Allah Help me- (JJK x OC)

By XxAzulxXel

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The silence stretched all across the place as the woman stared blankly at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.

Chapter 9.

944 75 48
By XxAzulxXel





Sukuna was an insufferable jerk, and Gojo was a fucking brat.

Seriously, they both deserved an ass-whooping at this point. Sukuna because the douche was running his mouth like nobody's business as if I had done him the greatest offense known to man, and Gojo because the asshole refused to give me a seal, electing to enjoy the drama rather than doing his fucking job.

It was only through sheer force of will that I refrained from slapping the mouth right off his face on many occasions during our trip back to Tokyo Metropolitan Juju-whatever, Jujutsu High.

"When I take hold of this body, I'll have my way with you, woman," he said, "make sure of it." Yuji had an ashamed expression on his face throughout the day, and it turned into downright mortification upon hearing that. Even Gojo's smile dropped.

"Wow, I don't think that's the best way to get ladies, Ryomen Sukuna."

"Silence, sorcerer! I will speak of what's mine however I wish. You had better stay out of it if you value your pathetic existence."

The most confusing part about his claim was that he seemed so certain about it. I nearly gave in to the urge to obliterate him right then and there, but realized that I would mostly hurt Yuji instead. So, I quickly calmed down and focused on the path ahead.

Although being insulted and threatened wasn't uncommon at this point in my life...lives? I had built an immunity to them over the years. Most of them came from fiends I couldn't have cared less about, so they rarely got to me. Unless they were directed towards someone I cared about, in which case I'd go full apeshit, no questions asked.

Glancing at the foliage as we climbed the stairs to the school, mostly so Yuji could memorize the path used when need be, I was set on ignoring him, fully knowing that he was hoping to get a reaction from me though I was too stubborn to give in. No seriously, he keeps talking shit about 'betrayals' and other stuff that mostly flew over my head.

Could this actually be my punishment for not preventing this key point in the plot from happening? For leaving Yuji between Sukuna's clutches knowing full well that I could've easily taken care of the situation? If that's what I get for leaving the plot alone then I want a refund.

"So, Otaku-chan, didn't know you were married!" Gojo said suddenly, cutting Sukuna off mid-threat-at this point, it was becoming background noise. I perked up, looking at my left hand in wonder, not noticing the way Yuji suddenly sighed in relief.

"I'm not," I replied uncertainly, wiggling my fingers. "I'd remember if I was. Must be a trinket I can't get rid of, not that I mind. Keeps people away." Granted that some men were quite persistent in regards to asking me out even after seeing the ring, having it didn't bother me in the slightest. I was about to add something when I paused.

'Huh, this silence...wait- SILENCE-' I turn to Yuji only to see a seal glued to his forehead. My jaw dropped.

"Yeah, he was getting annoying. No need to thank me." I clenched my jaw in aggravation, refraining from punching that smug grin off of his face. "Oh, by the way Yuji, you have an interview with the principal. If you mess up, you might get rejected, so do your best, okay?"

"WHAT?! And I get executed right away?!"

"Hm, probably not, not anymore at least."


"Oh? She didn't tell you?" Yuji turned to me with a puzzled look. "Well, your dear caretaker took offense and threatened to flatten the entire country if they so much as laid a finger on you."

"You make it sound like I'm a cold-blooded murderer. It wasn't that bad," I rolled my eyes. Gojo chuckled.

"The fossils' bladders say otherwise."

"Y-You really said that?" Yuji turned to me, eyes wide.

"It was just a bluff, don't worry. I'm not mad enough to blow a whole country up for shits and giggles." I ruffled his hair in reassurance, but quirked a brow when he shook his head before looking at me in awe.

"Hm-hn! And you did that for me?! You're so cool, Colith-sensei!" I cracked a small smile.

"Quit calling me that, will you? I ain't your teacher anymore, you know? This guy is," I pointed to Gojo, who made a peace sign. Yuji stared blankly and then pouted.

"But you're cooler!" Gojo squawked in indignation, "Plus you're the one training us!" He complained, earning a grin from me.

"Us?" Gojo parroted which made me snap my fingers in realization.

"Ah, yes, now that you mention it, I'll probably have to speak to the principal about another kid I've been helping control his innate technique. I believe he uses shikigamis too." I said with a nod, causing Yuji to gasp in realization.


