Ironblood's Helmsman


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Me, dH, and Doc are at it again! This time with a way more realistic AL story, we start out as crew members a... Еще

Bio (prologues)
Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Prologue pt. 3
Bio (From this point onwards)
Chapter 1:.......Tirpitz?
Chapter 2: Allies
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast
Chapter 6: Back at base
Chapter 7: Allies pt. 2
Chapter 8: Upgrades
Chapter 9: Dueling
Chapter 10: Meet the Future You
Chapter 11: And we're off
Chapter 12: SCP-2399
Chapter 13: RMS Olympic
Chapter 14: Sorry Pearl....
Chapter 15: Genderbent proposal
Chapter 16: Check ups
Chapter 17: Proving mettle
Chapter 18: the Sad Story of Alice
Chapter 19: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20: The Wall's inception
Chapter 21: A kidnapping
Chapter 22: Welcome to The Wall
Chapter 23: Ishimura and Valor
Chapter 24: AIDAN
Chapter 25: Modernity
Chapter 26: Teaching Zumwalt Sense
Chapter 27: Um....why?
Chapter 28: Rex vs Andy
Chapter 29: A Dance of Fire and Blood
Chapter 30: Aftermath of Fuhai
Chapter 31: Sea Shepherd

Chapter 4: SCP-4217

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General POV

A fleet of 27 ships were dispatched from Scapa Flow and made sail for the Arctic Circle to search for this Third Bismarck. The search area was very wide so the 27 ships were split up into 5 fleets one for 2 factions.

Currently Ironblood and Northern Parliament were sharing their search area and were split into teams of 2 to go over the place faster. Currently Kaganovich and Luna were jumping on top of icebergs looking into gaps and cracks for the Bismarck.

Andy: "Any news from the others?" he asked.

Laurien: "Kronshtadt just radioed me, she said every other faction is reporting clear, the Bismarck has to be here." she replied.

Luna nodded, this thing wasn't the biggest threat in the world there were much bigger and more dangerous warships than a Bismarck, hell the Eagles had 4 classes of battleships more powerful than a Bismarck. But still, it would be a powerful adversary to face.

The duo stopped on an iceberg when the ice-field came to a stop and a clear stretch of ocean came was dead quiet and oddly calm in this clear patch in the ice. Luna turned off One-for-All to recharge in a sense and prolong his usage of it.

Andy: "Great!" he exclaimed, "This is exactly where we parted ways with the others! Now what?"

Laurien: "Let's backtrack and see if we missed something." she said, before jumping away.

Luna sighed and followed Kaganovich, unaware of a shadowy figure in the water, whatever it was then began to follow the duo of Commanders.

Meanwhile Spee and Avrora were searching in between the gaps in the ice looking the old fashioned way and striking some form of conversation.

Graf Spee: "How is your commander?" she asked.

Avrora: "Comrade Aish is supreme to Comrade Lenin." she stated, "A lot more warm in presence, better for the younger ships."

Graf Spee: "Hm." she hummed in agreement.

Avrora: "What about you comrade Spee?" she asked, "How is your commander?"

Graf Spee: "Oh, he is much better than the other Kommandants.....mostly because he's an introvert." she said with a slight pink-ish hue, "I mean....he's just quiet and reserved most of the time but whenever he is out and about he's always so kind....a-and-..."

Avrora: "Ah! You have a crush on him Comrade Spee." she said.

Spee stuttered and attempted to explain herself while Avrora laughed it off.

Avrora: "I kid Comrade Spee, but if you do decide to hit it off, you have to make the first move." she wisely advised.

Spee was left silent as Avrora left her be, she had been waiting for Luna to make the first move, now she thought of it however, she found that would've been an unwise move, an introvert never makes the first move in a relationship.

Meanwhile the commanders the duo of cruisers were talking about had landed in a big empty space of water.

Laurien: "Ugh! I don't understand!" she exclaimed, "Why can't we find a 50,000 ton war machine?! And why do I keep getting pulled to this area?!"

Andy: "I'm as clueless as you Aish." he said, "Hopefully one of the others found it or something."

Before Kaganovich could retort or Luna could further his statement the Frigate's SONAR pinged an.....anomaly of nature?

Andy: "What the fu-???" he started to curse.

The Bismarck then shot out from under them and split the duo apart, this one was nothing like Bismarck or Tirpitz this 3rd Bismarck had Ancient Runes sketched onto the side, jaws near the bow, octopi-like eyes jutting out from the superstructure, and most notably tentacles that shot out the battleship's stern.

It made a guttural roar as it surfaced and faced Luna.

Andy: "Holy shit!" he cursed, "AISH INFORM THE OTHERS!!!"

Laurien: "Right!" she affirmed as Luna started to run for his life, before grabbing a radio, "ALL UNITS WE HAVE THE BISMARCK BUT WE NEED ASSISTANCE!!!"

Alex: "It's hostile?" he asked.

Luna dodged a few tentacles before yelling out at the fast battleship on the other line.

