Sometimes it happened though, and he couldn't control that. Thankfully Brett knew Eddy was also part human and they couldn't always anticipate everything so he nodded.

"I believe in you. And if you do indeed break a promise, which I hope will never happen, but if you do that, I know it will be because of a very good reason. So as long as you explain the why to me I think we will be fine."

"Okay, thank you for being understanding," Eddy sighed in relief, "I want you to believe I try to always have the best intentions. Not the intention to hurt you."

He spoke softly.

"I know. You are so soft and gentle; you could never hurt anyone on purpose. So I will promise to hear you out if that ever happens okay?"

Brett trusted Eddy to one hundred percent on this. Eddy was too kind to actually do harm on purpose. It was more likely that the circumstances were changed or he was given no other choice. So it was easy for Brett to trust the deer.

"Thank you," Eddy appreciated this. It was nice not to be constantly accused of his actions. For someone to actually hear him out always seemed amazing, even if most of his friends gave him that grace anyways.

"Not for that. That is just common courtesy." Brett turned his head and sighed contently. The sun was warming up his body and slowly but surely dried him. It helped that he had a portable heater beside him who helped quicken the process. "Anyway, what did you plan for the rest of the day, seeing that we both are now clean?"

"I don't have plans, I simply go with the flow," Eddy looked up at the sky to watch the clouds. They always made interesting shapes.

"I see. How about we laze here then? Watching the sky and just taking a break from everything? Would you like that?" Because Brett sure as heck would like that. Just do nothing even if his butt felt buzzing with action already.

"Yes, I would love that. Clouds are so nice and make so many shapes. It's amazing!" Eddy giggled softly as he grinned.

Well, their plan for the day was decided then. Maybe he could get rid of the buzzing later with Eddy since the deer would stay with him for the night. That was a really good workout and thankfully they still had enough of the gel. But at some point, Brett had to go back to Belle to ask for more.

Eddy rolled to his back so he wouldn't hurt his neck while looking up at the clouds. This way was much easier, and he could enjoy it more too. And Brett followed suit. The faun really just changed position to lay half on Eddy and look at his face. Eddy was much prettier than the sky anyway.

"Do you mind if I watch you how you watch the sky? I love to see all the emotions on your face."

"I do not mind, you can watch what you want Brett." Eddy thought it was fine, not rude or anything. Although some would believe so, it was up to personal opinion. And since Brett asked for permission beforehand and got the approval, he did what he wanted. He even crept closer until he was laying on Eddy's human chest and laid his head there. The thumping of the heart let him smile.

"You are beautiful," he whispered. Yes, he already told Eddy but it could never hurt to repeat that.

"Thank you, I am happy you believe so," Eddy smiled, glancing down at Brett with a grin. He liked the feeling of the other's body on his bare skin. It felt different from being wool to fur. He thought he liked this a bit more.

They fell silent again and Brett just looked at Eddy who looked at the sky. It was a comfortable silence for him. But Brett wouldn't be Brett if he didn't have to say anything.

"Tell me when I become to heavy, okay?"

"Okay, but you aren't really heavy," Eddy stated softly. Eddy was a pretty big beast compared to the tiny thing on his chest. It didn't weigh down too much on him.

"Yeah, I know I'm not that big," Brett chuckled, "But just if I ever turn out to be too heavy, then just tell me. I will survive to look at you from the side." Because the geep would never have his fill of Eddy in his entire life it seemed.

"Okay, Bretty," Eddy smiled with a little chuckle. Brett was so funny, Eddy thought at least. He loved it too, it always made him smile. Since Brett was already in the perfect position, he rubbed his cheek against the pecs and scented the deer unashamedly. Eddy should smell like him and no other! At least in an ideal world that was.

They would have four days together, four days for Brett to make Eddy smell fully of him. Not that the deer minded. Not many people hung around him anyways.