"Junpei huh?" the white paintbrush tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah. Although this profession leaves much to be desired considering who's in charge, I hope to see him thrive under your tutelage." he hummed in acknowledgment. I explained the situation to Yuji whose jaw hung loose upon learning that his friend for the past months or so had been a curse user.

"What kind of training are we talking about?"

"Mostly hand-to-hand or military-based training," I hummed. "Nothing that involves guns, I assure you, though the kid knows how to handle short blades, so that's that."

"I see."

We came to a stop in front of a large door. I saw Gojo tense slightly, probably due to the ominous aura radiating from behind the door. Yuji took a deep breath, the seal still attached to his forehead, which I now focused on.

"Has he been bothering you?" I asked, referring to Sukuna. I've always been curious about the intricacies of Yuji and the curse's functioning. It seemed as if the menace could only pop out every so often when Yuji wasn't focused on actively suppressing him.

It took the kid a few seconds to understand what I meant, but before he could respond, a noise from Gojo made us glance at him, puzzled.

The sorcerer's mouth twitched, but he maintained an easy-going smile and pushed through it to let us pass.

"Satoru! You're late!" a deep, and more importantly, livid voice echoed as soon as we stepped foot inside. A little more and I thought I'd see Gojo jump, though Yuji definitely did.

"Yes, I did notice."

Lo and behold, a very pissed off Masamichi Yaga sat, surrounded by a bunch of dolls. Aside from his...questionable taste in plushes, I managed to suppress the snort upon seeing such a disparity. I mean, a mean-looking old man-though old is a bit of a stretch, he looks like he's in his mid-forties at most-making cute things? I glanced at Yuji and yep, the kid was having the same thoughts.

I squinted slightly at the white one-eyed cat.

'Gege you little bastard.' I stifled a snicker then was pulled out of my musings by a gruff voice.

"You're late by an hour!" Yaga grumbled, a vein throbbing on his forehead. "What happened to your habit of being late but not late enough to make it worth getting mad about, huh?" The man continued, his voice rising in volume and pitch. Meanwhile, Gojo held a finger to his ear, seemingly oblivious to the man's foul mood.

I raised a hand, "That would be my fault. I apologize." I said, which caught the principal's attention.

"And who might you be?" his head turned ever so slightly in our direction, clearly assessing us.

I turned to Gojo, "What? You told them not to mention you. I'm baffled they even listened." he shrugged, scratching his chin flippantly. My mouth twitched before regarding Yaga with an apologetic look.

"My name is Colith. Pleased to meet you." I said, bowing slightly, "And this is my ward, Itadori Yuji, Sukuna's vessel." this effectively caught his attention.

"You're not a sorcerer. What does a Non-sorcerer have to do with this?" he paused, probably squinting at something, "You're the one responsible for the [Christmas miracle]." he said, recognition lacing his tone.

My eyebrow twitched as I slowly glanced at Gojo who swiftly hid something in his pocket. That little-

"Indeed, and I look forward to working with you. That is, if you allow me of course." I smiled politely, "And if it is possible, I'd like to speak with you later, though for now, I think we should focus on this little issue," I said, pulling a nervous Yuji forward.

"What's the seal for?" he quirked an eyebrow.

Gojo simply removed it-


-and slapped it back as soon as an angry mouth formed. The silence that followed was loud and informative.

"I see."

Long story short, Yuji passed the test with flying colors.


"So... how do we get rid of that guy?" Yuji asked, nursing his red and swollen cheek. He whined, "You're really not going to heal me?"

"We'll find a way. As you can see, the more fingers you eat, the more his presence increases. Also, you say it's impossible to destroy them, right?" Gojo nodded, "I see, well that might be due to you guys only relying on cursed energy to do so. Perhaps if you had an innate technique that canceled cursed energy, some type of positive energy, although one that doesn't heal would be preferable, there might've been a chance, but I guess stumbling across such a unique ability is next to nil." My thoughts went to a certain Angel. It would've worked. Unfortunately, Sukuna happened. "Luckily I do."

I pulled a rubber band out of my pocket. They watched curiously as my right arm morphed into a white and blue, almost robotic-looking arm with two bumps situated in the palm and were startled when I swiped the rubber.

"It vanished." Gojo uttered, lifting his blindfold to look properly, "What was that? I felt some kind of pull."

I gestured for them to wait, my right arm returning to normal as I pulled out a piece of paper.


