The Golden Guardian

By Indighoster

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Is there ever such a thing as too much power? At what level does a man cease to be a man and become a god? Ho... More

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𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲: 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬
Volume 2: Debut?
Volume 3: Training the Trinity
Volume 4: Sentry v. Public
Volume 5: It is Unending
Volume 6: A Great Beast
Volume 1: Back in Town

Volume 1: Awaken

1.2K 26 34
By Indighoster


June 21th, 2011

  Today might be the happiest day of my life! Not only am I turning 20, but we're also finally having our graduation ceremony. I am a proud graduate, Summa Cum Laude from NYU Grossman. I don't mean to toot my own horn but TOOT TOOT! After all those hours studying, many of which Karla nagged me for being a nerd, I can finally take the greatest gap year in the history of gap years. I don't know how happy dad will be about that but man, I really need this break, my brain has started to feel like sludge after all this work. I might go with Karla on her trip to Zurich, I heard it's a lovely place this time of year. 

"Y/N! Earth to nerd!" Karla's voice quickly shakes me from my thoughts, her annoyed face directly in front of mine. "Have you heard a single word I've said? Of course, you didn't they're about to call your name dumb-dumb" she giggles and points up towards the podium. "Hope you got your speech ready, Mr. Summa Cum Laude." She flicks my cap with a smirk while I quickly try to fix it "As a matter of fact, I do have my speech, you wouldn't know about that, Ms. Magna Cum Laude." I give her a smirk, I know how easy she is to wind up when I bring up that I got a higher distinction. 

"Mhmm, all I hear is that you're the bigger nerd!" she turns her head in a pout and I smile "You're pretty worked up over a nerd bragging contest Karla." She huffs and cuts her eyes to me "You are such a prick sometimes, did you kn-." 

"Y/N Reynolds, Summa Cum Laude, please come up and receive your diploma. We all eagerly await your speech." 

I laugh and stand before turning and whispering to Karla "Sorry, I can't hear you over my massive distinction." I quickly walk off to avoid the swing of the event paper at my head. I laugh as I walk up the ramp to the stage. Karla has always been one of my best friends, even though she's a few years older than me I can barely remember a time when we weren't getting up to trouble together. She's the best friend a guy could ask for, the truth is I couldn't have done this without her. The late-night study sessions, the coffee runs, and all the free pizza she brought me she deserves at least half of this degree. 

I grab my diploma, and shake hands with the dean, posing for a few pictures before I make my way over to the podium. Come on Y/N this is the big moment, it's all been leading up to this. I reach into my pocket and pull out my speech I fight back one more case of stage freight. I look over and lock eyes with Karla and all my fear just washed away. I was made for this moment she helped me get here and I wasn't about to let her down. 

"Hello everyone I just want to start by saying what an honor it is to be here, in front of all of you, giving this speech. Looking out at some of the brightest minds in the world, I feel so proud to be counted among you. We have all worked incredibly hard to be here, and no matter what my diploma says many of you deserve to be up here just as much as I do. I know we have been hearing this our entire school careers but we are the future of the world we can make real changes in the world. I know from the deepest parts of my heart that many of you will change the world for the better.

I look forward to working alongside you all one day. We are the future, we are change, and we are hope. 


Karla POV

God, he is so cheesy I'd be lying if I said I didn't love that about him. I wish he would wrap it up though every second he takes I lose a little more courage. I've been wanting to confess to him for about a year now but I never had the courage. I finally work it up and he's gonna waste it all on this speech. It's the perfect time I confess my feelings, he confesses his, and we fly away to live happily ever after in Zurich. Come on Karla just keep it up a little longer this is one of the most important moments of your life. 

"And to the Class of 2011, I won't say goodbye but see you later. May we all go on to do amazing things!" 

A booming sound of applause erupts from the crowd personally I think I was clapping the loudest but who can say? Y/N flings his cap into the air and everyone else follows suit, caps rain down like snowflakes as he jogs his way over to me. "How was that? I know it was a little winded but I think I got my point across." He laughs and shakes hands with a few students who come over to thank him and give him congrats. I giggle and smile as I slap him on the chest "Well as far as speeches go it could have been better." He's such an easy tease and I love it. "So Y/N, there's something I have to tell you...I've wanted to say this for a while but I really lo-."

"Hey there Blondie! Congratulations on the SCL!" 

No fucking way is tha-.

