Ironblood's Helmsman

By kuwebby2

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Me, dH, and Doc are at it again! This time with a way more realistic AL story, we start out as crew members a... More

Bio (prologues)
Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Prologue pt. 3
Bio (From this point onwards)
Chapter 2: Allies
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 4: SCP-4217
Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast
Chapter 6: Back at base
Chapter 7: Allies pt. 2
Chapter 8: Upgrades
Chapter 9: Dueling
Chapter 10: Meet the Future You
Chapter 11: And we're off
Chapter 12: SCP-2399
Chapter 13: RMS Olympic
Chapter 14: Sorry Pearl....
Chapter 15: Genderbent proposal
Chapter 16: Check ups
Chapter 17: Proving mettle
Chapter 18: the Sad Story of Alice
Chapter 19: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20: The Wall's inception
Chapter 21: A kidnapping
Chapter 22: Welcome to The Wall
Chapter 23: Ishimura and Valor
Chapter 24: AIDAN
Chapter 25: Modernity
Chapter 26: Teaching Zumwalt Sense
Chapter 27: Um....why?
Chapter 28: Rex vs Andy
Chapter 29: A Dance of Fire and Blood
Chapter 30: Aftermath of Fuhai
Chapter 31: Sea Shepherd

Chapter 1:.......Tirpitz?

458 6 82
By kuwebby2

General POV

Luna slowly looks around him, his entire bridge was empty.....and he felt every little movement he made as goosebumps.

Andy: "Ugh.....I feel weird....." he whined.

He looked around seeing his entire ship still intact, in fact he was still in the place he died, right on his helm. He looked at the screens.....before taking a double take......the person staring back wasn't a Raven-Haired, Brown-Eyed, Asian with mild skin problems. Instead a White-Haired, Blue-Eyed, European with Pale ass skin stared back with wide eyes.

Andy: "What the hell happened to me?" he asked no one in particular.

Luna got up from his seat and looked around scanning his systems, on his other RADAR screen he found a yellow sticky note with writing on it. He picked it up and read in his mind.

Andy: 'Dear Andy, You have been chosen to lead the faction of Iron and Blood, reboot your systems and get ready for war.' he read.

Just before he could scoff another sticky note appeared which he started reading too.

Andy: 'No, I'm dead serious, now you shall make a change in Ironblood and you better make it good, lead your faction well.' he read, "Tch, how am I supposed to do that? I can barely lead a lil Frigate."

And then another sticky note, sighing and making a mental note not to question stuff he picked it up.

Andy: 'You are more capable than you realize, but just as a small power boost to keep up, yell out 'Antonio Luna, ENGAGE!!!' and see how it suits you, another note shall appear once necessary.' he read, "Ok.....Antonio Luna, ENGAGE!!!"

Just like that the sturdy lil Frigate he stood on burst into thousands of cubes, surrounded him and formed some kind of weaponized backpack, his 3 inch gun was now a holstered pistol, his torpedo launchers were on his hip alongside his bow, and his stern made up the section on his back and supported most of the weight.

Andy: "Holy shit!!" he yelled.

Immediately after that a sticky note flew in out of nowhere and hit him in the face, groaning he grabbed it and started reading.

Andy: 'This is your rigging, it's a way to combat your main adversaries, it is really light and you can move at up to 70 knots with it,' he read, pausing to internally say wow before continuing, 'however everyone here has riggings, and yours are among the least powerful.' "Oh for fucks sake." he said out loud.

Another sticky note then appeared and he read it too.

Andy: 'Luckily for you, I gave you a few more abilities to level the playing field, just think of any superpower imaginable be it a Quirk from My Hero Academia or a Semblance from RWBY, you name it, you can copy it for an hour, after that there is a cooldown of about 3 hours.' he read, "Fair enough I suppose, alright, let's test this out........One-for-All!"

Red lines traced around veins and former scars Luna's body as he started yelling.

