Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1)...

By koneesha

147 2 13

Discovering a world of unimaginable powers and Immortals and her place in it, Yun must learn to wield her pow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Face claims

Chapter 29

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By koneesha

Yun rounded the corner as she walked towards the Pavilion of Butterflies.

She had been a frequent visitor there these few days, as there was much that she had to oversee for the wedding. Qi Die also wanted her opinions on certain matters and to understand several Guiying wedding customs.

She rounded the corner, and paused, feeling her body slowly increasing in temperature and becoming scalding hot. Right in front of her, was a man leaning against the wall.

He looked young, almost around her age or Ying's age when compared to Lord Xu. There was a nonchalant, yet lethal air around him that caught her attention as well, something that was vastly different from his age.

He wore red robes that was patterned with cloud motives, underneath a black silk outer robe that was decorated with black and gold embroidery. Gold gauntlets were around his wrists and a sheathed sword around his waist. Gold was used for the hair barrette that pulled all of his hair up, a red garnet stone studded on it, showing his status.

Yun steadied herself, although she felt her powers boiling underneath her skin. If he was a demon, he must be a very strong one. And if it is a demon that was coming for her, she would think that the best way was to face it head on, lest that it would come for the people around her.

She carefully cleared her face of all expression and continued walking. Her heart was pounded rapidly as she struggled to keep her powers under control as well the closer she got to him. Pausing, she kept her head forwards and curtsied. It wasn't of the highest decree of bowing, but it still conveyed her politeness nonetheless, and it would suffice unless he was a direct part of the Royal Family.

Picking her feet up again, she took a step forward.

"Your name is Yun?"

Her eyes widened and she paused.

"I am afraid that you have mistaken me for someone else." Yun said, turning around and held a curtsy.

"I don't think I have." He stood up from the wall and walked over to her, edging her towards the stone walls. Yun tried to sidestep him, but even the air around her seemed to force her where he wanted as well.

"So, this is the Immortal that so many of us had been trying to capture." He said, leaning in.

Yun took one more step backwards, and she hit the wall. She forced herself to think of a way that she could inconspicuously pull out the dagger from her robes but his gaze dropped to her sleeve first before she could even move.

"Go ahead then. Show me what you are capable of."

Without hesitation, she flicked the dagger into her palm, and quickly slashed it outwards, dropping almost naturally into stance. It missed him by far wide however, as he leaned forwards, gliding a safe distance away from the blade.

Yun dropped back into defensive stance again, holding her blade in front of her chest.

"How... disappointing." He said, actually sounding disappointed. "I thought Lord Xu would train out a better student."

And then, he was in front of Yun, his hands thrusting outwards. It hit her in the chest and the stomach squarely, and she was sent knocking backwards into the wall. A grunt escaped her lips as she slid down, her knees weak.

He took another step towards her but before Yun could move, a gust of wind blew him backwards. He lifted into the air, and landed an arm's length away from Ying.

"Someone called." Her sabres were already in her hands, and stepping outwards, they slowly circled each other. Unlike the attitude she had when facing Hua Ji, Ying was grim as she started the fight, swinging her sabres at him with a yell.

He dodged, Ying missing him by mere inches as fire suddenly spurted from his hands as he thrusted them outwards. Ying immediately crossed her sabres in front of her, a barrier of air forming in front of it as it shielded the burst.

They continued to trade blows, whirling around each other. There was one time when Yun thought Ying could slice through Xiao's defences as she cut in the most random directions with her sabres, trying to make an opening as she couldn't find one. But Yun could tell that she was wearing out.

From here, Yun could see that Xiao was toying with her, allowing the opportunity for Ying to get close. And then dodging with the least amount of effort, baiting her close so that she could have to expand more energy to evade his close-range attacks and to further pull back away from him, only to repeat the circle all over again.

"Ying, he's baiting you. Don't get too close!" Yun yelled out, trying to get her attention. Ying's eyes were momentarily on her, and then she immediately tried to pull back, leaning backwards. But Xiao punched out two fists, and his blue fire was in the air, twisting and wrapping around the both of them like ribbons in the wind.

