Can't You See Me?

By Haeminji1

109K 5.8K 1.9K

Campus heartthrob Kim Minji is seen giving Hybe Entertainment CEO's daughter Haerin a ride home. I didn't eve... More

twenty one
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New Story!


2.3K 123 53
By Haeminji1

Haerin hasn't been to school the last few days and it's the last day before Christmas break. I've been texting her trying to see if she was okay if she needed anything, but she just keeps telling me that she is really sick and didn't want to get me sick. I feel bad. I want her to feel better, mostly for selfish reasons. My family is going to be gone during the whole break on a skiing trip in Colorado. My dad has some business partners that he is good friends with there so he's bringing us all there. Hanni will also be there since our families are so close, so at least I'll have someone to talk to for two weeks.

"My mom bought me new skiing pants because she said my ones from our last trip are apparently out of who cares?" Hanni laughs shutting her locker leaving all her school supplies there since we don't have any work to do over the break.

"I don't know why you're surprised your mother is always on the new hot trend."

"Yeah she is ancient. I don't know why she cares so much. She cares more than me!" All I could do was laugh at the Vietnamese girls' exaggerated gestures. Soon Danielle popped up carrying a giant camera.

"Hey! Will you two pose for a picture? It's for the yearbook." Dani lifted up her camera and angled it towards us, ushering us together to pose.

"You're on the yearbook staff?" I furrow my eyebrows as I wrap my arm around Hanni's shoulder for the photo.

"Yeah they were understaffed this year so they recruited a whole bunch of people from the arts department." We both just nod and smile as Dani snaps a couple photos of us. "Actually I think Haerin is supposed to help too."

"Wait what? I didn't know that." Why didn't she say anything about helping with the yearbook?

"Yeah she is really good at writing and drawing and stuff like that so she is gonna help edit and possibly design. I'm just supposed to take photos." I knew Haerin liked to write and paint and basically is just an artsy person, but I didn't know she was on the yearbook staff. As Danielle went on and on about yearbook stuff my eyes started wandering and landed on none other than Niki. The bane of my existence. He seemed to sense I was looking at him and looked back at me with a smirk. God I hate him. Jake is also with him. I haven't talked to Jake since that debacle in the hallway. Suddenly both of the boys began walking in our direction. Shit.

"Hello ladies, how is everyone?" Niki said with a big smile on his face. If I could I would slap that smile right off his face. Jake just nodded at me with a frown on his face. Still bitter I see.

"What do you want Nishimura?" Hanni scowls, crossing her arms over her chest. She might be tiny, but she gets scary when she's mad.

"I just wanted to invite you guys to the Nishimura-Kang Christmas party." I'm sorry what? What the hell is he talking about? I looked over towards the other two girls and they looked just as confused as me. I yank the invitation out of his hand and there it is 'please celebrate this wonderful holiday with us and spend time with the Nishimura-Kang family' written below is Haerin's address and a date and time. This has to be a joke.

"What the hell? I'm not going to your stupid Christmas party." I try to keep my cool, I don't want to make an outburst over this. Why wouldn't Haerin tell me this?

"Yeah even if we wanted to come we won't be here." Hanni adds coming closer standing right next to me. Danielle hates confrontation so she kept her distance from the current stare off we are currently having with the two boys in front of us.

"Ah yes, your annual ski trip. Too bad." Jake shrugged his shoulders with a frown on his face. Clearly he was being fake with the condescending tone in his voice. "Niki, did you get the ring already?" Jake turned his attention to the taller boy next to him.

"Yeah, the ring is an emerald stone." He smiled smugly and turned his face back to me. "Did you know that Haerin's favorite stone and color is emerald? "I just know she's gonna love it." Niki gives me one final wink and he and Jake turn and leave to wherever the hell those two idiots are going.

"What the hell is talking about?" I whip my head around to the two girls who just shrugged. "I need to talk to Haerin." I slammed my locker shut and made my way out of the school.


I was supposed to go shopping with Hyein and my mother after school to get new outfits for our trip, but I need to know why Haerin didn't tell me this. I know she hasn't really been at school this week, but she could've texted or called me. As I pulled up to the gate the guard seemed to recognize me by the way he rolled his eyes and just let me in. What an asshole.

I pull into the Kang's massive driveway and make my way to the door knocking on it. A few seconds later one of the maids answered the door with a  frown on her face.

"Miss Kim? How may I help you?" Her voice sounded chipper but her scowl gave away that she was not excited to see me.

"I uh, is Haerin home?" I stuttered over my words trying to not look into the maids scrutinizing eyes. The maid seemed to be in deep thought before she shook her head.

