
By mekaylapridget

435K 12.2K 8K

Gillian Anderson and Courtney Carmichael are enemies...more or less. While the pair seem to constantly be at... More

1. "I Knew You Were Obsessed With Me."
2. "Bitch."
3. "You're My Favorite Person."
4. "Gillian!"
5. "Are You Wearing Underwear?"
6. "Ew! What The Fuck?!"
7. "Loser."
8. "What Has It Been...A Year?"
9. "Leave Me Alone, Fuckface!"
10. "Can I Kiss You?"
11. "Is This Seat Taken?"
12. "And You're Supposed To Be The Smart One."
13. "Leave Me Alone."
14. "Ugh, Go Talk To Her!"
15. "Courtney, Please!"
16. "Fuck Off."
17. "You Owe Me A Heated Blanket."
18. "Are You Okay?"
19. "Whatever, Courtney."
21. "Watch Me."
22. "Someone's Frustrated."
23. "Jealous?"
24. "Gillian, Please!"
25. "We Will Never Be Friends."
26. "You're Being Dramatic."
27. "I'm Proud Of You, Court."
28. "Make Me."
29. "Okay, Sherlock Holmes."
30. "I Miss You, Gill."
31. "You Look Different."
32. "Let Me Get That For You."
33. "Mistake."

20. "More Important Obligations?!"

10.6K 317 144
By mekaylapridget

Ignore the fact that this is a week late.


Gillian's POV

"Here's your heated blanket." I say as I hold the large gift bag out to Moon.

The brunette turns to face me, a massive smile making its way onto her face when she spots the large bag in my hands.

I place the bag on the top of the library table that she is currently sat at as my arms are beginning to get tired from the blanket's weight.

"Thank you, Gillian!" She squeaks with excitement.

I shake my head.

"It's no problem, believe me." I assure her as I take a seat in the empty chair beside her.

"Now, where are we regarding the final draft of the yearbook?"


The sound of the heavy library doors opening grabs my attention. Glancing over towards the door, an involuntary smile immediately makes its way onto my face at the sight of Courtney.

"Hey, sorry I'll just be a second." I inform her as I continue to scan the library books that were checked in today.

The blonde waves me off before hopping up onto the counter and turning her body to face me. This is followed by the sound of her backpack dropping to the floor.

"You're perfect."

"Why do you keep saying that?" I question curiously.

The blonde-haired girl shrugs her shoulders.

"Because it's true." She soon answers.

"Believe me, I'm not perfect, Courtney."

I hear her mumble something along the line of 'you are to me.' I decide not to question this further as I am beginning to feel embarrassment consume my being.

"You're such a weirdo."

"Yeah, a weirdo that's buying your lunch. Now, hurry up." She says with a half joking half serious tone of voice.


"Gillian Anderson?" My guidance counselor calls as as she enters the lobby of the room.

I smile at the woman, standing from my seated position on the less than comfortable couch. My feet start to make their way towards her, soon inevitably following her as she begins to lead me past the check in desk and towards her office.

I have been meaning to meet with my guidance counselor for over a month now, but due to all of the drama with Courtney and I it had been long forgotten.

As the older lady and I enter her office she stops at her office door whilst I make my way over to the wooden chair that sits in front of her large desk. The sound of her office door shutting is heard before she makes her way behind her desk.

"So, what brings you in here today, Gillian?" She asks with a large smile.

I smile back at her.

"Hi, I was hoping that we could go over my grades and confirm whether they're adequate enough for me to graduate a month early like we originally planned."

"Let's see, shall we?" The rhetorical question falls from her mouth.

I nod my head nonetheless.

My eyes remain on her, watching as she turn towards the desktop computer to her right and begins to type furiously on the loud keyboard.

It is silent between us until I notice that her smile has since fallen and there is a worrisome look in her eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I decide to speak up.

She turns to face me, plastering a clearly fake smile onto her face.

"I have good news and bad news. Which would you prefer to hear first?"

"The bad news, please."

"Unfortunately, you're grades have slipped exponentially since the last time we met." She trails off.

"What are you saying?" I whisper out, feeling my heart constricting in my chest.

"I'm saying that you're chances of graduating in general are very slim, much less your chances of graduating a month early."

That sentence right there breaks my heart.

I knew that I had pushed off a few assignments in turn for spending more time with Courtney, but I didn't think that it would make that big of a difference.

"The good news, however, is that if you talk with your teachers about getting an extension on your missing assignments and really work hard the rest of the sem-ester you could graduate with your senior class."

The rest of the semester?

Graduate with my senior class?

"So, what you're saying is that there's no possible way for me to graduate a month early like we originally planned?" I question slowly, still in shock.