Andy: "Full-Cowling!!" he yelled.

Green lightning suddenly appeared as One-for-All fully manifested within Luna.

Andy: "Nice....." he said, examining himself, a note then flew into his face again, 'Ok, if you're using One-for-All you can't do anything more than Izuku can do.' "Son of a bitch....."

All of a sudden the sounds of battle are heard in the distance. Now, if he was on Earth, without powers or rigging he would run.....but he didn't. He now had the right to act, he had the power and he had the will to do something, so he did. He charged up One-for-All and leaped off toward the battle using 'Black-whip' to go faster.

Meanwhile Tirpitz was on the ropes, Observer Alpha and Tester Beta had ambushed her in her Fjord and were toying with her. She had lost 2 turrets and her shark hulls were not responding anymore.

Observer A: "Hmhmhm, give it up Lonely Queen of the North," she taunted, "Just tell us where your Big Schwester is and we'll leave you alone.~"

Tirpitz: "Never!" she yelled, firing one last salvo with her remaining turrets.

The 15 inch shells were easily blocked and another set of laser burnt into Tirpitz making her yell out in pain, but before another salvo could be fired a cry roared out in defiance.

Andy: "SMAAAASSSSHHHH!!!" he yelled.

A kick landed on Tester as a male figure streaking Green Lightning sent the Siren flying into an Iceberg. The figure landed beside Tirpitz and gave her a reassuring smile.

Andy: "You good ma'am?" he asked, wildly smirking.

Tirpitz: "Y-yes but I could've- gah!" she cried out, still in pain.

Luna caught her and set her down easy.

Andy: "Rest up.....I can take it from here." he said, before turning to the Siren and changing tones, "So, you think you can just bully her ass and kick her while she's down?"

Observer looked at the newcomer slightly surprised, it was a shipboy, the only other in the world was......that Noah kid but he was nowhere near here and didn't look like this kid.

Luna on the other hand lowered into a stance and got his hands up.

Andy: "Well? You gonna throw hands or what?" he yelled, breaking Observer out of her thoughts.

She smirked, he would make a great test subject, her riggings tentacles curled around her guns as she giggled sadistically.

Observer: "Show me what you've got shipboy~." she said tauntingly.

Andy: "With pleasure." he said.

Luna jumped up and soared through the air as fast as he could go winding up a haymaker......and missing.

Observer A: "Hah! What's the us of power if you ca-..!!!!!" she gets cut off when Luna's VLS launchers roar to life and launch a salvo of 2 missiles at her.

The 2 missiles were too close to shoot down and immediately sent Observer flying as Luna landed on an iceberg.

Andy: "I wasn't aimin' for ya dipshit!!!" he yelled.

Observer growled as she got up and charged at Luna, who charged back with a Detroit Smash at 10% ready.

Meanwhile Graf Spee entered the AO, she had been nearby when Tirpitz sent out a few distress signals asking for help. When Spee got to Tirpitz she saw her laying on her side and watching a male figure no older than herself beat the ever living crap out of Observer.

Graf Spee: "Tirpitz!" she yelled, "Thank goodness! Who's she?"

Tirpitz: "I don't know.....but she is actually a he." she stated, shocking Spee.

Graf Spee: "B-but, the only boy here went missing years ago!" she said.

Tirpitz: "Ja, and this one." she said, looking at Luna send Observer into another Iceberg, "This one is different."

Andy: "Hey! There's no point in stayin' here!" he yelled, landing on another Iceberg, "Time to skedaddle!"

Tirpitz and Spee nodded before the latter dragged the former away, Luna jumped from the iceberg and onto the water as One-for-All slowly left his body and his ability went onto cooldown. Tirpitz noticed that the green lightning around the boy was now gone revealing the kid's looks.

He was pale in complexion, his hair was white, his eyes were Baby Blue, he was roughly Spee's height of about 5 ft, and he was wearing a Blue Hoodie, Jeans, and Black Rubber Shoes. His riggings seemed to be of......unknown design so Tirpitz asked him.

