G/T Stories

By TankyAsh01

29.4K 563 44

Bunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes. More

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The end


223 5 1
By TankyAsh01

(Follow-up to 👕)

Things began to change after the fateful doctor's appointment. Boaz, who used to be an outgoing, very social and extraverted child, didn't want to go out anymore, not even to preschool he dearly liked.

It was clear that he was ashamed of his height. He had to heard lot of impolite comments, how much of a "freak" he was and how he was a burden to his mom - he ate much more than a grown-up and already had to go to tailor and shoemaker, for there were no clothes which could fit him anymore.

Even his peers were bullying him for that. He once came from preschool in tears, as one kid drew a caricature of him and signed it "Boazilla".

He also was growing worried of his new strength, after he kicked his football far away from house and broke few things, holding them with too much pressure. Cassie had to teach him how to be gentle, before it becomes a serious problem in the future.

But she couldn't stand seeing her son becoming a mere shadow of who he used to be. So she took matters into her own hands.

She began to encourage him to go outside, as inhabitants of Festerfall had to get used to his presence, to avoid any misunderstandings. She taught him that "stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" and that he should only care for opinion of the people he loves.

It kinda cheered him up, he slowly started going out with his mom more. Thanks to it, Cassie could show him that his height wasn't only a nuisance - he reached highest shelves effortlessly, which made him feel helpful and useful.

Everything was going in the right direction. For now...


- I'll come to pick you up at 1 p.m. as always - Cassie said, helping Boaz getting undressed.

- Okay - boy said and as he was getting ready to go to his friends, his mom grabbed him by arm and said:

- Remember honey, don't be ashamed of your uniqueness. I love you.

- I love you too Ma - giant kid replied and gave his mom a gentle hug. He then ran off to his four friends, as usual.

- Hi Bo! - Cody greeted boy.

- Hi guys! What are you doing? - he asked, approaching them.

- We're building the tallest tower! Want to join us? - Sarah asked.

- Sure! - Boaz replied and got to work.

Cody, Jason, Sarah and Abby were his friends, who still wanted to play with him. In their opinion, having a giant friend was a great thing! Think of the all piggy back rides and playing airplane! And building tall castles and towers from blocks, like they were doing it now.

Everything was going fine, until that annoying voice said:

- Hi Boazilla!

Giant boy flinched and begrudgingly turned around. Of course it had to be Liz. She was the daughter of that mean woman, who liked to tease his mom. Liz was the same, but to Boaz.

- Leave him alone! - Jason shouted.

- I still don't get it, why are sticking with him? He's a giant, he'll eat you one day! - she haunted them.

- How would he do it, if he's a vegetarian? Go and don't bother us anymore! - Sarah growled.

Liz was pissed that she didn't bring that huge crybaby to tears. But then she yelled, hoping it caught his attention:

- You're adopted!

The five looked at her with confusion.

- Adopted? What does that mean? - Boaz asked.

- It means that your mom isn't your real mom! - she responded. She grinned, seeing that giant was caught off guard.

- No, you're lying! - he shouted.

- If I'm lying, then how come you're not similar to your mom at all?! - she asked.

- Because he can be similar to his dad - Abby said.

- But I don't have a dad - Boaz replied quietly.

- See? Anyway, my mom told me that Boaz's real parents didn't want him and that's why miss Schur had to take care of him. But she's not his real mom! - she said.

- She is my mom and I'm not adopted! - giant said.

- Yeah sure, believe in it all you want. But, if she was your real mom, wouldn't she be bigger than you? Shouldn't she be a giant as well? - girl kept asking.

Boaz didn't find a response to it. Liz smiled, seeing that she managed to plant seed of doubt in giant.

- Well, I won't be bothering you now, I have more important things to do. Toodles - she said and left.

Boaz's friends tried to cheer him up and resume their playing. But giant's attention was revolving around the words Liz had said. He needed to confront his mom about it, despite being afraid of what he could potentially hear.


Cassie grew worried, seeing that her son was silent all the way home. Usually, he would tell her about his day in preschool, but today he was subdued. She hoped that he'll tell her what's wrong after they reach house.

They barely got undressed, when Boaz asked:

- Mom, am I adopted?

She was taken aback. She didn't expect him to be the one to ask about it.

Seeing how his mom hadn't answered immediately, Boaz bursted into tears and cried:

- So she was right! My parents never wanted me in their life!

He then proceeded to storm off to his room and locked himself inside. Cassie got to the door and knocked on it.

- It's not what you think, please let me explain - she pleaded.

- Why would you hide that fact from me? - boy whimpered.

- I wanted to tell you, I really did. But I thought that you were too young for this. But since you found out, please let's talk about it - she asked.

There was an awkward silence, but soon enough woman heard the sound of unlocking. She entered the room, her son was sitting on his bed, hugging his favorite plushie.

She sat next to him.

- Who told you that you're adopted? - she asked cautiously.

- It was Liz. She told me that her mom told her that I'm adopted and that you're not my mom. I didn't believe her at first, but then she pointed out few things, which made me doubt. And now I know it's true - he whimpered.

Cassie was furious inside. How dare Karen tell her daughter that? Was she really so irresponsible? Didn't she predict what could have happened?

She put her anger aside, for Boaz's sake.

- That's right, you are adopted. But that doesn't mean I'm not your mom - she said.

- How is that? - boy was confused.

- While you were growing inside your mom's belly, you were also growing in my heart. And tell me, what do you think is more important? - she asked.

- Heart? - Boaz asked.

- See? I'm your mom and Liz was wrong - she said.

- But what about my true parents? Why didn't they want me? Did they leave me because they knew I'm going to grow huge? - boy kept asking.

- I'm sure that wasn't the case. Even I didn't know you're going to grow so much, not that it bothers me. It's just, sometimes parents can't take care of their child, for various reasons. But that doesn't mean that they hate their kid. On the contrary, they want the best for their child, that's why they give up kids for adoption. So that children will get a chance to live a normal life, with people who love them - she smiled, seeing that it calmed her son a bit.

- So you're saying that they did that, because they couldn't take care of me? - he asked.

- I think that it could be the case. But don't hate them, you don't know what they've been through - she said.

- I won't - boy promised, knowing that life can be rough for some people and that they probably had no choice.

- And don't forget, you'll always be my son, no matter what - she said.

- Thanks mom - Boaz said and cuddled his mom.


- You'll come pick me up as always, right? - Boaz asked.

- Yep! - Cassie replied, saying goodbyes to his son.

- How is it going adopted kid? - Liz asked, approaching giant and Cassie, along with her mom, who had that smug smirk.

Woman was about to reply, when Boaz said:

- It's okay mom, I've got this.

He crouched down to be on eye level with girl and said:

- At least my mom wanted and chose me. Your didn't have any choice.

He then simply walked away, listening with amusement to Karen's screeching.

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