She gives me a sad smile as she shakes her head at my question.

"Realistically, it's too late in the semester for you to be able to have that privilege, Gillian." She tells me.

"Maybe if you maintained your 'A' streak we would be having a completely different conversation right now."

I want to cry.

I have prided myself in always turning in my assignments on time and maintaining my high grade point average, so hearing her say all of these things is very heartbreaking to me.

"Gillian," she leans forward onto her desk and clasps her fingers together.

"Have you been...distracted recently?"

I furrow my eyebrows at her question.

"Excuse me?" The question falls out of my mouth before I am able to stop it.

"Looking at your transcript, your grades have been extremely consistent until about two or three months ago."

Around the time that I began speaking to Courtney again.

"Have you been distracted recently? Stressed? If so, is it anything you would like to speak with me about?"

I shake my head.

"No, uh, I think that I'm just having on off month."

My guidance counselor nods her head.

"Don't let whatever is distracting you in your personal life affect your scholarship, Gillian. The college you chose rarely ever gives full rides and you got chosen for one!"

I nod my head.

"Okay, I'll talk to my teachers as soon as possible."


"What the fuck is this bitch's problem?!" Courtney yells out with outrage, pacing back and forth in front of my bed.

"I've known you since middle school and you have never failed a class in your entire life!"

I hum, scanning over the passage in my history book and beginning to write a summary on the subject.

Thankfully, all of my teachers gave me extensions on all of my missing assignments. Unfortunately, most of these extensions are due in two days with the combination of the work that they give us in class on that same day.

I invited Courtney over to help keep me company while my mom is at work, but ever since I told her about my conversation with my guidance she has been pissed.

Even more pissed than she normally is.

"And when she asked you if you were 'distracted'. Please! She knows what she's fucking doing and I'm not going to stand for it!"

I hum again.

"I mean, who does this bitch think she is?"

My grip on my notebook tightens along with the grip on my pen as I finally look up at the source of my frustration.

"Courtney!" I accidentally snap at the blonde.

Courtney stops pacing and faces me, ceasing her rant.

"Can you please just be quiet for a few seconds? Just while I do my homework." I ask nicely.

Courtney rolls her sapphire eyes, but agrees to stay quiet.

I thank her before I resume my summary on the large text in the book.

I hear the blonde haired girl moving around my bedroom, her silver jewelry jangling around as she does so. I try my best to ignore this as she begins coming closer to me.

When Courtney reaches me she takes a seat beside me on my bed and rests her head on my shoulder. This frust-rates me a little, but I am able to get past it. That is until I feel Courtney beginning to press kisses to the side of my neck.

"Courtney!" I snap once again.

Breathe, Gillian.

"Look, maybe you should just go." I suggest.

The blonde moves away from me entirely and just stares at me, seemingly searching my facial expression.

"What?" She asks with a heartbroken tone.


"I'm probably going to be working on homework all night anyways, so I won't be any fun." I try to convince her.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

The blonde just stares at me for a few seconds before standing up from my bed and practically stomping over towards the wall that she leaned her belongings against.

"Whatever." She scoffs.

She is quick to put on her shoes and grab both her purse and her backpack before rushing out of my bedroom without so much as parting.

I sigh at this reaction from her.

She's upset.

I will make it up to her soon.


This is impossible!

I am way too far behind to finish all of this work before my deadline in one week.

I have been juggling between attempting to finish my late work and trying to keep Courtney happy all week, but it is beginning to all be way too much.

Graduation is officially three months away and if I con-tinue to complete my missing work at the rate that I am currently going then I will not be able to attend the grad-uation ceremony.

The very thing that I have been working my entire life to do.

My thoughts are interrupted by one of Courtney's over dramatic groans, her thumbs flying over her cellphone screen.

"When are you going to be finished?" She complains with obvious impatience.

I roll my eyes at said impatience, continuing to quickly scribble answers down onto the handout that my teacher gave me before I left class today.

If I fucking knew when I was going to be finished do you really think that I would be rushing to get ten pages of work done?!

All of which that weigh heavily on my overall grade.

"When I find out I'll let you know, Courtney." I try my best not to lash out at her as she is not the sole reason for my annoyance.

I hear her throw her head back and groan, her silver jewelry clanking against each other.

"Well, can you hurry up?" She rudely rushes.

"My mom made reservations for this fancy restaurant and said that I could invite you, but she's throwing a bitch fit because we're not there yet."

Okay, that's it.

That was my last straw.

A heavy sigh falls from my lips as I place my pencil down on top of the piece of paper that I was scribbling on a few moments ago. I look over towards the blonde-haired girl who is standing near the end of my bed staring directly at me.

