Multiple Anime reacts to COTE

By shadowmonarch325

313K 7.8K 6.5K

As I said , quintessential quintuplets, Oregairu, Kaguya sama: Love is war, Hyouka, Rascal does not dream of... More

1. ANHS: The school of your dreams
2. Introduction and shopping
3. Classroom of the elite
4. Two-faced bitch
5. Manabu vs Kiyo
6. What it means to be human
New story
Spoilers for yr 2 vol 7
7. Rankings
8. Buying the test papers
9. Saving the dog.
10. Love master
Yr 2 vol 7 illustrations 1
Yr 2 vol 7 illustrations 2
Yr 2 vol 7 illustrations 3
Yr 2 vol 7 illustrations 4
11. Saving Sakura
12. Horrible Human
13. Dragon boy vs Horikita verbal fight
14. Chabashira's blackmail
15. Tool Monologue
16. The end of the yr 1 island exam
17. Icarus
19. Another exam?

18. Karuizawa Kei's Soliloquy

9.8K 285 201
By shadowmonarch325

Ez: "Alright, everyone. This new video begins the new arc."

Hachiman: "The last arc was super tense."

Iroha: "Ne, senpai." Hachiman looked at his Kouhai. "Why do you think Ayanokouji-kun is that apathetic? The only thing he cares about is himself. It's like he is trying to survive, like what should I say... like he's in danger always."

Hachiman: "To be honest. He is an anomaly. The last video proved that Ayanokouji has little freedom. His father is the one trying to expel him. He is like a puzzle, and we got only so many little pieces by now."

Irisu: "You're right, Hikigaya-kun. What made him apathetic and concede his true identity might be more complicated than we think. One thing is for sure, Ayanokouji-kun stands at the top of his year. He alone won an exam that hard with little effort."

Ishizaki: "Yeah. Ayanokouji-san is so great. Right, Albert?"

Albert: "Yes. Bro and boss are the best."

Everyone: 'Are these guys his fans or what?'

Oreki: 'I still have questions that how his sociopathic behavior originated from his father.'

Haruno: 'Just who is this guy? Why does his own father target him?'

Hayama: 'He is sociopathic to the core. Now he is being hunted by his own father? He is terrifying. Those skills are completely out of this world.'

Ez: "Hey, before we start the video. You should see this meme."

Some people chuckled.

Sakuta snorted: "Well, it's kinda true. Many people would think Ayanokouji's just an average student without hearing his thoughts."

Chika: "Kiyopon is truly a force of nature."

Zamiozuka: "Nah, he is nature."

Ibuki: "Tch, this guy always plays the fool. It irritates me a lot."

Kaguya: "I can understand you. Still, Ayanokouji-kun is in his own dimension."

Hachiman: "Yes."

Hiratsuka: "It's a wonder how someone can be the most powerful student in a whole year while being the most defective human. It was like... his father programmed this personality. Sakayanagi, what do you know about Ayanokouji?"

Arisu: "Hmm, you're quite right about his father engrained him with such a personality but Ayanokouji-kun's childhood was extreme and connects to the politics of the country. For now, I won't say anything more than that."

This surprised everyone in the auditorium. Ayanokouji is that influential? 

Ryuuen: 'A high school student is connected to the politics of Japan? He is truly an enigma.'

Oreki: 'I really want to find his mystery. I'm sure that his past is dark. That white clothes? Is he from an asylum? Or is he a lab experiment? That might not be the case. What parents would send their own son to an experiment?'

Ez: "Now, to the next video."

Karuizawa Kei's Soliloquy

Hachiman: "So, it's that annoying bitch's monologue now." 'I can't deny that she's cute. But she's a typical cute girl. I bet she's dating Hirata for popularity. That guy's a good guy. He tried to be friends with someone like Ayanokouji... I don't like to admit it but I want to be Hirata's friend. He isn't like Hayama.'

Yukino: "It's rude to call someone bitch, Hikigaya-Kun. Though I agree her being annoying."

Ichika: "Yeah, she's kinda like Nino."

