Kiss with a Fist

By fairytailfreak937

11.4K 226 92

Billy Hargrove is explosive. A violent chaos. A delinquent. But it's all a sham. Billy Hargrove is a great ac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

481 11 2
By fairytailfreak937

Billy hummed, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist as they laid on the sofa. He had his head resting on Steve's sternum. The smell of Steve's fabric softener and subtle cologne lulled him into almost falling asleep.

"Dozing off?" Steve asked softly as he stroked his fingers through Billy's hair.


Steve shuddered at the noise Billy made. It should not have been so sensual. "If you're tired we should go upstairs." He whispered, trying to keep his imagination from running wild at all the things they could do upstairs.

"You taking me to bed Harrington~" Billy cooed as he raised his head to look Steve in the eyes, brig he blue eyes sparkling with something wild.

"Don't play that game with me. You need to sleep." Steve rolled his eyes.

"And if I don't wanna? Whatcha gonna do if I say no~" Billy lilted, tongue sliding over his bottom lip as he smirked at Steve.



Steve shook his head as he sat up, holding Billy at a slight distance. "Look at me, this isn't a repeat of earlier is it? This isn't you trying to punish yourself?"

Billy shook his head. "No pretty boy it's not. I want this. I want you. So you gonna carry me to bed and fuck me or not?" He huffed impatiently.

Steve flushed and nodded, sliding an arm around Billy's back and the other under his knees to carry Billy bridal style. He couldn't believe they were really about to do this.

He laid Billy on the bed and fidgeted nervously. "Um-are you sure you're okay with this...with me...or do you want to switch places...?"

"Fucking hell steve just come here and fucking touch me."

Steve shuffled awkwardly as he sat on Billy's legs, hands going to the blonde's hair. Billy melted into the touch before looking up at the brunette. "Yes Steve. I'm fine with this. I know it makes zero sense-my brain just must be that screwed up...but even after everything that happened-I still prefer receiving. If you wanted me to fuck you I would and I'd enjoy it-but I like this. I want this. I want you to fuck me. I know it doesn't match my personality at all but do I have to be someone's stereotype?"

Steve smiled and cupped Billy's cheek. "No you don't, and actually I think it fits your personality. You're a brat." He chuckled.

"Eddie said that too." Billy hummed, before realising what he'd said. "Sorry-talking about him is probably ruining the mood."

"It's not, remember what we just talked about sweetheart." Steve hummed. "Now let's have some fun, and if you do want to switch at anytime we can. If you start feeling uncomfortable tell me. Promise?"

"I promise Stevie." Billy whispered.

Steve placed a light kiss to the blonde's lips before taking off his shirt. Billy trailed his fingers lightly over the pale skin. He didn't expect Steve's chest to be so hairy. "Wow when did you go all cave man~"

Steve flushed. "Don't tease."

"It's in my nature~ brat remember? It's a good look on you though, very rugged." Billy chuckled as he ran his hand up Steve's body.

Steve let out a soft breath and pulled Billy in for a much rougher kiss than before, lips and teeth classing as he grabbed the back of Billy's head.

The blonde moaned, fingers splayed over Steve's abdomen as he kissed back. He let Steve dominate the kiss though he teasingly nipped at the brunette's tongue every so often. When Steve finally pulled away they were both breathless and their lips were swollen.

Steve hummed as he pushed Billy down on the bed, an almost feral look in his eyes, he made a noise in the back of his throat that bordered on being a growl.

Billy shuddered as Steve descended on him in a wild frenzy, the brunette left bruises kisses on his stomach as Billy gripped Steve's hair letting out a loud moan as he felt Steve's tongue swirl against his skin. Teeth dragging over supple flesh painting the tanned flesh a soft pink.

Billy arched into every touch, every scorching kiss to his body leaving him gasping. A dizzying pressure building in his head filling his brain with fog.

Steve pulled away. "Wait, I want this to be special." He hummed as he got up, Billy watched confused, wasn't it already special? As Steve turned around Billy realised he was holding candles. Steve placed them on the bedside tables and lit them, soft flickering flames casting a gold hue across the two men. Billy felt a sudden softness, a tender sensation of sweetness at the romantic gesture, like it was their first time, he supposed that for Steve it was his first time with a guy, and for Billy, well it was his first time with Steve, that had to count for something.

The brunette resumed his position on top of Billy, pressing rough kisses to Billy's throat.

Steve reached into his draw to grab lube and a condom, he wasn't sure if he was still supposed to use one with a guy, but he decided to anyway. Just to be safe.

Billy plucked the condom out of Steve's hand, causing the brunette to quirk an eyebrow in confusion. Until Billy opened the condom and proceeded to put it on Steve-with his tongue.

Steve lurched forward, grabbing the headboard to steady himself as a moan slipped from his lips. "Fuck-Billy-where'd you learn to do that?" He rasped.

