The Bodyguard

By funstoriestelling

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The Bodyguard This is a transmigration story from modern to ancient and I sincerely hope you all will like it... More

Chapter 1 (Modern Lan Zhan)
Chapter 2 (Shit! I have transmigrated)
Chapter 3 (What the hell is a Ger?)
Chapter 4 (Aren't you Hai Kwan?)
Chapter 5 (You mean I am a bad person)
Chapter 6 (Crown Prince Wei Ying)
Chapter 7 (Wei Ying captured bandits)
Chapter 8 (Two Similar thoughts)
Chapter 9 (Lan Zhan's planning)
Chapter 11 (Finally they met)
Chapter 12 (Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji)
Chapter 13 (I found you, my Zhan Zhan)
Chapter 15 (A pair of Rabbits)
Chapter 16 (Beauty outside and inside)
Chapter 17 (Do you want to be my bodyguard?)
Chapter 18 (Offical Bodyguard)
Chapter 19 (Reunion)
Chapter 20 (Sharing is a good beginning)
Chapter 21 (Snakes! Yikes!)
Chapter 22 (Zhanying)
Chapter 23 (It is more blessed to help than to receive help)
Chapter 24 (Justice has to be served)
Chapter 25 (A Night of Chasing the Moon)
Chapter 26 (A Night of Chasing the Moon: Part II)
Chapter 27 (Best Little Justice Pao)
Chapter 28 (This is double happiness)
Chapter 29 (The four brothers)
Chapter 30 (Little Golden Buddha)
Chapter 31 (Thank you, life-saver)
Chapter 32 (Competition arising)
Chapter 33 (hide him there forever.....)
Chapter 34 (Hi-Five)
Chapter 35 (Xing, the Archery Expert)
Chapter 36 (Win with one move)

Chapter 10 (Their journeys begin)

702 93 32
By funstoriestelling

Chapter 10 (Their journeys begin)

After reaching his own room, Lan Zhan had a hard time thinking about his new adventures, his heart is trilling and his hands rubbed each other to give him a feeling of reality.

The more Lan Zhan thinks about it, the more excited he is because he is going to travel to many new places in the ancient world, which he had no idea how it was. Although he had slowly gained back memories of the ancient Lan Zhan there is nothing that beats being there to see the place and people and experience new life in the ancient world.

Lan Zhan then turns around to take out his black bag to see those gadgets inside the bag, and he is very satisfied with it, he saw a pen that will never run out of ink if you just pour water into it. The pen is fatter than normal and it has a very mini tube in the middle of it, this will be very useful to him among others inside the bag.

Lan Zhan then told Xiao Yuan the truth that they will be going on a holiday.

Poor Xiao Yuan has a complicated heart, from what he knew about his little prince, he is wilful and playful and when he made a decision, he seldom changes it unless it affects his beloved people. However, now both his parents are out tomorrow and including his brother, who is going to stop this little prince, he is now as careful as a bird.

Although there are bodyguards in place who dare to go against the heart of the emperor, and if this little prince makes a complaint, isn't it they are playing with their heads, won't the head just roll off the shoulders if the little prince makes trouble?

Although, this has never happened before they knew how much the parents love their son, even if their head is protected but they will still have other punishments that will cause them problems in their lives.

The more Xiao Yuan thinks, the more trouble he felt, and thus, his head began to sweat more, and in no time, the little servant who had a bath like walking in rain with sweat on his forehead. Xiao Yuan finds no way out and he can only find the best way out after many deep thoughts while looking at the little prince, playing with his hair daydreaming of all the fun places, Xiao Yuan has a decision in his heart.

The small young slave decisively told the little master

"Wang ye, I am very good at everything and can take good care of you, please bring me along" Xiao Yuan finally told the little prince with his big round eyes, hoping and hoping that the prince will not abandon him.

Finally, there is a sneaky smile on Lan Zhan's face but he hides away from Xiao Yuan, in case the little servant saw it and he asks in return

"What is the reward for taking you along?" Lan Zhan asks with his sneaky look.

Xiao Yuan looks at him full of astonishment, you are the boss, and why are you asking for a reward, what can this poor little slave do for you that you can only ask?

