By izzyzad

1.8K 141 3


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Summer: At The McKay's
Summer: At The Wilson's
Summer: At The Smith's
Summer: At The Davids
Summer: At The Keating's
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Summer: At The Smith's
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 4

34 4 0
By izzyzad

English class with Mr. Ronald, a soft spoken teacher, in his early thirties Mr. Ronald was most of the student's favorite teacher. Not a fan of homework but very focused in his class work, he made sure the class time ended with the students learning one new thing for the day.

Some teacher disapproved of him being a kind soft spoken teacher with the students; they were keener on using the strictness with their students in case for them to learn.

Mr. Ronald followed only one rule; "think for yourself, therefore no other hand can help guide you to your dream except for you own"

As Mr. Ronald explained the meaning of poetry Henry hid the map under his textbook, it was his turn to try and find a place around the town or near school that they can make their own.

Behind the school? No too much open to the security

By the river? No very far

Henry handed the map back at John with a shrug and sad look 'what's so sad Henry?' Mr. Ronald asked all the sudden.

'Huh? What?' Henry replied with a puzzled look.

John hid the map under his jacket.

'You have this sad look on your face' Mr. Ronald pouted copying the look on Henry's face earning few laughs from the students.

Henry scratched his hair blushing feeling embarrassed.

Noah and Dylan exchanged a look trying to not laugh 'He is sad because of me captain' Dylan interrupted.

Mr. Ronald's lips curved into a small smile 'Captain?'

Dylan took his chance and stood on the chair earning gasps and cheers from his classmates 'My Captain! Henry does not answer; his lips are pale and still' giving a dramatic gasp Dylan said 'My friend does not feel my arm; he has no pulse nor will. I have told him I have no place to find, no purpose to lead therefore he is in misery thus I am guilty of it all.'

Henry with wide mouth turned to exchange look with John then back at Dylan who stood proudly on the chair.

They all moved their eyes back at Mr. Ronald waiting for him to kick Dylan out but to their shock he started to laugh rubbing his temple he tried to hold his laughter.

'You are laughing at me sir?' Dylan asked with a gasp.

'I am not laughing at you Dylan' Mr. Ronald admitted 'I am laughing with you. That was a great performance from you Dylan. Sit down now will you before the headmaster walks by and sees you standing on the chair like a sailor.'

Noah saluted Dylan as he sat down 'having free will makes you a hero for a moment doesn't it Dylan?'

'Yes it does Captain.' Dylan replied with a smile feeling proud of himself.

John turned his attention on the map, with small faded line he noticed the word "cave" it seemed to be deep in the wood but at the same time it seemed near than all the other places they noticed.

John drew a circle around it.

This is going to be their place; The Dead Poets Society.

By the nighttime they decided to meet up at the front gate in the darkness of the corridor, Henry and John tiptoe their way to meet up with their other group.

'Are you sure we know where we are going?' Noah whispered

'No' Henry whispered laugh

'I think we do as long as we follow the map' John joined in flashing his torch on the map that he held in front of him.

Dylan fixed his hat with a dazzle in his blue eyes 'Let's sail my sailors' He whispered yell.

The group of five rushed down the road away from their school searching for their cave, the stars felt like lights in the sky at this time of night.

'Wait boys, I think we should go this way' John pointed in the left direction and they all followed flashing their torch ahead of them so they would be able to see the way they were walking.

Reaching muddy road they kept walking till they reached woods, they walked further and came to a dead end.

'I see nothin-wahh' Dylan fell backwards not able to continue his sentence.

'DYLAN' they all screamed rushing to the end of the small cliff where he fell backwards.

'Dylan, are you okay?' Henry called.

They heard laughter, it was Dylan 'I am fine guys! And I think we found the cave.'

'Where?' John asked.

Dylan smiled dusting the leaves of his jumper 'right here in front of me' he said looking at the opening of the cave.

They all cheered finding a better way to follow Dylan; finally they all reached the place where Dylan stood with his hands on his sides 'Guess my fall was the start of the society?'

They one by one entered the cave, surprised by the space it was inside the cave they all took their seats meanwhile John and Dylan stood with Henry trying to think of an opening the society 'does anyone have any idea why we are here?' John asked.

'We are reading poetry?' Noah replied

'Amen to that' Henry smiled at his friends

'We do not simply read, we let it drop from our tongues like honey, boys' Dylan joined as always adding his dramatic magic to his words.

Noah saluted him 'as my lord says.'

John chuckled 'okay; here's what we do. First rules!'

'Do we need rules?' Henry asked wrinkling his nose.

John thought and shrugged 'All poetry was acceptable. The name simply referred to the fact, that to join the organization, you had to be...' he waited for them to complete.

'Oh I know' Stanley jumped and said 'we have to be dead!'

They all shrugged but join in 'DEAD!'

'YES! We are dead keep that in mind, we are ghost here' John shocks his hand in front of them 'and if we have one rule it is that Full membership required a lifetime of apprenticeship. So my friends are you in?'

John forwarded his palm they all join one by one 'Dead Poets for the lifetime'

'Yes we are' John exclaimed 'here we go no, who's going to start?'

'Me, I volunteer' Henry said moving forward taking the front place as John sat on the rock beside Dylan.

Henry pulled his book from his jacket, clearing his throat he began to read 'I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary.'

Henry bowed as they clapped for him 'Henry David Thoreau' John noted.

Henry smirked at his friend 'just like me isn't he?'

'Alright now who?'

They all took turns reading poems from their favorite poets.

Neither less to say the night was well-spent.

After hours of reading poems they left the cave to get back at the camps without the school security noticing them being missing, the fifteen walk back to school was never quite they kept exchanging ideas of what they can read next and their plans for the next meeting.

Quietly they entered back through the gate, each one of them making their way to their room as quietly as possible.

To their advantage it was a success no one seemed to notice they left their rooms in the first place.

'This is probably one of the best nights of my life' Henry said lying on his bed.

'So is mine' John replied with a chuckled.

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