Andy: "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!" he yelled.

Laurien: "You guys need to get here fast, you won't believe our description if we told ya!" she said.

On the other side of the line Spee looked at Avrora concerned before the former shot off to help her Commander.

Avrora: "Comrade Spee! Wait!" she yelled as she shot off after her, "It's too dangerous!"


Avrora: "Tch, young love." she sighed.

Meanwhile Luna had been having an awful time, he had exactly 2 minutes of One-for-All left to use and his riggings hadn't helped one bit, Kaganovich was also on the ropes with her weaponry unable to even scratch whatever this Bismarck had as its armor.

Laurien: "How the hell is this thing so tough?!" she yelled.

Andy: "It's very tough, but that's not it! It's just that our weaponry doesn't have a high enough caliber to pierce its armor." she stated.

The 'Bismarck' roared at us as we spoke to each other trying to brainstorm what to do next.

Laurien: "So what? We stall?!" she yelled.

Andy: "Yes, we stall, but only til the rest of our allies get here." he said, "Then we sink that son of a bitch."

Luna then charged in trailing Green Lightning leaving Kaganovich soaked.

Laurien: "Goddamnit Andy!" she yelled.

Luna ignored her cry as he ducked under tentacles and 15 inch shells while also rushing around and jumping off icebergs at top speed.

Andy: 'I can't beat her using my rigging, so I'll use One-for-All and hit it as hard as I can!' he thought to himself as he jumped around, "SMAAASSSSHHH!!!"

Luna launched himself off of an iceberg and landed a kick at 10% right on 'Bismarck's' armor belt. 'Bismarck' roared in what seemed to be pain as the runes lining its side glowed violently.

Andy: "Oh that hurt did it?" he taunted as he launched himself off, "Well there's more where that came from!"

'Bismarck' roared in frustration as the little Frigate used powerful hits and quick speed to outrun 'her' and make up for its lack in firepower. The kicks and punches kept coming as Luna slowly upped the percentage to both increase momentum and increase the power of the licks and punches.

The hits would sometimes break off large chunks of the turrets or even rip parts of the superstructure off but when this happened instead of mechanical gears or just the inside of the turrets muscle and tissue was exposed to the Arctic elements.

For another grueling minute Luna kept the pressure on, speeding around while landing blows to 'Bismarck' as hard as he possibly could, but finally One-for-All started to flame out and he landed next to Kaganovich who was in slight shock.

Laurien: "Are you ok?!" she asked, "That looked painful....."

Luna had landed covered in blood and cuts from shrapnel and some lucky hits from the secondaries and the AA positions.

Andy: "I'll be fine," he replied, "the blood isn't mine."

Laurien: "Phew, well, at least we've bought enough time for the others to get here." she stated.

But the world wanted to prove that wrong, a sickening crunch was heard from 'Bismarck' the duo of commanders turned and their eyes widened in shock. The dents that Luna had managed to put on 'Bismarck' were buffing themselves out as the jaw snapped back into position after Luna had kicked the thing out of place.

This grueling process of self-healing slowly allowed 'Bismarck' to regain some of the tentacles that Kaganovich had managed to cut off via 6 inch shell. All the while Luna and Kaganovich watched in disgust, curiosity, maybe even hints of disdain before it finally looked as if the thing was ready for another attack. They just wanted the day to end already, they'd fought their hearts out and still that son of a bitch was alive!

However....something different started to occur 'Bismarck' started to crunch itself up and slowly shrink to a height of 6'12" as skin and hair slowly started to make itself known, and as if nothing had happened the monster of a warship was now a humanoid figure indistinguishable from Luna's Secretary......that didn't mean they were one in the same, this Bismarck had Octopi like eyes, on her hulls instead of jaws, her eyes were sickly yellow, and the turrets seemed to be bleeding the same as her hull.

Luna and Kaganovich were disgusted by this but before either could do anything a salvo of 11 inch Armor Piercing flew over their heads and into 'Bismarck' followed swiftly by 16 inch armor piercing. The group turn to see Spee, Avrora, and Missouri jump in on the attack.

Alex: "What the fuck?!" he yelled in confusion, before getting bonked on the head.

Graf Spee: "No swearing." she said simply.

Andy: "To answer your question we got more than we bargained for." he stated.

Avrora: "Well, let us beat that thing to the ground!" she yelled.

Laurien: "Urah!" she yelled in agreement.

As the 5 ships readied for another skirmish 'Bismarck' spoke in an oddly loud, oddly toned, oddly glitchy, and oddly robotic tone.

4217: "CONFUSION" it said.

Laurien: "It spoke!" she said.

Alex: "Yes we can hear it has spoken!" he snapped

Nimitz: "Andy, make contact." he ordered finally addressing Luna from Enterprise's hull form.

Andy: "Why me?!" he yelled.

Avrora: "Admittedly comrade, you are closest." she stated.

Hood: "It would also be unwise for a Capital Ship to do such an act." she added as she arrived.