Graf Spee: "What is your name?" she asked.

Andy: "BRP Antonio Luna, you can call me Andy though." he said.

Tirpitz: "Hm, what is your faction?" she asked.

Andy: "Dunno, just manifested here....maybe you can take me to your base and we can sort things out?" he suggested.

Spee nodded along and motioned Luna to follow her back to Ironblood's base in Hamburg, Germany.

A few hours later at said base, Birmarck was buried in paperwork, the last commander was a lazy-ass dipshit who did nothing.....AGAIN!!! She swore the Gods just had it out for their faction.

Sakura Empire at least had a decent one, the Eagle Union have a good guy but he's on his way out, Royal Navy is.......well Royal Navy they've been do whatever the fuck they want as such until they got a newbie to lead them, Queen Elizabeth is their commander, Northern Parliament is in a similar position to the Eagles but they have an extra few years on the Eagles, and everyone else was set too!

Bismarck groaned as she fell back into her chair which was currently falling to bits. The last guy hadn't done much in terms of repairing the base so the equipment was all falling apart, the dockyard was a mess and some ships couldn't even leave due to rust and lack of repairs herself being one of them, and the only way to get the new supplies is by rail......which had all but been demolished at this point.

A knock came from the old door to the office and Bismarck didn't really need to guess who was there.

Bismarck: "Come in Z23." she said.

Nimi opened the door with another stack of paperwork.

Z23: "These documents keep coming!" she said exasperatedly, "Tirpitz just radioed in, she's been attacked and is heading back, I found the paperwork for repairs of a Bismar-!"

She's cut off when Bismarck parts 2 massive stacks of paperwork aside, both of which hit the ceiling mind you, and glared at Z23.

Bismarck: "What happened to my little Schwester?!" she asked.

Z23: "She got ambushed, Spee came in to intercept, she found Tirpitz on the ground nearly totaled and there was someone else fighting." she stated.

Bismarck: "Oh?" she asked, "Who was fighting?"

Z23: "A Male Frigate as Tirpitz put it." she stated.

Bismarck was taken aback, the only other ship who was male was Sakura Empire's missing commander. It was as if the Gods were giving her a massive break.

Bismarck: "Ok, once Tirpitz gets here, please tell her to meet me in my office with this Male Frigate." she saidz

Z23: "Ja Kommandant." she said saluting before she dropped the salute and walked out.

Meanwhile Luna, Tirpitz, and Spee had made it to the harbor, they had summoned their hull forms and Luna.....wasn't too impressed by what he saw.

Andy: "What the fuck happened to the docks?!" he exclaimed.

The docks were filled to the brim with rusty, dirty, grimy, and even some slowly sinking ships waiting for repair, the railway on the dockside was rusting and overgrown with the sidings cluttered with wagons that were falling apart or even covered in graffiti.

Tirpitz: "The previous commanders happened, they only cared for income and themselves and not for the war so they did not care that we were left in this condition so when we became damaged he would just assign us......over there." she pointed.

Luna looked to see a bar, and walking out of said bar was someone in a bunny suit.

Andy: "Please tell me all of them were executed." he groaned.

Graf Spee: "Yes, all of them were.....but now we are without a commander." she stated, "We do have a lot of money for repairs though."

Luna nodded, remembering the note that appeared on his ship, if he's gonna make a difference in these girls' lives, he's gonna have to start at the heart of the problem and start cleaning up the base.

The trio of ships docked and Nimi greeted them.

Z23: "Guten Tag." she greeted, "Welcome back to the base."

Tirpitz: "Guten Tag Nimi, good to be back." she said.

Z23: "Where is this male that you reported?" she asked.

Luna jumped down from his ship next to Spee and Tirpitz.

Andy: "Yeah?" he asked.

