Ironblood's Helmsman

By kuwebby2

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Me, dH, and Doc are at it again! This time with a way more realistic AL story, we start out as crew members a... More

Bio (prologues)
Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Prologue pt. 3
Bio (From this point onwards)
Chapter 1:.......Tirpitz?
Chapter 2: Allies
Chapter 4: SCP-4217
Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast
Chapter 6: Back at base
Chapter 7: Allies pt. 2
Chapter 8: Upgrades
Chapter 9: Dueling
Chapter 10: Meet the Future You
Chapter 11: And we're off
Chapter 12: SCP-2399
Chapter 13: RMS Olympic
Chapter 14: Sorry Pearl....
Chapter 15: Genderbent proposal
Chapter 16: Check ups
Chapter 17: Proving mettle
Chapter 18: the Sad Story of Alice
Chapter 19: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20: The Wall's inception
Chapter 21: A kidnapping
Chapter 22: Welcome to The Wall
Chapter 23: Ishimura and Valor
Chapter 24: AIDAN
Chapter 25: Modernity
Chapter 26: Teaching Zumwalt Sense
Chapter 27: Um....why?
Chapter 28: Rex vs Andy
Chapter 29: A Dance of Fire and Blood
Chapter 30: Aftermath of Fuhai
Chapter 31: Sea Shepherd

Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies

290 3 119
By kuwebby2

General POV

Luna and Missouri were in shock, what a friggin coincidence! They had just run into each other by chance now they figure out they had been invited by another friend.

Doc: "Who goes there?!" he yelled.

And he didn't remember us again.

Andy: "I'm Ironblood's new commander!" I yelled, "You probably remember me as Andy or kuwebby2 though!"

Alex: "And I'm Eagle Union's Commander-in-Training." he joined, "But you remember me as dieHero on Wattpad!"

Doc racked his mind before snapping his fingers and teleporting to us before hugging the both of us.

Doc: "Lads!" he yelled.

Andy: "Gah! Well.....good to see you too man." he groaned.

Alex: "Yup....good to see ya.....ow I think letting us go would be nice...." he groaned out.

Luna had just hardened his body so he wasn't getting hurt.

Doc: "Oh right." he said sheepishly, "But seriously, it's great to see you 2!"

Andy: "Same to you Doc." he said.

Sheffield cleared her throat and got the trio's attention.

Sheffield: "Pardon the interruption master, but we have a summit to attend." she reminded.

Nimitz: "Yes, let's dock and get set up." he said.

The 4 Ironblood ships and 4 Eagle Union ships docked and were greeted by Belfast and Hood.

Belfast: "Welcome to Royal Navy, I am Belfast, I shall be taking care of Ironblood." she curtsied, "Use me as you wish."

Andy: "......I'm sorry wut?" he asked.

Doc: "Um....Bel....I don't think you need to do.....that anymore." he said.

Belfast: "I see....this is the exception to the pervert Ironblood rule?" she questioned.

Graf Spee: "Yes, in fact if anything he has kept his distance from everyone but Bismarck and Z23." she stated, "But they're both his secretaries so it's not really unusual to see them around him."

Belfast nodded at this, he sounded like an introvert.

Belfast: "Well, if you don't mind, how about I lead you to the dorms?" she offered before starting to walk away to her position.

Spee looked at Luna who shrugged and followed the maid, the Ironblood girls proceeded to follow their commander.

Later the Ironblood group is seen in their room in night clothes. Well everyone but Luna who wasn't there. Speaking of the room it was a decently sized one with 2 beds, a mini-fridge, a bath, and a balcony which had been shut.

Graf Spee: "Where is the Kommandant?" she asked.

Z23: "Hm, you don't think he's just talking with the other Commanders do you?" she asked.

Graf Spee: "No, he seemed to be quite tired." she said, "I wonder where he is."

Eugen could be heard giggling in the background as she realized what had happened.

Meanwhile Luna had just gotten out of the showers and had put on his still somewhat big Pajama pants, he was about to grab the shirt of said Pajamas.....only to find nothing, he looked and saw that nothing was there.

Andy: "Oh you've gotta be shitting me......EUGEN!!!!!" he yelled.

In the room Eugen was full blown laughing, the shout had been heard everywhere. Eugen had taken out his only available top, the other clothes he packed were dress whites and Admiral Uniforms, not good for sleeping.

On cue Luna barged into the room without a shirt causing Spee to blush and Nimi to cover her own eyes. Now Luna wasn't buff or ripped, but he was relatively well built, Military training had at least given him some muscle and a 4 pack but he was still relatively skinny. Nimi then spoke severely to Eugen piecing together what had happened.

Z23: "Eugen! You don't do that!" she yelled.

Prinz Eugen: "Meh, it was worth it." she said, "Besides, it feels good to have your top off sometimes, right Kommandant?~"

Andy: "I see why you guys don't like her sometimes." he said giving Spee tissues for her nosebleeds.

