Rebellious Love

By Thiznotme

8.6K 195 14

Abigail Axilen was born in a noble family, her mother died because of an unknown illness. This left Abigail b... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7: Nowhere to Be Found
~Part 8~
~Part 9~
Part 10: Faithful Night
~Part 11: Secret~
Part 12
~Part 14: Choice~
~Part 15~
~PART 16~
~Part 17~
Part 18: Visit?
Part 19: Event
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27

Part 13

241 5 0
By Thiznotme

"Seems like the two of you are having a good time" Mara spoke out of courtesy and approached the two while Edward and Luisa followed her from behind. Whereas their servants stayed a meter away from behind.

"Lady Mara" Philip greeted and so do Abigail.

"Seems like the two of you are already moving up to the next level" Mara teased an gave the two of them an amusing smile.

Yet, Abigail seemed to be not in the mood to face her at this very moment. She felt furious all of the sudden as she took a glance at Edward whose already looking at her with its tainted eyes.

"Lady Mara, please don't say such thing. Lady Abigail and I are already betrothed to one another so I'm guessing that showing affection in public is just normal, well as long as it's not inappropriate" Philip exclaimed, a small smile plastered in his face as he then hold Abigail by her waist and pulled her closer to him.

She didn't fought back on Philip's actions and just go with the flow, yet still stealing glances towards the man standing behind Mara.

He was looking at her with a hint of uncomfortable feeling shown in his eyes. His fist clenching without a certain reason as he looked at the two of them close to each other.

"Then... Congratulations to the both of you, actually, me and Prince Edward here is also filling up some documents so that our engagement would be official" Mara blabbered which made Abigail rolled her eyes without Mara noticing but still aware that Luisa saw how she acted.

Luisa just hold her laugh and looked away from them while Abigail decided to speak to cut Mara off.

"I deeply apologize but it's time for us to leave" She excused and turn to face Philip beside her.

The man then noticed the sign that Abigail was giving so he gave her a smile before looking at Mara.

"My lady is right... We still have important matters to attend to, please excuse us" Philip spoke as they both turned around and started walking away from the three.

"Then, I hope we'll see each other.... Again?"Mara hesitantly said but recieved no response from either of the two of them. She sighed deeply and looked away from them, an unhappy expression was noticed on her face.

At the same time, Edward sighed and left the the two without even saying goodbye. Walking in the opposite direction where Philip and his 'fiance' went.

When Luisa noticed that only she and Mara were the only ones left. She looked at Mara with a disgusted face as she walked near her.

"You know... You should drop the act Mara, you look disgusting" Luisa voiced out and chuckled, covering half of her face with a fan when she laughed.

On the other hand, Mara turned to see her with a surprised face. "L-Luisa? What do you mean?" She asked out of curiosity, trying to find the reason about the Princess sudden action.

Luisa rolled her eyes at her and just sighed before tapping the Lady's shoulder.

"Trying so hard ey? Do you really think that you can outstand Princess Abigail by using the tittle as my brother's 'soon-to-be-fiancee'? Well, as if that would come true though" She kept the amusing smile when she said those words.

Feeling So sure about it.

"I apologize but... You were clearly mis-"

"Sure... Sure, whatever you say" Luisa didn't let Mara finish her sentence and just gave her an annoying look before walking away where Edward had gone. Leaving her alone outside the hall.

"That bitch..." Mara uttered furiously and walked towards her carriage, with her maids following behind.

Meanwhile, Luisa was humming a song as she walked happily at the palaces' garden. Completely unbothered on her surrounding.

"Luisa" A baritone voice was heard from behind which made the lady stopped from her track as she took a glance from behind.

"I heard what you said to Mara earlier and it seems that you were completely annoyed by her-"

"Straight to the point?" Luisa raised a brow as she crossed her arms, facing the man with an arrogant attitude.

"Do not ruin my plan..."


[Philips POV]

We were sitting inside the carriage while Abigail was silently watching the surrounding through the window.

The silence between us occupied the space that made me sigh secretly, yet she seemed to notice it.

"Is something wrong, Philip?" Abigail asked gently and looked at me with those piercing eyes of hers. I just gave her a smile as usual and gently touched her hand.