Z23: "Bismarck, our acting commander, wants to see you and Tirpitz in her office." she said.

Andy: "Um.....ok." he said.

Nimi motioned the 2 of us to follow her before walking off deep into the base passing bars, dilapidated stores, houses covered in graffiti, and other things. The group made it to an office.....which was crumbling to bits, it had graffiti all over it, its windows were boarded up, once beautiful wooden furnishings were rotting to pieces, paint was peeling off, and lights were barely functioning.

Nimi opened the door and walked in, once Luna and Tirpitz entered the entire doorframe fell outwards. In other words the base was in such disrepair that it was a miracle the place was functioning. Nimi lead them to a door and knocked.

Bismarck: "Come in." she said.

Nimi opened the door and spoke.

Z23: "Kommandant, Tirpitz and the Male are here." she said, allowing Tirpitz and Luna in.

Around the corner a certain insane Heavy Cruiser watched from the sidelines.

Bismarck: "Schwester....." she trailed off.

Tirpitz: "I have returned Big Schwester.......I'm sorry that I-." she's cut off when Bismarck embraced her with a hug.

Bismarck: "I'm just glad that you are ok." she said before turning to the Frigate next to them, "This is the male you were talking about?"

Andy: "BRP Antonio Luna, my friends call me Andy." he said.

Bismarck nodded and let go of Tirpitz, who pouted at this, before turning and looking down at Luna with her hands crossed under her.....assets.......yeah assets.

Bismarck was about 6'12" Luna was about 5'2" the latter was very intimidated by the blonde battleship in front of him and locked eyes just to try and avoid staring at her assets. After a while Bismarck smirked.

Bismarck: "That's a good start." she said.

Andy: "Imm sorry wut?" he asked.

Bismarck: "It's a small test I designed after the previous commanders, if I stand here and do this it amplifies the size of these stupid melons." she stated, "If the soon-to-be commander stares at this I'll consider him a pervert."

Andy: "And I did everything in my power to not do so." he stated.

Bismarck: "Exactly, but that's only the start." she said, "Now, what is your intention here?"

Luna paused for a moment, he could've just said 'I dunno' or 'I'm just passing through, don't mind me' but no, he had just gone through a base that had all but fallen apart, if war was to be break put they would certainly lose.

Andy: "I'm here to help, I just manifested but after walking through the place.....I think I know why I was put here." he said.

Bismarck nodded and put a few pieces of paper in front of Luna.

Bismarck: "Just fill these out." she said, "Read them thoroughly."

Luna looked the first paper over, this was a registration form to become a commander for a few weeks, if all went well.....he would be able to stay. So he filled out the necessary blanks and put in all his info before giving it to Bismarck. She looked it over, smiled and held out her hand.

Bismarck: "Welcome to Ironblood." she said.

Luna took her hand and shook it. No turning back now.

The next day, Luna woke up at 0300 hours and got a jumpstart on the day. He made his way to the docks to start there. He saw a few shipgirls with massive hangovers just sleeping everywhere so he noted them and their injuries as he walked to the harbor. Once he got there he rolled up his sleeves and got ready for a long grueling night.

Andy: "Ok you old harbor," he said, cracking his knuckles, "bring it on."

He switched to 'Half-Hot-Half-Cold' and sent a wave of fire down the old rusting track to burn the weeds, after that he saw how dilapidated the rails were before switching to 'Creation' and getting to work.

Bismarck woke up at about 0500, relatively well rested before making her way to the mess hall. In the hall were multiple ships all of whom with numerous injuries that reflected their ships. They all needed repairs so she was hopeful that Luna would live up to his promise.

Deutschland: "You're sure you saw a he Spee?" she asked her younger sister.

Graf Spee: "I'm sure Deutschland." she said.

Bismarck: "Guten Morgen you 2." she said.

Both: "Guten Morgen Kommandant." they said in unison.

Graf Spee: "How's Andy, Kommandant?" she asked.

