Cold Fame || ENHA

By jjongs_com

41.2K 1.2K 404

Jeongmi was a constant on I-land. The only female. She makes the cut and debuted in enhypen but very quickly... More

1. Mistake
2. Stress
3. No crying
4. Slipped
5. Concious
6. Sorry
8. Shoreline
9. Him
10. Stay
11. Talk
12. Weak
13. Again
14. Unbelievable
15. Hush
16. Trust
17. Headache
18. Why?
19. Everything
20. Plead
21. Thanks
22. Sip
23. Glass
24. Lovely
25. Sing
26. Cold
27. Dreamland
28. New Years
29. Understanding
30. Enough
31. Want, Need, & Can't
32. Flaw
33. Mood Killer
34. Always
(+1) 35. Eclipse

7. Silence

1.3K 37 20
By jjongs_com

September 22nd, 2020

It's been a hours. We've been to the beach, gone to do go karts. I'm tired yet I'm not. We've eaten too. My shoulders were stiff the whole time we ate. I hate eating around people.

Everytime I took a bite, I either covered my face or turned around. I dont think none of them noticed. Either way it was nighttime now. Tomorrow we have shoots to do for our album.

But I still want a small drink and a walk on the beach. Not much though of course. We all got back to the hotel and I leaped into my room. I changed into some simple jean's with a large hoodie. Simple enough for a small walk on the beach.

I grabbed my phone and my wallet then slipped on my shoes. I poked my head out of my hotel and saw nobody in the halls. I could hear all kinds of chatter from the members rooms.

But it was all coming from one room. I went out of my room, creeping up on the room I heard it coming from. They were all in Sunoo, Niki and Heeseung's room. I quietly stepped closer to the door, and jumped hearing my own door close pretty loud.

I didnt mean to swing it open as much as I did, if I hadn't it wouldnt have closed so loud. I heard them go a bit quiet. The moment I heard them get quiet I spun around and began to walk.

I as I continued to walk I heard their door crack open. I kept my head down and walked to the elevator quickly. Most things were in walking distance around the hotel. Including a bar.

Yet I dont feel like going around people so to the convenience store it is. I could see it just down the street so I began to trek to the store. The night sky looked beautiful.

The stars glimmered beautifully. I'm jealous of those stars. I sighed, wanting to not think about something like that right now. I abruptly felt like I was being watched. It's probably nothing.

It could be just an animal. I was nearing the convenience store and I for some reason was feeling nervous. I'm not sure why though. I made it in and bought a bottle of soju.

I'm too afraid to really buy something else alchohol wise so I think I'm going to stick with soju for a while. I bought it and left the store quickly. I took out the bottle and threw the bag away in the trash.

I opened the bottle with a bit of struggle but still, I opened it. I began walking toward the ocean. I took two big gulps of the soju, my nose scrunching at the taste. I felt and heard my phone buzz but I ignored it.

I liked having some time alone without answering to any message. As I kept walking, I kept taking gulps of the soju until only half was left but...I still felt like I was being watched.

Was I being followed? I didnt hear anyone. I think I'm just scaring myself. I drank more. Everything was getting darker. My walking began to get a little off balance as the alchohol affects began to take over.

Suddenly I thirsted for more. I chugged a few gulps as I neared the beach. Only about 1/3 of the bottle was left. My walking was uncoordinated and wobbly.

Just as I got to the sand, I drank the last bit of soju. I threw the bottle away in the trash and took my shoes and socks off. I put my socks in my shoes and carried them as I walked along the beach.

The waves crashing against the sand made me feel at peace. The sand sticking on my feet felt odd but I liked it. God I loved the beach. The salty smell and beauty of the blue stubbornness.

I suddenly decided to sit down. I plopped onto the sand, not caring about getting it all over my clothes. My eyes were heavy and everything was dim. It was already dark so I couldnt see much besides the moon and stars.

I felt my phone buzz again. And then again. I ignored it. The wind blew through my hair and face, making me shiver a bit. Then someone sat beside me. I jumped and looked at them.

Heeseung stared back at me, a blank expression on his face. "Me and Jay told you not to drink." He reminded. I only stared with my eyes opened pretty wide. My breath raced in and out of my nostrils.

I scooted away a few inches. He kept staring in my eyes. "I texted you. So did Jay. You worried him you know." Heeseung explained calmly. I began to calm down, I even felt guilty about worrying Jay.

Why would he be worried about me? Heeseung finally broke eye contact with me and looked out at the sea. "I would like to stay here but you are drunk and need to go back to the hotel. We have work tomorrow." Heeseung asserted.

I didnt want to leave yet but I was tired. I'll stick it out. I frowned and looked at the sea, continuing to sit and listen to the waves. I saw in my peripherals that Heeseung looked back at me again.

He sighed, seeing I didnt want to leave. "Come on Jeongmi." Heeseung demanded in a chill tone as he stood up. I. Dont. Want. To. Leave.

I ignored him and watched the waves sneak up on the sand then draw back. I held onto my shoes pretty tight, waiting for him to do something. I could feel his eyes burning into me. My shoulders slightly stiffened.

"Jeongmi its late and dangerous. Come on." Heeseung demanded once again, starting to sound a bit impatient. I rolled my eyes and waved for him to go away. Let a girl enjoy the ocean damnit.

Before I knew it, Heeseung pulled me off the sand into a bridle style way of carrying me. I instinctively grabbed onto his shirt tightly, scared of falling. I felt my phone about to fall so I quickly snatched it and let it sit on my stomach along with my shoes.