Y/N turns to the voice and his eyes go wide "Tony Stark!?" Are you fucking kidding me?! I got blocked by Tony Stark! This is officially the worst. Y/N has officially entered fanboy mode "Oh my God Mr. Stark it is such a pleasure. You're like legendary around here, you're such an inspiration to us all. But I have to ask why are you here. This is a random place for someone like you to pop up." I sigh and plop back down in my seat I know this is important to Y/N but come on man cut me some slack.

Stark laughs and slaps a hand on Y/N's shoulder wrapping it around him "Well kid I'm here scouting the local talent. I have to say out of the past few years you have caught my eye the most. You've caught my interest. I was hoping to ask you about interning for me at Stark Enterprises." I bite my lip as my eyes dart over to Y/N awaiting his response, would he really throw away his gap year with me for this? Stark notices his hesitance and laughs "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity kid don't think too hard now."

I decide to speak up getting up and standing next to Y/N I slide my hand into his "Y/N already has plans for a gap year in Zurich. You wouldn't make me go alone would you?" I look deep into his soft eyes the look of pleading almost painted on my face. 


I look between Karla and Mr. Stark the pounding of my heart almost audible in my ears. Who do I choose my lifetime best friend or a man who could make or break my career? "Well, internships only last a few months on average...Maybe you can go without me and I can come after it's over?" Karla snatches her hand free from mine and storms off without a word and I quickly follow after her "I'll get back to you Mr. Stark! Karla wait up please slow down!" Karla whips around on her heels and stares into my eyes "What do you want to break a few more promises today? We have been planning this since I graduated and now you just flake on me?!" 

I shrink back at her tone but I can't be mad at her for that, she's 100% right. "Karla please this could be the biggest jumpstart to my career I could get." She shouts over me throwing her hands into the air as she does "You graduated Summa Cum Laude from the greatest med school in the country, you already had a HUGE jumpstart!" I sigh and grab her hands and pull them to my chest "Karla please listen to me, you're my best friend and I wouldn't trade you for anything. How about I stay longer in Zurich if I take this internship? I know it means a lot to you but this means a lot to me. I'm willing to compromise on this."

I look deep into her eyes I can see that she knows I'm telling the truth. She sighs and rubs her finger against my thumb " can do your stupid internship but I want you on the first plane out of here when it ends. You got that mister?" She was always so adorable when she puts her foot down, if she wasn't so short it might have been more intimidating. I pull her into a hug and rub my hands up and down her back "I'll be sure to book in advance, you've got my word. Now, how about we head back to my place to give my dad the good news." 

Reynolds Residence, Lincoln Square, NYC

I push the door open and pull Karla in with me "Dad I'm home, I brought Karla with me!" My father's voice calls back from his lab upstairs "I'll be down in a second I'm finishing your gift. Hey Karla!" "Hey, Mr. Reynolds!" I put mine and Karla's coats on the hook by the door before walking into the kitchen to get the three of us some drinks as Karla spins around me and lands in a kitchen chair "Have I ever told you how awesome your dad is? Because he's awesome." I laugh and sit a bottle of pomegranate juice in front of her "I don't think so, you might have to tell me a kabillion more times." I laugh and sit down with my water, sliding a diet soda over to where my dad usually sits. He enters the room shortly after, he rustles my hair and takes a seat "

Antony Starr as Richard Reynolds

My dad takes a drink before pointing over to me "I see you still haven't convinced him to cut that mop." I laugh and toss a napkin at his face, I've made it clear the hair is here to stay. Karla laughs and runs a finger through my hair "I've tried but it's starting to grow on me truth be told." Dad and I both groan at her pun before I speak up "Besides horrible hair puns, I have some amazing news dad. I got an internship at Stark Enterprises! Mr. Stark himself even came to offer it to me." A split-second flash of concern goes across Richard's face but no one notices before he flashes a smile "My boy that is amazing! You know I wanted you to come and work with me, trying to replace your old man already?" I laugh and lean back in my chair before looking over at Karla "And I may have promised to spend another few months with Karla in Zurich" 

She laughs and flicks my ear "I think it was a fair compromise." My dad stands up and reaches into his pocket taking out some money "Karla, think you can pick us up a few pizzas? We can have a little party, just the three of us. I kinda need a few minutes with my son." I raise an eyebrow and look between them "What was that you said?" He turns to me and smiles "I asked Karla to get us a few pizzas, it's your birthday son we should make a night of it!" Karla looks over to me and smiles before heading out of the kitchen and off to the local pizzeria. "Maybe I should go with her, the streets aren't always safe." 

