Transcendent King

By pausevlim

295K 6.5K 4.3K

Aizen Sosuke has been transported into the world of DxD and there is no plot armor to stop him now Disclaimer... More

Kidnaped by Someone
Knowledge is Power
Canis Lykaon
Young Devil Mixer
Divine Dividing
Vali Lucifer
Slash Dog vs Vanishing Dragon
Subjugate the Black Dragon
Smol Alatreon
Kouh Academy
Disappointment and Developments
Marriage Troubles
Priest of Gluttony Vs Hero Faction
How far can you Fall?
Ddraig and the Trap
Peace? There is no Peace!
The Summoning
All The Worlds Evil
Primate Murder
My Underworld
Witch Queen Vs Dark King
The Espada
Spoils of War
Kings Arrival
Lose Ends
Beginning of the End
King of Heaven: Gilgamesh
True Red Dragon Emperor
Diablos Dragon Ascension!
Finale of Rome
Beast of Comparison
Greatest Hunter
Aspect of Death
The Apocalypse
The Big 3
Beast of Regression
Lady of the Lake
Chao's End
Battle of Kings
Breakdown the King
Right of Ruling
Transcendent Arrival
Life Goes On
The Final Bio


2.8K 86 43
By pausevlim

The once perfect knight lunged at the Taken King. Oryx simply sidestepped the beast as he sent his sword to that small of his advisories back but even in his insane state the knights instincts and experience did not waver as grabbed a brick from the ground and blocked the blade.

This outcome surprising Oryx. The brick was now black with red cracks. He understands that this must be his noble phantasm as he swung his blade once again. The mad knight jumped back to avoid the attack as he grabbed a metal bar from the ground which turned into a noble phantasm. 

The Knight and the King circled each other watching closely for any sudden movements. One is a knight who has honed his skills throughout his entire lifetime and the other is a champion who has fought endless battles within the pit. Safe to say that they both are experienced yet Oryx holds the upper hand. As he has fought countless mindless beasts that are his kin.

 So when the beast made his move the King was already before him with his blade swinging downwards. Lancelot acted fast and blocked the attack with his bar but did not expect to be kicked in the stomach as he slid back. Oryx predicted his response and countered it with ease. 

"Is that all that you can offer, Mad one?" Oryx asked in a mocking tone. Hoping to get a rise out of his opponent.

He got what he wanted when Lancelot roared at him in rage. His pride as a knight shinning threw his current state. The area around his feet changed into a NP as he kicked it at the king. Oryx smacked away the debris with some difficulty as he readied a stance. 

 "Fine then. Lets dance" Replied Oryx with a massive amount of blood lust. 

-{Line Break}-

The earth quaked under the force of their blows. The sky split at the clash of their power. Existence quivered at the pure dominance of one and all rejoiced at the judgment of the other.

A being made of malice Vs a selfless man. Good Vs Evil. Light Vs Dark. The Hero Vs The Villain. A fight as old as time has started once again. 

So as Siegfried dodged and countered the relentless attacks of the monster before him only one thing was in his mind. When faced with all of the worlds evil most would run in fear but the hero must continue forward. For the sake of the innocent Siegfried will stop this evil. He will slay a evil dragon once more!

The dragon cackled as he his leg connected with the side of the slayer. This is just so much fun! Unlike Zeus this guy can actually take a beating. Yet he cannot shake off the feeling he gets from that sword. What is that?

'Partner! This man is Siegfried. A Dragon Slayer!' Informed Ddraig.

Sukuna just grinned as he another batch of cleaves at the slayer only for them to cut in half by his sword. Sukuna then appeared behind Siegfried with a Sonido and dropped to the ground as he kicked the mans legs out from under him. He then pushed himself up and kicked the the silver haired man into a wall, destroying it in the process.

"I forgot. You can only be harmed on your back right? How annoying." Sukuna commented.

His words were proved true as the swordsman got up without a single scratch on him. Looking at the red dragon with a cold gaze filled with hatred.

"Don't look at me like that. I hate that." Stated Sukuna in irritation. Having received many such looks in his lifetime.

Both adversary's lunged at each other with Sukuna throwing his fist forward and Siegfried sending his sword forward in a overhead slash. As the two attacks connected the space around them cracked. The force being to much for it. Their auras surged out as they fought for victory. 

Eventually the slayer won out as his sword cut right down the middle of Sukunas hand ending at his elbow. Sukuna would have been impressed if not for the his infinite regeneration. Yet instead of healing in a second his hand slowly began to heal. Startled he jumped back.

"What have you done to me!?" Sukuna yelled. He has been cut many times but never has someone affected his healing time. This is new to him.

The slayer flicked his blade to the side getting the blood off of it. He looked at the dragon before him whos arm has just finished healing. 

"My sword slayed the dragon Fafnir. My sword now is the ultimate weapon for putting down dragons like you." He spoke in a calm voice while hiding his distaste for the man before him.

