Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

By ClayNotDead

187 7 2

A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... More

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
The Fight [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
A Psycho Family?
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Happy Birthday, I guess.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...
Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]

4 0 0
By ClayNotDead

I sat up, looking around the room.

Once I saw that Toby was nowhere to be seen, I smirked as I grabbed my stuff and started getting ready.

"I'm having a me day before I tell Gloria what I've been doing."

Once I had everything, I put on my sweatshirt and slowly went to the door.

I slowly made my way out and down the stairs, making sure I don't fuck it up like last time.

"Heart?" A familiar voice called from behind me, and I almost fell backwards down the stairs as I turned around.

"Wh- Toby, you numbnut, you almost made me fall down the stairs a SECOND time!" I shouted, still holding the railing as if my life depended on it. And it probably did, to be honest..-

"And why are you out of bed? I had to argue for like an hour just to get you back in your own bed as long as I watched over you." He asked, seemingly annoyed at me as he stood on top of the stairs.

"Well, if you must know, I'm going out for a me day, now if you don't mind... I'm gonna go back to doing that." I mumbled, pulling myself back up and continuing down the stairs as I heard his footsteps behind me.

"No, you're not. You're going back to bed, especially with you being on the news." He argued, still following me as I made my way to the front doors.

"I will be fine, I'm not a princess, and certainly not your princess." I muttered, turning to face him once I got to the door.

"Sure you are, and if you must go, I'll come with you! I mean, I did save you from your family...~" He encouraged, putting his hands together and getting closer to my face.

"Your seriously gonna play that card every time you don't get your way? Pathetic." I refused, pushing my hand on his face.

"Oh come on!" He pleaded, moving my hand away.

"No. I am having my own day, I won't get cau-"

"'Won't get caught' you said that when we went to the convenience store, I smell bullshit."

"Oh, come on! You don't need to be following me all day every day like a damn puppy!"

"I mean..."


I turned away and started walking away from the mansion, but not before looking back and seeing his sad excuse for a sad face.

I held up my middle finger as I slowly made my way out of the forest.


After a couple of minutes, I made it out and started walking around thinking of what to do.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket and felt something that wasn't mine.

I pulled it out, and I noticed it was a credit card with a note attached to it.

'Toby, you gotta stop leaving me random notes...' I thought to myself as I started reading it.

~Hey, decided to swipe Slenders card, hope you have fun with it! I'll take the heat for it later.~ It read, and I grinned as I stared at the card.

I made my way to the closest store, and I started grabbing half of the entire place.

'If I get a free credit card, might as well make the most of it!' I thought to myself as I walked over to the counter and threw everything on it.


After a while of buying half of the entirety of New Jersey, I started looking for a place to rest.

I found a park and sat down on the nearest bench, making sure my hood was still up.

To be honest, I was surprised no one even questioned me at this point, and I was just praying this wasn't another dream.

I dug into one of my bags and took out some Doritos and Reeses I had gotten, opening both and digging into them.



I looked behind me to not see Toby to my surprise, but...

"Is that how your gonna treat your best friend??"


She rubbed her nose as she walked next to me and sat down.

She smiled at me as I held up my Reeses, and I just handed it to her.

"How did you know I was here anyways?"

"I come here for my Saturday walks, and I saw your usual hoodie!"


She started eating the Reeses, and we just sat there, sharing our food, and being silent for a little while.

After maybe 30 minutes, she broke the sweet silence.

"So, you gonna tell me where you were all this time?" She asked, and I just stared at her, a chip half in my mouth.

I quickly placed the chip in my mouth, chewed, and once I was finished eating it, I just looked at her.

"You think I can tell you out here in the open? I'd rather not get caught right now.." I mumbled, and she just grinned at me before pulling me and my mountain of bags with her.

"Where in the hell are we-"

"Hush, I know a place! But we've gotta be quick, I've gotta get back soon."

After a few minutes, she brought me to a small forest near the park after getting lost a few times.

"So, go on! I'm listening."

"Are you sure you won't... Freak out?"

She tilted her head, and just quietly nodded as we both sat there.

I scratched my head and removed my hood and face gear before looking away from her.

"Well, I may have followed my stalker into the woods after a fight with my dickhole parents, and now I live in a mansion with murderers... Surprise?" I awkwardly mumbled, and once I looked back I saw her face was frozen in a surprised and worried/scared expression.

Before she could scream out, I quickly placed my hand over her mouth and just stared at her.

"Don't. Scream."


"No, you said you wouldn't freak out, and that includes screaming and possibly getting me sent to jail."


"So you won't scream?"


