His Forever | J.hs (BOOK 3)

By dionnes_tapes

451K 23.7K 31.5K

This is the third and FINAL book to the "His Baby" series. Please read "His Baby" and "His, Always" first. ... More

Warning/things to know.
Chap: 1
Chap: 2
Chap: 3
Chap: 4
Chap: 5
Chap: 6
Chap: 7
Chap: 8
Chap: 9
chap: 10
chap: 11
chap: 12
chap: 13
chap: 14
chap: 15
chap: 16
chap: 17
chap: 18
chap: 19
chap: 20
chap: 21
chap: 22
chap: 23
chap: 24
chap: 25
chap: 26
chap: 27
chap: 28
chap: 29
chap: 30
chap: 31
chap: 32
chap: 33
chap: 34
chap: 35
chap: 36
chap: 37
chap: 38
chap: 39
chap: 40
chap: 41
chap: 42
chap: 43
chap: 44
chap: 45
chap: 46
chap: 47
chap: 48
chap: 49
chap: 50
trin pulls a prank pt. 3
chap: 51
chap: 52
chap: 53
chap: 54
chap: 55
chap: 56
chap: 57
chap: 58
chap: 59
chap: 60
chap: 61
chap: 62
chap: 63
chap: 64
chap: 65
chap: 66
chap: 67
chap: 68
chap: 69
chap: 70
chap: 71
addressing an issue.
chap: 72
chap: 73
chap: 74
chap: 75
chap: 76
chap: 77
chap: 78
chap: 79
chap: 80
chap: 81
chap: 82
chap: 83
chap: 84
chap: 85
chap: 86
chap: 87
chap: 88
chap: 89
chap: 90
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chap: 116
chap: 117
chap: 118
chap: 119
chap: 120
chap: 121
chap: 122
chap: 123
chap: 124
trin pulls a prank pt.4
chap: 125
chap: 126
chap: 127
chap: 128
chap: 129
chap: 130
chap: 131
chap: 132
chap: 133
chap: 134
chap: 135
chap: 136
chap: 137
chap: 138
chap: 139
chap: 140
chap: 141
chap: 142
chap: 144
chap: 145
chap: 146
chap: 147
chap: 148
chap: 149
chap: 150
thank you.
stop crying yall.
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4

chap: 143

2.4K 132 63
By dionnes_tapes



Michelle could vividly remember a lot of things from her first pregnancy.

She remembered her undying cravings for hot and spicy foods. She remembered the way she would wake Jimin up in the middle of the night to rub her belly because Uriah wouldn't stop kicking her in the womb. She remembered the milk baths she took to keep her skin up to par , and the constant swellings in her feet from the weight gain and moving around at work.

She remembered how happy she was when she realized she had a baby bump to feel on and show off. She could picture the smile on Jimin's face on the day of their elopement, just the two of them standing before the pastor. Waiting to say 'I do' and start their lives together with their baby boy. She wore a gorgeous, lose white dress with a floral headband she had picked up from a little boutique prior to their arrival at the chapel. He wore his usual attire, earrings in his ears with that damned silver chain and beaded bracelet on his wrist.

Michelle had always wanted to get married and have children. Growing up she had to mask her desire for the life she truly wanted all because of the environment she had grown up in. Michelle Price was a wild card and that was no secret. But deep down, underneath that party girl persona and constant craving for a good time -

There was a girl with bigger dreams.

She had always wanted a man like Jimin. Hard working, strong in every since of the word, charming, smart and amusing. Humble and wise from a past that had shattered his life long before it had even begun.

It surprised her and made her laugh at how she managed to fuck up and end up with someone like Darren. Or a woman like Anesia. Now, she couldn't even look back at her past the same knowing that it took going through them to get to him.

She now lived the life she had always dreamed about having. She had gotten married the minute the thought crossed her mind. The minute she was certain that she was in love.

She had children. A house, her dream job. There were very few things in her life worth complaining about. Worth not being happy about.