Sukuna just laughed at this. While he was spoked at what happened he quickly calmed down. This will be more interesting this way anyway. It looks like its time to switch up tactics as well. Instead of just using Cleave he will now use Dismantle on that sword of his.

Cleave: A slashing attack that adjusts itself depending on the target's toughness and cursed energy level to cut them down in one fell swoop. Does not work on targets that have no energy of their own.

Dismantle: Another slashing attack but this one targets inanimate objects like weapons and the surroundings. Can be used to cut a entire continent in half with ease. 

"HAHAHHAHAHAHHA! Man you are just to much fun, aren't you? Lets see how long you can keep this up!" Roared Sukuna

He sent a slashing attack forward that the slayer mistakenly thought was another Cleave as he slashed at it. However he was met with much more resistance as his blade failed to cut through the attack causing him to slide back on the floor.

He then heard a voice say...


and he knew that he was in for a hard battle. Sukuna is no longer playing around and neither is Siegfried. They charged forward at each other with one having a massive grin on his face and the other a ghost of a smile. 

Their battle is far from over.

-{Line Break}-

Within a different dimension 2 people sat down across from each other. With 1 women standing behind a golden haired man with crimson eyes. Across from him is another man however he has brown hair and brown eyes.  

"Is there a point to this? Why not just kill me? You could do it easily." Spoke Aizen. Even though he already knew the reason.

The golden haired man kicked his feet up on the table as he sat back and smirked.

"Where is the fun in that, Mongrel? For the first time in existence I have been summoned. The Throne of Heroes has gotten stale after so long. I want to spend as much time out here as possible. Even though this world has become infested with weeds." Gilgamesh started in question before finishing in distaste.

Aizen picked up one of the gold wine glass's that Gilgamesh has summoned from his gate as he swirled it before taking a sip.

"I see. So this is just entertainment for you. Something to help with your boredom." Stated Aizen.

Its makes sense considering that Gilgamesh was once the king of all of humanity before he passed away. Now he has been stuck in the Throne of Heroes for 5000 years. He already tasted all of the pleasures that this world has to offer so it would indeed be boring.

"More or less. Soon this little game of yours will pick up and I only have one thing to ask you before it begins Aizen Sosuke, or should I call you the Traitor of the Soul Society?" Asked Gilgamesh in amusement. 

Hearing this information was something that Aizen expected. Gilgamesh was know for being able to know the problems of his people before they even asked him. This was most likely a form of Clairvoyance. The question is which type? 

" As expected of you. How did you learn that information? It must have been easy for you." Aizen question while giving praise.

The King glared at Aizen.

"Do not try and manipulate me. I can see the past, present, and future of all things. I know what you are like. I have seen all of your manipulations and evil deeds. I have also seen your future and let me tell you. You die in every single timeline. There is no universe where you beat me. So I am asking why you would continue knowing the the fact that certain death is before you." Revealed Gilgamesh.

Aizen stared at the King as he finished his drink, which refilled instantly. This is honestly all very amusing

" It is what humanity calls "courage" is it not? To march forward in the face of death, while trying ones hardest to keep death at bay. I have casted away my fears and will stop at nothing to obtain what I want." Spoke Aizen.

Now it is the kings turn to stare at the man in front of him. He knows all about Aizen Sosuke because of Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star. He has seen the entire life of Aizen with this noble phantasm. He can admire that Aizen climbed up to the top of his world even though he was born a lot weaker but in the end though he is nothing more than a common sewer rat.  

"You speak the truth. However your goals are foolish. The Dragon of Dreams and the Infinite Dragon God are unrivaled. They were born the strongest and no one can ever reach their strength. For you to dream of standing above even them is a fools errand. You can not change how the world is." Stated Gilgamesh plainly. In the past he had a similar dream.

Then Aizen saw something he did not expect. In the face of his words Aizen did not falter or get mad. He did rave and try to prove him wrong. Instead he just laughed. Like he just heard the funniest joke in the world. He then started speaking.

"That is the logic of a loser, Gilgamesh. A victor will always speak on not how this world currently operates but how it should. The victor decides how this world should be. And trust me I will be the victor. Not even they will stand in my way. I will transcend it all and claim my spot on the throne. That is my future, King of Heroes." Stated Aizen with the upmost conviction.

The pure confidence in his words would normally sound prideful or arrogant. However Gilgamesh knows better. He understands that the man in front of himself is a man in the making of being a Ture King. Gilgamesh grinned as he laughed. Maybe this new world is not so bad after all!

"Fine then. Do as you wish! I will see first hand how you will fall or ascend! Lets see if you can do the impossible!" Claimed Gilgamesh in excitement.

For the first time since the death of his first and only friend Gilgamesh has found someone truly worthy. He can only see things that he believes are possible with his noble phantasm. Lets see if Aizen can do something that even Gilgamesh thinks is impossible. Lets see if Aizen has what it takes to be a...

True King!  

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