I slowly removed my hand, and we sat normally.

"What??" She whisper-yelled, and I just nodded as I looked away.

"And you can't tell anyone, I shouldn't have even told you, you're now in danger!"

"What do you... Mean?"

"If anyone else found out, it would spread stupidly quickly, and either I would get in trouble, you would be killed, or both-...?"

She just fell backward, and once I got to her it looked like she had fainted.

"Well, shit." I whispered as I tried shaking her gently.

Once I figured out that wouldn't work, I started panicking.


I slowly turned my head to see someone was calling me, and I quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Yes, hello?" I quickly asked, and continued trying to think about what to do.

"Heart, I finally found the right number!" A familiar voice answered from the other side, and I facepalmed as I started putting my stuff back on.

"Anyways, hows the day going? Slender already figured out I took his card, so I know you went shopping today."

"How did you even figure out my number?"

"Trial and error of course!"


"Okay, I got into your phone last night through your fingerprint, and figured it out."


"Anyways, hows it going?"


"No, it isn't."

"How would you know?"

"I just know, I'm coming to find you, stay there."

"NO! I mean- You really don't have to do that..!"

"You talked to your friend, and she passed out after hearing the consequences of what you just told her?"

"How the-"

"I went into your phone, remember?"

"I'm changing my passcode, and taking off my fingerprint when I get back."

"Alright then, but I'm still coming to collect you, and maybe your friend too!"


Before I could get anything else out, he had already hung up, and I was left to deal with both my murderer stalker possibly coming to get me in trouble, and murdering my friend, and I had to deal with my best friend who had passed out.

I tried to feel the same way I did when I murdered my dad, but nothing happened, and now I was really starting to panic.

I pulled my hood down, grabbed my bags, and picked up Gloria, taking off as fast as I could.

I quickly made my way to the nearest store that was crowded, and just hung out around it.

"If I just hide around here, he won't find me. But what if he has a tracker on me??" I muttered to myself, still carrying my bags and my best friend.

Soon I heard the door open, and I looked to see Toby standing there, trying to hide himself as much as possible.

I could've sworn I heard him say something, but there were too many people talking and I heard my own heartbeat at this point, so I couldn't tell, but I quickly walked to the back of the store.

I looked around to see the bathroom sign and I made my way to the bathroom, but not before contemplating which bathroom I should go into-..

I soon backed into the handicapped stall and locked it.

I set down Gloria and my bags as I sat down on the toilet, trying to think of a plan.

I soon heard the door open harshly, and heard footsteps coming towards the stall I was in since I didn't think to hide all of my stuff.

"Black Heart, I know your in there~" I heard from outside of the stall as he started banging on the door.

"Go away, bitch! I won't let you hurt her!"

"Oh, so you don't mind getting hurt yourself?"

"You know what I mean!"

I picked Gloria up off of the floor and held her to myself as I pulled out my cutter.

Soon, the banging turned into the door being hit.

"Black Heart, you knew what was gonna happen, I can't say I didn't warn you."

"I couldn't not tell her, she's my best friend!"

"And what about me?"

At that, the door was left alone, and I thought to myself for a minute.

"What do you mean, bitch?" I asked, still holding her to my chest.

"I thought I was your best friend." I heard Toby ask from the other side of the door.

"I can have two best friends, you know, but I don't know if I'd consider you my best friend~." I smirked, lowering my head down to the bottom crack of the door.

"I saved you fr-"

"You can't play that card every time you don't get your way, I thought I said that?"

"...I hate you."

"Feelings mutual, numbnut!"

Now we were both looking under the door, and we soon heard the door to the bathroom open, before quickly closing.

"I'll get her later, but you know that I warned you." He said, and I pulled myself up.

"I know, I just tell her everything, and now I can't bring her back to her house!" I mumbled, holding her close to me.

"I mean, you can't exactly leave her on her doorstep, but now she knows."

"Please, she's all I have..."



"Fine, but if she tells anyone else-"

"Thank you..."

He laid flat on the floor and pushed himself inside the stall.

"Now, let's see what you got before she wakes up!" He smiled, and I gently put Gloria back down on the floor.

"Why not? But you're not getting all of my Reeses, those are mine."


"Okay so..-"

And for the next hour maybe, we sat there in the stall, looking at the stuff I bought throughout the day.

I really thought I'd have my own day by myself, but I guess that's never gonna happen, huh?

And spending some of it in a bathroom stall chatting and showing off my stuff with my stalker was not what I had planned at all.

But... Maybe that's fine.

Maybe this'll become my new normal, and to be honest?

I might not mind that..

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