Undercover [2013 ver.]

By soulstrings

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Sequel to "Maybe Being Held Captive...". With new people set on dragging her back to a life they nearly died... More

Author's Note


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By soulstrings

Christina's POV

We've been unable to say anything for hours.

Liam managed to get us in the motel without any suspicion, and now he is seating on the floor leaning on the wall while I'm sitting on the floor leaning on the bed.

I knew that the princess and the guardian would cause us some problems, I knew that the guardian would come close to kill us, I knew that the princess knew how to control most of her powers.

But this?


This was beyond of what we, what I, expected.

Sure I was waiting for them to physically attack us, I mean the guardian was ready to, but instead we fought over a force we didn't stand a change against.

As much as Liam shot them none of the bullets made contact. The princess was stopping them all once she was facing us.

And when Liam threw that knife?

She went nuts.

I was waiting to meet my family in heaven. Well I was praying to be sent there.

Leo had told me that Blair and Sawyer were really close, that they were actually a couple. What I didn't expect was how strong that connection was.

It's his duty as her guardian to protect her, but even if it wasn't I'm sure he'll had given his life for her.

And she was doing the same.

Blair's not like the rest of the people that are guarded. Royal or not, if you've got the money you get a guardian. Not a Cursed one but one as well trained.

Instead of hiding behind her guardian, using him as the shield, she stood beside him. Equal ground.

"Fuck!" Liam snapped.

I turned to look at him a bit scared.

Another person you shouldn't get mad if you want to continue life as a normal human being...breathing.

"Anton never said anything about the princess. Sure he said she was practicing with her Legacy, but what we saw wasn't someone in the making. She was the real deal. She was ready to kill us. That...That...Psycho!"


We're the psychos! Who's hunting who? Who's trying to kill who?

"Liam...you attacked the guardian."

"Yeah, and then we should've gotten the princess back and be on a plane by now. But she just goes nuts and threatens us! She was ready to kill us."

I got up.

"What the hell where you expecting? A field of flowers and the guardian kneeling, waiting for you to kill him so that when you do the princes will come with us without a single word or tear? Of course he was going to try and stop us. That's his duty. To protect. To take care. We attacked them! Sure, I wasn't expecting the princess to fight back but its only normal. We were trying to hurt her and her lover. We were threatening their lives Liam. We came at them first not the other way around." I snapped.

"Whose side are you on?" now he was standing too.

"What is that supposed to mean? Just because I am saying the obvious doesn't mean I'm the enemy. They're stronger than us. She's stronger than us. We cant fight magic, we cant fight something we can't see. Liam we are human, we're not like them. We don't have the same abilities. Lord Santiago, Anton, everyone knows that."

"Your point?"

"We are helpless against them."

This pissed him off even more.

"No! We only have to avoid the princess. The guardian couldn't do much so he wont be a problem in the future. We're going to find them and kill anyone that gets in the way." he looked at me, daring me to say otherwise.

"All I'm saying is that we need help. Some back up won't hurt us."

He threw his hands in the air exasperated.

"There's no time for that! We should've followed them. Now we're back to the blind chase. They couldn't have gone too far, the guardian is hurt. He'll die if he doesn't goes to..."

Liam's eyes shined.

"Hospital. She must've taken him to one."

"Don't be stupid. What was she going to say? 'please take the knife out of my friend's back. Some psychos were trying to kill us 'cause I'm a princess.' yeah, they'll believe that." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just called me stupid and a psycho?" Liam came to stand very close to me. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

I could see those eyes trying to figure me out.

"No..." I said in a low voice.

"Good." he leaned closer then seemed to think twice about it and moved away from me. "I'm going to call Anton, I'll be right back."

And he was out of the door.

What was that?

Oh god, what's happening to me?

I cant like Liam.

I'm going to freaking stab him on the back. Not literally make a knife go through him, but I am going to betray his trust.

I'm going to help the princess and her friends.

Thinking about Liam that way is unacceptable.

I have more important things to figure out. Like how am I going to warn the princess, or how am I going to call Leo again, or how I'm going to come out of all of this alive, or-

"Anton said that Henry was going to help us find the princess."

Why are you always interrupting my thoughts Liam? Why?

"That was fast." I pointed out.

"All I said was that the princess used her powers to escape. That had everything moving."

I nodded.

"So what now?"

"We wait." he said it like it was the worst thing ever.

In a way it was, but that'll give me time to come up with a plan.

The plan I need to get out of this alive. To get everyone out of this alive...I hope.

"Hey, how is Henry going to find the princess?" I asked Liam as we now where laying on the bed.

"I don't know. Anton said he could find them, and I trust Anton."

I frowned. "Don't you think it's a bit weird that they sent us in a blind chase when Henry could've just told us where to look?" I propped myself on my elbow and looked down at Liam who was now frowning and looking at the ceiling.

"We just follow orders. We don't question what we are told."

"You have to admit there's something more going on Liam. Sure they want their daughter back. But why now? Why with such urgency? Why didn't they keep her in the first place? So many questions and not a single answer. They could at least give us a reason to fight and serve."

This time he looked at me.

"We follow orders. That's what we're trained for."


"Christina." he mocked me.

"I'm serious here."

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know, Chris. I just don't know. All I know is that its best if we don't dig into it."

"Fine. But you know there's something bad going on." I said and went to take a shower.

I have to make him see there's something wrong. I have to.

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