Undercover [2013 ver.]

By soulstrings

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Sequel to "Maybe Being Held Captive...". With new people set on dragging her back to a life they nearly died... More

Author's Note


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By soulstrings

Kenneth's POV


They looked surprised by my answer.

"Alright, I have an idea. You can stay over at my house, you too Randy. Then we can talk about this." Carson said.

"Okay. But promise me you won't freak out." I mumbled.

"Promise." Both my friends said.

"Then let's go. We are already late so there's no use in staying." Carson said.

"I need to see Meredith after school." I informed them.

Randy groaned.

Carson sighed. "Fine lets go."

The day went by so fast that when the last bell rung my heart was pounding so fast. I walked outside and saw Steph leaning on her car waiting for me. A couple of friends where with her.

"Hey Steph I'll stay over at Carson's. Can you tell Mary?" I informed her.

She looked a bit sad about it but nodded anyways. "Yeah. Uhm Kenneth about-"


I looked behind me. There she was, holding a silver box.

Damn she was fast.

"Got to go. We'll talk tomorrow." and on impulse I hugged Steph. She seemed surprised but hugged me back anyways.

Then I was walking over to Meredith.

"Thanks." I said as she handed me the box.

"No problem. Now leave, your friends are waiting for you." she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Trust them."

I nodded and walked over to Carson's car.

"Hey man I have a punching bag, you can use it if you want. No need to waste your money." Carson said.

"Okay thanks."

Carson lives with his mom and she was really nice so it was cool for us to stay over at his house.

Once we got there we went straight to the basement. That's where we always hanged out. Sure enough there was a punching bag stand on the corner. Why hadn't I noticed that before?

"So what's really going on?" Randy asked.

We were all seating down on the carpet.

I sighed. "Let's start with the fact that I was raised in Romania."

"But you don't have an accent." Carson mumbled.

"I can manage to hide it sometimes." I sighed again. "I don't really remember my parents. All I know is that I've been in foster homes for a long time. One time I was running away from them and I sort of fainted. When I woke up I was surrounded by four guys and...you wont believe this."

"Try us." Carson said.

"Yeah man, we want to hear the whole story." Randy patted my shoulder.

"Well I ended up at Lord Santiago's castle."

"You said what?!" both of them gawked.

"See!?" I snapped.

"Sorry go on." Randy said.

"Alright. So then they took me in... and I was put into training. After months we were given a mission. That's how I ended up in the states. When we completed the mission we headed back to Romania. The mission was to bring the princess back to her parents. Problem was she didn't want to be there so we helped her escape. She, her guardian and another friend of mine escaped. I couldn't because I was taken down by an arrow. Then I was exiled. I don't know where my friends went so I am here."

"An arrow?" Carson asked.

"Yeah, they are pretty old fashioned." I mumbled.

"Can we see it?" Randy asked eagerly.

Why are they acting as if it was something normal?!

I sighed and pulled my shirt up, showing the angry scar on my back. It was that bad because the arrows were laced with poison, I would've kept running if it wasn't for that.

"That's so sick!" Carson said.

I pulled my shirt down. "So there you have it."

Randy narrowed his eyes at me. "You are hiding something."

Damn. "Some of us have special uh powers. We call them curses. Only a few of us have It and that's why we went into training."

"So this other four guys have curses too?" Carson asked more interested now.

I nodded.

"What kind of curses? Like flying?" Randy asked and I actually laughed.

"No. Its uh..."

"We wont tell anyone Kenneth. You can trust us. We've been your friends for a year now. This doesn't changes a thing." Carson reassured me and Randy nodded in agreement.

"Leo, our leader, he didn't really have much of a curse it was more like a blessing. He can gather information and never forget it, he can also have his way with things. Most things." he never could use it against the kinds. "Sean is super strong. No kidding, he can snap you like a twig single handed. Pierce can sense death and pretty much anything dangerous. Sawyer...he can burn you with his hands, that's if he touches your skin."

Both of them nodded. Processing.

"What about you?" Randy asked.

"I can heal. Our curses can get better, I didn't know that until I saw Meredith again."

"Meredith? She like you guys?" Carson asked.

I nodded. "But I'd rather not talk about what she does."

"Okay." Randy said.

"Carson what are you doing?!" I asked as he bit down on his wrist until he drew blood. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Heal me." he winced.

"Are you insane? If you didn't believe me you could've said so. God you are so stupid!"

"Heal him. We want to see you do it." Randy said.

"You do realize there will be a scar since the cut wasn't clean?" I snapped. "God I didn't think you'd be such an idiot."

"Stop insulting me and show us." Carson snapped.

I sighed. "In order to heal I have to lick the wound. You don't realize how gross that is. I haven't tasted blood in a year and I planned on keeping it that way!"

"You have to what?" Both looked shocked and Carson pulled his hand away.

"Sorry dude, I'll let it heal by itself."

"No way, you bit down your wrist, you'll bleed to death." I paused to look at his wound. "Do you have iron teeth or something?"

He chuckled.

"Give me your hand." I commanded.

He did and both my friends leaned in to watch me. I sighed and ran my tongue around the wound. Taking some blood with me. I winced at the metallic flavor and then placed my hand over his wrist. Slowly it began to close until there was an angry scar there.

"I can make the scar thinner and less noticeable." I offered.

"Holly shit that's amazing!" Randy laughed.

"Do it." Carson said with a smile.

"I'll have to lick your wrist again." I warned.

"Just do it."

I sighed and brought his wrist to my mouth. Using my tongue to trace the scar. God he's such an idiot.

Then I placed my hand over the scar.

Carson laughed. "It tickles."

"Shut up." I snapped.

After it was done you could barely see the scar.

"You owe me so much for that." I panted.

I haven't done this in a while, I forgot how tiring it could be.

"Dude, this is freaking awesome." Carson said studying his wrist.

"So what was the deal with Meredith today?" Randy asked.

"I asked for some daggers." I opened the box and they went to grab them but I slapped their hands. "Don't touch them idiots!"

"Why?" Randy asked.

"Because they'll give you an electric shot."

"Awesome!" they said happily.

What is wrong with them? I just dropped a big bomb on them and they seemed unfazed by it.

Now that they know, everything will be insane.

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