Forever with you | ashtray

By yourmom-1890

32.1K 454 304

Serenity Reyes is a model. from a very early age her mom always resented the love and attention Serenity got... More



1.3K 18 10
By yourmom-1890

italics is narrated
Bold is messages
                               (Serenity point of view)
"princess wake up." i heard my dad say as i was being shook awake.

"princess it's 6:40am" he whispered.

"are you up." he asked me when i throw the blankets at him.

i dig my face into the pillow as i stick out my arm to him and show him a thumbs up.

"okay i'm gonna make breakfast so you can eat before you leave."

"okay you got my stuff for school right?" i asked him before he left.

"yeah i got you paper, folders, pencils, highlighters, pens, markers, and color pencils." he said and put my blanket i threw at him on my bed.

"are you gonna shower?" he asked me.

"yeah. i'll be down in a little." i said before he started walking out.

"can you turn on my light." i told him before he closed the door.

he turned on my light before he closed my door.

i grab my phone to see all my notifications i don't usually open them cause i get hundreds and hundreds sometimes if i post something i'll get thousands of notifications. don't get me wrong i try to reply to some people if it's like there birthday or something important. or if there's edits of me i'll like a couple and save them.

i look to the top right corner and sigh as i realize my phone isn't fully charged. i swipe down on the top right corner and look at the percentage. 26%.

i grab my charger, and plug in my phone

i grab my towels one for my hair and one for my body. i walk to my closet while wiping my eyes. i'm tired as fuck. i couldn't sleep last night i was too nervous to finish school i mean yeah i'm always getting my picture taken from all angels when i'm modeling but it's different.

the people watch me cause they wanna see me and they have no access to me. at school i have to be there, i have to socialize with people, i just hope i don't get a hard history class. i can't focus on history class, the information just doesn't sit right with me i don't know how or why but i can't grasp all the wars, the places, the people.

the only things i can actually have a conversation about is the attack on pearl harbor, the holocaust, and just little things here and there for instance, 21 points, treaty of versailles, zimmerman's note. and most stuff about the world war I.

enough about my lack of historical events.

i end up getting into the shower. not before connecting my phone to my alexa and playing music. the first song that plays is no role modelz by j cole

"don't save her she don't wanna be saved, don't save her she don't wanna be saved." i hummed as i pumped shampoo into my hands and rubbed them together before soothing it into my scalp.

"no role models and i'm here right now no role models to speak of searching through my memory, my memory, i couldn't find one."  i mumble out as i put my head directly under the water so the shampoo can come out.

i hate when you be thinking you washed your hair out and before you dry it with a towel you try to squeeze the extra water out but you end up touching to top of your head and you hear the crunchy kinda sound indicating you still have soap in your hair. so then you have to turn the water back on and make sure it's warm enough to put your whole body into it again.

but these lyrics hit home when you can relate to them. like i can't wait to have my own family so i can show my kids all the support and love i can give. yeah i'll buy them what they need and every once in a while i'll spoil them but i want my kinds to be humble. i want them to know the value of a dollar. i don't ever want my kids to be like "mom i cleaned my room can i get $20" because i was never paid for cleanup

if i washed the dishes, did my parents laundry, or anytype of cleanup i wasn't paid. and i damn sure wasn't paid for cleaning up my room. i only earned money when my dad would drop me off somewhere and he would say it's for food but i would end up starving myself so i can have the $20 he gave me and save it. i do see where my parents went wrong i should have gotten paid for at least doing dishes or doing some kind of chore they would have wanted me to do.

i mean i was under the age of 15, how was i supposed to make money and buy myself stuff like food, clothes, or things i wanted. i'm a teenager.

honestly doesn't matter anymore i make my own money now. and i can provide for myself.
"ok if someone says something to you your better tell me and i'll handle it." my dad says over the phone after i left him i just pulled up to the school.

"dad i'm responsible for myself i'm 17 i think i can handle a little bit of negativity". i told him before turning off my car.

first day of school kinda nervous.

"i'm know, your old as fuck." he laughed.

"excuse me but your like 5x my age." i scoffed.

the fuck he means i'm old i ain't even out of school yet.

