Ironblood's Helmsman

By kuwebby2

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Me, dH, and Doc are at it again! This time with a way more realistic AL story, we start out as crew members a... More

Bio (prologues)
Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Prologue pt. 3
Bio (From this point onwards)
Chapter 1:.......Tirpitz?
Chapter 2: Allies
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 4: SCP-4217
Chapter 6: Back at base
Chapter 7: Allies pt. 2
Chapter 8: Upgrades
Chapter 9: Dueling
Chapter 10: Meet the Future You
Chapter 11: And we're off
Chapter 12: SCP-2399
Chapter 13: RMS Olympic
Chapter 14: Sorry Pearl....
Chapter 15: Genderbent proposal
Chapter 16: Check ups
Chapter 17: Proving mettle
Chapter 18: the Sad Story of Alice
Chapter 19: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20: The Wall's inception
Chapter 21: A kidnapping
Chapter 22: Welcome to The Wall
Chapter 23: Ishimura and Valor
Chapter 24: AIDAN
Chapter 25: Modernity
Chapter 26: Teaching Zumwalt Sense
Chapter 27: Um....why?
Chapter 28: Rex vs Andy
Chapter 29: A Dance of Fire and Blood
Chapter 30: Aftermath of Fuhai
Chapter 31: Sea Shepherd

Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast

202 3 12
By kuwebby2

General POV

It was the final day of the Summit, besides SCP-4217 the rest of the event had gone without incident. But the group was kinda bitter about 4217 so the ships and commanders were told to meet at Edinburgh Station in Scotland where a fancy rake of 5 Pullman Coaches had been arranged to be taken down the mainline to London where the groups would part ways.

(5 of these)

Andy: "So why're we doing this?" he asked.

Doc: "Well, everyone's been a bit tense since 4217, so I thought to unwind a little we could use a train ride.." he replied.

Queen Elizabeth: "And it is a splendid move." she said, "The railways are of vital significance for us Royals and are most luxurious in styling."

The group gathered on the platform and waited for the engine. Some boarded the train and marveled at the level luxury present while Luna stayed outside, he was praying so hard that the engine coming down the line was a steam engine and hopefully a famous one too.....but no, coming down the line....was a Class 46 numbered D199 boasting a BR Blue livery the engine is better known as 'Spamcan' by those who have read the Railway Series.

Queen Elizabeth: "What happened to the Engine we charted?!" she shouted from the lead coach.

Station Master: "The sheds are blocked Your Majesty." he replied, "All the Steam Engines were trapped inside, the only other engines are the Diesels and a few shunters."

Elizabeth grumbled, she had many human fascinations, rail-fanning was certainly among them, but she couldn't do anything about it so the group hopped aboard the luxurious coaches, the guard blew his whistle, the diesel sounded its 2-tone horn, and the consist set off down the line. The kansen's hull forms were making the trip to the Thames River as the group sat so they didn't need to worry 'bout that part.

Andy: "So, what do you guys wanna do?" he asked, "Other than stare blankly out a window?"

Laurien: "Truth or Dare?" she suggested.

Alex: "Sure, why not." he said.

The group played for a couple hours as the other ships passed the time and the other more veteran Commanders discussed business. The coach our group specifically was in was arranged in this sense.

So everyone faced each other. An hour or 2 into the trip the Class 46 was making good time and the game was still going, now it was Luna's turn.

Alex: "Alright Andy, Truth or Dare?" he asked.

Andy: "Truth, definitely truth." he responded.

The group either chuckled or groaned, the game was slow without dares.

Alex: "Alright, have you jerked off to anyone here?" he asked.

Andy: "No! Gross! And why did you ask that with the Destroyers here?!" he yelled.

Doc: "Don't worry, I censored swear words and stuff." he said.

Alex: "So if I say, *rapid bleeping* the Destroyers won't hear it?" he asked

Unicorn: "Big Brother? Why were there so many bleeps?" she asked as she entered the coach, "It woke me up."

Doc: "Oh I'm sorry Unicorn." he said.

Lion grabbed the Light Carrier and walked into the coach behind which was arranged in a different manner, inside the carriers, battleships, and heavy cruisers conversed among themselves in this format of coach.

Back in the other coach the game went on.

Andy: "Alright Aish, Truth or Dare?" he asked.

Laurien: "Mm.......Dare." she replied.

A collective 'ooh' went through the nearby passengers including the Destroyers (Ayanami, Laffey, Z23, Javelin, Tashkent, Libeccio, and Le Terrible).

Andy: "Ok, I dare you to......" he trailed off, thinking of a suitable dare, "to kiss the person or ship you find the most attractive on this train."

Andrew: "Oho! Snap!" he shouted.

Kaganovich blushed, before steeling her nerves.

Laurien: "Bet!" she yelled.

She then got up and walked down the train for a certain length. The group shook off their shock before following the Northern Parliament commander.