February the 16th. In another two months, she was expecting the arrival of her second born.

Michelle's emotions had been up and down for awhile now and she knew that Jimin noticed. Waking up annoyed and complaining about shit only to double back and want to cuddle with her man. It was an endless loop these days.

Michelle felt bad for the person she became anytime she was pregnant. She couldn't control it. Hormones were a bitch and they were tiring for even she herself to put up with.

"We don't have a back porch." Michelle mumbled, bringing her cup of coffee up to her lips for a sip.

The new house was now fully decorated. New furniture, a new smell, a new scenery. Michelle was satisfied with the purchase. It was spacious and fit her exact image of what her dream home would look like.

The only thing she didn't like was not having a back porch. She didn't mean to be so picky. But it didn't satisfy her. To just step outside and be right in the grass. It would be nice to have a patio. A pool even. Even if it wasn't built into the ground.

The sound of a car horn beeping outside let Michelle know that she was no longer alone, and Jimin was back from picking Uriah up from pre school.

"Oh shit." Michelle cursed, waddling over to the sink and quickly pouring out the reminder of her coffee. She turned on the faucet, grabbed a dish cloth and soap to begin cleaning out the mug.

"We're back!" Jimin shouted from the living room.

"In the kitchen!" Michelle shouted. A few seconds later Jimin and Uriah were entering the kitchen. Michelle smiled down at her soon to be five year old. (A/n: honestly y'all uri is 4 idk why I been thinking he was 3 this entire story but anyways...)

"Hi mama." Uriah greeted, taking off his backpack and leaving it on the floor besides Jimin's feet.

"Hey baby. How was pre school?" Michelle asked, placing the mug in the drainer before turning off the faucet.

"Good." Uriah said simply. "Dino?" He asked, pointed to the fridge. Michelle knew he would be asking for his dinosaur nuggets after school.

"I'll fix your nuggets. Pick up your bag and go put it in your room." Michelle said. Uriah nodded and picked up his backpack before running towards the staircase.

"Stop running!" Michelle shouted.

"Washing dishes?" Jimin asked, leaning against the island. Michelle nodded.

"Mhm. I just finished." She lied.

"Why is there only one thing in the dish drainer?" He chuckled. Michelle nibbled on her bottom lip, rubbing her belly.

"I put the other uh..." she stuttered. "I don't have to explain myself to you. It's black history month." She switched up.

"You've been drinking coffee." Jimin said, ignoring her comment and walking around the island. Michelle sighed.

"Just a little bit."

"It doesn't matter what you think is a little bit, gorgeous. Caffeine is caffeine and it's not good for the baby. Stop that shit." He said.

"Jimin that's just one small thing. Just the other day I was eating hot chips with spicy pickles and you had nothing to say but god forbid I drink a little coffee to wake myself up after a nap." Michelle pushed away from him, walking towards the table.

"Yes, god forbid it and I forbid that shit too." Jimin said. Michelle rolled her eyes and sat down at the table.

"All I'm saying is you need to watch what you consume baby. I just don't want any complications with the delivery or for anything to happen with the baby."

"Mkay." Michelle crossed her arms over her chest, looking out of the glass sliding doors connected to the kitchen. It was a bright and sunny day. Chilly but still sunny. Spring was right around the corner.

"Quit sulking." Jimin groaned.

"I'm not." Michelle's lip quivered. He was so annoying. Jimin swore he was a fucking doctor. He liked for Michelle to eat. How much she was taking in wasn't the issue. But what she was taking in.

Michelle drank coffee when she wasn't supposed to. She always gave into her cravings wether they be unhealthy or not. And it scared Jimin because he didn't want anything to go wrong during the delivery. She didn't fault him for being worried. It was just the way he had to constantly breathe down her neck about every little thing at every second of the day.

"Are you crying?" He smiled. Michelle didn't bother to respond, trying to discretely wipe her eyes.

