"You're my Clementine to my A...

By jesus_davito13

1.5K 51 141

I don't have an idea for this description yet and this will be rarely posted (doubting anyone will ever read... More



122 4 3
By jesus_davito13

A groan came out of the purple man as he heard the noises of his neighbors fighting again, making him throw a pillow over his head to block out the noise...which never worked, so he had no choice but to wake up. Sitting up in the bed he'd rub his tired eyes as he tried to get used to the bright light of the sun that came through the dirty blinds inside his room. The man would look over at his cheap bedside clock he had that told the time.
8am? Seriously? Dave thought to himself. Well, better to get up then stay lying here and listen to those idiots fight before hearing them fucking each other again.
He'd stand up and stretch out as he let out a loud yawn with the following of his bones popping, the chill air nipping at his bare skin as he looked around the empty yet messy bedroom for some clothes, only finding a pair of some baggy ripped jeans and a t-shirt with the Guns N' Roses logo on the front. The lanky man wandered off to his bathroom and turned on the light that flickered a bit as it turned on, staring at himself in the mirror. His hair was a long, tangled mess and he had massive eye bags underneath his eyes, which made Dave groan in annoyance, his purple hands rested on the sides of his face and stretched his face around a bit, the feeling of his scruffy beard poked his hands as a reminder that he should shave sometime soon. Not to mention his goatee look felt a little old on him and he wanted to try out a new look.
The tired aubergine decided to take his cheep razor with his left hand and decided to go ahead and get it over with so he could pass by some time and not forget to go ahead and go it later that day.

As Dave walked down the sidewalk he had a bit of a small smile on his face as he observed his surroundings, watching some kids who ran on the sidewalk across the street as they seemed to be playing some tag and staring at the hidden birds in the trees that sang their morning song, the song reminding him of when he was told that "killing a mockingbird was a sin" as a kid, the memories he immediately shifted away from and went back to focusing on the future.
A group of kids passed him on bikes and threw something in Dave's direction while ringing their bells in a fit of laughter, making Dave pause as he had to process what came at him as he looked down at the ground where the object that hit him was at.
A stick.
They threw a stick at him.
He growled as he picked up the stick, following the direction of where they biked in slow steps, it wasn't long until his soft steps turned into heavy, fast steps as he ran after the asshole kids that threw the stick at him. It wasn't hard to search for them since he watched them turn a corner that lead into the local park. He'd quickly follow after them as he gripped the stick with his good hand, looking around and taking quick notice that they're circling around the park trail and about to approach the small hill that had a pond nearby the turn at the bottom of the hill.
A wicked smile spread on Dave's face as he sprinted to the bottom of the hill, quickly grabbing some giant sticks from a nearby tree and placing them down right at the end of the hill with the one that was thrown at him before dashing behind a tree and waiting.
In a flash, the leader of the group yelped as his biked flipped from the impact of the sticks as he was sent flying into the pond, his four other buddy's following after him by colliding with the bike on the ground as they were all sent flying, two of the kids getting stuck in the pile of bikes as they wailed in pain.
"Karma's a bitch, ain't it?" Dave said before cracking out into a fit of laughter as he rushed away from the scene, wiping his eyes as the whole scenario brought tears to his eyes.
Once he calmed down he headed into town to see whatever he could do to pass some more time besides attacking children.

The whole day was spent on a lot of walking, talking with some old street friends, buying himself stuff with the 5 dollars he had on him, and doing whatever aubergine's did when they were bored to pass some time. He even made a friend on the way!
While Dave was walking down some random alleyways during his walking, he stumbled upon a little friend, a dog. It was pretty scuffed up and was basically bones, yet it seemed hopeful when Dave stumbled upon them, who had every right to because Dave immediately took the dog as a companion after spotting them. When they were walking together, Dave felt a guilt not saving any food before he ran into the dog because, well, he was broke and couldn't afford anything at the moment. So he took the dog to his place to give it some food.