"Ha-what?" Yuji repeated before gasping when the paper disintegrated. "WOW!"

"Those are just two examples of ways to get rid of the fingers." I said, dusting my hands off, "I can't say they'll a hundred percent work but there's no harm in trying."

Gojo held his chin and asked, "And what do you call these... examples?" Yuji's excited voice chimed in.

"Oh, oh! That was a move from DBS, right?" he exclaimed with gleaming eyes and excitement as he hopped around. Turning to me, Gojo had an amused grin on his face. I decided to ignore him. "That was so cool! But I have no idea what the first one's from."

"It's from Jojo. Didn't you say you were reading it?"

"I'm only on the second part," he said confidently.

That explains it.

"I see. By the way," I lightly tapped his swollen cheek, causing him to yelp, "that'll teach you not to get cocky and underestimate your future opponents." He grumbled a thank-you as the pain slowly faded.

I pretended not to notice Gojo's sharp focus on me.

We stopped in front of Yuji's new room.

Gojo explained in detail the role he would play in the future, being a vessel and all, and I chose to stay back, electing to observe the second door. A very familiar aura was getting closer, probably intrigued by the noise we were making.

I felt the sudden urge to rush towards it, but refrained from doing so when the door opened and a mop of chaotic raven hair popped into view. However, that didn't stop a warm smile from spreading across my face.

Megumi stared at me with wide startled eyes, not expecting to see me in the corridor.


He blinked, "You're the lady from last time."

"You can call me Colith, I don't mind," I said warmly. He looked tense, which didn't sit well with me for some reason. It felt...wrong. Before he could respond, Yuji popped from thin air, effectively cutting my thoughts off.

"Fushiguro! Long time no see!"

"It's only been three days." he deadpaned then turned to an approaching Gojo with a scowl. "There are plenty of empty rooms."

"Isn't it better when the place is more lively? I think it's-"

"Classes and missions are more than enough," he clicked his tongue, then looked at me carefully, his tone polite. "What are you doing here?"

Gojo opened his mouth to explain, but I beat him to it. "I'll be taking part in the finger hunting and helping out wherever I can. Don't hesitate if you need assistance or a training partner when this goofball is unavailable." Yuji nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, she's really strong!" he vouched, "By the way, your room looks super tidy!"

"Stop looking into people's rooms!" Yuji was quick to retract his fingers just as Megumi slammed the door shut. Good, his reflexes were still on point.

Gojo announced that tomorrow we would be meeting the third first-year, Nobara. Why was I included in the 'we' you ask? Part of the deal was to follow Gojo around, since the geezers didn't trust me in the slightest. Considering what I had done to them, it was a given that they would still try to eliminate Yuji by any means necessary, so this solution worked well for me.

"What's the seal for?" Megumi asked, now noticing the paper stuck to Yuji's forehead. My mood immediately soured.

"Sukuna kept throwing a hissy fit, so I put him on mute," Gojo said. Megumi's mouth opened then closed, speechless. He turned to us for confirmation and was flabbergasted when Yuji and I nodded.

Afterward, we left the boys to their own devices. Gojo dragged me along with him throughout the day. We went through several shops and restaurants, a typical Gojo day one would say, before picking up Yuji's uniform. We could have grabbed it much sooner, but the guy had other plans. Not that I minded.

"Any particular reason why you look like a kicked puppy?"


"You look upset." He pointed out, "I was told by Yuji-kun how cheerful you were, so I was expecting you to live up to it." He threw a piece of warabi mochi into his mouth. His gaze, hidden behind his blindfold, felt heavy on me. "You okay?"

I simply blinked, thrown off by his comment. Indeed, I hadn't been myself lately. No clue why I felt so down, though. I shrugged and glanced out the window. We were in one of those fancy coffee shops I didn't even know existed.

"I'm fine." he made a sound, seemingly unconvinced.

"...Right, I'll beg to differ," he wiggled his chopsticks towards me, uncaring if that was a rude gesture. "Something to do with Sukuna?"

"Tch, don't remind me of that cockroach," I clicked my tongue, causing him to chuckle at my expense. Jerk. "Wasn't even thinking about him." A piece of paper and a pencil appeared, and I proceeded to doodle absent-mindedly. "It will pass eventually." He hummed.

"An ability to create things, huh? Interesting." He snatched my pen to look at it after lifting his blindfold. "It's the real deal too, not a fake one." He spun it until I calmly retrieved it.