"Cali." Billy hummed, it had been a rhetorical question but Billy answered it anyway. He kissed Steve's naval, before looking up into honey brown eyes-currently darkened with lost so they verged on black. Billy felt like he was floating in space when he looked into Steve's eyes.

He fell back against the pillows, legs spread open languidly. Steve chuckled. "Eager aren't you?" He teased as he undid Billy's jeans and slid them off, chucking them to the floor, the boxers soon following suit. "Fuck you're beautiful." Steve whispered as he drank in the sight of Billy causing the blonde to squirm.

"S-Shut up and fuck me Steve." Billy muttered his face on fire.

"No. Not yet. Not until I've smothered you in love. I told you didn't I? That I was going to show you your worth." Steve said in a low whispered as he dragged his tongue down Billy's thigh, teeth catching and scraping against soft flesh.

Billy whimpered, tremors running up his spine, a coil of heat winding tight in his stomach. "Steve." A pleading whine, high pitched and breathy.

Steve grinned against Billy's thigh. He teasingly ran a hand up the other thigh, squeezing the flesh with bruising intent. Billy moaned, skull hitting the headboard as he arched his back. A moan escaping him. It felt good, as good as it did with Eddie. Billy instantly felt a sliver of guilt crawling up his throat for thinking about Eddie when he was supposed to be focusing on Steve, but the guilt dissolved in an instant when the sudden sensation of a finger penetrating him derailed all his thoughts. A strangled noise escaped him as Steve crooked the slicked finger.

Billy panted, whole body shaking as Steve added another finger, and then another. A white hot heat pooling in a stomach. They weren't even having sex and he already wanted to orgasm. Steve had acted so shy that Billy hadn't expected so much skill, he'd momentarily forgotten Steve used to be Hawkins High King, of course he had skill, he was transferring what made all the girls fawn for Steve Harrington on Billy. Billy was finally seeing King Steve. He liked it. It was sexy.

Steve had to hold back a giggle when Billy whined as he pulled his fingers out. "Patience beautiful." He murmured huskily against Billy's ear before nipping the shell of it. Billy made a soft noise and pressed his face against Steve's collarbone. "P-Please. Steve please." He begged, desperate for the feeling of being filled.

Steve didn't want to keep Billy waiting. He coated himself in lube before making eye contact with Billy. "You ready doll?" He asked, the nickname had been one that had played in his mind since the moment he'd seen Billy step out of Camaro. The long blonde curls that delicately cascaded down his shoulders, those baby blue eyes, and soft pink lips, the earring dangling from his ear, the smooth tan skin, and flowy unbuttoned shirts. Billy had the beauty of a porcelain doll. A living breathing barbie doll.

Billy let out a choked "yes." The nickname both turning him on and making him feel so incredibly and innocently loved at the same time. The way Steve made him feel. Billy figured this was what love was supposed to feel like, more than just a surface level attraction, not just some superficial word thrown around by pretty people, written in cursive lies. Love was raw, messy, it involved ecstasy and pain. It wasn't glitz and glamour. Love was dirty. It was hot, rough sex, unable to keep their hands off each other, teeth and nails digging into flesh, it was sweet and tender kisses and soothing touches, it was Steve holding him as he puked and cried, and still looking at him with gentle concern instead of disgust.

Billy loved Steve. It had only been a few months, the leaves were just starting to change colours as summer verged onto autumn. Yet he already loved him.

"Yes Steve I'm ready." Billy whispered, a little stronger this time as he wrapped his arms around the other's neck.

Steve nodded and gave Billy a sweet kiss to the lips, a soft barely ghosting touch, before he pushed in. Billy's breath hitched, nails digging into Steve's neck and shoulders, as a sharp noise left him, he dropped his head against Steve's shoulder, trembling as he tried to adjust. Steve was big. For a minute Billy found himself wondering who was bigger, Steve or Eddie, before shaking that thought from his head. Now wasn't the time.

Steve hissed as Billy's nails dug into his back. It stung, but he liked it. Craved it. He gently carded his thin gets through Billy's hair, massaging his scalp and playing with the soft curls to soothe the blonde. Billy let out a content hum at the touch. After a few minutes of soft touches, Billy have Steve the go ahead.

Steve started of slow, he wanted Billy to decide the pace. He rocked his hips and watched as Billy's pupils dilated, mouth falling open as lewd noises tumbled past his bruised lips, cherry red and swollen from kissing.

Steve caught glimpses of a soft pink tongue pressing against pearly white teeth as Billy panted and moaned. Saliva dribbling down Billy's chin. Steve leaned down to kiss the other man fiercely, he greedily swallowed the saliva, tongue delving into Billy's mouth, it was hot, wet and messy.

Billy's moans were cut off as he clutched at Steve, suffocated in the kiss. Eyes half closed in bliss. He was left gasping when Steve finally pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting them.

Billy fisted Steve's hair and dragged him down for another kiss.