My dad laughs and places a hand on my shoulder "We live in the safest neighborhood in the city, she'll be fine. Now come, up to the lab." I gaze toward my dad as he walks away I quickly follow but I can't help but be confused. He hasn't let me in his lab for years what could be so special? I decide not to ask and follow in silence, if it's a surprise it isn't like he would tell me and ruin it. My dad swipes his card and the lab door slides open and we step inside, I quickly take in my surroundings and try to refamiliarize myself with the lab. From the notes on the whiteboard, it looks like he's working on some kind of DNA splicing something. He turns to me and smiles "Well son, this is gonna be kind of a big one, you might want to take a seat."

I raise an eyebrow and sit down in the swivel chair in the corner "What's all this about dad? What's so big that you finally let me back in your secret lair?" He chuckles and motions over to a capsule filled with vapor, presumably something on ice. He clicks a button and the glass around it sinks down and a golden liquid is left on a pedestal. "This my biggest breakthrough. All these years I've been looking for the perfect recipient and I think I've found him." He says with a look over to me. "Me? What exactly is that anyway, FYI pops I'm not a big fan of secret serums." I chuckle but he is deadly serious. 

"I've been observing you all these years son. You're not just a smart man, hell maybe smarter than me, you're also a good man. Always standing up for others, going out of your way to help people, and even putting yourself in harm's way for your friends." A silence fills the air before he speaks again "I interviewed Karla a few months ago...she told me everything. How many times you jump in the way to save her from a robber or some crazed metahuman causing chaos." He pokes my lower abdomen "That's how you caught a bullet here and didn't come home for a month." He smiles and taps my cheek "I've never been so proud!" 

The confusion is plastered on my face "W-what? What are you even talking about, what does this have to do with anything?" I've never seen my dad like this, he's bordering on fanatic about whatever the hell this is. He loads the liquid into a syringe gun and looks back at me "You're the perfect hero my son, the world needs men like you. This...this serum will make you...a god." Silence. I erupt in laughter, tears almost running I was laughing so hard. "Be real here dad what is that? Besides I've studied Metaphysiology and you have to be born with power, no serum can change that."

He steps close to me and places a hand on my shoulder "Oh my boy, look into my eyes I am quite serious. You know deep down you've always been jealous of these heroes. You know how corrupt this world is...I heard your little speeches in the shower. You are quite the orator." I go to speak and he cuts me off "In this syringe is the answer to all your questions. Why just be the smartest when you can also be the strongest, the fastest, and the most powerful? " He kneels and looks into my eyes "You'd never have to worry about Karla ever again, no one could ever attempt to hurt her again." 

I bite my lip and try and process all that as fast as possible, my dad is a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them. "What...what would these powers be exactly?" He smiles and slaps a hand on my knee "In effect, your power would be limitless, my son. There would be nothing you couldn't do. You would conquer space and time. Become omnipotent. Immortal." I blink my eyes and feel a sharp sting in my arm, looking down I see the syringe emptying into my arm "Brace yourself... it's going to hurt like a bitch." 

I can barely form a word before I feel the pain. it's like a million burning blades cutting through every vein in my body. My eye burn the worst like hot magma was about to burst from the sockets. I reel back and let out a mighty yell of pain "AHHHH!" A shockwave ripples out from around me and throws my dad back against the wall, a mad smile on his face. I punch the ground and put a hole through the floor, no time to be confused as another wave of pain tears through me. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!"

Karla POV

As I'm walking back with the pizza the wind knocks me over, and I notice the other people on the street get hit too. A few cars even tip over what kind of super wind is this? I really need to get back. I recollect myself and make my way back and go to open the door, as I step inside a blood-curdling scream feels my ears.


Was that...Y/N?!

I sprint up the stairs following the screams to a large metal door, I slam my fists against hopelessly thinking that it would somehow open. All I can hear are Y/N's harrowing screams. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" He screams out and I can barely make out the sound of Richard. Did...did Richard do this? "My boy, my sweet beautiful son. I might have misled you. This serum didn't-" 

Another spine-chilling scream pierces the air as I'm thrown back by another shockwave and flung against the wall. "Richard! Open the door please something is wrong with Y/N! Please!" I slam my hands against the door before trying to pry at the edges, I couldn't even make it budge. With every scream, my heart pounds faster, and more and more tears fall from my eyes. 