"Of course it's real," I said. "What's your point?" I continued doodling chibis of the Shiganshina trio. I missed them.

"Some sort of omnificence. I was wondering how far its effectiveness goes. Can you create anything that comes to your mind, or just things you are familiar with?"

In response, I simply reached for his plate and lightly tapped the edge with a finger. The result of this action was his plate being refilled to the brim. He gawked.

"Does that answer your questions?"

"You're becoming my favorite person."

I snorted, amused by his antics, and then resumed my squiggles while answering more of his far-fetched questions; I found some familiarity in the situation.

"So, how does that work exactly?"

"Monkey see, monkey do."

He blinked. "That's it?"

"Yes, having a prior understanding of the object is helpful, but, essentially, that's it. No matter whether it exists or not, as long as I've seen it once, that's all I need."


There was a lapse of silence.

"What's it like to be from another world?"

My pencil halted, and I lifted my head to stare at him. He had a big smile, white teeth on display for the world to see; although I could detect a slight hint of apprehension in his aura, as if he were expecting some kind of negative reaction. The guy was clearly trying to gauge me by attempting to catch me off guard. Clever.

"It's quite unpleasant I'll admit, but you get used to it." I shrugged, sketching a stylized version of Eren's titan form before pausing, "The fuck is you pouting for?"

"You're not even ruffled, that's boring."

"Oh my bad, let me just... Oh no, what a tragedy, I've been found out! I will now proceed to cry and throw a tantrum!-there, satisfied?"

His mouth twitched. "You know, I wonder what a fight with you would be like. Maybe I'd have to take things seriously. What do you think?"

"Unless you want Japan to become a wasteland, I'd advise against it."

He smiled. "That's funny. I feel like I've heard this before." He held his chin as he leaned forward, then continued, "But seriously though, why let Yuji-kun become a vessel if you knew? What's your goal for coming here? Are you trying to gain our trust and then boom, plot twist, you turn out to be a villain?" I snorted.

"What makes you think I knew about it?"

"A gut feeling."

My eyes narrowed slightly before I sighed, leaning back in the chair, not even surprised at this point. Then again, I was dealing with the strongest character of this story here. No wonder he caught on to it, not that I made any active efforts to hide it. "Things are going to go downhill from now," I decided to say, having no desire for mind games.

"You can see the future," he stated rather than asked.

"Sort of, changes may occur with my presence, not sure if the outcome will be the same anymore." Not that I know the ending. I've got twenty chapters to catch up on, but I think I'll be able to read them within the week. In any case, might have to react accordingly once the manga finishes.

"So you're here to prevent certain events from occurring."

"You could say that."

"Hm, doesn't explain why you let Yuji-kun become a vessel though, that's quite irresponsible of you!" my eye twitched.

"There is no logical explanation for this one. This particular event was crucial to the-" I halted, and stared at him for a solid second. That sly bastard. Riling me up so I would inadvertently reveal my secrets. How vicious. I shook my head, "Point is, I'm starting to second guess my inaction, not that I plan on letting the cockroach run rampant."

"What were you about to say?"

"Nothing. Yuji's a special kid. Getting entangled with the cockroach sure is bad, but, it will also be crucial for his growth in power."

"So you let him consume the finger just to access cursed energy?"

"You could say that. I could have bestowed him another power system, but honestly? Didn't think about it until after he consumed the finger, so it's a bit too late for that." or maybe it isn't... I'll have to think about it.

"Bestowed, huh?"

"Yeah..." I looked off into the distance, lost in thought. "It's not just about power though; friendship, companionship, and perhaps a new family." My eyes softened, a warm smile spreading across my face before it morphed into a serious expression. "But I ain't naive. This world has ways to fuck with you. I'll just have to be more vigilant and make sure the boy has a future."

"The way you let Yuji become a vessel does not bode well though. How do you think you'll achieve that?"

"Nothing that should concern you, are you done with the interrogation?"


"Too bad, I am." he pouted but didn't insist further. We were in some kind of stalemate, waiting to see what the other was going to do.

"Wanna go to the amusement park?"


That day couldn't get any weirder, but I had seen way worse.

Later that night, I decided that my phone needed some cleaning. It had been filled with memes for so long, and with seven near-decade's worth of memes in it, it was starting to feel rather cramped.

While moving from album to album, I came across a... Strange one titled [Best boi Megumi who I love with all my heart.]...?