And Brett would definitely take advantage of that. He dreaded the fourth day when Eddy had to leave for the herd though. All his scenting would be for naught then since Eddy would wash himself before he went back. It would make sense. Since coming back to the herd and smelling like a male geep was not the way to get accepted and Brett knew that. Especially since the herd shunned him for his 'disgusting' likes. Not that they could prove that Eddy and Brett had such a relationship, but rumors could travel quickly and it didn't matter if they were true or not.

Eddy was unaware of Brett's thoughts or reasons, he simply went with it. Also he wasn't trying to tempt fate. If things could go wrong, they would go wrong. Simple as that.

"Look, that cloud is shaped like a bunny," Eddy pointed up at the sky.

Brett turned his head to look up and tried to see what Eddy saw. But he had no luck.

"Which do you mean?"

"The one that is right above us," Eddy tried to point better for Brett's gaze to follow. He wanted to share it with Brett.

"Ah, now I see it!" Brett followed Eddy's finger and now he could vaguely see a bunny. Well, not really but he chuckled anyway. Eddy was really creative with his mind. He saw more of a dog than a rabbit, but sure.

"Then over there it looks like one of your kind," Eddy pointed elsewhere, seeing something that looked like a faun to him. Brett blinked confused but looked at that cloud. Well, it could be a faun, if the faun was a hundred years old and had a hump. Now Brett looked for anything as he giggled.

"This one looks like a swan!"

Eddy looked around to see which one Brett meant. With the way the clouds curled beautifully, Eddy could see it as a swan. That was if he was looking at the right thing, "It looks pretty."

"Like you," Yes, Brett could not suppress that, "But then again all clouds are pretty but no one can compare to you."

Would Eddy be annoyed with Brett at some point when he praised his looks? Brett didn't know and hoped not. Since Brett not only meant his looks but the beautiful soul as well. Maybe he should tell Eddy that more? It was worth a try.

"Thank you," Eddy blushed a bit, he never thought of his looks too much because he was usually thinking of other things.

"And I don't mean necessarily just your looks, but you are beautiful from the inside as well. I can't let you think I'm only interested in your body. The whole package is what I want." Brett turned his head back to Eddy and smiled at him gently. If he was only out for the looks, he also would have a crush on Belle since she was the most beautiful albino deer he had ever laid eyes upon. But he stayed with Eddy because this man was simply perfect.

Eddy blushed even more at that. It felt even harder for him to believe, yet for some reason he believed it coming from Brett, "All of me? Even the parts I don't like?"

Eddy tried to wrap his mind around that.

"Yes, Eddy. All of you. Every single part. And I will love you until you find the strength in you to love yourself at least a tiny bit. And if you want to change something about you, I will do my utmost to help you." As long as it wasn't something that was destructive to Eddy or he thought had to change because of other people. Then Brett would try his best to slowly but gently try to determine why that was something Eddy 'had to change'. Since in Brett's eyes, Eddy was perfect.

Eddy nodded that, feeling himself grow oddly emotional. He tried not to show it though since he thought it would be embarrassing otherwise. But Brett raised his head and looked down at the pretty deer. He smiled and stroked Eddy's cheek, "You are beautiful on the inside and the outside. Pretty all around. Perfect even."

Eddy nodded, not trusting his voice. He nuzzled his face into Brett's hands, seeking their warmth. He loved this creature who loved him as well.

Brett caressed the soft cheeks with his thumbs and smiled gently down, "You don't need to change for me. Stay as you are now. Kind, generous, honest. You are my sun and my moon, showing me all the wonderful things in the light of the day and staying with me in the darkest hour. Thank you for that. Thank you for this opportunity."

"It was my pleasure, Brett," Eddy felt so shy now but he couldn't keep his eyes off of Brett. What a lovely faun who gave him so much affection.

"As it was mine. As it still is. To spend time with you is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me." Brett looked around and listened. No one seemed here so he bent over Eddy and asked in a low voice, "May I kiss you?"