"Son please settle down! Let me explain!"

I stand up and turn to look toward the door, it felt like someone was banging against it. Another slam and a hand busts through the steel. I let out a shriek and back against the wall. The door is ripped open completely and out steps...Y/N? "Y/N? W-what happened to you? Please say something...anything!" He turns and looks dead into my eyes, he looks horrible. His eyes are bloodshot and blood is running down his face like tears. I reach a hand out to him and he flinches away from me and I stop "Y/N...N/N it's me, Karla. I'm your friend remember?" He looks me over and slowly relaxes. "That's it now please let me look at you, you might be hurt." 

He turns and looks back at the ripped-up door and a second later Richard steps out and he immediately goes back on guard. Before I can say anything he...flies out of the roof?! What the fuck was that?! "Richard what did you do to him?! I heard his screams from the pizza shop!" Richard laughs and stares out of the hole in the roof before smiling manically "I've unleashed the greatest being to ever walk this world. His mother always told me not to do it, but I knew the world would need him someday."

Confusion mixed into the anger on my face as I stare him down "What the fuck do you mean!? That was your son, not some fucking lab experiment. You're a sicko! I'm going to find my friend... and keep him far away from you." I go downstairs and collect my things before texting Y/N asking if he's okay and if he can come back so we can talk. I know he won't see it now but maybe when he clears his head. 

"She was right about us you know." I turn and see Richard standing at the top of the stairs. I scoff and swing on my coat, fastening the belt around my waist "What are you on about now? More psychotic rambling? I'm a licensed psychologist ya' know, and you are full-blown crazy."  He laughs and places a hand on the banister "My wife...she always said he would be judged. Even you, I see it in your eyes you're afraid of him." I angrily open the door and walk out, as I do the banister Richard is holding begins to catch fire. 

I walk down the street clutching my purse to my chest as I call out to Y/N hoping that maybe he's still close enough to hear me. God, I sure hope he's alright, superpowered or not he's still my best friend. I keep walking and calling for him for about a half hour or so and eventually find myself in a seedier part of town. 

I bite my lip and go to turn around to head back home, Y/N will find me when he's ready to talk. I try to flag down a taxi but as I raise my hand a man comes up from behind me and grabs my purse. "Hey! Let go asshole!" I try and wrench my purse from him but it doesn't budge, he grunts and grabs me by the throat, and tosses me against a nearby building "Don't struggle Dollface, it'll make it a lot easier." Oh god, no no no no no! 

I start to fight and kick with everything I have. "Someone please help me! HELP!"



I was hovering above the city, still trying to figure out what my dad was telling me. Why did he do this to me anyway? What was all that talk about 'A million exploding suns"? I let out a breath and look around the city, even thousands of feet up I can see them all, hear them all. 

"Oh my god, and they were roommates!"

"Jerry get the fuck out of this house!"

I'm telling you Pep, that kid is the future."

I sigh and run a hand through my hair "I wish I could go back in normal again. I didn't ask for th-


W-was that KARLA?! I speed off toward her voice and in a second I'm there. Frantically looking around I spot her being held up in an alley. I can feel my blood boil and zoom down, landing behind the guy. I can feel that heat in my eyes like they were about to explode. 

"You sure are a pretty little catch aren't you."

I slam my hand down on his shoulder and a sickening crack is heard followed by a scream. I grunt and pull him toward me and slam a hand through his stomach. A shrill scream is heard and I turn and see a look of horror on Karla's face. "Y/N t-that's enough. P-please I just wanna go home." I sigh and rip my hand from his stomach and let him stand there and hold his guts in his hands. I walk over to Karla and she envelops me in a hug "I was really worried about you...let's go back to my place...please?" I smile and tell her to go grab her things, she walks back to the sidewalk and tries to flag down a taxi. I smile and turn to the guy who is barely hanging in there. My eyes light up again and I split him down the middle with a beam from my eyes.


"Y/N? Are you coming?"

I look down in disgust at the bisected body in front of me and walk over to Karla seeing her standing next to a taxi. She opens the door and slides in and looks over to me waiting for me to get in. "Karla I...fine." I climb in and sit next to her, I feel a hand on my face and turn to see Karla inspecting me "What are you doing?" She lets out a little yelp and looks down at my hands "Y-you're covered in blood." I look from here down to my right hand and see it covered in blood and viscera "It'll wash out...I think." A silence overcomes the cab.