Xiao Yuan was so puzzled that he felt smoke coming out from his head.

"W-what re-ward..." the poor slave is almost dying full of fear.

To Xiao Yuan, he is thinking that rewards mean the opposite meaning he will be punished. Although he knew that his little master is not cruel but he is from the royal family, and they are used to giving punishment for mistakes what type of mistake has he made that required punishment, the young slave is unsure.

Lan Zhan is full of mischiefs and he told Xiao Yuan

"You will be in charge of getting me out of the palace secretly," Lan Zhan told Xiao Yuan full of seriousness.

Lan Zhan pretends to look doubtfully at Xiao Yuan.

"Well, I am able to arrange such a way that no one will know that you are away" Xiao Yuan suddenly has sneaky eyes himself.

For Xiao Yuan, nothing is more important than tagging along with his young master, if not, he might die of worries.

Lan Zhan turns around and has a hidden smile, his heart is happy and he feels triumph because, for a young person like him, this is such an amazing win, he has never used "heart attack" strategies before in his modern life. He has quite a good life and thus he never needed that but he also has part of his ancient self which emerges and when combined both of himself, modern and ancient, he finds that he is able to excel which pleases the teenager very much.

Lan Zhan then pretends to doubt the little servant

"What can you do?"

"I don't think you are able to do that well?" Lan Zhan provokes the young servant.

This makes Xiao Yuan really excited, he puffed up his chest and then gives his little master a great smile

"Trust Xiao Yuan, it will be alright," Xiao Yuan told Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan side-eyed him and then ask with a heavy butt sitting on his bed

"Tell me your plan....." Lan Zhan smiles at Xiao Yuan

Xiao Yuan took a deep breath and then he told Lan Zhan

"Wang, there will be another 2 persons that I need to talk to them to help..."

"One is a male servant, about your size and he will dress up as you, and in another word, an imposter and he will act like he is sick, another one is the servant that will bring food for this imposter and as for me, this servant will tell the others that I will take care of you and thus sleeping on the floor in your room......"

Xiao Yuan felt quite proud of himself that he had this "heaven dressed without a gap" plan and it will be working superbly well.

Lan Zhan pretended to have a doubtful look and then he looks at Xiao Yuan

"What if the two helpers break their mouths and speak out about the plan..." Lan Zhan asks his little servant.

Xiao Yuan then looks at Lan Zhan and full of confidence and told him

"These two servants are serving in this palace for about 3 years, and I helped them a lot during their time here, ahem...I am like their little trusted errrrr.....leader (spoken very softly)....." Xiao Yuan lowers his head when he speaks like he is really shy about the last bit of it.

Lan Zhan kept quiet for quite a while, making the atmosphere very awkward and tense as Xiao Yuan continue to lower his head and his little mind is wondering if he had done anything wrong in the eyes of Lan Zhan, his little master.

Suddenly, the quiet-to-death atmosphere had a burst of loud laughter from Lan Zhan

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Lan Zhan even bend his body to laugh at Xiao Yuan

"You little tyrant, you even collect people for use......" Lan Zhan points his finger at Xiao Yuan and that makes Xiao Yuan really scare he immediately knee and told Lan Zhan

" am not a tyrant as I did not bully anyone at all, I help them very much and so they are more like indebted to me....." Xiao Yuan told Lan Zhan and suddenly, there is a : dong, dong, dong" sound and Xiao Yuan had the bow and kowtow to Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan continue to laugh and commanded Xiao Yuan

"Stand Up!"

"I didn't even punish you....." Lan Zhan told Xiao Yuan.

Immediately, the servant stands up straight and still lowers his head.

Lan Zhan pats his think shoulder and told him

"Mmmm....with such a highly intelligent master, of course, you cannot be an idiot..."

"You did well...." Lan Zhan told Xiao Yuan

Xiao Yuan frowns although it seems like praise to Xiao Yuan it is definitely more of praise for the little prince himself.

Lan Zhan is now seriously happy and so immediately he told Xiao Yuan

"Go and arrange this immediately...."