Dave spent most of his day hanging out with the dog outside of his little apartment since he couldn't bring the dog inside from the rules that he usually didn't follow...but the main reason was because the building was too dangerous for the dog to be inside. Not to mention all of the crackheads that lived there, including himself, yet he "was" trying to cut back since he was too fucking poor to afford any of it anyways. The good thing was that he'd be able to feed the little fella with the little-to-nothing food he already owned.
He needs it more than me, He would think to himself as he rummaged through the almost empty fridge for any edible food for the skinny dog that patiently waited outside, which he decided to name "Old Sport #2", since he couldn't replace the original Old Sport. The chiming sound of his phone going off alerted him as he headed into his tiny bedroom, grabbing the broken phone off the nightstand and heading back outside and sitting on the dirty steps. Old Sport #2 walked in front of him as he read through the newer notifications.
The one he just heard was for a message of a scammy link that lead to some porn website that Dave wasn't even bothered to check, he was more interested in the recent ones he never checked due to his phone being left behind...he didn't expect for people to try to get in contact with him, yet he didn't go into to work that day so of course he'd get messages from somebody.
Jack's messages read clearly out loud in his mind; "Hey, when are you going to show up?", "Are you coming to work today?", "Hello?"
The messages read on with a lot of questions of where he was and lots of "hello"'s, including the missed calls.
Dave sighed as his hand gently stroked the black fur of the skinny dog from the top of his head to all the way down to his back as he scrolled through his phone a little more before he sent a single message back as a response.
"Sorry, was taking my dog on a walk." He smiled at the screen from his cleaver response, turning the phone back off and shoving it inside his back pocket for safe keeping, immediately zoning out to his dream land till Old Sport #2 awoke him from his imaginations.
Dave's eyes fixated on the medium sized dog that locked gazes with him, it managing to smile with it's tongue hanging out of it's mouth, he'd return the same smile (minus the tongue) to the dog as his hand went back to stroking the dog's head as he started up at the sky.
The clouds shaped in colorful swirls that looked like cotton candy as the sun was on it's way to sleep, light pink and lavender colors mixed together with the clouds to make a peaceful aesthetic as it blended with the pastel, rainbow-ish sky. The warm summer breeze gently brushed against his body, causing his hair to slightly pick up and dance with the air and his face to flush from the heat. Not that he minded it, the wind was pretty decent.
A sigh escaped Dave's mouth has he knew that once the sun had set that it would be a new day, meaning he'd have more work to do, not to mention Old Sport #1 being there.
"I've got to head inside, ok Sport?" Dave would say, standing up from the step he started getting comfortable in. A long pause came from Dave before he exhaled and smiled, glancing around before ushering the dog to step closer. "C'mon, let's go inside and get some shut eye."
Old Sport #2 was cautious at first before allowing to be lifted into the arms of Dave, who happily took the dog into his room. Thankfully the place didn't have any cameras to see him bringing the dog inside the place, not that it really mattered anyways since the people who ran the place didn't care what the hell went on at the apartments anymore as long as they got their rent money. That was just a small example of how crappy the building was.

Dave would quickly change out of his outing clothing before he went back to spending all the time he could with Old Sport #2, most of the time was spent watching the little box TV that only broadcasted 4 channels. One of them included a channel of children's cartoons so he decided to watch that, cause if kids could enjoy it, then so could an adult aubergine and doggo.
When they sat on the couch, Dave couldn't help but check his phone every so often and quietly hope that Jack messaged him, wanting to see what he was doing and ask how he was, or at least ask about the dog thing.
Yet a message never showed up...except for Jack's response with a "haha" to the dog thing.
Why did he only send "haha"? Dave would think to himself. It was all lowercase. Did he even find it funny?
He didn't feel daring enough to ask Jack about it, that would be stupid anyways. He was even nervous to go near the guy since that night. The thoughts of how Jack would react to finding out about what happened that night haunted Dave, and although he felt guilty for lying, he wasn't willing to loose his only friend for one small drunk mistake.
Like, how would Jack react to figure out how Dave really felt? Would he be mad? Would he hate him? Would he just...ghost him?

It all flooded Dave's mind in a dark pool of anxiety that he couldn't help but start shaking and breathing heavily, which soon ceased as his new friend climbed on Dave and started to lick the side of his face.
The purple man quickly pushed the thoughts far back into his head as a he put all of his focus towards the dog on top of him and distracting himself with them instead. But by doing this, he was too distracted by the affection of his dog that he didn't realize his phone had chimed with a new message from the one he worried so much about.

(a/n: I updated this and fixed it up, but also it glitched so idk if it's ok or not, I'm busy rn so....later!)

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