Romance Monsters (Interactive...

LadyLagunah tarafından

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{ INTERACTIVE STORY} Between childhood friends there comes a day, when things start to change. Jaejin and Han... Daha Fazla

Ch 1: Red Velvet Cake
Ch 2: Rejections
Ch 3: Right Decision?
Ch 4: Nervous Heartbeats
Ch 5: Unpleasant Heat
Ch 6: Fragile Moments
Ch 7: Uknown Feelings
Ch 8: Confession?
Ch 9: Time For Courage
Ch 10: The Weight Of Love
Ch 12: END (Inkitt)

Ch 11: Worthy Of You

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LadyLagunah tarafından

You have chosen option A:

Option A: Take this opportunity and confess


I'm going to do it...

Once I made that clear to myself my heart throbbed nervously. Remaining eye contact with him became hard. 

''I think your father has a hard time accepting it. Your mother also told me that as well, but the time will come.'' I tried to ease his mind which he nodded to, but it was noticeable that he was frustrated. 

''About the other day...''  His eyebrows lifted as if he was trying to recall the day I was talking about.

''I didn't mean to come off rude..''

''You mean the movie night with Jaejin?' I nodded focusing on my polished heels. He didn't seem annoyed recalling that moment, so I hoped he truly wasn't bothered by it.

''I was just....'' my voice strangled thinking about the confession I was about to make. 

''Just?'' This time he stepped closer his hand brushed against mine. As if asking me to look up at him.

''Jealous,'' I spoke trying to brush the embarrassment away with a trace of a smile. It was obvious to see that he felt puzzled. 

''The feeling that you chose Herim above me, I guess. Which is stupid I know after all she was your girlfriend and it's not a secret that the two of you had gotten back together before. I wanted you to selfishly stay with me, not even knowing the reason she wanted you to meet her.''

''Stay with you?'' Why is it that his voice sounded fruity to me? I refused to look at him until I had fully laid down my confession, but noticing how he inched closer once again made it hard.

''Yes me, who else? Jaejin was already passed out, snoring to his heart's content.'' My comment made him burst out in laughter, one that grazed against my ears closely. 


''Hanjae-ah.'' This time I held my head up, locking eyes with him. His breath was fanning my face making me realize how close we had become in those minutes. I took a small step back the front door brushing against my back. 

With a shaky breath, I tensed up, nervously holding eye contact.

''I like you.'' It made his eyes widen within seconds and this time it was him taking a step back.


''You heard me, I like you. That's why I became frustrated and jealous that day, and that's why I accompany you whenever you ask me to, help you out with your band, and take care of you when you're sick. It's not like I can do anything about it, you don't choose who you fall in love with. And it's not like I expect you to return my feelings. I'm highly aware of the fact that you don't see me in that way at all, so I just wanted you to know how I feel. So you can reject me....and I can move on.'' 

I felt myself gradually lean into the door more, hoping for an escape. Now that I finally had put it out there, there was no turning back. And there is no way we will remain the same as before.

''Y/N...You shouldn't'' It's not like I wasn't aware of that fact, but hearing him say it hurt me more than I expected. To think that I had hope that there would be a chance he felt the same way. I'm an idiot.

I wanted to say something, but I just simply couldn't. That's when I slowly felt myself losing balance as the door I was leaning on opened up. 

''M-Mom.'' I was startled locking eyes with her, her body supporting mine to prevent me from tumbling over.

''It's you guys. I was wondering who was standing in front of the door so long.'' Actually, I wanted to thank her for interrupting me at this moment.

''Hanjae-ah, how have you been? I haven't seen you around lately you should come over more.'' His facial expression instantly switched to a kind smile, unlike the disturbing face he showed me seconds ago.

''I have been well, but quite busy. I'll make sure to visit soon.'' A lie we both know it. 

''Were you guys talking? You should come inside, it's cold outside.''

''No, we were already done. Hanjae is gonna go now. Thank you for bringing me home.'' I cracked a smile before turning my back on the two. When I reached my room, I didn't even feel sad. His words kept replaying in my mind, they hurt but it wasn't enough to make me cry.

''Who are you to decide who I'm allowed to like or not?'' In my mind, I was cursing him with all my might. Even that faded away rather quickly.

''I'm really just a friend to him.'' 


''We are going to call it a day and eat at that new ramen place. Do you want to join?'' I shook my head declining their invitation as I stared at the painting in front of me.

''I still have to finish this one up, perhaps another time,'' I replied.