"Miss. Haerin isn't allowed to have company right now." My uneasy smile soon turned downwards.

"Um well could you tell her that I stopped by and to call me when she can." The maid remained quiet and finally let out an exasperated sigh and walked out the door closing it behind her and stood in front of me.

"I'm sorry but Haerin is no longer permitted to see you, so it's best if you were to just leave her be so she can do what she is supposed to do." huh?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I usually try to be polite towards adults, but literally what the hell is this lady talking about? I'm not going to leave her alone.

"Miss. Haerin is with Mr. Nishimura and will marry after graduation." I roll my eyes and let out a mocking laugh.

"Yeah well that isn't going to happen. I love Haerin and she loves me so if you will just step aside I need to speak to her." I tried to get by her, but she just stood in my way again blocking me. After a few more tries of me trying to get by, the door opened and there stood the girl I was here for. She looked as if she had been crying for days. Her eyes were swollen and sunken in and her face looked so pale as if she had been dead for weeks.

"Let her in." Haerin said in a deadpan voice. She looked absolutely miserable. Like all life had been sucked out of her.

"But Miss. Haerin your father specifically said she wasn't allowed in the house." Haerin paused thinking then walked out the door and stood next to me. As she came closer there was a faint purple mark on her face. What happened?

"Well then we'll talk out here. You can go back inside." The maid just sighed and bowed and walked back into the house shutting the door behind her. I immediately turned towards the younger girl who just sat on a concrete step. "Why are you here Minji?" I furrowed my eyebrows and sat next to the ghost-like girl.

"I've barely seen you this week and every time I texted you, you were short with me. What's going on?" The younger girl just sighed and pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped arms around them pulling them even closer. She looked so small, so fragile.

"My father found out about us. Shockingly enough he didn't take it too well." There was sarcasm laced in her voice. How in the world did he find out? As if she read my mind she responded. "Niki told him, well after further investigation Jake convinced Niki to tell my father about us." I balled my fists trying to control the anger that was boiling inside of me.

"I'll kill them both." Haerin let out a sad laugh and leaned her body against mine.

"You can't do that." I sigh and wrap my arms around the smaller girl pulling her closer to me.

"Why didn't you tell me about the Christmas party?" Haerin's whole body tensed at my question.

"I don't know. I figured you wouldn't be here since you're going on that trip so I didn't want to worry you about it." Haerin lifted her head off my shoulder and started scratching her arm causing her sleeve to ride up revealing another bruise, different from the one I saw earlier this week and similar to the one that is faintly on her face.

"What are those bruises from and this time don't tell me it's nothing, please." I grab the younger's hands urging her to look at me, but she wouldn't.

"I told you my father wasn't exactly thrilled with the news of us being together. He was a little drunk." she didn't have to outright say it, because I already knew. I should've known that her father was doing this to her. That bastard. Haerin didn't look upset, she didn't look like anything. What she did look like was lifeless, like she didn't feel a single thing about anything that was going on.

"Haerin, we need to call the police."

"There is no point, my father is one of the most powerful people in Korea. He is untouchable."

"No one is untouchable." Haerin's face was still turned towards the front looking off into the distance. I reached over and rubbed my thumb over her cheek bone. She didn't even flinch, she acted like I wasn't even touching her.

"He is." It was silent for a minute. I didn't know what to say. "I think you should go before my father figures out you are here." Haerin immediately stood up and started walking towards the door, but I latched onto her sleeve stopping her.

"Please let me help you, you can't stay here if he is hurting you." I jumped up gently grabbing the younger girl so she wouldn't be surprised or flinch. Haerin turned around and for a split second I saw a small smile.

"It's fine, it'll be okay." I let go of the younger girl who seemed so defeated. I don't know what to do at this moment. How do I help her?

"I love you." The younger girl turned around and gave me a sad smile, her eyes were glistening , tears brimming in her eyes. This is the most emotion I've seen out of her since being here.

"I love you too. I'll see you when you get back from your trip." She turned back around and walked in the door shutting it without giving me another glance. Damn.


Haerin's POV

I don't know what to do. Everything is so hard and I don't know if I can continue to live like this. Minji left for her skiing trip a couple days ago and we haven't talked since. She has texted me multiple times, but I just don't know what to say to her. She is so kind and I can tell that she cares and loves me so much, but I don't really feel much anymore. I do love Minji, I really do, but I just don't know if that's enough anymore.

