By Harpix_

79 14 69

In this Energy story, John and the others go to Earth. But that doesn't mean that all evil will go away fore... More



7 1 1
By Harpix_

His feet pressed against the wet grass as he ran through the tall trees in the forest. The cold wind hitting his face felt real nice, and so did the raindrops falling onto his face. The rain poured harder, and the sky lit up with lightning. That was a sign that it was time to go home. He started to run back towards his house, but he saw a shadowy figure in the corner of his eye, which stopped him. He turned around towards where he saw it, and his eyes widened. It was a tall black figure with eyes glowing a bright yellow. He stumbled back in fear, and his heart rate began to speed up. He quickly  turned around, and ran as fast as he could towards his house, not even looking back. He may have tripped on rocks and tumbled down hills, but he did not stop running. He saw his house in the distance, and immediately swung open the front door when he got close enough to it.

"Big brotherrr!!" He cried out, running towards the kitchen. When he saw his brother, he ran into his arms.

"Oliver?" John said. "What's wrong?"

Oliver sniffled, and looked up to him, with tear filled eyes.

"I saw something in the forest!!" Oliver said as more tears rolled down his cheeks. "It was a black creature! And, and..."

He sobbed into John's shirt, and John rubbed his head.

"I'm sure you saw some sort of animal." He said. "You shouldn't be in the forest by yourself anyways..I told you to stay on the front porch."

He picked Oliver up, and walked him towards the table.

"Sit down and eat your lunch, okay?" He said, and sat him down on a chair.

Oliver sniffled.

"Okay.." he said, and picked up his lunch. (Which was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich)

John smiled. "Good boy, Oliver." He said. "Make sure you drink your juice too."

Oliver took a bite out of his sandwich and nodded.

John walked towards his room where Frostina was. She was sitting on the bed, writing cooking recipes in her journal.

John sat next to her. "Hey  there.." he said, putting an arm around her. "Whatcha doing?"

Frostina turned to him and smiled. "Just writing some new ideas for dinner." She said. "What are you doing? you need something?"

John shook his head.

"Nah.. I just wanted to come check on you." He said. "Oliver was running in the forest by himself, and said he saw a black figure.."

Frostina closed her journal.

"Oh..really? Maybe it was just an animal or something." She said. "But still, let's make sure he doesn't go back in that forest by himself, okay?"

John smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, let's make sure."

Frostina stared deeply into his golden eyes.

"There's so many things to learn about Earth." She said. "Like showed me a picture of a ferris wheel. I've never been on one of those before, but it looks so fun."

"I've been on one a couple times." John said. "And yeah, it's really fun. I'll take you on one some time."

Frostina's eyes lit up and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks John!" She said. "I'll look forward to it." She got up from the bed.

"I'm going to take a walk around the town. Your stores are so much different than mines. Do you want to come with me?"

John stood up beside her.

"I would really like to come.." he said. "But I promised the others I would help them find jobs that they would like."

Frostina nodded.

"That's fine!" She said. "Go and help them find jobs! That's real nice!"

She rubbed his back, said goodbye, and walked out the room.

"Be careful!" John shouted. "There are some crazy people in this world.."

Frostina and the others were extremely new to Earth. Earth might not be really that different,  but they still were new to some things. 

And yes, John had promised to help them get jobs. Because how else they were going to get money? You might be wondering where they're   living too. (There are lots of abandoned houses in John's town. A little fixing up made them look a little better)

He was walking on the streets of the town, looking everywhere. He missed this place, and he missed seeing all the people shop  and crowd around food trucks. It was especially crowded today because it was getting closer to the holidays. John realized that he needed to decorate his house and shop for presents. He decided he was going to do that after he helped with the jobs.

First he visited Cirlus and Leafthia. Since Leafthia loved flowers, he told her that she can go to the local flower shop, and be a Florist. Then, for Cirlus, he was really interested to become a cashier at a grocery store.

"Okay, go for your interviews." John said to them. "Hope it goes well for you."

Then he went to Alexander and Robbie. For Alexander, it was pretty hard since he was a loud and wild person.

"A awesome person like me won't need to work." Alexander said with a smug look.

John sighed. "Well, I guess for now you could stay at home and Robbie could work." He said. "Since you are still pretty young."

Alexander rolled his eyes and turned to Robbie.

"So where are you going to work?" He asked him.

"Somewhere quiet where there's not a lot of people." Robbie said. "Perhaps a library or a coffee shop?"

"Ooh, yeah, you'll fit in right in a library!" Alexander said while laughing loudly. "But libraries are boring! You should work at a coffee shop so you can eat all the cake pops you want!"

Robbie folded his arms. "Alex, I'm not working at a coffee shop just to eat free cakepops." He said. "I'm working there to give people coffee, and to earn money."

Alexander sighed loudly.

"Yeah, what else are you there for?" He said. "To give them pizza?" He walked away laughing hysterically.

John looked at Robbie with a concerned look.

"Are you okay living with him?" He asked.

"Oh," Robbie said. "I'll get used to it."

"Goodluck with your job." John said.

Now the next two people were going to be sort of hard. (Which were Shawn and Earlia)

Before they had went to Earth, Earlia was acting a bit weird. (Probably just acting like her usual self) But after all the Disaster stuff happened, she was still maybe paranoid.

She probably won't be able to physically work anyways since she's still getting over her injuries. 

John banged on the door, and the door almost immediately swung open.

"Well, look who it is. It's the man himself." Shawn said. "What's up?"

"Just came to see how you were doing." John said. "And.. see how you're doing with jobs."

"How do you think it's going man?" Shawn said. "As soon as I walked down those streets, people asked me to be a underwear model, ha! Ha!"

John laughed awkwardly.

"No, but, seriously.." he said. "You found one yet?"

Shawn nodded.  "Mm'yeah." He said. "You may think this is weird, but I went for a interview at a place."

John's mouth opened slightly in surprise. He wasn't expecting Shawn to work at a office, but nothing was wrong with that.

"Oh, really? Congratulations." John said.

Shawn chuckled. "And they didn't accept me!" He said, bursting with laughter like it was the funniest thing he ever heard. 

John frowned. "Oh..I'm sorry-"

"Nah, Nah," Shawn interrupted him. "It's fine. Probably just because of my face. They think I might frighten people. People might say.. 'oh, look at that dude.. is he a serial killer?!'

Shawn laughed again, tears coming out of his eyes.

John smiled. "Well, you seem to be really happy." He said. "But I'm surprised Earlia didn't tell you to shut up.. is she not here?"

Shawn breathed heavily, out of breath from laughing too much. 

"She's gotta get a job too, ya know." He said. "I mean, only if she wants to, but she chose to."

Shawn stepped out of the way so John could walk inside. 

"Come in so we can talk more." He said. 

John shook his head.

"Really wish I could, but I gotta head to the store." He said. "Holidays are coming you know?"

Shawn nodded.

"Yeah, I get it." He said. "See ya later."

"See you."

Shawn shut the door, and John turned around.

"Things are looking pretty good so far.." he said.

But were they?

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