Next thing she knew, Jimin was on his knees in front of her, arms wrapped around her waist with his head tilted up to look at her face. Michelle knew she was about to get lectured. For the tenth time this week.

"I don't want to hear it Jimin. Seriously." Michelle said.

"Hear what?" Jimin asked.

"Your stupid lecturing." Michelle sniffled. "I feel happier when I eat the food I crave and sometimes I need a little coffee to give me a boost after a nap or something. You always make me feel bad about it."

"Baby im not upset with you. I want you to eat. I just want you to have a healthy balance between eating what you crave and eating what your body actually needs." Jimin explained.

"Fuck you." Michelle cursed, wiping her eyes. "I already feel bad enough and every other day you have something to say. I'm just ready for the baby to come so you can leave me alone about it."

Michelle didn't mean to be so crude. So harsh with her words. But she had been holding back for Swahili. Jimin needed to know that this is how he was making her feel. Even if he meant to or not.

"It's been damn near six years with you and you still think I care about you cursing me out." Jimin chuckled, kissing her stomach. "It kinda turns me on."

"You're gross." Michelle pouted. But only because she couldn't let him see the smile threatening to form on her face.

"What can I do to make you happy?" Jimin asked. He knew it's only been such a rocky ride because she was pregnant. There were many different sides to Michelle and this was one of them. He needed to take a different approach with all of them.

Michelle liked when he asked her that. It showed that in the end, he honestly just carried about her being satisfied. Happy.

Sometimes he went out and bought her flowers. Other times he bought her another wig or a curling iron. Sometimes he even surprised her with new jewelry.

This time Michelle thought long and carefully about what she wanted at the moment. She was already happy. But it wouldn't hurt to make him work.

"Hmm? Just give me the name and you'll have it." Jimin mumbled, rubbing the tip of his nose against her belly button.

"Build me a porch." Michelle said. "I want a big porch for the backyard. So when it gets warmer outside I can sit out and enjoy it."

"That's it?" Jimin asked. Michelle nodded.

"I'll build you a porch then baby." Jimin said. Michelle placed her hands in his head, rubbing through his hair.

"I know you're just looking out for me and the baby. It just becomes frustrating and overbearing sometimes y'know?" Michelle mumbled. Jimin nodded.

"I know baby. I'll work on it." Jimin said. Michelle nodded, reassured.

"How's my baby boy been all day? Kicking?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. He's worse than uri." Michelle giggled. "I think he's gonna be our problem child."

"Maybe. The middles are always the problem children." Jimin said.

"Well, we have a lot to prepare for."



"So I was thinking about having this be the dance floor. I want round tables so that shouldn't take up much space. Having them surround the dance floor is gonna give everybody the space they need to dance." Trinity explained as she walked along side Ms.Deborah at the venue.

"I figured you would want the tables to circle the dance floor." The woman mumbled, jotting that down in her notes.

Trinity wanted an outside wedding but the reception would be inside. The venue was quite large and could fit around 350-500 people. Hoseok had dropped a stack to rent this place for one night so Trinity would use it to the fullest. She wanted every corner of the building filled.

"Anything else you or Hoseok would like me to know about?" Ms.Deborah asked. Trinity shook her head.

"No mam. Me and him are on the same page. Anything I told you is what he agreed on as well." She smiled.

"Alright. I'll be sure to get back with the team and let them know about any changes." Ms.Deborah closed her notebook.

Trinity's entire morning had been busy. She had been doing nothing but getting the twins sized in their flower girl dresses, Mila sized in her dress and Uriah sized in his suit. Trinity wanted to get all of the children out of the way first before she moved on to the adults.

Hoseok had around five groomsmen and trinity around seven bridesmaids. They resolved the issue of who was going to walk with who by decided that they would put two women together. There was no harm in that.

Trinity could see the vision for her wedding and she loved it. It felt amazing to finally be able to look forward to the day. After two long years, in a little over a month she could be getting married to the love of her life. It was surreal.