She went through 4 coaches until she was in the very rear which was an observation coach.

(This thing)

She then walked up to Eugen who was looking out the back glumly and tapped her on the back.

Prinz Eugen: "Yes?" she asked, "Can I help you?"

Kaganovich then pecks Eugen's cheek and leaves without another word, Eugen is flustered and confused but doesn't say anything, the group is just as confused.

Archimede: "Well that was interesting." he said.

Andrew: "No kidding." he said, "Why isn't Eugen reacting?"

Andy: "She's in shock if I had to guess." he said, "Welp, back to the coach."

This went on for a while, Kaganovich got Luna back by telling him to kiss the ship he found the most attractive and he kissed Spee.

At one point Missouri, Luna, and Lion broke off from the group to play with a Model Railway mostly for fun. They assigned a schedule and tested how patient they were with others.

Luna was ahead on this department doing things slowly and steadily while also keeping an eye on everything. He was able to get his theoretical jobs done quickly while his comrades kept crashing into each other.

Alex: "Doc! I was on that line!" he yelled.

Doc: "I had to take a passenger train down that line!" he retorted, "Why were you there?!"

Alex: "I had a freight train, I told you 2 minutes ago!" he yelled.

Andy: "You 2 do realize that if you both slowed down you could get this done quicker, right?" he asked.

Alex: "What?!" he yelled.

Doc: "We weren't rushing!" he shouted, "Tell us what exactly we rushed."

Andy: "Well, for starters Doc, if you slowed down and analyzed the model then you would've noticed Alex's goods train sitting on that siding and known to ask him to switch the points, you would've also known that you were going way too fast and would've crashed anyway." he said, "And you would also know that your next train, which would've been important mind you, is supposed to"

A clock chimed to remind the group that another train was due to leave.

Doc: "You're good at trains man, I'll give ya that." he said.

Andy: "If you rushed a fleet out like that then you would've been toast." he said, before stuttering out, "I-I mean it's impossible to somehow screw up that badly but still-."

Alex: "Yeah yeah, we get it, let's just clean up the mess and continue." he said.

A few miles later the train just stopped in the middle of nowhere. Without any explanation from the Driver who uncoupled his Engine and sped off.

Queen Elizabeth: "Oi! What the hell?!" she yelled.

Doc: "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU WERE CARRYING?!?!?!" he shouted at the fleeing diesel before slumping, "Ugh! Now what?"

Andrew: "Why's the engine leaving?" he asked as he poked his head out a window.

Belfast: "It appears they're trying to strand us for some reason." she stated.

Z23: "Gottverdammt! And ve vere going zo vell!" she said.

Andrew: "Now what the hell do we do?!" he yelled.

Cleveland: "We start walking I guess." she said.

Andy: "Hang on." he spoke up, making everyone turn to him, "I got this."

He turned to the track in front of the train and racked his memory before turning to Queen Elizabeth.

Andy: "Ma'am? What's your favorite engine?" he asked.

Queen Elizabeth: "U-um.....well I wanted an A3 to take us to King's Cross, why?" she asked.

Andy: "I can work with that." he said, holding his hand out, "Summon, A3 Pacific 6-0-1-0-3!"

A bright flash of light erupted in front of the Pullmans before a British Pacific in BR Green, equipped with German Smoke Deflectors, 12 Wheels, a massive boiler by British standards, and a 4-wheeled corridor tender stood idling in front of the train. On one of the splashers read the name 'Flying Scotsman' and on the cab sat the number '60103'.

Steam danced around the cylinders majestically as everyone watched awestruck, none more so than Queen Elizabeth, she always wished she could see this train, Luna took off his commander's jacket, leaving him in his undershirt, and gave it to Nimi telling her to put it in his luggage, before climbing onto the footplate. He then turned back to Lion and Missouri.

Andy: "You 2 helping or what?" he asked rhetorically.

The 2 battleships shook their heads violently before helping Luna with managing the engine's fire and coupling it up to the train.

Alex: "All aboard I guess." he said.

Queen Elizabeth: "Well?! What're we waiting for?!" she yelled, pushing everyone on the platform towards the train, "Get a move on! Let's go!"

On the footplate Luna addressed his 2 firemen.

Andy: "Remember boys, do the job well, not quickly." he said.

Once everyone was back on board and everything was ready to go the guard blew his whistle so Luna released the brakes, put the regulator at full forward and opened the throttle allowing the Express Engine to begin moving.

Out on the mainline Scotsman was working like a sewing machine, Luna had limited it to 50 mph until the next signal box so they could inform them of what happened. Once that came Missouri jumped out and informed the Signalman, he came back with a headboard.

Alex: "The guy said the Class 46 pulling us earlier dropped off his headboard here," he said, "where do I put it?"

Andy: "I'll lead ya to it." he said.