"But also tell them if they break their promises, the punishment will be very severe but if they do this very well, the reward will also be severely well," Lan Zhan told Xiao Yuan to make the arrangements so that this will be done as soon as possible.

Lan Zhan is using the "carrot and the stick" method which of course he knew it will work, especially with his additional threat.

The next day is indeed a busy day as it is as early as 4 am, the military men and all the elite bodyguards of the emperor and empress were all getting ready to travel to the alliance meeting. This is a huge ceremony and of course, the military power has to be on show. Thus, Lan Huan leads the elite bodyguards as well as the military top troop to have better protection and also a show of power.

Lan Zhan has been awakened by Xiao Yuan at 7 am, he rubs his eyes and knew that today his parents and brother are traveling, and to be honest, he also feels a tingling in his heart. He knew how much they love the ancient Lan Zhan which to Lan Zhan is a part of him now, human beings are not made of wood and thus he actually feels their love for himself.

Lan Zhan hurried Xiao Yuan but he still managed to dress properly and beautifully to see them off, as the officials and also all the royalties are a must to be present when the emperor and empress are on a mission for the country.

Lan Zhan is naturally superiorly beautiful when compared to those princesses, without Lan Zhan, they still can be considered beautiful but when Lan Zhan appears, they all knew where the eyes are turning to. It is something that is born as a human has a nature to like beautiful things and cannot take their eyes off beautiful people.

Lan Zhan is totally obliviously to those people staring at him, especially those glaring eyes of the noble daughters, princesses, and other gers.

Lan Zhan walks swiftly to his parents and brother and after the official greeting of bowing his head to greet them, he immediately was hugged by both parents

"Be good eh, I will buy lots of good stuff for you" mother empress doted on her ger son and she really couldn't bear to leave him for such a long time.

The naughty Lan Zhan who is actually a little guilty but still fun overcomes his guilt and blinks with big eyes

"I will take good care of myself" a half-true sentence which Xiao Yuan beside him lowers his head so much that it might touch the ground not for his thin body holding onto that small head.

The emperor has always been a doting father as well and so he pats his ger son's head

"You eat well and sleep well," the emperor told his ger son.

Lan Zhan broke into a big smile

"Father wants to raise a pig...hee hee" making everyone in their immediate family burst into laughter.

The emperor told Lan Zhan

"When will you ever get fat......" which is indeed true about Lan Zhan's body, he is so blessed with a thin waist and slim legs that even how much he eats, there will never be an extra pound of flesh onto his body.

Lan Zhan smiles which shows his teeth and it is so cute that melts the heart of his parents.

Lan Huan walks towards him and bears hug him

"You be good, okay, I will reward you," Lan Huan told him

"En" Lan Zhan nods and in the corner of his eye, he could see a shining pair of eyes looking at him, the young man is no other than Chen Xiao who looks dazzling in the military uniform. He only looks at Lan Zhan, while many others are admiring and looking at him.

Lan Zhan turns around and gives him a nod, as this is also their childhood friend, Lan Zhan just doesn't want to be an unfriendly person despite his high status.

Chen Xiao's expressionless face immediately broke into a light smile at Lan Zhan, but it was too late because little prince ger has been hugged again by the empress like a baby.

Lan Huan knew that it will never end and the longer they delay, the more emotional his mother can be. Thus, with a hardened heart, he is leading the troop and he announces

"Let's get going" thus, the drum has been raised and all the officials bow their heads, and no one is allowed to lift their heads until the carriage of the emperor and empress is out of the palace gate. However, Lan Zhan is sitting in the carriage with them until they reached the palace gate, he then gets off the palace gate and waves to his parents and his beloved big brother, the crown prince of the Lan Country.

Finally, the carriage and the horses are riding at high speed and the dusk has been kicked up from the horse from the ground the big troop has gone and now the images become smaller and smaller.

Lan Zhan hops into another carriage waiting to take him back to his palace, where he is getting ready to sneak out tonight.

Xiao Yuan hurriedly bowed and leave to make arrangements as the royal family is leaving tomorrow and looking and knowing his little master, don't even think that he will wait for another day after the royal family left and sneak out. Lan Zhan told Xiao Yuan that he is thinking of leaving tomorrow night, through the big tree he had found to jump out of the great wall surrounding the palace.