"ok that's a bit over exaggerated." he said after he stopped laughing.

after that's we just exchanged 'i love you' and hung up.

i grab my black backpack and make sure my airpods are in there.

i unlock my car and make my way out, walking into the school i feel people's eyes on me but if a saw a new person walking into my school i'll look too.

successfully walking into the office for my things i get to the front desk with a lady on it watching me.

"what you here for baby." she said in a sweet voice.

"oh i'm here to uh get my schedule." i responded lowkey nervous i don't know why.

"ok, can you tell me your name sweetheart." she said turning her chair too the side facing the computer as she started typing.

"Serenity Reyes" i responded lowly. i really don't want anyone here to recognize me. i know i ain't Kim kardashin famous but i just don't wanna be all out there.

"oh we been expecting you since your dad enrolled you here, we are expecting you to miss some days cause your dad let us know you have a job already, by the way congrats your doing good." she used her hands to make quotation marks at the word job. i am thankful my dad let them know so i didn't have to tell them.

i continue talking to her before she gives me my schedule and i leave, i didn't leave without telling her to have a nice day though.

i start walking to the bathrooms so i can check my makeup be for i have to look for my class. i see the bathroom and start heading for it before i hear my phone ring. i grab my phone from my pocket and look at whose calling me.

dumb ass 'spam likely' that shit pisses me off.

i decline the call before someone bumps into me.

"shit i'm sorry." i hear the girl who bumped into me says.

"no i'm sorry." i say and turn around to face her.

i see a black haired girl she's not that tall but she's taller then me that's for sure.

"oh my god your gorgeous." she told me.

"thank you you are too." i smile at her.

"are you new? i would have definitely remembered you before." she told me looking at me.

"yeah i'm new." this is kinda awkward

"you should definitely be my friend i'll show you to my other friends and we can hang out." she said and grabbed my hand.

"okay sure i was just going to check my makeup in the mirror." i let her know.

"you look good as fuck trust me, i'm maddy by the way."she grabbed me hand and led me with her probably to meet her other friends.

"i'm Serenity." i glanced at her after i said that, not even purposely it's just out of habit.

"aw i love that name definitely one of a kind." she smiled.

she looks forward and waves at a group of girls, and we walk to them.

"this is cassie, kat, lexi, bb, and rue, guys this is Serenity." she introduced us pointing to everyone after saying there name.

everyone said hey except for rue, i don't know why but yeah.
finally after 7 boring hours i'm walking out to the parking lot and gonna be on my way home.

i didn't see ashtray today, i was lowkey looking forward to seeing him at school. i'm just wondering if maybe he just told me he'll see me to get me to leave his store and is just ignoring me.

i would see him at his store but my dad wants to help my grandpa and uncle today set up there house. the furniture came yesterday but i told my dad i'll help so we can all get it done earlier.

"you know you really made me hate myself had to stop before i break myself should've broke it off to date myself, you didn't deserve me, at all." i almost finished singing before my phone started singing before my phone rang.

"hello" i said picking up my phone.

"hey, how you been." i heard a familiar voice.

"could've been better if someone didn't lie to me saying i'll see them monday." i responded with a geeked up smile on my face.

"look, i had to help my brother out cause he's still kinda sick so i had to do his job for him."

now i feel bad he was busy.

"no ashtray it's fine you're a good brother for that" i told him before seeing a Starbucks and deciding to get some.

"whatchu doing." he asked me after i heard some type of moving or rearranging on his side of the phone.

"about to go home got a busy day today, what are you doing." i ask him.

"at the store, so you ain't got no time to stop by for a little bit." he asked me.

i kinda blushed when he said that like, you wanna see me?

"you know what i think i can make time, i ain't that busy." i say and laugh at the end.

"alright when you gonna come?" he asked me. bro i'm fold to the sound of his voice.

"i'll be there in 15." i tell him.

"alright well i'll see you when you get here." Ashtray said.

"okay i'll see you in a little bye." i hung up the phone.

turning into the Starbucks drive thru i realize i didn't ask him if he wanted anything so ima just wing it and get him like a carmel frappuccino.

"thank you." i told the girl who gave me my drinks before driving away and making my way to Ashtray's store.

hopefully he likes it.

if not it's fine. i can drink both
Authors note: hey guys!!

outfit by the way:

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