Nino: "No, she's not."

Fuutarou: "Her voice is similar to you. Her face as well, it's kinda similar. Did you have a 6th sister or what?" He looked at the quints.

Yotsuba: "Did we?"

Itsuki: "Is Karuizawa-san our other sister?"

Maruo: "No. She is not your sister."

Ishigami: "Well, she doesn't have huge boobs like you five."

Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki, Kaguya, Yukino, and Chika beat the shit out of Ishigami.

Hikigaya was confused. He understood quints. Kaguya and Chika as well. But not Yukino: "Why did you go?"

Yukino: "He was annoying." She Pouted.

Ryuuen smirked: "You were jealous of their breasts, didn't you?"

Yukino glared: "Shut up, you crude man."

Hachiman hesitantly put a thumbs-up: "Don't mind him. They will grow."

Yukino smiled coldly with her fist up: "Shut up, Hikigaya-Kun. Or you will meet Ishigami-kun's fate."

Hachiman looked at Ishigami who was beaten to a pulp and knocked out and gulped: "Y-yes, ma'am."

Yukino: "Good."

Sakuta and Oreki: 'Holy shit! Flat-chested girls are scary.'

Sakuta looked at Mai's chest and whispered: "I'm glad you are big, Mai-san."

Mai understood the mean and stomped at Sakuta's foot: "Stupid Sakuta." Inside, she was happy but she was being Tsundere and angry that her boyfriend disrespecting other girls.

In the end, nothing changed even after I came to this school. No, that's wrong... Maybe I never had any intention of changing. For better or worse, it's always been the same for me. After all, I understand myself better than anyone else.

Oreki was quite intrigued

Arisu as well. She doesn't know much about Karuizawa other than her self-proclaimed childhood friend's tool.

Ryuuen: 'Kukuku, I want to see how this girl was bullied.'

I know everything about myself, including my strengths and weaknesses. I know that none of the boys or girls like me. Even knowing that, I've never thought to change.

Chika: "If she knows it, why can't she change."

Hiratsuka: "This is quite concerning."

Maruo: 'Was this girl bullied in the past.'

Irisu: "This girl is interesting."

"But it doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt me anymore. Because for some reason, I want them to feel that way.

As I got out of the shower, I stood and looked at myself in the mirror—completely naked, drops of water trickling down my skin. How many times had I thought about smashing the mirror to pieces? Every time I saw that old wound on my side, it was like diving back into my disgusting past."

Her parts were censored.

Tobe: "Shit, I can't deny her as hot. But Ez, why did you censor it?"

Every girl looked at Tobe with a murderous expression. Miura grabbed his head and gripped it very hard.

Ishigami woke up: "H-hey, isn't that a scar near the bottom of the left breast."

Ryuuen: 'I was right! She did suffer a lot. Still, I respect her for not giving up on hope. Ayanokouji, you cruel demon. You really did that, didn't you? Kukukuku, I will defeat you, you goddamn apathetic monster.'

Ishizaki: 'Karuizawa-san, you have my respect!'

Miyuki felt bad for her: "Poor girl, she is putting up a mask. She must have been bullied in middle school."

Ishigami remembered his past experiences and empathized with her.

Komachi: "Then why does she act so haughty?"

Oreki: "To protect herself."

Miku: "But that scar?"

Hachiman looked at her pitifully: "She was bullied to a rotten core, probably. I take my words back."

Miura: "Poor girl."

Chika sobs. Kaguya consoles her.

Dizzy and nauseated, I gripped the sink and vomited.

Hiratsuka: "Just how much was she bullied? Kids always like to pick on someone weaker than them, don't they?" She spoke with disgust

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, that's how the world works. Big fucks small. Whether you're a kid or not doesn't matter."

Arisu: "Yes. I hate to admit it. This is a fact." She also felt sorry for the girl. Knowing Ayanokouji, he must've done something extreme to make her his tool. 'You are apathetic to the very core, aren't you Ayanokouji-kun? I will destroy your poker face.'

Hiratsuka didn't retort since what they said was a fact.

