G/T Stories

De TankyAsh01

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Bunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes. Mais

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The end


230 6 2
De TankyAsh01

For nitthewit, as a little expression of appreciation for their hard and great work. If you haven't read their g/t books, I highly recommend you to.

He came home late again. He was tagging along with those rascals all night, completely ignoring his father's ban.

He went to house through the back door, hoping his dad was long asleep. He flicked on the light and froze, hearing a raspy "ahem" from behind his back. He whipped his head and faced his father: not tall, stocky man in his forties, with grey eyes and curly, short, black hair, wearing white sweatshirt, sweatpants and slippers.

- Why didn't you listen to me and went out Hunter?  - man asked in angry voice. Teen groaned.

- I'm almost eighteen dad, I can do whatever I want! - he said. Man shook his head.

- As long as you're under my care, you have to be obedient to me - he growled.

- But it's not fair! My friends' parents are loosened up and let them do whatever they want! And you? You're always forbidding me from doing fun stuff and ordering to do boring things! I had enough! - teen replied.

- I'm doing this to protect you. I used to have similar group of friends and before I knew it, I became addicted to drugs. I don't want you to go through the hell I did - man said firmly.

- Well, you're clearly underestimating me! I'm not a fool like you! You're lame, why can't you be more like the other parents?! - Hunter cried. He backed away, as the slap his father had laid was pretty strong. Teen looked at his father as if he was some kind of a monster. Man was surprised too, he never intended on going so far.

- Hunter, I...

- I hate you! - harsh words rang in man's ears, he flinched, hearing a loud slam.


Paul woke up early in the morning again. That fateful event was coming back to haunt his mind ever since his only son disappeared.

Of course, he reported his son's missing, but police wasn't helpful at all, since they assumed that if he was almost an adult, he had probably moved out.

Man knew he won't fall asleep again, so he got up and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. After that, he turned his footsteps towards the kitchen and having made a breakfast, sat down at the table. Whole house was disturbingly quiet, things never were the same since Hunter disappeared.

Not being really hungry, man pulled out his phone and looked at his calendar. Oh, so he wasn't wrong. Today he starts his new job as a zookeeper in the Toronto Zoo.

He was making enough money for himself, but he decided to take second job, to ease the overwhelming feeling of loneliness. He has always liked animals, maybe they'll become a cure for his solitude.

He blinked his eyes few times, the rays of dawning sun were blinding him. Well, it was high time to start his first day.

He left the table, got dressed and left his house. Having locked the doors, he got to his car and started it. Then, he got on the road and headed towards the zoo.


- Hi, I'm Keira and I'll be the one to give you tours and tell you little about our little ones! - young, energetic woman said.

Man nodded, fixing his work shirt for the last time. He preferred someone calmer to be his guide, but he didn't want to be rude, so he said nothing.

First they started with ocean creatures, man fell in love with red lionfish. Then, they moved onto amphibians and reptiles section, woman was telling about them with true passion.

But when they went outside, to larger animals, something peculiar caught Paul's attention.

He walked up to the sign saying "Giant". He first thought it was a mistake, that there should be a full species name, like giant panda bear, giant anteater or giant beaver.

But then he looked at the description: "Thug is one of the five mysterious giant creatures found near Toronto. They aren't like any other animals known to the humankind, so for now they're only classified as "Giants". The other four was sent to another zoos. In the future, when they all reach the maturity, they will start breeding, to perpetuate their species."

Next to the description was a photo showing large hand holding the birch tree. Man gasped seeing the size of the hand - the tree was the size of a teaspoon in comparison to it!

Intrigued, he walked over to the enclosure. He saw a huge cavity and an enormous figure hiding in the darkness. Only its bald tail with hairy tuft was sticking out of the hideout, swishing from time to time.

Man whistled at Keira. Woman appeared by his side immediately.

- What's up? - she asked.

- Can you tell me more about this animal? - he asked. Woman frowned.

- Thug? Well, he is a gigantic, human-like creature with white, curved horns, pointy ears and long, bald tail with hairy tuft on its end. But you don't want to meet him face-to-face - she stated. Man tilted his head.

- Why not? - he asked.

- How to say it... He's quite handful and aggressive. He spends most of his time tucked in his cavity and whenever any zookeeper is approaching him... Let's say many got lifetime scars and your predecessor ended up in the hospital - she said. Man was unfazed and said:

- I want to see him personally.

- Are you out of your mind?! Haven't you heard what I said?! - Keira tried to knock some sense into him.

- I have. But maybe you had a wrong approach, I want to try - he said seriously.

- What makes you think that you'll tame the beast? - woman scoffed.

- I raised a son alone. From your description, Thug is like him, just bigger and with additional features. Please, let me try - he said.

She looked at him, hoping that he'll tell it was a joke, but he was serious. She sighed and opened the staff gate.

- Here you go - she murmured.

- Thanks - man replied and went inside to meet the beast.


Hunter's pointy ears twitched, hearing some voice from behind him. He groaned annoyed in his mind - did they assigne him a new zookeeper? Haven't they learned their lesson yet? Oh welp, he'll just try to scare them off and if they're stubborn... they'll just end up like the last guy.

He growled as a warning. He was quite familiar with his size and abilities now, he knew that most of the zookeepers left after that little trick.

But he suddenly stopped, when he heard the voice again, now being closer and clearer:

- Hello? Thug, are you there?

He immediately turned to the zookeeper who was calling him and covered his mouth with his hand, holding back a sob. It was him, he wasn't dreaming!

Of course, he was five years older and his hair ends were grey now, but other features remained the same.

Hunter tried to control himself, so that he won't scare away his dad, but it was impossible. His tail was wagging like crazy and he pounced at his father, saying:

- Dad! Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you! I missed you! I'm so sorry, for everything!


Paul was terrified. First, this creature growled at him menacingly, but soon stopped, staring at him. Giant's pupils dilated, his tail began to wag and he jumped on man, pinning him down with his hands. What's more, beast was grunting loudly and frantically at Paul, scaring him even more.

But as he was staring at the giant more, he noticed that Thug didn't attacked him out of aggression. It almost seemed like giant had met man before and was happy to see him again.

Giant slowly calmed down and fell silent. His ears were pinned down and man could've sworn that monster's eyes overflew with tears. Giant nuzzled his nose against man's body, the tears were running down his cheeks and he was sobbing.

Man felt pity for the giant and caressed his cheek. Giant purred in comfort.

Keira who was looking at the whole scene from the side, was speechless. She walked up to Paul.

- I don't know how you did it, but you really tamed him - she said. When giant noticed girl, he bared his teeth at her and brought man close to his chest.

- Yeah... It almost seems like he knows me. And maybe it'll sound weird, but whenever I look into his eyes... - man stopped to gaze into giant's eyes. They looked so familiar, yet they had a little strangeness in them - I have the feeling like I have met him before too - he finished his sentence.

Of course, he didn't mention that Thug's eyes were almost identical like his son's. It was something for him to figure it out himself.

- Well, I guess that we finally found a zookeeper for this behemoth - Keira joked. Man nodded in agreement.


Of course his father couldn't recognize him. Not only he was a monster now, but was also gigantic and intimidating. But Hunter's hope didn't falter. Maybe he's not able to speak normally, but he will reach to his father. And hopefully with his help will lift the curse.

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ALL male reader, no gen or f! Reader. Feel free to use any of the oneshots to create ideas for a fanfic of your own! :3
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A collection of requested one-shots from dear readers.