Spee took them gratefully and basically blocked up her nose when the door opened.

Belfast: "What happened this......time....?" she asked, "What happened here?"

Z23: "Eugen took the Kommandant's only casual shirt out of his bag and expects him to sleep in this temperature without a shirt." she said, "And to make matters worse, he hates showing off his body."

Andy: "I'M SHY OK!?!?!?" he yelled.

Prinz Eugen: "What about that little comment in the Truth or Dare game we played?" she asked, "You were being very confident there."

Andy: "You guys adopted me as a friend, I feel comfy around you guys, but that doesn't mean I'm this comfortable!" he yelled.

Nimi sighed exasperated.

Z23: "Well, all the shops are closed so you have to sleep that way." she said, but then paused, "Who're you sleeping with again?"

Andy: "You assigned me with Spee to test my ability to keep it in my pants-.......oh for fucks sake." he cussed, before feeling a fist hit him on the head.

He turned to see Spee pouting at him now lacking the tissue in her nose.

Graf Spee: "No swearing." she said pouting.

Luna sighed and just raised his hands in surrender.

Belfast: "Well, I'll leave you all to go to sleep, night." she said before leaving.

Luna rushed and got the lights before crawling into bed under the blankets to try and stay warm. He faced away from Spee to try and keep the awkwardness to a minimum before slowly letting his consciousness drift away.

The next day Eugen opened up the blinds causing everyone in the room to wake up.....but when Luna woke up he felt, someone was hugging his waist. He looked down to see Spee was cuddling up into him, this caused him to blush quite badly which Eugen chuckled at.

Prinz Eugen: "My my Kommandant, you bagged yourself quite the girl there.~" she teased.

Luna could only glare not wanting to wake the innocent cinnamon bun who was hugging him. Spee stirred a little and woke up shortly after, she stared at the situation for a few seconds.....and continued staring for a while.....before finally becoming a tomato when she realized what this looked like.

Graf Spee: "What happened?" she asked blushing.

Andy: "I dunno, I guess you just thought I was a pillow or something and I just rolled around in my sleep." he said.

Z23: "Come on you 2, we are here on business are we not." she said.

The blushing couple nodded before they jumped out of bed, grabbed their clothes, and entered the the same time. Yeah another scream sounded out from that room in the morning.

A few hours later Luna the other commanders in the meeting hall and took his spot, while the shipgirls went and explored the port. Spee and Luna were still bright red however.

Alex: "Everything alright man?" he asked.

Andy: "Awkward situation during the night, don't wanna talk about it." he replied.

Missouri just nodded and respected his friend's privacy. During the night the other factions had arrived, including Northern Parliament, Sakura Empire, Iris Orthodoxy, and Sardegna Empire. All of them had an assistant/intern who was young and part of the Antonio Luna's crew somehow during its final deployment somehow.


List of Commanders(not including interns and soon-to-be Commanders):

Eagle Union: Nimitz
Sakura Empire: N/A
Royal Navy: Doc/HMS Lion
Ironblood: Andy/BRP Antonio Luna
Sardegna Empire: Inigo Campioni
Iris Orthodoxy: François Darlan
Northern Parliament: Laurien/SN Kaganovich


Let's just say it was semi-awkward seeing the crew.

Andy: "How the hell did this happen to all of us at the same time?" he asked.

Andrew(now Bretagne): "No idea." he replied.

Doc: "Well, glad to know we're probably all alive somewhere around here." he said optimistically.

Former Master Chief(now Archimede): "Yeah, well, I've gotta go. Mr. Campioni's calling me." he said.

Laurien: "Hey, Andy?" she called.

Andy: "Yeah?" he asked.

Laurien: "Were Bismarck or Tirpitz out last night?" she asked.

Luna was confused by the question.

Andy: "No, they're both in dry dock and in no condition to even move, I doubt they'd be out even if they wanted to." he stated.

Laurien: "That's the thing, on the way down here me and my fleet passed a Bismarck heading North and into the Arctic Circle." she said, "It didn't respond to hails and seemed to have some kind of glow to it."

Andy: "Strange......well, let's bring it up during the meeting and see where it gets us, cause I got nothin'." he said before walking to his seat and sitting down.

The round table had the flags of each nation behind the commanders and representative shipgirls, next to Ironblood was Eagle Union to the left and Sakura Empire to the right. Nimitz appeared to be the leading Admiral due to Superpower privileges so he started the meeting.

Nimitz: "I officially start this summit." he announced, "State major issues with camps and we shall see how we can deal with it. Let's go from Iris clockwise around the table, Iris Orthodoxy go ahead."

Darlan: "Nothing much on our end, Ironblood has been increasing orders for spare parts recently however." he said.

Andy: "I'm trying to keep my fleet from sinking in its harbor thank you." he replied.