Every time I see her, I'm genuinely struck by how incredibly beautiful her is. It's not just about the surface-level beauty, although her smile could light up the darkest room, and her eyes hold a depth that's both captivating and comforting.

What I find truly special is the way her beauty seems to reflect the kindness and warmth within herself. And, the way she carry's herself with grace and authenticity is something I truly admire.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just grateful that... I'm with you" I uttered and kissed the back of her hand then caressed it gently.

I noticed the small smile that formed in her lips, and it made me genuinely happy about it.

At least, in this simple gesture, I know I can make her happy even just for a little.

"It must've hurt..." I looked at her in the eye "the wounds you're hiding" I continued.

That's when I heard her sigh then slowly removed her hand from my touch.

"You're typically right about that... It hurts, it really does but.... losing someone important from me hurts more than these wounds, more than anything. That's why I continued to fight even if it means... I'll be risking my own life" She uttered then glanced back to the window.

That's when I know, it's one of the many reasons why I find myself drawn into her.

"Abigail, the wedding will be held next month under the full moon. I don't want to force you or anything... if you want to move our wedding next year then maybe I can talk to my father about it. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to tell me" I gave her a reassuring smile and caressed her soft cheeks which she rested her head into my palm lightly.

I can feel my heart beating even faster as she looked at me.

"I genuinely appreciate it, thank you" She spoke and gently removed my hand away from her.

Now I wonder, can I still... Find a place in her heart when it's already full?

Because I know, she is fully dedicated to our kingdom... that she filled all her time trying to keep her people safe.

If faced with the choice between her beloved and the well-being of her people, she would unquestionably sacrifice her love to ensure peace for everyone.

"just... promise me that you'll stay with me when that day comes" I then glanced outside the window of the carriage.
The silence between us once again occurred.

At this rate... Maybe it's fine to be selfish, to be selfish of what's mine.

A minute had passed since silence took over, I was about to speak when suddenly...

She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her quickly where our bodies were closed to each other.

I didn't even get the chance to react because of her sudden action but that's when I realized....

An arrow was shot towards where I was sitting a second ago, if she hadn't pulled me away just in time, I would've been lying dead by now.

I was so focused on something else that I let my guard down.

Before the assassin could take another shot, I quickly closed the window and glanced at her, even she looked rattled by the sudden encounter.


"Philip... Its a trap, the coachman was replaced, the carriage went into a different direction" She uttered and grabbed the dagger hidden under the cloth of her dress.

 And that's when the carriage stops...

I didn't even get to finish what I wanted to say when she spoke. I looked at her and nod as I grabbed the sheath of my sword, getting ready for what plan she has.

"I can hear... There are more than 10 bandits waiting for us outside this carriage, I want you to stay by my side as much as possible" She whispers and held my hand tightly before slowly opening the carriage's doors.

And just like she said, there were many of them waiting for us to come out. They were wearing clothed masks that only the upper-half of their face were exposed, each of them were holding wave-bladed sword.

"Give up or hold your guard!" One of those men yelled and pointed his sword at Abigail, clearly stating that they are after her, not me.

"I should be the one saying that..." Abigail spoke arrogantly and readied her stance while I did the same.

With that, those men started attacking harshly.

I stayed close to where Abigail is, she was busy handling, fighting those men and I was handling mine.

I quickly blocked their attack and slashed my sword towards one of them, killing some of them. But, I also somehow noticed that their number is solemnly increasing and they're really off towards Abigail, trying to separate us as much as they can.

This is getting out of hand, I'm getting more worried.

We were fighting, killing those men who attacked us.

Yet, the moment I hear a horses' footsteps. That's when I sighed in relief.

As soon as the knights came for backup, all of those men whom attacked the Princess's carriage were all captured.

While those whom got killed, I ordered to dispose their body.

Abigail was standing there, clearly in deep thoughts. 

I just sighed and approached her as I put a jacket on her shoulder and held her by the waist.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, some parts of her dress were splashed by blood, especially her hands and some were on her face.

She just nod in response as I then grabbed my handkerchief and slowly wipe off the blood in her face while she just stood there motionless, unbothered.

"I'm glad... that you're okay" I smiled in relief as I caressed her cheeks

[End of his pov]


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