Steve's hips jerked sharply off their volition. An involuntary reaction to the jolt of pleasure that crackled through his nerves as Billy yanked him down. The blonde made a surprised noise Steve could only describe as a squeak at the sudden thrust. Billy didn't break the kiss though, their lips stayed interlocked. Billy bucked his hips up, encouraging Steve to keep moving. Steve complied, thrusting in and out as he kissed Billy messily, teeth clashing.

When Billy released him from the kiss to catch his breath in hungry gulps, Steve dipped his head and bit down on Billy's collarbone.

The blonde writhed underneath him, a shaky sob spilling from his throat. "O-Oh Steve...S-Steve...please. Oh please." Billy begged, voice choked and slurred from the pleasure. He was completely overwhelmed.

The wet slap of skin filled the room as Steve picked up the pace, thrusting harder, Billy pinned underneath him, sobbing and shaking with sheer ecstasy. Steve groaned, the warm sticky heat pushing him to the edge with every thrust. He and Billy were a tangle of sweaty limbs, biting and scratching each other in manic scramble for pleasure.

Steve stared at Billy's curls, watching as they bounced with every thrust. He wanted to pull on them. The urge to take them in his fist and tug sharply, wondering what noise the beautiful blonde would make, but he wasn't sure, Billy had mentioned both his father, and the priest that assaulted him, had pulled his hair, would Billy want Steve to pull his hair.

The burning desire to touch and pull grew stronger and Steve couldn't ignore it, so he decided to ask Billy.

"B-Billy..I want to...pull your hair, can I..?" Steve asked between grunts and moans.

Billy felt his eyes moisten, Steve cared enough to ask him if he was comfortable adding something new to the dance if desire they were engaged in. Steve actively sought to respect his boundaries. Billy choked back the tears wanting to fall, how wasn't the time to be an emotional wreck over a small kindness.

He gave a weak nod. "You can-just not too hard, don't want m'hair to fall out." He rasped.

Steve nodded and clutched a fistful of heavy, giving it a sharp tug-not too hard, but hard enough.

Billy gasped, his head snapping back, his jaw slack as his eyes widened. He didn't think having his hair pulled would feel good. The burst of pain that bloomed in his skull caused waves of pleasure to build up in his gut.

Steve attacked Billy's throat with another round of rough biting and licking, a steel hold on Billy's hair, forcing him to stay in an arched position, muscles pulled taught as verged on climaxing.

Steve continued ravishing Billy's skin while he fucked the blonde hard against the bed, the bed rattling as Billy sobbed, pleading, garbled, unintelligible sounds filled the room, words no longer an option.

With a final hard thrust right to Billy's prostrate, Steve came, sinking his teeth back into the warm tender flesh of Billy's throat. A trickle of blood spurting into his mouth. Billy released a scream, pleasure and pain clouding his senses, the unbearable overstimulated finally drowning him as he orgasmed.

They laid there for a long moment, hiccuping breaths and heavy pants filling the silence.

Steve was the first to move, slowly pulling out and removing the condom, chucking it in the bin. He sank back onto the mattress, gathering Billy in his arms, it was a clumsy action, both Billy's limbs and his own had been reduced to mush, exhaustion making it near impossible to move.

Billy looked up at Steve, blue eyes still cloudy with a post sex haze, skin flushed and shiny with sweat, his hair a wild mess, sticking to his face. "You called me doll." He whispered, still hiccuping for air.

"I did." Steve murmured hoarsely, utterly spent. "Did you not like the nickname...?" He asked, suddenly worried he'd offended Billy.

"No I liked it...m'just confused...why doll? Dolls are all dainty, I ain't dainty." Billy mumbled.

"Your body might not be dainty, but your face is. Your big blue eyes, doll eyes, your flawless tanned skin. Perfect white teeth, those good curls. You're a gorgeous doll Billy."

Billy flushed and leaned his forehead against Steve's sternum. "I don't mind being your doll."

Steve smiled. "I'm glad. We still need to talk about the Eddie situation though, and we need a shower."

"Do we have to talk about it right now? Showering can wait as well, m'tired." Billy protested. Kiss-swollen lips curling into a pout.

"Sooner we talk about it the better, no more upsets that way, and we'll regret not showering and changing the bed sheets tomorrow morning if we sleep now." Steve reasoned.

Billy huffed. "Fine."

"Good boy, now, how about tomorrow you call Eddie, invite him over, so I can get to know him." Steve suggested.

Billy flushed. Good boy? Did he really just call me a fucking good boy? I'm going to die, this is so fucking embarrassing. Billy thought to himself. "Okay...I don't know if it's a good idea but okay."

"We won't know unless we try, now let's shower." Steve hummed as he scooped Billy up in his arms and carried him to the en-suite bathroom.

Billy sighed leaning into Steve's arms, deciding that whatever happened, he'd be content.

A/n: honestly think that's the longest sex scene I've written, hopefully it's not too cringey. Next chapter will finally have a trio interaction.

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