The daily vest cannot be drop...

By Spinfoxie

15.2K 655 1

Alternative Title: 日抛马甲不能掉 Author: Zimu Tao Summary: 25 years of interstellar, supernatural recovery, strange... More

The day throw vest cannot be dropped


76 6 0
By Spinfoxie

    Some scorching sun relentlessly shone on every place that was not covered by buildings, making people on the road couldn't help speeding up their pace.

    Irene held the energy detector in one hand, and couldn't help but stroke the weapon hidden in her sleeve with the other hand. She looked around with divine eyes, trying to find some clues.

    Lide, who said he wanted to protect her, left when he saw her talking to L, and gave her a vicious look before leaving.

    However, Irene has never had such a heart that is higher than the sky. In fact, she has no ability to pretend to be a man. After all, a woman is still a beautiful woman. Being able to come to a place like Dominica alone to do missions is enough to show that she is nothing. The vase is beautiful.

    She walked forward, and the man slowly fell beside her, as if he was on a tourist trip, and seemed to really give her the initiative.

    Irene was somewhat puzzled by L's attitude. When she walked around the garden and observed the scene outside the building, she finally couldn't help asking: "What do you think of this hospital?"

    L, that is, Wen Muqing , He said lazily according to the persona: "I don't have any opinion. It's not so much a hospital, it's more like a nursing home, or a mental hospital."

    ——It's actually nonsense.

    "Indeed, the only information I have collected is that this hospital suddenly appeared and deceived more than a dozen ordinary people to come in by relying on advertisements, and then closed the hospital directly on the grounds that it was full of patients." Irene saw that he hadn't been there all the time. In a daze, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I can't see anyone along the way, and the energy detection is also very low. It is very likely that ordinary people are trapped somewhere."

    Irene covered her eyes with her hand, raised her head slightly to observe The five buildings side by side are different from the buildings next to each other in general hospitals. The buildings in this place are separated by a large gap, and they are arranged in two fronts and three backs. The third floors between each other are covered with special opaque The covered bridges are connected together, presenting a trapezoid.

    The place where the red cross is marked is Building No. 1. There are creepers crawling on the wall, which are green and swaying in the wind. There are also creepers in Building No. 2, but they are much rarer than Building No. 1, and the serial number goes further back. The buildings in the building are newer, and the No. 4 and No. 5 buildings in the back are shiny white porcelain without any stains.

    Irene took two steps forward, lay down beside the fountain and looked down. There were even a few golden carps swimming inside, which looked fat and fat, and their tail flicks could cause high splashes.

    Wen Muqing was observing the ability user who was traveling with him, while thinking about the clearance script he set.

    [Crane] was arranged by him as a gatekeeper boss, not suitable for close-up viewing, so he simply took out the new card and used it as a hidden NPC.

    Although the ability of the wanderer is not a special type, it is definitely enough to fool the ability users. He intends to test a few better ability users and let them stay in the alliance country to serve as his internal support.

    He didn't set up the customs clearance dungeon to be complicated, as long as you have enough patience and good physical fitness, don't kill yourself, you can still play for a while.

    At least this Irene seems to be relatively cautious at the moment.

    In other words, if someone who is really capable clears the level, shouldn't he feel free to give out some game rewards? No, when did he use this place as a game card?

    Wen Muqing's thoughts wandered for a moment.

    Erin rested her chin and thought, since there are live fish and well-trimmed bushes in this place, it means that there must be a special person in charge of taking care of these things, and ordinary low-level weirdos don't have their own thinking, so... this place Are there other living beings?

    She told Wen Muqing this conjecture, and Wen Muqing yawned and said, "Go in and have a look, aren't you looking for someone?"

    Irene nodded and walked ahead alone, her heart beating a bit.

    Could it be that she has found another laggard to be her teammate...?

    On the way to Building No. 1, the system of Yin Yang Hospital couldn't help popping up.

    [Master host, since you want to participate in this game, let Bingbing broadcast to you the status of other players~]

    Wen Muqing felt a little chilly, he called Yin Yang Hospital Bicky mainly because he wanted to get rid of it, but now it turns out It is given the reverse output.

    God knows how weird it is for a cold mechanical voice to proclaim redounds and speak with a tilde.

    Bingbing continued: [At present, the four players have assembled in Building 1, and the greasy man who looks like he will be bald within a year is talking to the NPC nurse on the first floor, trying to ask about relevant content. Oh my god, where are his hands? When he touches my dark side again, the nurse will love him well. ]

    Wen Muqing: ...

    He couldn't help asking: "How do you know that he will be bald within a year?"

    Bingbing: [Master Host, I suddenly discovered that your ability to focus on key points is as cute as yours. ]

    [Don't worry that he won't be bald, our nurse will carry a knife with her when she is in the dark, and she will "care" for that man. ]

    The air conditioner in the hospital lobby was turned on very cool, and it was empty, except for a nurse on duty sitting at the counter.

    Lide grabbed his hair that hadn't been washed for a few days, and randomly scanned it with the energy detector. He didn't see any other figures, so he walked directly to the nurse, and squeezed over to strike up a conversation with a very strong posture.

    The nurse with curly hair and no makeup kept a gentle and perfect smile, let him inquire about information, and just repeated mechanically: "Which room is the patient you want to visit? If you want to check in, please go to the automatic payment machine Pay the fee."

    Lide cursed and regarded this as a strange NPC, casually touched it a few times before turning around to find other clues.

    And the moment he turned his head, the nurse's smile gradually distorted, and her eyes showed a bloodthirsty light. With a scalpel in her hand, she hid fiercely on the counter, stirring up a piece of sawdust.