"Courtney, I want to break up." I do not beat around the bush.

"What the fuck did you just say?" She asks, appalled.

"I know that we never put a label on anything, but this thing between us," I gesture between the two of us.

"Whatever it is, is over."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't think that you realize that I am on the verge of failing every single one of my classes this semester." I voice my frustration.

"I am on the verge of being ineligible for graduation, failing my classes, and losing my scholarship yet you're standing here complaining about a dinner that your mom wants us to go to."

"Do you not understand how self centered you're being right now?" I question her.

It is only after the words leave my mouth that I realize that I probably shouldn't have asked her that question.

Courtney scoffs at me with a pissed expression and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"You agreed to go to this dinner with me, Gillian!"

"Yeah, before I had more important obligations!"

"More important obligations?!"

"Yeah, Courtney! I know that this may be hard for you to believe, but the world doesn't revolve around you and neither do I."

"Fine," she scoffs, squatting down to retrieve her backpack and purse from my bedroom floor.

"You want to break up? You got your wish." Is the last thing that she says before walking out of my bedroom as well as out of my life.

As the blonde walks out of my bedroom, I cannot help but feel a large grey cloud settle over me.

Why do I feel guilty?


Courtney's POV

Okay, maybe I overreacted a little in the heat of the moment.

I only became aware of this when I went to the dinner with my mother last week at she began to practically interrogate me with questions regarding Gillian.

Immediately after said dinner I texted Gillian and apologized to her for overreacting, but it has yet to be read much less receive a response.

Gillian and I haven't spoken to each other since that night.

I haven't attempted to strike up a conversation with her because she genuinely seemed like she was really pissed at me. I have known the girl for years and believe me when I say that I have never seen such anger in her eyes before.

She has yet to speak to me due to her belief that I do not care about anyone else but myself, at least I presume that's the reason why. I mean, it's not like I could ask her.

Granted, I do care highly about myself. However, I am trying my best to show Gillian that I care deeply for her as well. It just seems like I may need to try even harder.

With this revelation in mind, I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. I rise from the lunch table that I am sat at and begin to make my way out of the overcrowded cafeteria.

I'm going to apologize to Gillian, this time to her face.

My wedges are heard clicking down the tiled flooring as I make my way towards the library.

I walk down the long hall that connects the cafeteria to the main hall and turn down the hall to my right, sashaying past one of the numerous large staircases. As I begin to approach the library, I look up from my cellphone screen only to have my eyes peer into the visibly vacant commons area.

I immediately pause in my spot when my eyes spot Gillian sitting at one of the tables typing on her computer.

What is she doing in there?

My question is pushed to the back of my head when the sound of the library door opening meets my eardrums. Panicking with the fear of being caught, I quickly duck behind a wall before the person has the chance to see me.

A few moments pass by before I peek around the corner. I glance in the direction of the library doors only to come up empty handed. Shrugging this off, I glance in Gillian's direction once more.

I swear that I immediately see red at the sight that meets me.

There Gillian sits facing the girl with a large smile on her face, her computer not even on the table anymore. The girl, whose back is facing me, says something which causes Gillian to burst into heavy laughter in response.

Oh please! She's not that funny.

I continue to watch the two interact with each other from behind the wall, my jealousy increasing by the second.

At some point the faceless stranger blows a kiss at Gillian which causes a bright pink blush to brush itself across the auburn-haired girl's cheeks.

"Unbelievable." I quietly scoff.

The stranger says something to which Gillian nods and says something in response.

If there were a way that I could get closer to them so that I could hear, I would immediately take that chance.

What really sets me off, however, is when the stranger reaches their hand forward and flips some of Gillian's hair behind her shoulder. I do not miss the way that she leans her body in closer to Gillian's, tucking her reddish tresses behind her ear.

When I find out who this bitch is I swear that I will make sure she'll never want to show her face around here again.

Gillian laughs at the girl before gently pushing on her shoulder. Getting a quick glance at the side of her face, I swear that I am two seconds away from cracking my teeth due to grinding them so hard.

You have got to be fucking kidding me!

"I always knew that you had a crush on me, Moon!" I faintly hear Gillian say with an accusatory finger pointed at the girl across from her.

Seeing enough, I turn town the hall that I came from with a pissed expression on my face.

Did she even have that much school work to finish or did she just break up with me so that she could date that bitch?!

Whatever the reason I know one thing. I refuse to give up Gillian that easily, especially to a bitch with a fake nose piercing.


I may have to change my update schedule from Saturday to sometime during the week due to unforeseen circumstances in my personal life.

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