Luna sighed reluctantly but did as he was told, approaching the anomalous kansen and starting to speak.

Andy: "Hello?" he asked.

4217: "GREETINGS" it said.

Andy: ", hi, I am the BRP Antonio Luna, currently commander of Ironblood." he introduced, "Can you tell me who you are? Where you came from at least?"

It was at this point that the allies had all filtered in and noted that this wasn't really Bismarck, everything was different and no kansen would bleed from their riggings much less Bismarck.

4217: "CONFUSION" it said again.

Andy: "So you don't know?" he questioned, "Or do you not understand?"

4217: "UNDERSTAND......REMEMBER MANY....." it said, a small flicker of blue in its eyes shone for a bit as it paused.

Andy: "Ok.....what do you mean by 'Remember Many'?" he asked.

On Nimitz's screen aboard Enterprise a video feed of various pictures from 4217 started appearing.

Nimitz: "Andy, put me up on your PA system." he ordered.

Andy: "Yes sir." he said, quickly rerouting some wires.

Nimitz: "This is Commander Nimitz of Eagle Union, are these your memories?" he asked.

4217: "AFFIRM" it said.

Nimitz: "Wait was that Jupiter? Is that where you're from?" he asked.

4217 started to shake and twitch violently as Luna started to back the hell away, before suddenly the blue hue in her eyes fully took over and she spoke more naturally.

4217-A: "P-please......h-help me....." she pleaded.

Andy: "U-um..." he stuttered.

4217-A: "P-please.....I-I can only-!!" she's cut off by a sickening snapping sound before the yellow returned.

4217-B: "DOCUMENT.......DON'T NEAR.......WILL KILL...." it said, throwing a folder at Luna.

Luna caught the folder as 4217 disappeared into the ocean. A beat of silence reigned over the small section of clear water before Missouri yelled out.

Alex: "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FU-!?!?!?!?!?" he yelled.

A few hours later once the group had returned to Scapa-Flow the group gathered in the Commander's office and reviewed the file it was labeled SCP-4217 with this logo printed on the front cover.

Nimitz: "Alright, this is confidential material, I shall have this archived here and no one is to touch it unless they are also a commander." he instructed.

Doc: "All ships transiting the North Atlantic are to be on guard, especially British ships, we have no telling what this ship will do." he said.

Andy: "Ironblood should be able to lend a few Destroyers and U-Boats to assist." he said.

Darlan: "Iris Orthodoxy can also assist the Royals when Ironblood is out." he said.

Alex: "And us Eagles can lend a few hands." he stated.

Nimitz: "The summit ends tomorrow, get some sleep, all of you." he said.

The group got up, saluted, and then walked off to tend to their ships. Luna arrived in the dorm and saw the girls playing Uno of all games and then Nimi and Eugen noticed Luna followed by Spee.

Ironblood girls: "Kommandant!" they yelled.

Spee then rushed up and slammed into Luna hugging him with all her might.

Andy: "Woah!" he exclaimed, before hugging back, "You ok Spee?"

Graf Spee: "I'd be better if you didn't endanger yourself, Dummkompf." she said.

Luna chuckled, before patting her back and hugging her tighter.

Andy: "I ain't dying until Ironblood is back on its feet, until then, I'll always come back home." he said.

Spee released the hug for a bit and held out a pinky.

Graf Spee: "Pinky swear?" she asked.

Andy: "Pinky Swear." he responded, putting his pinky and locking it with her's.

Prinz Eugen: "So when's the wedding you 2?~" she teased.

Instead of blushing or anything Spee simply responded coolly.

Graf Spee: ".......soon." she said.

Andy: "Wait what?!" he yelled.

As simple as that Eugen's teasing stopped, she pouted and then she left.

Z23: "Wow, you know how to piss everyone off don't you Kommandant?" she asked rhetorically.

Andy: "I'm not even saying anything!" he yelled.

Nimi and Spee had a good laugh at Luna's expense but behind the door, Eugen was crying a little, but that's another story.

A/N: aaaand done! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter cause I sure loved writing it! NotaChild4(the Lore Guy/Sakura Empire Commander/Tanker ship), how do you like 4217? I think I portrayed her pretty well if I do say so myself. I really hope I nailed the characters and their dialogue, aish_sucks61(the Newbie/Northern Parliament Commander/SN Kaganovich), I tried to sort of make the 'Seeing 10 minutes into the future thing' work by making it what pulls us to 4217 hope I did it well. That's all for now, check out dieHero(our Military Specialist/Eagle Union Commander/USS Missouri), DrDestiny(our Memelord/Royal Navy Commander/HMS Lion), and 007weeb (dH's girl) for more stories. I'm kuwebby2(the Realistic All-Rounder/Ironblood Commander/BRP Antonio Luna), see ya next time. Please behave patrlot, and lacaloga148, you should consider making books, the 'Alice' story line was amazing!


I mean it's that time of year y'know

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