    [One point for the little brother who looks like he skipped class and ran away! He successfully found our school rules and is studying them carefully. ] Bingbing’s voice was very passionate, as if he was explaining a game, [Oh, he took pictures of the rules of the courtyard, well done! ]

     On the second floor is the Department of Internal Medicine. The empty corridor is filled with green chairs, but there is no one there. The nurse at the reception desk is dozing off, and Li has no intention of paying attention to it. 

    He also asked the nurse on the first floor, and after learning that these were repeaters, he stopped paying attention.

     After all, this is a spooky occasion, not a normal hospital. 

    Holding the dagger in his hand, Li walked straight over, first flipped through the materials on the table, and then saw the rules and regulations marked in red letters behind the reception desk.

     After stopping for a while, he chose to shoot it directly, and then looked at it from room to room.

     Wen Muqing didn't know what to say after listening to the cadenced explanation of the Yin-Yang system.

     He always felt that he would be annoyed to death by this system, or did the "yin and yang" in this yin and yang system mean yin and yang?

     "Remember to take good care of those NPCs and don't let them expose me." Wen Muqing warned, "And don't add settings to others casually, what if Li has already taken summer vacation early?"

     [...Okay, you That's right, I hope you're always having a great vacation with a relaxed mind. ] Obviously there was only the mechanical sound of the system, but Wen Muqing always felt that there was a villain in front of him shrugging helplessly at him. 

    But… consider this a vacation? 

    Wen Muqing took the time to look at Ye Shou's perspective. It was estimated that he would arrive in Tibet in two hours. Yu Jiang and Wu Liangping were still chatting, and Bu Jiu had already fallen asleep with confidence. 

    It was the first time he entered the headquarters, maybe they still had some means to detect memory or identity, he really had to pay more attention. 

    Then just fish a little bit here, and be a melon-eating crowd.

     Irene and Wen Muqing also walked into the hall, and met the nurse lady mentioned by the Yin Yang system.

    "Are you going to ask or I'm going to ask?" Irene blinked, looking at the man who looked very reliable and deep, and actually already had an idea in her heart.

    Wen Muqing said without hesitation: "You go."

    He is a fisherman, besides, there is nothing to ask about what he already knows.

    The smile on Irene's face froze for a moment, as if she didn't expect to hear such an ungentlemanly answer, even her eyes were filled with surprise.

    "I'll take a look around, and we'll meet after you finish asking." Wen Muqing didn't get the beauty's speechlessness at all, and he walked towards the notice board at the stairs while listening to the system continue beeping.

    The emotion of being a homeless pops up for a moment.

    It seems that this card is really designed by a pure prodigal son, and I still have a high affection for the beautiful young lady, so I have to get in touch with a few other people later.

    [The little brother who didn't get enough to eat and the little girl who ate two bowls at a time have already reached the third floor. Their purpose is relatively clear, and they went directly to the monitoring room, but the witty and clever host has already considered it. At this point, the video in the monitoring room has been replaced~]

    The monitoring room at the corner of the third floor is densely packed with display screens, and the brothers and sisters who signed W and K are frowning and looking at the flickering screen .

    "Brother, is the surveillance in this place broken? Why is there only one nurse walking back and forth?"

    Sister K cracked the program, trying to call up all the surveillance cameras on the six floors of Building 1, but except Outside the corridor on the fifth floor below, the rest of the screen is black, and the surveillance camera in the corridor always shows a video of a nurse with curly hair pushing a cart back and forth.

    It's okay to watch it once, but watching it many times in a row really makes people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

    Brother W coughed twice, his eyes were faintly glowing green, like the eyes of a wolf, and he was staring at the screen of the device in his hand, which was connected to the monitoring screen.

    Soon he came back to his senses and said to Sister K: "I can't invade the nurse's body, which means she is not alive."

    "It seems that this place is weird, it's not as simple as it seems on the surface."

    [Ah, the first contestant who discovered that our nurse is not human is born! Add five points! ] Sick and happy and authentic, [Of course, the host will give you full marks by default~ You can come up with such a great script, you are really very suitable to accept our hospital. ]

    No, he didn't want to accept the mental hospital thing at all.

    Ignoring Rainbow Fart, Wen Muqing briefly analyzed the characters of those people.

    There is no need to mention Lide. It looks like the exclusive cannon fodder in the game. Wen Muqing has always disliked this kind of guy who does not respect women. If he can survive this game to the end, then he will consider letting him Clean up and start a new life.

    The person who seems to have the ability of only a high school student will not mention anything else for the time being. His observation skills and perception of danger are quite high. Through systematic narration, Wen Muqing discovered that he had actually avoided the place he set up on the second floor with his intuition. The level of the room.

     Irene's ability has not been exposed, and she seems to be independent and assertive at the moment. Even if she encounters a teammate like him who has nothing to do and is just looking for fish, she can still maintain a polite smile on her face.  

   The abilities of the WK combination seem to be very complementary, one is responsible for manipulating data, and the other seems to have the ability to possess the characters in the video. 

    Wen Muqing was a little curious, if he was in the video, would W try to possess him as well. 

    Bingbing seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said in an interpreter's tone: [Oh~ my dear host, if you really want to try to let someone else possess you, then the poor child will have to go directly to see God. ]

     [Or, before I go to God, I can still kick his ass with data! ]

     Wen Muqing said "Oh", thinking of his own system, and asked: "The data in your system can also form a human figure?"

     If there is a real chance, he would rather let the idiot in the system go out to eat by himself, rather than whole God is greedy for this and that in his mind.

    Bingbing's voice paused for a while, and soon, a shy mechanical voice sounded: [Master host, if you want, I can actually offer it, that, uh-huh...]

    Wen Muqing: ...

    he said coldly: " No, you can't."

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