My father has been nothing, but rude to me since finding out about Minji. Hell, I wasn't even allowed to go to school last week because of it, but that was mainly because of the visible bruises he inflicted on my body. He also called the Nishimura's and apologized on my behalf telling them that I do want to marry Niki and at this point I'm tired of fighting it. Everything was much easier when Minji and I were just friends, but then again were we ever just friends? I felt a vibration on my bed and saw that I received another text from Minji.

'Hey how are you today? Do you need anything?'

I'm just going to end up hurting her. Honestly it's laughable that I thought I had any control over my life, my father has been doing that since my mom died. If she was here it wouldn't be like this. She wouldn't be trying to sell me off at sixteen. I sigh contemplating if I should respond to the worried girl. Yeah I probably should so she won't have to worry anymore.

'Yeah sorry just have been really busy this week. I'm doing well. How's your trip?'

I feel like all I do is lie. Was I always like this? Minji never lies to me, she is the most honest person I know, yet I can't ever seem to return it.

'Kinda boring, at least Hanni is here. I wish I was there with you tho.'

I felt a smile creep up on my face. Even when I'm at my lowest, Minji never fails to make me smile.

'I wish you were here too'

Do I really mean that? If Minji was here right now surely war would break out in my house. Maybe I should've taken her up on her offer months ago to run away with her then we wouldn't be in this position. I was pulled out of my melancholy thoughts when another buzz came from my phone.

'I love you, take care of yourself until I get back then I'll take care of you.'

I didn't realize I was crying until a single drop landed on the screen of my phone. I don't deserve her, she deserves someone less complicated than me. She deserves someone that can fully commit to her that can openly love her. I just don't think I can be that person for her as much as I want to be.

'Have fun on the rest of your trip. I'll see you when you get back.'


"Miss Haerin, the party has already started. You need to be downstairs to greet the guests." I look up and see one of our maids looking through the crack in my door. I don't know her name...I don't know the name of any of the people that work for my family. My father says there is no reason to learn their names because I shouldn't bother to learn names of those beneath me. My mother used to say that he said that so I wouldn't form attachments to them since they come and go fairly often, now I just think it's because my father is a vile evil man.

"What's your name?" I could see the young maids' eyes widen, seemingly surprised by my question. I got up from my desk and walked towards my door completely so I could see her entirely. She was taller in height with honey brown hair and a pretty face. She was fairly new to our house staff, only being here a couple of months.

"Miss. Haerin I'm not obliged to say. Your father is waiting for you." The young maid bowed and quickly hurried down the hall and then vanished from my vision. I just sigh looking at myself one last time in the mirror and making my way down to my father.

On my way down the stairs I see a plethora of people chatting down stairs. You can do this Haerin, you've done this many times this time is nothing different. Well except this time it's a christmas/engagement party.

"There she is my precious angel!" My father walked over towards me wrapping me in his embrace. I felt my whole body stiffen. Why is he acting like this? He is never affectionate with me so why now? Oh I know because all his work friends and the high society of Korea is here. I scanned the room taking everything in after my father let go of me and my eyes landed on Danielle. Danielle's eyes met mine at the same time and a huge smile spread onto her lips, my lips twitched upward slightly. It's hard not to smile when Danielle is smiling at you. The older girl soon marched her way towards me and gave me a quick hug before letting go.

"I didn't know you were coming to this?" I raised an eyebrow at the smiling girl.

"Yeah my parents are actually business partners with your dad." Huh? How did I not know that?

"Oh? How come you never said anything?" Danielle just laughs, shaking her head.

"Well it's hard to talk to you when you're staring at Minji the entire time. Plus we haven't really hung out that much so I haven't really had the time to say anything about it." I felt a blush rise to my cheeks at her mentioning me staring at Minji...I didn't realize that was noticeable.


"Don't be. It's really cute. We should hang out sometime or we could work together on some yearbook ideas since you've also been recruited to the staff." I roll my eyes at the mention of the yearbook. They didn't even ask me if I wanted to do it; they just sent me an email saying that I was supposed to help edit it this year. Like C'mom really?

"I suppose that could be fun. Beats doing it by myself. I didn't even sign up for it." Danille just smiled really big and gave me a big hug before letting me go.

"Awesome, give me your number so I can text you when we can meet." I handed the excited girl my phone and she quickly typed in her digits and handed it back with the contact name as Dani. "All my friends call me Dani so you can as well." I just nodded as the girl gave me a pat on the shoulder and skipping off in whatever direction she was going in.