On top of the smokebox was this hook just below another lamp iron, Luna hung the headboard there. Said headboard was red, had the name 'Royal Train' written on it, and had 2 crowns printed on both sides of the name. Luna also put up the head-code for an Express Train to let signalmen know that fact before getting into proper visual range.

Once it was on, Luna opened the regulator again allowing the engine to start its long trip to London. A few miles out the train had passed 75 mph, why?

Andy: "I wanna let the ol' girl stretch her legs." he said.

Luna span the reverser further into the forward position allowing more steam into the 3 cylinders spinning the engine's massive driving wheels even faster. Lion and Missouri shoveled coal as hard as they could to keep the fire going.

Meanwhile at Darlington station the Class 46 had just stopped and its driver was reporting to someone.

Driver: "The deed has been done......Alpha." he said.

Observer chuckled.

Observer A: "Good, now I can gain data on distressed individuals." she said, "And you're sure they can't go any further?"

Driver: "Positive." he said, feeling really cocky, "In fact, if they manage to get on the move again I will let you kill me."

Meanwhile the A3 Pacific raced down the line at over 90 mph. It made great time and was now in sight range of Darlington.

Alex: "Isn't that the Peak Class from earlier?!" he exclaimed.

Andy: "Yeah, that's our old front end!" he said.

Doc: "We're on the same track!" he exclaimed, "We'll crash!"

Luna looked around and saw a signal box, he quickly reached for the whistle cord and blew Scotsman's shrill whistle twice. The signalman heard this and changed the points sending the train onto the track parallel to the Peak Class.

Andy: "Hang onto something!" he yelled.

The engine lurched violently to the right and then to the left as the train changed tracks. Luna then reached for a valve and twisted it allowing excess steam to be released from the cylinders. Scotsman wheeshed steam at the Diesel and flew past as railfans on the platforms took pictures.

Railfan 1: "It's the Flying Scotsman!" one yelled.

Railfan 2: "I've been dying to see that thing for ages!" another yelled.

Scotsman didn't stop, it couldn't after all and it raced through the station as it ran down the Racing Stretch. Alpha on the other hand was kinda disappointed.

Observer A: "You were saying?" she asked.

Driver: "W-w-wait! I didn't-!!" he tried to plead but Observer's canons cut him off.

Observer A: "Oh dear, it seems that I may need to gather data elsewhere." she said as she teleported away.

Back with the protagonists Scotsman was really hitting its stride it had broken 100 mph and was still climbing in speed, other BR Diesel passed by the special train and were shocked to see a Steam Engine even going that fast.

Andy: "Ok, few more hours and we'll be gliding into London." he said.

Alex: "Phew! What's our speed?" he asked.

Andy: "Well, I know it's over 100." he replied, "I don't know exactly what speed we're going, it's beyond the Speedometer."

Doc: "Wow!" he said in amazement.

The train flew through the countryside, raced through stations, whooshed through tunnels, and all the while continued to speed up, finally there was a yellow signal and the train had to slow down but it was fun while it lasted.

At last the train slowly glided into Platform 2 in King's Cross, rail fans and reporters lined the platform and the countryside, taking pictures and videos of the famous locomotive slowly gliding in like it's never been away.

Andy: "Whoo!" he exclaimed, "That was fun wasn't it?"

Alex: "It was exhausting!" he panted.

Doc: "And hot!" he added.

Luna only shook his head, all three of them were covered in soot and sweat so when they got out of the train they immediately rushed to their ships and freshened up.

Once they were done, it was time to go, the ships started their engines and slowly slipped out of the River Thames and under Tower Bridge as fans and friends waved goodbye.

Doc: "See you guys next time!" he yelled.

Queen Elizabeth: "We can talk about engines more in the future!" she yelled.

Belfast: "Keep Ms. Enterprise at bay please!" she yelled.

Nimitz: "Wilco!" he yelled back.

Once they were out of the River they split ways and headed home.

A/N: That took way longer than I thought it would, and yes, this story is gonna be a really big cluster-fuck of a crossover. NotaChild4(MJTM 2's Lore Guy/Sakura Empire Commander/Tanker/Unofficial Councilman 6), blame lacaloga148(Councilman 1) and patrlot(Councilman3) for convincing me to do that. aish_sucks61(the Newbie of the group/Northern Parliament Commander/SN Kaganovich) what did you think of kissing Eugen? I just want thoughts, if ya don't like it, I can change it. Now check out dieHero(our Military Specialist/Eagle Union Commander/USS Missouri/Councilman 5), DrDestiny(our Memelord/Royal Navy Commander/HMS Lion/Councilman 2), and 007weeb(dH's girl) for more stories like this one. I'm kuwebby2(the Realistic All-Rounder/Ironblood Commander/BRP Antonio Luna/Councilman 4), I'll see ya guys next chapter.

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