You swim? Grayson Hawthorne X...

By EveryoneKnowsMillie

130K 2.2K 1.1K

Grayson Hawthorne X OC Lieta Mae Cege, half sister to Avery and Libby Grambs. She is the daughter of Ricky Gr... More

Character Introduction
The moodboard people wanted


2.8K 64 55
By EveryoneKnowsMillie

I wake up, checking the clock on the counter.4am. It's been 7 hours since we've been stuck in this bunker. I look down to Grayson still nuzzled into my top.

"Grayson." I whisper, as I lightly tap his head.

"Mhm?" he rolls over staring up at me, after he's rubbed his eyes.

"It's 4am, we're still not out." I tell him annoyed, he shrugs.

"We'll probably be in here for a while." he says slightly drowsy. God, his voice was gorgeous.

"But I want to go now." I complain, as he sighs.

"You're not leaving." he wraps his arms around my middle tightly. I blush, quickly looking up at the ceiling, sighing annoyed.

"Please?" I ask, still not looking down.

"Absolutely not. You know what John said. We shouldn't dare leave. They're not just after Avery, they're after you too." he explains, tightening his grip.

"Why are they after us?" I mutter annoyed, rubbing my face trying to get rid of the blush.

"Because you're both two rich teens. People have hopes and dreams when it comes to rich people." Grayson sighs, he looks up and I can feel his stare, as I keep staring at the ceiling.

"Look at me." Grayson speaks up, I look down, pretty sure my blush has left.

"Hm?" I hum, as he nods whilst saying: "You'll be fine, if you stay in here."

"Fine." I nod, accepting fate and leaving the topic to rest.

„Sleep, it's 4am." Grayson complains, as he can apparently tell that I'm avoiding it.

„Don't want to." I reply. Even though I was tired, there was no way I would sleep again. Not when I still don't know where Avery and Jameson are and whether they're alright.

"Fine." I watch as Grayson sits up and gets off of the sofa, stretching his arms. He walks over to a cabinet and opens it. Inside I see a collection of board and card games.

"UNO. A classic, which I'm sure you know how to play." he walks back over and sits down on the ground.

"You sit on the floor?" I ask, as he looks up with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't?"

"No, I do. I'm just surprised that a person like you would sit on the floor." I explain, making him laugh.

"Floors are good for games. Come on." he pats the ground in front of him. I sit down and take the small stack of cards, shuffling the half he had handed me.

"Alright. You start." he tells me. I lie a yellow three on top of the starting blue three.

"Already starting with the numbers on numbers?" he chuckles, as I groan.

"Don't tell me you have a tactic for UNO." I mutter, making him laugh again.

"I have three brothers, what do you think?" he asks sarcastically.

"Why?" I drag out the y, as he just laughs. Leaving me to be beaten in the game time after time.


I sit there, as Grayson paced the room. We were still overly tired, not having slept enough and worried about the outside world we had been banned from.

„What was that?" Grayson asks, as I shrug.

„There was a noise from the door." he tells me, making me sigh.

„No one's there Gray." I tell him, though he just shakes his head. There's a click by the door, making me quickly turn.

„Or there may be." I speak aloud, getting up from my place on the floor. Grayson walks over to me and holds his arm out in front of me.

„I'll be fine." I tell him, though he leaves his arm outstretched.

„Sorry it took so long." John walks in, as Grayson lowers his arm.

„Why did it take that long? Is everyone alright?" I ask quickly, making John shush me.

„Jameson is completely fine. Avery got some wood chips lodged into her skin, but they were removed and she's practically fine. They're just shaken up. You're not the only ones who've been stuck in a room. Libby, Nash, Alexander and the rest of the inhabitants were all being sheltered. We're letting you all out now, because we're pretty sure we got rid of any threats." he explains and I breathe a sigh of relief.

„I'm sure you both survived perfectly well in here." he states and walks back out, expecting us to follow.

„Thank goodness." I sigh, as Grayson wraps his arm around me.

„They're fine." he breathes, patting my shoulder. We walk back out and up the stairs. Back towards the corridor we had ran from yesterday.

„Want to solve this stupid mystery?" he asks, as I nod eagerly. Something new. He drags me with him back into his office.

I seat myself down next to him, watching as he pulls out his papers full of the scribbles from yesterday.