Bismarck: "I don't know where he is." she stated.

Prinz Eugen: "What's this about a 'he' Biscuit?" she asked with a teasing tone when she came up alongside.

Bismarck: "A male ship has been brought to the base, Spee and Tirpitz can back this up." she stated.

The hall suddenly shut up at this mention, some trembling others slightly excited.

U-556: "Lord Bismarck?" she asked, "What is so different about this one?"

Bismarck: "Well for one thing, he isn't a Nazi." she stated, a murmur went through the crowd, most of the Germans they served were the lazy douchebags who did nothing but chase tail, "And for another he saved Tirpitz even though he could have run away, that is more than any of the previous ones have done, and he passed my Pervert Test with flying colors."

Murmurs went through the crowd, the previous commanders all failed that test, they unanimously agreed to give this guy a chance at the very least tolerating him.

Meanwhile at the docks about an hour earlier, the weeds had all been destroyed and the rails had all been replaced, the wagons that could still roll were put to the task of transporting the rusting rails to the scrap heap, the cranes were all in miraculously good condition were brought back online, and everything else was fine......everything but the engines because he couldn't find any.

Then a group of Manjuu's passed by and started helping with moving the rusting rails onto flatbeds. Which Luna was grateful for.

Andy: "Oh thank you." he said, before asking the leader, "Do you know where all the engines are?"

The leader nodded before gesturing to his second-in-command that he was in charge before leading Luna to a locked up shed. Luna, curious, broke the lock and opened the door......and saw a single dockyard shunter rotting away in its shed, the poor thing probably only had a few hundred miles on it and its boiler was probably in its prime when it was locked up in here.

Andy: "Oh are we supposed to move all this?!" he exclaimed.

An entire train of 14 or so flat cars and about 10 box vans sat in a line with a single brake van attached to the end. There was no way Luna could've moved it alone. Of course at this moment a sticky note landed on Luna's face.

Andy: "This is just a running gag now..." he said before reading, 'Dear Andy, Good job on gaining Bismarck's trust and joining the place btw, now your little predicament didn't go unnoticed by me, so alongside your little copy ability, you can summon any Civilian Land vehicle, including Movie Cars and fictional vehicles but if you summon the latter 2 you will only get the props for said vehicles.' "Ok, so I E2 Tank Engine with Extended Side Tanks."

A bright flash went off behind Luna who turned and saw exactly what he ordered sitting there, ready to go. It was painted BR Black with the number 32108 on its bunker and on a plate on the smokebox door.

Andy: "I can get used to this." he smirked.

The Manjuu beneath him just looked at him and then the E2 and then just continued rapidly changing between him and the Tank Engine.

Back at the Mess Hall at present time a loud shrill whistle echoed throughout the base, it came from the docks.

Z24: "What was that?" she asked.

Z1: "I dunno, let's check it out!" she yelled excitedly.

The younger ships agreed and ran off to inspect what had made the noise, the older ships were confused so they followed the younger ones. When they got to the docks a Train full of supplies and spare parts was just sitting there with all the necessary supplies to get them all back up and running.

Admiral Hipper: "H-HUH?!?! WHERE'D THIS COME FROM?!?!?!" she yelled.

Andy: "That's a lil inconsiderate." he said.

The shipgirls turned to see their new commander casually leaning up against the water tower and letting his engine grab a drink.

Andy: "But considering how douchey the other guys seemed to be, I'm not expecting much as a thank you." he stated.

Admiral Hipper: "B-BAKA!!!" she yelled before walking off.

Prinz Eugen: "My my, I can't believe someone managed to push Hipper's buttons better than I could and with less effort!" she said chuckling, before switching to a cheekier tone, "And who might you just be?~"

She walked up to Luna and teasingly exposed her cleavage which Luna attempted to ignore and would've succeeded if Eugen didn't decided to just bury his face in it.