''Don't stay too long.'' Both Yuni and Jiae waved me goodbye leaving me alone in the packed art room. There were tons of finished projects laying around, unfortunately, I was one of the last ones that still had to finish mine. Unlike Jaejin whose interested in business administration, I went on and pursued art and design. My specialty has always been sculpting, hence the reason I only get outstanding grades when it comes to that. Other than that I'm always behind on projects. 

''Knock, knock.'' I whipped my head to the door locking eyes with a grinning Jaejin. He entered with a set of curious eyes, scanning the projects in the room.

''You're the only one here?'' I nodded adding another brush stroke to my painting.

''You're not going home?'' I asked.

''Just wanted to check up on you first.'' He took a hold of a crutch placing it down next to me. A whistle of amazement left his mouth before sitting down.

''Not sure what I'm looking at, but it looks impressive.'' His comment was able to bring a smile to my face as I mixed up some colors, for my palette.

The assignment was to make an abstract painting, inspired by nature and human emotions. Noticing how Jaejin tilted his head in various ways to make sense of it brought laughter to me. To be honest I wasn't sure what I was painting myself. I just....let my body take control. 

''Hanjae...hasn't messaged you yet?'' I shook my head trying to push the memories of that day away. Of course, I informed Jaejin about my rejection he has tried so hard to cheer me up, since then. I didn't want to show that, it actually did hurt me. Truthfully speaking I think I did great at not showing it, but Jaejin always sees through me.

''It's better this way, he has a performance to focus on.'' Next week he will be performing at one of the biggest festivals of the year. It's a great opportunity for Seven Days' career. 

''Does he know that you....invited his parents?'' Once again I shook my head. After meeting his parents I arranged an appointment with them once more. I tried convincing his father of Hanjae his success and love for music. The truth is anyone would doubt, that there is a stable future in pursuing music. Just like how it is with acting and dancing. Seeing Hanjae on stage, performing, singing and smile are when you realize how much he loves it. I wanted his father to witness that too, so I arranged two extra tickets for the festival. Luckily they accepted.....I hope I did the right thing.

''It's for the better if he doesn't know,'' I spoke.

Jaejin got called by his friends who were waiting for him, so he left me rather quickly. But I was fine with it, being alone gave me more peace of mind to focus on my project. The more I looked at the painting the sadder I started to feel. The grim colors brushed onto the canvas portrayed some feelings of loneliness and rejection. Scanning the abstract shapes and strokes it seemed like I could shape a woman out of it. Curled up on a dark green leave thrice the size of her. 

''Y/N...You shouldn't''

I placed my brush down leaning back with a sigh. 

''Just why did I have to remember that again?'' It has been almost a week since that day. Cocking my head back I stared at the white ceiling, recalling those memories once again. 

''Having a hard time?'' It was a voice that made me freeze up and for a moment I didn't move, hearing his steps close in on me. It was only when his face came into my vision hanging itself above mine that I jumped up from my chair. 

''W-Why are you here?'' He laughed at the fact it was clear that he was the last person I wanted to see right now. 

''To see you.'' His eyes left mine focusing on the painting behind me. The crutch Jaejin pulled out earlier remained in the same spot, allowing Hanjae to sit on it this time.

I tried to control my heartbeat before sitting properly down as well, remaining the distance between us two. 

''Working on a project?'' He asked.

''Y-Yeah.'' I felt awkward being not prepared for this encounter at all.

We sat in silence, staring at my painting until his hand reached for mine. I didn't deny his touch and it came with a gentle squeeze.

''About what I said...When I told said you shouldn't like me. I didn't mean it like that.'' My throat started to dry up making me nervously swallow at his words.

''It's just...I think you deserve someone better than me. Liking me....seems like a waste.'' He tried to pull his hand back but instead, it was me holding onto it this time.

''Why would you say that?'' I asked. Hearing him belittle himself like that felt bitter.

He sighed heavily followed by an insincere grin. 

''I can't even please my parents. I'm a selfish guy who is set on pursuing his own interest, I don't have a lot of friends. Mostly when I meet people they don't even like me. Only the girls show interest and despite not feeling the same way I still go out with them to fill my own void of loneliness. You should be with someone who is liked by many. Has a stable dream, and a healthy family relationship. Someone who will make you happy and won't hurt you...'' He squeezed my hand once more before letting go. I was confused by his words. To me, it didn't feel like he was describing himself, does he view himself like this? 