„We've done Nash's name, Westbrook with Xander's, Blackwood. Now we've got Davenport and Winchester." Grayson spoke, crossing out the two names.

„Did your grandfather just so happen to own a Davenport?"

"I think he did. Though I suggest we go look for it tomorrow. It's 7pm and we both haven't slept more than 4hours in the last two days." Grayson yawns, rubbing his eyes.

I sigh annoyed, with the situation and myself. John had said, that they had tried to get rid of all threats, but they clearly weren't 100% sure that it was all safe. It didn't make me want to go back to my room.

"What's wrong?" Grayson yawned again, slowly folding up the paper again.

"Hm, nothing." I reply quickly, standing up and looking out the window, whilst I check the garden.

"Clearly something is, are you not tired?" he asks confused.

"No, no. I just don't really want to sleep." I tell him, as he walks back over to me.

"You're scared someone will break in?" he asks, as I nod my head sheepishly.

"You'll learn to live with the incidents. They happen more often then you would like." he sighs, as I look up at him.

"Why were you so worried then yesterday?" I question, making him groan annoyed. I look down embarrassed by my question yet he still answers.

"Because Jameson and Avery had been shot at. Usually it's only someone close by. Generally I'm also not with the person who's being targeted." he chuckles, turning his head to mine.

"I wasn't in as much danger, as the others. You and I were in the same amount of danger." I tell him, making him shake his head.

"We'll never be the same amount, when it comes to danger levels. You'll from now on always be above me. You need to realise that." he says quietly, making me sigh.

"I'm still sorry you know."

"You should stop being sorry. Apologising for something, which isn't your fault can become a weakness."

"Will you just not turn everything into a lesson?" I mutter, as he chuckles.

"We should sleep." he nods again, making me groan.

"You can stay with me if you would like for the night. You seem to be dreading the night." Grayson offers, making me blush and look away.

"That would be weird." I mention, this time he lets out a laugh.

"I spent all night, laying on your thigh, I think this'll be fine."

"Fine." I mumble quietly, as he doesn't answer I turn to see him, head tilted, eyebrow raised and a smirk playing at his lips.

"Yes, thank you." I say this time.

"Better." he replies. I watch, as he walks off and out the door, telling me to go put some new clothes on.

I walk out the door, Grayson's already left, as I see John in the dark in front of me. Even though the lights aren't on, I still notice the smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up." I mutter, walking towards where my bedroom should be.

"Wrong way." John speaks from behind.

"I knew that." I say loudly, turning to my right.

"Your room's to the left." he laughs and I stop for a moment.

"I was testing you." I say and turn around again, finally I'm in front of my bedroom. I open the door and let out a screech as someone's standing there.

"It's just me." Avery grins, as I run over tackling her to the ground.

"You're ok!" I grin, sitting back up.
"Of course I am." she smiled, as I watched her get up.

"What are you doing for the rest of the night?" she asks, walking over to sit on my bed.

"I was planning on having a quick shower and then going back to Grayson again." I tell her, as she smirks.

"How long were you locked in a bunker together for?"

"Around 20hours I think." I shrug, making her shake her head with a grin. "What?"

"Come on, did anything noteworthy happen?" she sits up excitedly, making me shrug.

"What terms?"

"You and him! Maybe a kiss! Maybe just cuddles, make-out session?"

"None of that happened. All we did was sleep and play UNO."

"You're both so boring, it's painful." she complains, as I shrug.

"You and Jameson though." I think aloud, as she looks down sheepishly.

"Knew it." I smirk, making her laugh.

"Libby and Nash?" she questions, making me huff.

"Complicated people." I remind her, making her shake her head. She looks away for a second, but turns her head back.

"What colour did you go for? You know the charity ball."

"Black. Grayson's choosing." I tell her.

"Buh boring." she acts disgusted, as I laugh.

"What amazing colour do you have then?"


"Really, green?" I question unimpressed. Who would go for green?

"It'll look good. Brunettes in green. ...Blondes in black will work as well, I guess." she shrugs, making me grin.

"We'll look so much better." I smirk, making her shake her head.

"I'll look the best." she grins.

"Not going for a we in this?"

"There's no I in we." Avery got up and walked out the room, as I laughed.


Hello my lovelies!
Nice to get a chapter out again.

This one's a little longer. :D

I hope you're all doing well.

Do any of you play instruments?

Love you all.<3
And happy new year!

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