Darlan: "No no, it's all great for economy and we appreciate trade." he said.

Nimitz: "Alright, stow it, well that's nothing much, how about you Sardegna?" he asked.

Campioni: "Nothing much to report, other than minor scuffle with Northern Parliament." he said

Laurien: "One of the girls in the Baltics got trigger happy, won't happen again." she said.

Nimitz: "Did the issue get resolved?" he asked.

Campioni: "As I stated, minor scuffle, no harm done." he reassured.

Nimitz before continuing on.

Nimitz: "Anything to report Sakura Empire?" he asked.

Nagato: "Nothing much to report, Sirens haven't been giving much trouble as of late." she saidz

Nimitz: "Good to hear." he said, "Ironblood?"

Andy: "Other than reconstruction and lack of fully operational ships nothing to report." he said, "Just note that all my heavy hitters are out of service due to lazy command so don't expect Ironblood to help because we have some issues to sort out."

Nimitz: "Ok, this is just a heads up for us?" he asked.

Andy: "Yes, my fleet should be back up to a healthy level by next week." he said.

Nimitz: "Nothing to report for the Eagles, just continue the train." he said.

Doc: "Royal Navy has nothing to report, carry onwards." he said.

Nimitz: "Northern Parliament, your turn." he said.

Kaganovich nodded and started speaking.

Laurien: "Nothing out of the ordinary but on the way here we ran into a Bismarck headed for the Arctic." she said, "As Ironblood has stated neither Bismarck is seaworthy so I doubt it's those 2."

Doc: "We have a rogue Bismarck on our hands now?!" he exclaimed.

Laurien: "Possibly...." she trailed off.

Nimitz turned to Luna.

Nimitz: "Did you do that?" he asked.

Andy: "No, and the guys before me were too busy chasing tail to do so." he said, "Besides even if I authorized the construction, I've only been here for 3 days, with the current rate of metal and raw iron I have coming in it would take a month to create a U-Boat."

Campioni: "So someone, somewhere created a Bismarck under all our noses and just.....kept it under wraps?" he asked.

Doc: "It seems unlikely but it is possible, I mean the Sakuras created Yamato, Musashi, and Shinano under heavy secrecy." he said.

A murmur goes through the crowd, he was right, 3 of the biggest ships were kept under wraps until service so a Bismarck would probably be a piece of cake, question was, who did it. Obviously Ironblood didn't do it, they didn't have the resources nor the time to do it, besides they would probably not do that, they were allies and they considered the other factions brothers so they were not on the list of suspects neither was Eagle Union, Northern Parliament, or Sakura Empire.

Iris Orthodoxy and Sardegna Empire were the most suspicious but both had to go near the Riyal Isles to make a dash for the Arctic so they were scrubbed off. Even Royal Navy wasn't on the list, sure they were the only ones who on paper could've done it....but they didn't have any motive for it and they were just as far in the dark as everyone else.

Laurien: "This is getting us nowhere!" she yelled, "Pointing fingers at each other is just gonna waste time!"

Campioni: "Then what do you suggest?" he asked.

Alex: "We hunt the damn thing down." he spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention, "We find it, we out gun and out range it and then we kill it."

Andy: "Little blunt but ok....." he said.

Doc: "Why's this your plan?" he asked.

Alex: "We don't have many other options, Northern Parliament receives convoys of goods and mail from the West everyday if that's disrupted then they'll have an issue with the big guys upstairs." he said.

Laurien: "Yeah, Sirens up North are fucking nasty, you think the guys out in the Pacific are bad? Tch, face one up North and then talk to me." she said.

Nimitz: "It's settled then." he said for the first time in a while, "Grab your fleets, we leave at midnight."

A/N: And with that ominous phrase, I end the chapter. Thanks for reading everyone, NotaChild4 gimme a scoop on the chapter, hope you're doing better buddy. MJTM 2 is up next and at least I know what to do for it so it won't be too late to upload. And yes I'm adding 'Contain the Bismarck' into the fray, stay tuned cause I've got some ideas. Check out dieHero (our Military Expert/Eagle Union Commander/USS Missouri), DrDestiny (our Memelord/Royal Navy Commander/HMS Lion), and 007weeb (dH's girl) for more. lacaloga148, patrlot you have free reign of the comments if you please, NotaChild4 can roleplay with you if I'm gone (I sound like a dad don't I?) aish_sucks61, check it out, you're a part of the group now. I'm kuwebby2 (the Semi-Realistic Guy/Ironblood Commander/BRP Antonio Luna) I'll see you guys tomorrow and in the comments section but until then, I bid you farewell.


Welp, at least I know how not to write a show now.

Also unrelated note but I somehow found a 3 hour long video of all Kancolle episodes on YouTube in the dub, I didn't know this existed like.....3 or 4 hours ago.

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