Katsuragi: "Her life was miserable, huh? I feel bad for her." He truly felt bad for her.

Why did I have to have to go through such an awful experience? Why do I have to suffer like this? Why, why, why? I've asked that question for a long time now. Words don't mean anything. The past can't change. No one can change it. God is cruel. My life was destroyed because of that nightmarish day. I lost my youth, my friends, and even myself.
I have to fix that mistake. No matter how much people hate me, it'll be better than suffering like that again. I don't need youth. I don't need friends. The most important thing is protecting myself. I'll do whatever it takes. I'm a parasite, a weak creature that can't survive on its own.

People didn't know what to say.

Karuizawa was weak. She's leeching Hirata for protection, that's what they understood.

Oreki: 'So, does Hirata know her condition? Is he helping her or is Karuizawa lying to him?'

Yukino empathized with her. Karuizawa might be bullied more than her regarding her trauma.

Miyuki: "So, Ez. Will Karuizawa be linked to Ayanokouji one way or another since we just saw her thoughts?"

Ez: "Clever, you are Miyuki-Kun. You are right."

Kaguya glared at Ez: 'Tch, who does this stupid god think himself as? I didn't even call President by his name. Worthless god, No good for nothing imbecile.'

Ez got emotional damage: 'I want to die.' 

EZ regained his composure: "Now, we will call some new guests."

Sakuta: "Again?"

Ez: "Please welcome Kuze Masachika, Kujou Alisa, Kujou Maria, Suou Yuki, Kenzaki Touya, Sarashina Chisaki, Kimishima Ayano, Maruyama Takeshi, Kiyomiya Hikaru."

The spoken names entered the stadium. They all were surprised

Ishigami: 'Holy shit! They look like characters from Shoujo manga. That silver-haired and brown-haired girl looks super hot. They are the ANHS-tier.'

They introduced themselves. 

Hachiman: 'This Kujou Alisa. She is kinda similar to Yukinoshita and Horikita.'

Sakuta: 'Hmm, Mai-san is the best!'

Ez ingrained the memories of the clips shown until now.

Kuze: "Holy shit!" 'This guy is kinda like me, but more cruel, apathetic, and more skilled. Nah, this guy's leagues above me. Also, Ayanokouji? I've heard gramps talking to a man named Ayanokouji.'

Yuki shivered and grabbed Masachika's arm: "Ayanokouji-kun's scary." 'How could someone cruel exist? Also, Ayanokouji? I've heard that name somewhere. It's a common name, but Ayanokouji Kiyotaka? He is an anomaly.'

Alisa was jealous but: "He is so intellectual and apathetic. And, I feel sorry for Karuizawa-san."

Masha: "Yeah, Alya-chan."

Ayano was stoic naturally, but thinking of Ayanokouji's apathy and his nature shivered her very core.

Haru: "How d-does a monster like Ayanokouji exist?"

Ryuuen: "That's a trillion-dollar question I would like to know."

Touya: "Hmm, Horikita Manabu is also quite skilled. He's an even better president than me."

Chisaki: "I guess. But all the feats Ayanokouji-kun has shown, why do I feel like these feats are nothing compared to him?"

Masha: "You're his childhood friend, Sakayanagi-san?"

Arisu huffed her chest with pride: "I am, Kujou-san."

Kaguya: "Good day, Suou-san. How is your grandfather doing these days?" Kaguya knew the Suou, the diplomat family.

Yuki: "He's doing good, Shinomiya-san. Good day, Fujiwara-san." She bowed to them which Kaguya returned

Fujiwara bowed as well: "Hello, Suou-san." She gave a polite smile

The 4 loners: 'Is this really the blockhead Fujiwara?'

Ryuuen: "Holy fuck! Who are you? What happened to the Fujiwara the buffoon?"

Chika: "Shut up, you damn lizard."

They started their bantering which Ryuuen won. People around them sweatdropped.

Kuze whispered to Yuki: "That Ryuuen guy is mental!" Yuki nodded

Alya pouted

Ez: "Alright, to the next video









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