That was...confusing. Sure, I had a tendency to create albums of my favorite characters, mostly husbandos, but that was back then. Using my phone has become something of a rarity, and I don't remember ever creating an album dedicated to Megumi.

Still, I clicked on it, curious as to what it was all about and was immediately flooded with tons of pictures of a tiny version of Megumi Pictures of us in some type of nursery, at the park, outside, in town and even in the sky! And most shockingly, in the schoolyard... ?

I... What is this...?

I had no recollection of any of these events!

As I continued to scroll, my heart ached more and more until I realized that I could no longer see anything clearly; everything was blurry, so I brought a hand to my eyes.


Why am I crying...? Why can't I remember any of this? This is clearly me with Gumi-why do I keep calling him that?!

I quickly exited the album, feeling suddenly overwhelmed and trying to regain my composure by doing some breathing exercises.

'This is unlike me. Maybe I shouldn't have-'

My thoughts stopped the moment my eyes caught sight of another album, [Ji].






Soft knocking sounds resounded in the corridor. Yuji stood in front of Colith-sensei's room. He was still amazed by the sheer size of the school and he still had some trouble maneuvering around. Understandable, given the fact that it's his first day here. But moving on, he'd finally found her room! After getting lost more than ten times, but that's just a detail.

He had no clue what she really was.

Heck, she just randomly told him that she had powers and could do pretty much anything she wanted. Naturally, Yuji was extremely excited, and he immediately asked her if she could pull off a kamehameha, or a spirit gun, or even a rasengan; you get the idea. And, well, she could.

He wondered if he too could do the same one day with this new cursed energy stuff! Oh, he couldn't wait! Sure, that whole execution thing scared the crap out of him, and that Sukuna guy was an asshole, but getting powers? Wowie, that was sick!

Why had he so easily accepted this situation? Simple. Yuji himself was strange. Ever since he was old enough to understand things, he realized he wasn't exactly what should be considered normal. Not that he cared. Sure, he was stronger than the norm, but that didn't really negatively affect his life. Admittedly, he had no idea who his parents might have been, although every now and then the thought would occur to him, but it wouldn't stay for long before he moved on. The same went for Colith-sensei's powers and all that sorcerer stuff. He was just going with the flow.

Now if he could learn how to fly...

Regardless, why was he here?

He couldn't sleep.

Colith-sensei had that ability to knock people out just by looking at them. He could've asked that Gojo guy to do the same thing he did back on the roof, but he couldn't find him anywhere after the man literally popped from nowhere, ripped the seal off, and vanished, leaving a very bamboozled and panicky Yuji in his room. Though, surprisingly, that Sukuna guy didn't reappear afterwards. Something rather reassuring, all things considered.

But anyway, Yuji knocked once more and then waited before entering since Colith-sensei had told him to do so whenever she wasn't around to answer.

He was met with the framed picture and blinked.

'Oh that's right, Colith-Sensei's house.'

Another one of her tricks he had come to terms with. Apparently, he had access to her house, a notion that had completely bamboozled him when he learned that she could literally carry her house everywhere she went. He didn't exactly understand how that worked, but, well, that sure was quite handy.

"Colith-sensei, are you here?" he entered the living room, searching for any sign of the woman. The TV wasn't on, and the faint scent of incense filled the air, instantly putting him at ease. It felt very homey. Before he could call for her again, a strange noise caught his attention, prompting him to head towards it, i.e. Colith-sensei's bedroom.

Confused, he was about to knock when he realized that the strange sounds were actually whimpers.

"Colith-sensei?" He had unknowingly opened the door and what he saw made him freeze.

The woman lay on the ground, trembling and whimpering as she clutched her head with one hand, the other gripping what was left of her phone in a vice-like grasp, with pieces of the device littering the floor.

She was...crying.

Yuji was so shocked by the sight before him that he nearly missed the new voice.

"Brat, switch with me."

He jumped, startled, "W-what..?"

"Do not make me repeat myself, worm." Sukuna growled then proceeded to reiterate his demand.

Yuji blinked, processing the words before a scowl came across his face, "Hell no!" he snapped, moving towards the woman in hope of helping her. "After everything you kept saying to her, you think I'll just let you take over? I'm dumb, not crazy!" he felt the mouth on his cheek twist in an ugly sneer.

"Oh? And what do you hope to achieve? Do you know why she's in this state?"