''I can't please my parents either. If it was up to them, I would be majoring in something like business or langue and culture. I would be a daughter who can cook and doesn't complain around the house every time she needs to do a chore. The truth is, no one is a perfect child just like how no parent is perfect either. Family issues are something everyone deals with some bigger than others but it doesn't divine if you're a good or bad person.'' His head lowered and this time I took the initiative to lean closer. 

''What's wrong with pursuing your own interest? You have a big dream, perhaps not a stable one but a really beautiful one. The way you...had to give up other things in order to make it come true, is something I like about you. I'm sure there are some people who find it selfish, choosing to write music over hanging out with a group of friends perhaps, but to me, they are the selfish ones for wanting you to choose them over something so important. You don't need to have a lot of friends, you should have the right type of friends around you.''

A trace of a smile stretched out on his face and my heart started to pound like a drum in my chest. A certain heat spread across my face feeling him rest his head on my shoulder. I'm sure my ears would be as red as a ripe tomato. 

''Why do I sound like a good person in your eyes?'' He asked gravelly. 

''Because you are. In my memories, you are always there. When Jaejin and I got picked on, you were the one to step up for us. Helping me out with homework, tutoring me, even after you dropped out of college you would find time to help us out with school work. My parents really like you, you're unlike me really good at cooking not to forget you're an amazing singer/songwriter.''

''Go on.'' Glimpsing down at him I noticed his ears tinting a peach color. 

''You're caring and kind, a good listener, handsome with a great sense of fashion and you ride a motorcycle.'' 

''You think I'm handsome?'' This time it was me getting shy.

''Well...I have eyes you know.'' Both of us shared a laugh and he gradually removed his weight from my shoulder. 

''It seems I'm a praiseworthy person after all.'' His cocky side was making an appearance.

''I have a list just like that with the things I dislike about you, wanna hear it?'' He vigorously shook his head. Leaning sideward he dropped his head against mine, our eyes focused on the worksheet in front of me once again. 

''And about the whole dating around thing...I have nothing to say. You're a scumbag for that.'' I wanted to make him laugh but instead, he just nodded.

''It's because I have always been interested in you.'' My breath hitched and for a moment I thought I didn't hear him correctly. 

''But I told myself it would be better if I didn't get involved with you like that. So instead I tried dating others but it always ended the same. 'You don't really like me do you?' is what they would ask. And I wasn't even able to deny it.'' 

'' me. Since when?''

I watched his hand take a hold of mine, brushing my knuckles against his lips.

''As long as I can remember.'' His response made my heart leap. To think that...he was the one who fell first was something I never imagined. After he set his feelings straight we turned to one another, he leaned in and I shut my eyes quickly. But instead, his lips planted themself against my forehead. 

He pulled back with a smile, intertwining our fingers together.

''What is the painting about?'' he asked, leaving me speechless.

''You're not going to kiss me?'' My question was able to make him choke up. He turned to me with a hint of temptation behind his eyes. He leaned closer once again, his lips guided towards mine but he stopped.

''You're quite bold aren't you?'' His remark made me roll my eyes at him as if he didn't discover that yet in our years of friendship? I grabbed him by the collar and took it upon myself to get rid of the air between us. His lips were softer than I expected and realizing what I did I felt my cheeks heat up. His fingers brushed against them before cupping my face. Closing my eyes I moved my hands to the back of his neck pulling him closer. The kiss didn't last long, just a couple of seconds before we pulled away to lock eyes. 

Hanjae swallowed hard, his chest heaving accompanied by a shaky breath. 

''I'm really in love with you.'' His confession came like a whisper before he leaned in once more. His lips captured mine this time more securely. His hands applied pressure on my lower back pressing me into him. 

That day Hanjae stayed beside me till I finished my project and brought me home after that. My mother even invited him over for dinner and quickly the ball of us dating dropped. My parents were over the moon, not sure if it was because my boyfriend is Hanjae or because I finally got a boyfriend to begin with. Either way, I was happy that they accepted us.

And soon the day of the festival arrived.

I was planning on making this a short interactive story (Just something I wanted to try out) till Y/N would have found her love interest. Which she did! I'll be finishing it up with one last chapter that doesn't involve you to a choose your options and wrap this story up. Thank you to everyone who played along and showed interest in my little project. I'm not sure if I will be making more interactive stories in the future, it seems to me not many are interested in it but it was still a fun experience to do!

Stay tuned for the last chapter!

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