"What happened to you Y/N?" I blink a few times as I feel the tears starting to well and look at her "I don't know...My body feels like fire. My mind is all dark. I feel these violent urges in my heart...I'm scared Karla." I let the tears fall and bury my head in my hands. I feel her hand on my back rubbing around in circles "Talk to me Y/N. Did your dad do this to you? I heard you screaming, it broke my heart to hear you in pain like that." 

I can feel that heat again pouring through my veins like lava "It hurts so much Karla. I don't even know what my dad did but this is the most painful thing I've ever felt in my life. My eyes feel like magma, and my blood is boiling. My bones feel like they're constantly breaking, and my muscles feel like they're ripping and healing at the same time." I can hear Karla begin to cry next to me and wrap me in a hug "I'm so sorry Y/N, you're the last person who deserved something like this. We're getting close to my apartment, we can get you cleaned up and you can get some rest." 

We sit in silence for a few minutes occasionally broken by my heavy breathing before we arrive at Karla's apartment building. I go to pay the cab driver and he stops me, I never got a good look at him but I have to admit that's a killer mustache "Keep your money young man. I got a good feeling about you, let me leave you with some advice. With great power comes great responsibility." He looks over to Karla waiting on me "You've got a good girl there, make sure you take care of her." He drives off and I look as he drives off a bright bumper stick is visible. 


I catch my thoughts and walk over to Karla and follow her up to her apartment. I try to avoid eye contact with the other residents, being covered in blood is a hard enough thing to explain. The elevator ride is quiet Karla hasn't spoken in a while, did I do something wrong early? Maybe I didn't need to do...whatever it is I did to that guy. We arrive at her apartment on the 30th floor and she scans her card and lets me in. She turns to look at me and I guess it all sinks in, she was almost raped, and I killed the man. His blood and guts still cover me. "Oh my god." Her knees buckle and she catches herself on the table. I squat next to her and rub her hand "I'm just glad you're safe." 

She begins to weep "Me? I was so worried about you! What even was that back there? You just fucking punched through that guy! I just fuck!" She turns and looks into my eyes and clasps her hands on my face "Just please tell me you're okay, if you're okay that's all that matters." I place my hands on hers and bring them down to my chest "I'm fine...the pain is even starting to dull. I'm glad you're okay. If anything that guy got off easy." 

"I know you wanna talk about this but do you mind if I use your shower? I kinda really want this blood off of me." She wipes the tears from her eyes and smiles "I'm not done crying to you tonight, but I agree that blood has got to go." She grabs some spare clothes I kept over here and hands them to me and I go off to shower. 


I step out of the bathroom and see Karla sitting on the couch in the living room. I walk over and sit down next to her. I see she's changed into her pajamas, a loose tank top, and sweatpants, nothing fancy. She turns and sees me and smiles "It's been a while since we've had a sleepover." I laugh and lean my head back against the back of the couch "I wish it was under better terms." She frowns and pokes my side "I'm supposed to be the negative Nancy tonight Mister!" She laughs and lays her head against my shoulder "What...what happened to you? How did you do what you did?" I sigh and lay my head on top of hers "My dad said something to me. Something about dormant DNA that supposedly locked these genomes away from activation. He says I've had these "powers" since I was born. He told me the extent of my abilities. He claimed that he could see it within me since the day I was born...the power of a million exploding suns." I feel tears against my shoulder. 

"All that pain, I'm so so sorry you had to go through that. I wish I could take that pain away even if just for a second." I place a hand on hers and squeeze it softly "No I wouldn't wish this on anyone, especially not my best friend. This is my burden now." I let silence fill the air before speaking "He told me I've become immortal. That nothing in the universe can harm me." I can feel Karla jump and I cut her off "He said that when I was born the universe had to reshape itself just to justify my existence. What am I supposed to do now?" The desperation and anger are clear in my voice as I finish speaking. 

I feel her hand on my cheek slowly turning me to face her "You're still Y/N Reynolds. My best friend and the coolest, smartest, and nicest guy I know. Nothing will ever change that. Whatever you decide to do about...all this. I'll be there with you every step of the way." I chuckle and wipe a tear from my face "You're such a big softie. I didn't know you care about me that much." She huffs and smacks me with one of her throw pillows a few times "You always find a way to ruin the moment!" She puffs her cheeks out and turns away in a pout "Fine. I'm done talking to you for the night." 

