A New Life

By katsuma6

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‼️MATURE CONTENT‼️ - After the war with the quincies Kisuke Urahara decides to let Grimmjow live with him in... More

Chapter One // Surprise!
Chapter Two // Thanksgiving Preparations
Chapter Three // Visitors
Chapter Four // Past Lover?
Chapter Five // Work, Work, and more Work
Chapter Six // You Called?
Chapter Seven // Secret Wants
Chapter Nine // Dressing Room
Chapter Ten // Decorating
Chapter Eleven // Keep it Together
🍋Chapter Twelve // Roaming Thoughts🍋
Chapter Thirteen // Take Care
Chapter Fourteen // Phone Call
Chapter Fifteen // Soul Society
Chapter Sixteen // New Enemy
Chapter Seventeen // A Plan
Chapter Eighteen // Club Terror
Chapter Nineteen // Rabashi
🍋Chapter Twenty // You Drive Me Nuts🍋
Chapter Twenty One // You're Mine
Chapter Twenty Two // New Years Party
🍋Chapter Twenty Three // Be Reminded🍋
Chapter Twenty Four // Going Back
Chapter Twenty Five // Just Like Me
Chapter Twenty Six // Roomies
🍋Chapter Twenty Seven // Again🍋
Chapter Twenty Eight // Patrol
Chapter Twenty Nine // Two Left Feet
🍋Chapter Thirty // Sexy Chocolates🍋
Chapter Thirty One // Busy
Chapter Thirty Two // Leave it Behind
Chapter Thirty Three // Bikini Body
Chapter Thirty Four // Beach
🍋Chapter Thirty Five // Who You Belong To🍋
Chapter Thirty Six // Captured
Grimmy Hates Pictures.
Chapter Thirty Seven // Broken
Chapter Thirty Eight // Break In
🍋Chapter Thirty Nine // Don't Think I Won't🍋

Chapter Eight // Dual Blades

285 10 0
By katsuma6

Grimmjow was glimmering with excitement. Ichigo and Kiskue were a few feet away watching the fight about to unfold.

"Two blades, huh? Badass."

"Tch." Katsuma scoffed. "Spare me. It's nothing special."

Katsuma was pretty proud of her Zanpakuto.

Kinben'na Dokuhebi. Diligent Viper. Katsuma is able to release a deadly venom into her opponents by penetrating them but, only if she wants to. It's a special technique that she is in full control of. If one of her blades happen to cut you, that part of your body will go completely numb for 30 minutes. The time limit adds up the more she cuts her opponent. Her blades are thin and light which gives her the ability to move quickly. Her stamina and agility are top tier.

Grimmjow however is a brute. He is fast, sure. But he is strong. Very strong. His spiritual pressure alone is enough to make you suffocate. His flaw? Too cocky.

Katsuma was the first to attack. Grimmjow blocked her blades with his one sword and pushed her back.

"Don't hold back just because I'm a girl!" Katsuma yelled.

Grimmjow laughed. "Trust me, princess, you won't get special treatment."

AN - heh.. hi. I'm not good at writing fighting scenes yet so we're gonna pretend they've been going at it for a while now. Oops that sounded dirty :D

"Should we check on them?" Ichigo asked while taking a bite of a sandwich. "I'm scared they'll kill each other."

Kiskue remained sat at the coffee table. "Eh I'm sure it's fine." He responded while sitting his tea cup down.

The floor was rumbling with explosions. The sound of swords clashing fill the air.

"I'm gonna go." Ichigo finished his sandwich and headed back down to the basement. A huge dust cloud filled the scene. Ichigo couldn't see anything.

"Katsuma?" He called.



While he was walking around trying to find them Katsuma was sitting on top of Grimmjow.

"I thought you said I won't get special treatment." She teased knowing both of his legs are numb from being cut.

Grimmjow grabbed Katsumas face and pulled her closer to his.

"Wait until I can move again." He whispered.