Also, the little prince seems to have eyed and surveyed the place for a while, and with that kind of determination, Xiao Yuan saw and knew that their plan to leave the palace will come into action tomorrow night.

As the night approaches, Lan Zhan actually packed all his stuff into a big piece of cloth, which Xiao Yuan will tie up and put onto his back. Xiao Yuan also pack some minimum essential and keep all the space for his little master.

Lan Zhan himself carried the black bag that his modern father has given him, it is very convenient as it straps to his shoulder and he still has some free hands to carry things.

Xiao Yuan has seen the black bag and he found it immensely interesting and but his little young master wouldn't tell him where he got it from it gives Xiao Yuan a lot to think about and how and where his little master got that bag.

Lan Zhan took a long nap in the afternoon and had a good dinner, he is a person that understands the importance of money, and thus, he packed quite a lot into his black bag.

Thus, when the night comes, the young prince and Xiao Yuan finally make their way to the tree that will give them an easy way to climb over the wall into the outside world.

When both of them reach the tree, Lan Zhan looks at it and frowns however when he exerts his qi, he found himself flying high onto the tree, and he was delighted and he didn't want to shout as he should have that qi in him all the time but that wasn't true.

However, Xiao Yuan did not have such high martial art skill and thus he wasn't able to fly up when Lan Zhan throw a rope down for him, Xiao Yuan tie it around his body and he was very agile to climb up the tall tree and then, Lan Zhan flew down but Xiao Yuan climbed the rope down quickly and then they both swing the rope high up so that they can use the same way when they come back into the palace.

Lan Zhan looks into the tall wall of the palace and he has some mixed feelings. He was a little worried as leaving the thick and secure wall of the palace meant he is on his own and that he had to manage to face the world which he had never done it before even when he was in the modern world. On the flipped side of the coin, the teenager is also craving freedom and thus, this adventure journey will suit him very well and he is superbly happy.

There seems to be a trill that Lan Zhan had never felt before and also he took a deep breath and then puffed up his chest and pats his little servant's shoulder and then told him

"Let go......."

On the other side of the country, a tall and handsome man is walking in the garden in a circle thinking of what he wanted to do with life.

On the other side of the country, a young, tall and handsome prince is doing some planning of his own. His heart seems to be a little troubled because he could see how much his empress mother values the friendship of the Lan country. Although Wei Ying has always been an obedient child but still when it comes to his own marriage, he really wanted to be able to make his own decision. Thus, now, he knew that the best decision is to find an escape route.

Xing, his subordinate was following him like a tail, looking at his own master so restlessly, the heart of Xing begins to sink because this is when the young and restless crown prince will make another trip to his adventures/

"Wang ye, what are your thoughts" Xing notices that his master has been working in a circle in his courtyard and this is pretty abnormal.

"Xing, there are still robbers that we need to catch right?" Wei Ying frowns seriously and this is way more than before and of course, his buddy knew something was wrong.

"Huh...mmm.....actually....." Xing wanted to report that they had already captured a lot but looking at the glaring eyes, he knew this is not the answer that his master wants.

"Oh....yes...." Xing sigh and reply his master.

"Yup, let's go and spy on them tomorrow," Wei Ying told Xing.

Xing is really scared as this is the crown prince lor,

"Huh, let's go and see the emperor and let the shadow guards follow us...." Xing mumbles to the prince as it seems like this is not the Prince's idea.

Wei Ying flicks his forehead and told him

"I said many bodies, can that be even spy....just leave a note for father emperor and we set off tomorrow" crown prince Wei Ying gives a command to Xing.

Xing can only sigh internally and hope he won't get internal bleeding because he will never go against his young master as they have a close bonding.

"Yes, master" Xing gives a bow and immediately set off to get ready.....

Wei Ying happily put his finger under his chin and his mind wonders

"How do you look now, little Zhan Zhan, still as white as snow......" Wei Ying wonders about the little child that he seems to remember but is not too clear about.


Sorry, for the long wait

Their adventures start next chapter

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