Having another friend would be nice. I really am only friends with Minji, but she doesn't really count because she's my girlfriend. I was friends with Niki, but he has been acting weird lately. I'm also kinda friends with Hyein, but it's more of just a friend at school type thing. I suppose being Danielle's friend would be nice.

"There you are!" I felt niki wrap his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him.

"Hey what's up?" I sigh trying to break free from the taller boy, but he wasn't having that.

"Nothing, just waiting for my gorgeous girl to finally grace me with her presence!"

"I'm not your girl Niki." I deadpanned and the taller boy finally let go of me with a frown on his face.

"Please don't act like this right now. You know what happened to you last time you refused this." Niki's frown turned deeper. How dare he bring that up? I told him what my father did to me because he blabbed his stupid dumb mouth.

"And whose fault was that? Niki, you and my father can say and make me do whatever you want, but that will never change the fact that I will never love you like that. I will never love you the way I do Minji. So go ahead tell my father, let him beat me. I don't care. We will get married and then we both will be miserable for the rest of our lives. I don't care anymore." I stormed away from him and towards the kitchen leaving the stunned boy alone. As I lean against the counter the maid from earlier comes in.

"Are you okay Miss. Haerin?" I give her a small smile and shake my head.

"No, sometimes I wish I lived on a deserted Island with absolutely no one or anything for thousands of miles." The young maid let out a chuckle and stood beside me leaning against the same counter.

"I understand Miss. Haerin. Life is hard sometimes, but the storm will eventually pass." I turn my head towards the pretty maid and give her a small smile.

"You can just call me Haerin when we are by ourselves there is no reason to be so formal."

"Oh I shouldn't, your father wouldn't like that very much." A scowl formed on my face. I hate that man. I try to give leeway and justify his actions but I'm tired of it.

"It's okay just call me Haerin, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything to you." The maid just nodded. The conversion seemingly ended, but neither of us moved from our place. "What's your name?"

"Kazuha." Kazuha. Was she Japanese? I reached out my hand and Kazuha grabbed it and shaked it.

"Nice to officially meet you Kazuha. Are you Japanese?"

"Yes I moved here a couple months ago to work for your father." There was a small frown on the girl's face.

"Why?" There was silence for a moment then the Japanese girl laughed.

"Why are you suddenly so curious about me? You've never made an effort until now?" I slump back against the counter, really taking in the girl's words. She's right. I've never really cared until now. Until I realized what an awful person my father is. I've been just as bad as him honestly.

"I'm sorry I should've been nicer. From now I will." I bowed a little towards the taller girl. The girl frantically starts shaking her head and arms.

"No no. I'm sorry! You've always been nice Miss. Haerin. You've never been rude to me." I laugh and bump my shoulder against the stressed girl.

"Calm down, it's okay, and please just call me Haerin!" the taller girl just nodded with a heavy sigh.

"Miss. Haerin you are needed in the foyer." One of the older maids came in and gave a pointed look at Kazuha who immediately jumped up and rushed out of the room with a plate of champagne. I nod and slowly make my way there. When I got there most of the party was cramped in there. I see Danielle who gives me a smile and I return it.

"Today is a special day for my family. We would like to officially announce that the Nishimura's and the Kang's will be officially merging our families through our children Niki and Haerin. When my daughter Haerin officially graduated highschool they will proceed with the engagement and eventually marriage. As for now Niki would like to say something." I felt my blood run cold. I can't believe he is announcing this in front of everyone. I look around and everyone looks excited, shocked, and interested. I made eye contact with Danielle again and she looked so confused and looked at me with pity. Pity. I hate it.

"My dearest Haerin. I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. I'm so glad that we will eventually be married to each other, but for now will you accept this ring as a promise? A promise that we will be together forever and nothing will ever break that." Niki got on one knee in front of me and presented the promise ring. It was an emerald stone, my favorite. I looked down at the boy who had a big smile on his face, but you could tell by his eyes that he was scared and worried, probably that I would refuse him in front of everyone. I felt my father's piercing gaze behind my head. I want the floor to swallow me whole. How am I supposed to tell Minji this? It will break her heart. All I ever do is hurt her.

"Haerin will you?" No.

"Yes." The room erupted in cheers and Niki slid the ring on to my ring finger and gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek. I hated it, I don't want him to touch me like that. People started swarming me trying to see the ring and congratulating us. It's not like we are engaged or's just a stupid promise ring why is it such a big deal?

Niki was pulled away by a bunch of his friends that came congratulating him and goofing around with him.

"You did good Haerin, I fixed this so don't mess up anymore of my plans." my father gave me a stern look before going over to his group of friends. What the hell am I supposed to do now?


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