Eddy looked around too just from some nerves, "Yes, we can kiss."

He concluded with a little smile. He liked kisses, especially from Brett. And having now the approval, Brett looked around one more time to make double-sure and then kissed the deer gently. First on the nose, cheeks, forehead and then the soft lips.

"I love you so, so much," Brett whispered, lovesick. His eyes were filled with love for the deer, plain for everyone to see.

"I love you too, Brett," Eddy stared up at Brett. He wished life was like this all the time. Brett rubbed their noses together and kissed the deer one more time before he backed up again. He didn't want to expose Eddy because they were greedy and thirsty for each other.

"My life is complete now that I met you. I was waiting for us to meet, I think. It feels like that at least for me."

"Wow, really? That sounds so romantic and fairy tale like," Eddy's eyes seemed to light up as he listened to the faun.

"Well, like I said before: if not for you, I would be dead. I would be at a huge disadvantage, maybe freezing to death in winter. And you not only gave me a home, but also hope. Hope for a future, hope in other beings, hope in friendship and all so much more. You showed me the wonders of love - even if I had a few setbacks and was overly dramatic at some points, but still. You gave me a purpose Eddy. To work with your sister, to continue living, for simply everything. Thank you so much for that. I can never repay you for that. For giving my life a meaning."

The faun rubbed their noses together before raising his head again.

"I am happy you are alive. I would be very sad if you were not alive," Eddy kissed the tip of one of his horns. He loved him.

"Me too. I mean, I wouldn't be happy if I'm dead and I wouldn't be happy if you were dead either. So yeah. Let's stay alive together, okay?"

Brett chuckled but was interrupted as a shiver ran down his spine when Eddy showered his love on his horn. He squeaked softly and turned his head to Eddy. Big eyes settled onto the deer and his mouth was agape. Not even once in his life he felt such a thing running through his body!

"Wh-what did you do? That felt... strange."

"I kissed your horn because that was all I could reach. Is that okay?" Eddy asked nervously, hoping it wasn't a wrong thing to do. He never wanted to do Brett wrong.

"No, no, don't worry, it didn't hurt, but... It just felt strange. As if my body was shocked. A good kind of shock though. Can you do it again please?" What was that? Maybe his magic reacted to Eddy? Brett didn't know and he wanted to feel it again. He didn't lie to Eddy when he said it didn't hurt, he was just surprised.

"I can do it again," Eddy leaned down the kiss along Brett's horn, at least where he could reach. He hummed as he did.

Each time the lips were pressed against the horns sparks and shivers rushed through him. Yes, it was indeed his horns that forced the sensation upon him. When Eddy lifted his lips from him, Brett turned his head back and grinned at Eddy.

"You are magical. It's a strange feeling but not unwelcome. I bet it's because my horns are growing and are very sensitive." There was no logical explanation so Brett didn't think about the implications. He was just happy there was no pain. When he got used to it, it even felt good. So no harm was done.

"I am happy it feels nice for you, I don't want you to feel bad," Eddy smiled softly at Brett, he liked making his little faun happy and feel good.

"I would have told you, so don't worry. By the way, can you perform magic? I never saw you doing it."

Brett rolled around so he was on his belly and his wet underside was exposed to the sun and soft wind. It was good he had black fur since it dried faster.

"Some, it typically deals with plants and healing. Belle does it more than me though." Eddy said softly with a smile. He watched Brett roll.

"So basically you can grow aloe Vera for instance? Or lemon balm or chamomile?" if that was the truth then he never had to worry to talk to Belle because of the aloe vera plant! That would be awesome! Infinitive supply for naughty stuff. And of course healing properties, but the nauthy stuff came first and foremost to his mind when Brett thought about Eddy and plants. He was a simple faun.

"Yeah, I can do that. If I had the proper area," Eddy said thoughtfully. He would figure it out if Brett wanted all of that though.