She rolled her eyes and stood up, wiping sweat off her forehead.

"Damn you guys really went at it, huh?"

Ichigo finally found the two. "That was fun. It's been a while since I've had any action." Katsuma replied looking at Ichigo.

"We should totally make training down here a regular thing." She continued.

Grimmjow finally perked up. "Hell yeah. Now you're talking."

"You two are nuts. Literally." Ichigo took a deep sigh while rubbing his temples. "Come on, let's go back upstairs. Kiskue wanted to talk about a party coming up for Christmas."

Grimmjow finally stood up meeting Katsumas gaze. "What?"

"Nothin." Grimmjow replied, wiping a bit of blood off her forehead. "You're fun." He whispered with that signature grin.

Katsuma shoved his hand away playfully. "Shut up."

"Are you guys coming?" Ichigo called.

After about an hour everyone was cleaned up and sitting around the coffee table.

Ichigo huffed. "So this big, fancy, Christmas party or whatever you called it.." he trailed off.

"If you just said fancy and party count me out." Grimmjow interrupted.

Kiskue chucked. "Oh come on! Don't be boring!"

Katsuma dramatically ran her hands down her face. "I'm gonna work every single day until new year just so I can stay out of this."

"Nuh, uh uh." Kiskue wiggled his finger back and forth. "You're grounded from work."

Katsuma scoffed. "You can't ground me from work you idiot."

"I can kidnap her." Grimmjow said in a serious tone. Katsuma punched his shoulder.

"I'll kill you. Don't ever touch me."

"Or what?" Grimmjow teased while poking her arm.

Katsuma stood up. "Okay, well, I gotta go. Ichigo I'll talk to you later. I'm out." She lazily waved while walking out the door.

When Katsuma got home she showered and ate dinner. She was relaxing on the couch watching tv when she heard her phone ding. Sounded like a text.

Orihime- "Hey Kat! Rukia is in town and we're gonna go shopping and grab lunch tomorrow. You want to come?"

Katsuma sat her phone down to think. Girl time actually sounded really nice. She hated shopping but, she could put up with it. She picked her phone back up.

Katsuma- "Sure sounds good. I'll meet you guys at the mall."
Orihime- "yay!"

Katsuma continued watching tv when her phone went off again.

Orihime- "Oh, Ichigo and Renji are joining us for lunch, hope that's okay"

Katsuma froze. "What the hell. Wouldn't that make me a third wheel times two?" She grumbled to herself.

Katsuma- "I'll pass on the triple date."
Orihime- "just ask Grimmjow!"

Katsuma threw her head back on the couch and sighed dramatically. "She would say that."

Katsuma pulled up Grimmjows contact. She stared at it for probably five minutes. She typed up a text and hit send.

Katsuma- "Hey. Are you busy?"
Grimmjow- "Why? Miss me?"
Katsuma- "I meant tomorrow stupid. Do you want to grab lunch with me?"
Grimmjow- "are you asking me on a date?"

Katsuma threw her phone in annoyance. With a bright red face she didn't touch her phone for the rest of the night.

The next morning came fast considering Katsuma was up most of the night. She was exhausted. "Ugh, damnit." She groaned while sitting up on the couch. She didn't even go to her bed last night.

She lazily browsed through her closet trying to piece together something to wear. Once she finally got dressed she brushed out her hair and applied minimal makeup to see if it made her look more awake and put together. It did make a difference.

She finally arrived at the mall.

"Katsuma! Over here!" Orihime called while waving her hand.

"Hey guys!" She responded with a smile. "What're you guys shopping for?"

Orihime beamed with excitement. "Dresses! We all need one for the Christmas party!"

Rukia laughed watching Katsumas expression drastically change. "You didn't forget did you?"

Katsuma scratched her head lightly. "Pssh, nooo..."

Orihime playfully grabbed her hand along with Rukias. "Well come on! No time to waste!"

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