I laugh and lay over on her, trapping her against the arm of the couch "Well I guess I'll just go to sleep, right here seems really comfy right now." I hear Karla grunt into the couch "Y/N get off me!" I hold back a laugh and pat her head "I thought you were done talking to me?" She tries and falls to push me off and screams into the cushion "You are such a dick!" I could hear the faintest laugh behind that scream and decided to get off her just enough for her to slide out from under me. 

She slides out and stands next to the couch looking down at me, her face a bright shade of red "You can't just lay on a girl like that you dunce!" I laugh and spread out on her couch "Well I can help that you make such a good pillow." I watch her walk off and I start to really think about what's happened. If my dad is right...I'll have to watch Karla die. Watch everyone I care about die. Do I play God when that day comes and bring them back? Would that even be fair to them? Keeping them alive because of my inability to move on?




I snap back to reality and see Karla standing over me holding a bowl of popcorn "Dude are you okay? You kinda spaced out there for a minute. Thinking of other ways to be a nuisance tonight?" I chuckle and sit up making room for her to sit down "Something like that. Better be careful joking on me so much, I know where you sleep." She tosses a few pieces of popcorn at me and sits down "You're such a dork!" She giggles and grabs the tv remote "Now, I know you, and knowing you I know that you're still really shaken up about everything. So we're going to have a movie night to cheer you up." 

I laugh and grab some popcorn from the bowl "Oh, a famous Sofen movie night? I feel so special." She taps the remote against my forehead and turns on The Dark Knight Rises, I love the movie but a superhero with no powers, who dresses as a bat was always so unrealistic to me. She lays her head against my shoulder and smiles "After this, I get to pick, okay?" I look down at her and raise an eyebrow "But I didn't even pick-." She places a finger on my lips "I knew you would pick this anyway, wouldn't you?" I can hear the teasing in her tone and I turn away "Maybe, who can say?" 

We spent the rest of the night watching movies, ranging from The Shining to The Notebook until we eventually passed out on the couch. Karla always knew how to make me feel better, even during all this madness she's still the same old Karla, the question is am I really the same old Y/N."


The next morning, Karla Sofen's apartment

I wake up and rub the sleep from my eyes, looking around I notice I'm in Karla's apartment I must've passed out last night. I hear a soft snore and look down to see Karla laying on my chest, cuddled up against me. I smile and pull the blanket up over her trying carefully not to wake her. She deserves some rest, last night was a lot for her too. Laying there with my thoughts for what felt like hours but must have been minutes I feel Karla stir awake. I look down at her mess of blonde hair, my voice still having that morning affliction to it "Hey Sleepyhead. How'd you sleep?" She looks up and me and blinks a few times before her face turns firetruck red "I s-slept make a good pillow." She giggles, turning my words from last night against me. 

I laugh and easily lift her up off of me and sit her back down on the couch, she looks amazed and confused about the sudden display of strength "Where are you going?" I point over to her kitchen area and mimic some cooking movements "I'm gonna whip us up some breakfast, and before you argue it's only fair since you let me crash here last night." I see her get up still with the blanket wrapped around her and follow me into the kitchen. She sits on a stool at the island watching me as I go about making my famous blueberry waffles. "You're lucky you're a good cook."

I chuckle and dap some waffle batter on her nose "Only for you Karla." I turn around to the waffle maker and continue with my business, not seeing the blushing red mess at the island behind me. A good ten minutes go by as we wait for the waffles to finish. I hear the timer go off and begin plating the waffles for us, sprinkling on some extra blueberries and a tiny bit of syrup. "Your meal is served, Madam." I give a small bow and take a seat across from her "I didn't get a chance to thank you last night." She looks up at me with a mouth full of waffles and tilts her head "For what?" I notice that although I haven't eaten since yesterday morning, I haven't felt hungry at all and place my fork down "For being there for me. You're one of the only people I have left." She giggles and reaches over booping my nose "That's what friends are for silly." 

We continue talking and laughing for a good thirty minutes before a knock interrupts us "You expecting anyone Karla? Hiding a secret best friend from me?" I laugh and see she's even more confused than I am "I have no idea. And no, one crazy best friend is enough. I laugh and go to answer the door, from the sounds of it there are two people on the other side. I open the door and am greeted by a man and woman staring at me "Uh can I help you?" 

The man looks me up and down before looking at his associate. "My name is Nick Fury, and I have a few questions for you, Mr. Reynolds." 

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