Andy: "I'm BRP Antonio Luna or Andy.....or technically Commander Andy......I dunno I'm not one for titles." he said muffled by the breasts in his face but trying to get out.


Andy: "No, just trying not get a big-ass ego." he stated having somehow gotten out, "Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna shunt this train away."

He detached the Water Tower from the E2's left tank before going to work shunting specific gear and vans into certain sidings and piers for the Manjuu's to offload and either equip to ships or put away for safe keeping.

A/N: Ok, I did my best here, I haven't really done something like this before, most of my other stories the Commander and the MC are completely separate entities and they've all been centered in the Land of the Free so I'm just making this all up as I go along. NotaChild4 (our Lore Maker/Sakura Empire Commander/Tanker) gimme a critique, I seriously need it. Check out dieHero (our Military Specialist/Eagle Union Commander/USS Missouri), DrDestiny (our Memelord/Royal Navy Commander/HMS Lion), and 007weeb (dH's girl). I'm kuwebby2 (the Realistic All-Rounder/Ironblood Commander/BRP Antonio Luna) I'll see you in MJTM 2, which will hopefully be way better than last time which was like.....a third the length of this chapter, yeah stay tuned.


Amagi's Siren Adventures (Since I forgot to put it last time)

Amagi was lost to say the least, the Siren Home-world was welcoming and they were friendly only thing is that she got lost every now and then.

She was semi-used to it by now and Tester has been semi-able to get rid of Amagi's horrible coughing but her cube was still imperfect so Tester was still working on it. One day Observer approached Amagi.

Observer A: "Amagi! Over here!" she said.

Amagi: "What's the rush Alpha?" she asked.

Observer A: "Me, Tester, and Purifier are going to Missouri's pocket dimension, wanna come?" she offered.

Amagi: "Which dimension? The one in his head or his arsenal room?" she asked.

Observer A: "The one in his head, come on." she said.

Observer then ran off into a portal like a giddy child. Amagi chuckled and followed her through.

She popped out inside a small room about the size of a Master Bedroom, there was a massive Screen with 8K resolution, there were 7 high-end microphones, 10 high-end speakers, a hot tub, and even a high-end gamer set up.

Tester and Purifier were already there talking with Missouri while the latter was munching on some snacks which Missouri was pretty pissed about. On the screen Missouri could be seen rapidly punching a sand bag at Mach 3.

Missouri: "STOP EATING FUCKING BATTERIES!!!!" he yelled.

Purifier: "They're so good though!" she whined.

Observer A: "Evening Dad." she greeted hopping onto a mic.

Missouri: "Evening Sweetie, how're you?" he asked.

Observer A: "I'm fine. I see these 2 numbskulls are driving you insane." she joked.

Tester: "Eh?! W-w-well......uh......shit I don't have any dirt." she mumbled.

Missouri was full out laughing at this and Amagi was giggling quite loudly.

Purifier: "Lighten up Tester, Alpha's just bantering." she said.

Amagi: "Yes, I believe the Eagle Union is quote fond of banter." she spoke up.

Missouri: "Oh, evening Amagi." he said.

Amagi: "Evening Missouri, you sound well." she said.

Missouri: "I would be better if Akagi and Kaga didn't decide to reignite World War 2 of course." he stated.

Amagi sighed in exasperation.

Amagi: "Of course they do that because I'm gone...." she trailed off.

Missouri: "Meh, it's not your fault, honestly, it could be worse." he said, "They could have some massive super ship with a fucking nuke and decide to launch it at the Eagle Union."

A sheepish chuckle sounded out from Observer which Missouri caught.

Missouri: "Observer what the hell did you do?" he said exasperated.

Observer A: "Well.....Akagi managed to.....r-replicate a nuke....thanks to Nagato's description." she began, "So have a heavy water situation on your hands....."

Missouri: "Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me....." he trailed off.

Amagi: "This month keeps getting worse all the time...." she said.

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