"What do you mean by 'proper area'? Can you explain it a bit for me?" Brett thought about it but he wanted to know what it really entailed.

"Like the dirt needs to be just right for their growing environment," Eddy explained softly with a small smile, "I am not fully skilled with it."

"Well, can't you change it with magic then? Or tell me what I should look out for and then we can make our own patch of land, right before our dens. It will be a lot of fun. We don't neglect Belle's garden though, of course not. But we can make paste and gels and such with the things we grow. Then we can exchange it for maybe a blanket or the compass and such. If we want that is of course." Brett smiled and tipped his fingertip against Eddy's nose.

"Well I could but like I said I am not as skilled as my sister." Eddy said somewhat shyly. He wished he was better at it but he wasn't. He would try though.

"Then you are still better than me. Maybe you just need to practice? But it will be fine if you try? I would love to see it." And praise Eddy for it. Because Brett had no magical abilities as of such so he would cheer Eddy on.

"I think practice would help a lot, but it doesn't hurt to try either," Eddy nodded, he would love to teach Brett what he knew, maybe.

"Well I never wield magic so I doubt I actually have that. Maybe because I was raised by humans?" The faun sighed and poked Eddy's cheek. It was sad that he had no magic inside him. Or at least he assumed that

"Could be. Maybe we could find your kind to help teach you," Eddy suggested, he wanted Brett to feel included in it all.

"Maybe. But maybe I will never wield magic, who will know. It's better to wait and see." He didn't want to be disappointed if his own kind said he was unable to use it. He got through life without it so far so he would be fine. But he wished he could do it nonetheless. Who wouldn't want to do magic? Everyone, of course. And Brett was no exception.

"I think it will be okay if you can't or if you can. I think you will be amazing either way," Eddy said softly. He didn't want Brett to feel bad about it.

"Thank you, love. But I wish to wield magic but I will not die if I don't. I'm happy when you are close so it will be fine either way I think." Brett chuckled and laid his head back on Eddy's chest to listen to his heartbeat. It calmed him down and erased all thoughts in his mind, except Eddy of course.

"I think I can show you some basics, like with reading and studying," Eddy said thoughtfully. He would love to bond with Brett over the old archives of magic.

"I can try it with you, no problem. But I don't know if I can do something. I just wanted you to know. And if I can't, we will focus on making you a wonderful happy deer with lots and lots of magic. Maybe you can even grow your own flower field. You would look very pretty in that actually. I would love to see that." It painted a wonderful, serene picture in Brett's head for sure. The pretty deer, surrounded with wild flowers, grasses and all that? Yes, please yes.

"We can do that, it sounds nice. We could go to the old archives so you can read all the stuff if you want. It's actually really cool," Eddy hummed softly.

Brett hummed as well. It would be nice to try. Even though he was afraid to fail and not be able to operate magic. Well, it would not matter for real, but he wished for it. Then he could help Belle and Eddy better and earn a living with it in the future.

Eddy glanced at Brett since they now fell silent. He would watch Brett for a bit, that was enough for him. Whether they were in silence or chaos. And the faun felt the gaze and looked up to smile at Eddy. That way they could look at each other and his butt could dry. Since Brett's hobby was watching Eddy, it worked out fine. Eddy smiled back, reaching out to ruffle Brett's hair. He liked the way it felt between his finger tips.

And so they relaxed in each other's company, occasionally napping in Brett's case. But when they were dry the faun got up.

"Let's do something now. I feel useless. Do you want to go into Belle's garden and help me with the peaches? There are still some on the trees and I want to get them off. You are probably hungry anyway, right?"

"I would love to help you and I like food," Eddy giggled warmly then stood on his own four hooves. He stretched them a bit so he could move well.

"Good good! Then off we go!" Brett stretched himself and his weak limbs as well before they went off to Belle's garden. Maybe they would see the albino deer? Maybe even with Ray? Then Brett could annoy... no, ask the mountain lion more things! That would be perfect!

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