After leaving the venue, trinity ventured off to finish some last minute arranges for her surprise for hoseok. His birthday was in an alarming 48 hours and trinity was almost finished with setting up what she had in store for him.

He always went all out for her birthdays. Bringing her to dinners and taking her on shopping sprees. She tried to match that energy by making him feel special, giving him some entertainment.

He would be turning 27 and it seemed as if just yesterday he was an unhinged 21 year old. Now he was an unhinged 27 year old, but hers nonetheless.

Trinity made it back home at around 7 pm. Early to her but late enough for hoseok to have something to say.

Trinity sighed and prepared for the earful. Twisting her key in the lock before stepping in to the house. She could smell something cooking up in the kitchen which caused for her to look around.

"Hobi?!" She called out, closing and locking the door behind her.

Without waiting for an answer, trinity placed her purse down on the couch and made her way into the kitchen. She spotted ava and cleo sitting at the table munching on chips and watching the iPad with Oreo at their feet. Hoseok standing by the stove with his back turned, stirring a pot.

"Hey guys." Trinity spoke.

"Mommy!" The twins exclaimed in unison, turning their heads around. The sound of their beads hitting their shoulders.

"Hey." Trinity smiled. "Daddy decided to cook?" Trinity asked.

"What's up baby?" Hoseok mumbled from behind her. Trinity turned to see him turning off the stove. She pulled away from the twins and made her way over to him and the stove. Peeking into the pots before hugging his waist and laying her head on his chest.

"What's on the menu?" Trinity asked.

"Eun wanted to come over for dinner tonight so I made soup and some roasted potatoes. I hope I didn't get in the way of what you wanted to make-"

"No no, it's fine. Everything smells good and looks good. I'm just happy you didn't burn the house down." Trinity laughed.

"I'm actually a really good cook." Hoseok said.

"Yeah, when you want to be." Trinity stated.

"How was the meeting with the wedding planner? Everything fit your liking?" Hoseok asked. Trinity nodded.

"Yes. The venue is so spacious, beautiful really. I'm ready to see how everything falls together." Trinity said.

Hoseok kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes as he inhaled the scent of her shampoo.

"April can't come fast enough." Hoseok murmured.

"It sure as hell can't. You made me wait two years but somehow waiting a month seems impossible." Trinity propped her chin up on his chest.

She could still remember the day he proposed to her in the flower field. That would be the same place they would be getting married.

Trinity sighed and ran her hands down his arms. He had been spending some of his early mornings at the gym. By the time their wedding came, he would've put on some muscle.

"How's everything at the office?" Trinity asked softly.

"Better. I've been taking your advice, being organized and trying not to overwork myself." Hoseok said.

"You'll get used to it." Trinity said, kissing his naked chest. He had a tendency to walk around the house without a shirt.

"Go put something on your arms. Ms.Eun should be here at any second and I'm sure she don't wanna see you naked." Trinity giggled.

"Yeah but you do." Hoseok said. Trinity rolled her eyes.

"You wish." Trinity teased, stepping away to go and pull down some bowls for dinner.

"I'll be down in a minute baby." Hoseok said before going towards the staircase to put on a shirt. To be completely honest, it's been really quiet and mellow in the house. Trinity was grateful for the peace but not quite ready for the change. There was this maturity that masked the home now. The twins were growing up, the parents were growing up. Things weren't the same anymore and trinity didn't know how to feel about that.

It was bittersweet in a way. The journey wasn't over but there weren't many obstacles anymore. Everything had been mapped out, set in stone. It was something pushing them to move forward and that's exactly what they were doing.

So no matter how much she said she "wasn't ready" - change was bound to come wether she was prepared or not. And Trinity honestly couldn't wait to see what this life had in store for them.

A/n: okay I know change is rarely ever a positive sign in this trilogy but in THIS CASE it's a good thing 😭😭😭😭

Also, happy thanksgiving 🍁. What are you guys thankful for?

Excuse any mistakes <3.

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