I cupped my arm around my belongings and used my other hand to hold onto Heesung's shirt. I suddenly felt really drowsy. That alchohol is kicking me in the ass.

I reluctantly leaned my head on him and closed my eyes. "Dont fall asleep yet. You still need to change." Heeseung whispered to me. I hummed in response. We made it off the sand and started heading towards the hotel.

I dont know how many minutes passed but I heard footsteps approaching us. Fast. "Heeseung! Jeongmi!" It was Jay. I opened my eyes and looked towards Jay. He was coming from infront of us.

My head was pounding, making me groan. Jay ran up to us and Heeseung paused for a minute. "Is she ok?" Jay asked frantically. "Shes fine. Just drunk again." Heeseung answered nonchalantly.

Jay sighed and patted my head as they began to walk again. I flushed at Jay patting my head. It was unexpected and it made me flustered. I closed my eyes again since they still felt as heavy as ever and leaned against Heeseung.

"Jeongmi you knew we had work tomorrow so why would you drink I mean seriously? We have to wake up really early to. I dont k-" "Jay please. Scold her tomorrow just not now." Heeseung cut Jay off.

I would have gasped had I not been so tired. Heeseung sticking up for me? Interesting. Anyway, we made it to the hotel and we got into the elevator. My grip on Heeseung's shirt loosened.

I was falling in and out of sleep. I blacked out for a few seconds then woke up to Heeseung shaking me gently and asking where my key card is. I fumbled grabbed it from my wallet.

Jay took it and opened my door. Heeseung carried me in and slowly placed me on the floor. I threw my shoes off to the side and chucked my phone onto the bed.

"Change. You have sand all over you." Heeseung stated before walking out of my room without another word. I watched him leave with a small frown. Jay nodded to me and then left as well. I slowly unzipped my suitcase and pulled out my pajamas.

At a really slow pace did I change into the comfy clothes. Once I had I crawled to the bed and switched off the lamp that lit the room. Then, I blacked out.

September 24th, 2020

The album cover shoot went fine besides staff being a little snappy with me. I had a hangover that morning of course but otherwise I was fine. Heeseung hasnt talked to me since. The night after Jay did end up scolding me for drinking again.

I felt bad and so far I haven't drank since. It's not like they can control what I do. Yes I agree I shouldnt but still. Anyways, Manager said it was a free day in Jeju-do before early in the morning tomorrow did we have to go back.

Then after the day we go back we have to practice and go to the studio to record for our debut album. But today is a free day. I might go check out that bar. It's the afternoon and theres nothing wrong with day drinking.

Maybe even a walk on the beach after. Hopefully Heeseung wont follow me like a creep this time. I slipped into a chic outfit and a small handbag. I put my now charged phone, wallet and apartment key card in there.

I should buy some hangover relief before I go there though. I've learned my lesson not taking some before drinking. I slipped into some nice shoes and exited my hotel room. I shut the door as quietly as I could so none if the members would hear me.

I stepped swiftly down the hall and to the elevator. The air was light and made me feel free. I nearly smiled out of bliss. I made it to the lobby with ease and stepped out the hotel in the brightness of the sun.

The sky was clear and the wind wasnt so harsh. It was refreshing. I walked down to the convenience store which was right across the bar. I walked in to feel the air conditioner blowing air on my back.

I looked around, trying to find the hangover relief. "Need help?" Someone asked from behind me. I turned to see a worker. I smiled nervously and shook my head. He chuckled.

Then I recognized him. Hes the cashier. "From what I remember you dont speak, according to the first meet last night. I'm guessing you are looking for hangover relief." He continued, a bright smile plastered on his face.

I kept my nervous smile and nodded. I'm not an expert on age but he looked around 24. It's a bit odd to ask, either way I'd have to type it in and that's too awkward. He lead me to where the relief was and went back to the counter.

I kept a small grin in my face and grabbed the hangover relief and went back to the counter where he was already looking at me and waiting. I handed it to him and swiped my card.

I finsihed checking out and took my item. "Hey wait. Here." He said before sliding me a paper. It had his number. I got flustered and began to blush. I bowed and left. Odd. Maybe I should contact him.

Why not? I opened my phone and typed his number in. I sent a casual hello. He replied fast.

Hey! My name is Dongyul.

I'm Jeongmi. Just wondering but how old are you?

I'm 26. How about you?

My jaw nearly dropped seeing his age. Im only 19. Christ sakes. Hes seven whole years older than me; that's a lot. I shakingly responded.

Oh lol...I'm 19.

Oh my. I hope that isnt so much of a problem for you.

No not at all.

I shook it off and crossed the street to the bar. It quickly made it inside the dim-lit bar. Not many people where in there as it was still afternoon. About 4pm. I opened the hangover relief and drank it swiftly. I then walked up to the bartender and ordered a shot.

I downed it and about six more shots before I needed to take a small break. Time was flying as things got dimmer. I was starting to really like this feeling. I heard my phone buzz.

I pulled it out and it was Dongyul again.

Hate to bother you but do you live around here?

Erm no I live in Seoul. I'm just here for a trip I suppose.

That sucks. Maybe we could meet again some day. You seem like a really interesting girl.

I blushed. Nobody has ever said that to me. I really liked it. Someone that finally shows a lot of interest in me.

I should say the same for you. You seem like a great guy.

I put my phone away and ordered two more shots and downed them quick. I couldnt wipe the smile from my face. It's like the thought of his age slipped from my mind.

Maybe if I'm not too drunk I could hangout with him after his shift.

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