Another whimper and a groan caused Yuji's eyes to widen.

"Do you have any idea what to do?"

There was a silence, only broken by the few distressed sounds she made, and Yuji knew he had no idea what to do. He tried to shake her awake, to call her name, but nothing worked. Whatever was happening to her seemed painful. The smell of copper and the sight of the red liquid at the edge of her lips, surely due to her ferocious biting of the inside of her cheek, were enough to drag him out of his own stupor.

The teen gulped nervously, appalled by what he was about to ask, "C-can you help her?"

The mouth on his cheek curled up into a grin, "Perhaps."


Sukuna exhaled, relishing the feeling of once again possessing a body. A pleased expression grew on his face before it was replaced by displeasure at the reminder of the words the useless bag of flesh that served him as a vessel had dared speaking to him.

"Try anything funny and I'll take over."

The nerve of this brat!

He'll make sure to deal with that nuisance one day. As of now...

He took in his surroundings, noticing the absence of cursed energy in the air apart from his own and that of the vessel.

'So this is where you disappear into, huh?'

Another whimper snapped him at attention, causing him to set his gaze on the woman. His face remained blank. Reaching out, he felt a bit of resistance in his movement, signaling the other's rapt attention.

Damn brat!

With a huff, he easily unclasped her fingers from the strange device, frowning at it before tossing it behind him.

He observed her for a moment before placing a palm to her forehead.


"This might come bite me in the ass later but you know what? This will be future Coco's problem! Heh!"

The noise stopped immediately; her expression, previously twisted with pain, now seemed peaceful, and soft snores left her. Sukuna stared at her for a while and, without a word, picked her up in a bridal carry. He walked over to the bed and placed her on it.

He stood there, admiring her features.

He reached forward, wiping the blood off her lips, his thumb lingering there a bit as he continued to stare with something akin to...longing one wouldn't expect from a creature such as him.

"It is really you..." he mused absent-mindedly, caressing her cheek.


"What? Afraid of a few words? Just say it you big dumb dumb! I can't exactly go away anyway."


He sneered, eyes narrowing dangerously at those words. The urge to rip her face clean off was still there, but he chose to postpone it. Now wasn't the time to act rashly-

She leaned into the touch, and the dangerous thoughts melted away. It wasn't until he felt her breath that he realized he'd leaned in. And just as their lips were about to connect, he found himself on his throne, back in his innate domain.

He's going to kill this-


Yuji stumbled out of the room.


His eyes were wide with alarm as he panted.


He reached the front door, clumsily grabbed the handle, nearly faceplanted as he got out and quickly slammed it shut, highly unnerved by what he had just witnessed.

He gulped, eyes unseeing as he tried to process the previous events.

'I can't believe it... Colith-sensei and that thing...?'

That...wasn't something he had expected.

'Holy shi-'

"Oh, so that's where you were! Your presence disappeared so suddenly, I thought you died!"

Yuji's soul nearly left his body. He let out a terrified yelp and quickly whipped his head toward Gojo, who was leaned against the wall with his arms folded, watching him intently.


"Hm?" The tall man said as he observed Yuji. "You don't look so good, Yuji-kun." He hummed and then took a step forward.

With each stride, his height seemed to grow even more, making him tower over Yuji. Before the boy could react, Gojo pushed him aside and then opened the door to peer inside.


"Hm? How strange, I could've sworn I saw something else." he said.


That caught Yuji's attention. He also peered inside and found an empty bedroom. The bed was made and showed no signs of having been used recently.

"Oh." he murmured in realization.

"By your reaction, you must know what's going on, don't you?" Yuji jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I already have an idea, but you wouldn't mind enlightening me a little?" He grinned. "You can also join the conversation, if you like."

The glowering red eye narrowed into a slit and the evil presence withdrew, signalling its owner's disinterest in the offer.

Gojo shrugged, "Well, it was worth a shot."

"Excuse me, sensei, I don't think I can-"

"Did you know she was from another world?" Gojo asked out of the blue. Yuji's head snapped up.


He didn't sleep that night.


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╰⋯➤ [#𝟻 𝙰𝙽𝙸𝙼𝙴] ❝𝗗𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁.❞ ── 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨...
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A Jujutsu Kaisen fanfiction. (Ryoumen Sukuna x Reader) "Do you have a God to believe in?" She nodded her head, words were unable to form. As she star...