Even from here, Yun could feel the air scorching, and her mouth immediately went dried.


She tried to push herself upwards, but her chest constricted at the effort. She tasted something warm and metallic at the back of her throat and then, the red spewed out, trickling from the sides of her lips.

She was powerless. And even though she could feel the surge of warmth from her stomach, trying to quickly heal herself, she still couldn't get up. She was weak, and overpowered in this world. Her hands curled into fists and she tried to stand again, and again, the skin scraping off from the contact it made with the rough stone.

A yell suddenly echoed from the middle of the fire ring. And then Ying was sent flying out as the ring dispersed, the flames dissipating. Yun watched as Ying landed, her mind blank and her eyes wide as she hit the ground soundlessly with a large thump.

"Ying!" The scream was accompanied by coughs of blood. But Yun pushed herself onto her knees, crawling forwards to the best of her abilities to reach her side.

Feet were in front of her, blurry feet. And she soon realised that they were tears. Her face was wet as she sobbed. Her whole body shook with anger and pain that she had never felt before. Her body instantly grew warmer as Xiao squatted down in front of her, wrapping his fingers around her chin.

"Let go of me. Let go of me or I swear I'll destroy you when I can."

"That's very unladylike to say." He tutted. "But I hope that was a good enough lesson on what I can do. Or what my side can do. And even if you don't like us, the smartest choice that you can make would be to join us if you don't want those around you to further get hurt."

A sudden surge of her light powers came upwards to the surface, illuminating her skin. It stung as it layered on her skin, as if attempting to repel the man standing in front of her. But instead of being bothered by it, Xiao merely just hit the side of her forehead. And then her vision went dark.


A clipping sound woke her. She groaned, opening her eyes blearily to see the person headed in their direction.


Suddenly, arms were around her, and her vision spun. She blinked disorientedly until her eyes focused on the face in front of her. "Jin?"

"Yes, yes. It's me." He nodded, looking panicked. "I'll take you to the infirmary."

Yun felt her hand lift up, and then her whole body was in the air, arms wrapped around her.

"No. Don't." She croaked, her throat unusually dry. "Ying."


"Ying. She's right there." Yun said, her eyebrows scrunching. She saw as Jin looked over his shoulders, confused.

"Yun, there's no one there."

"No one?"

She strained herself, trying to look over his arms. No one was there. But in Ying's place, there was a small patch of yellow lying limply.

"The bird. Get the bird. Please."

"Yun, you're hurt. You should be treated first." Jin insisted, trying to carry her to the horse.


Yun immediately started to squirm in his arms.

"Yun wait-"

By then, she had already rolled out of his arms and onto the ground. She felt a sharp pain jolt up her elbow and hissed, going limp straightaway. Her mind still wasn't coherent, and all she knew was to keep moving towards Ying.

"Alright. Listen Yun, I'm getting you on the horse, and I'll give you the bird." Jin bent down and once again, lifted her up, grunting. He placed her on the horse as gently as possible, but it still knocked the wind out of her. And then, she felt the saddle shift sideways as Jin came up the horse himself.

"Lean on me." He murmured, pulling Yun upright with one hand and she felt something warm and hard supporting her back.

"Your heart, it's beating fast." She said, looking up at him.

"Take this. I need to hold the reins." She felt something slipped into her palms, and she cupped it instinctively. The yellow feathers of the canary were stained with blood, and that frightened her.

The horse took off onto a gallop, and they turned right out of the dead end into winding paths of the main palace again.

"Jin, take me to the Palace of Gathering Excellence. Please. We need to go there."

"Yun, now is not the time for stubbornness."

"I am not being stubborn." She groaned, which was followed by several hacking coughs that further hurt her chest. "Jin, please. There are healers there as well."

"Fine." The horse suddenly changed directions, and it whinnied as Jin flicked the reins, urging it to go faster. Soon, Yun saw as the plaque of the palace came into sight. They dashed right below the entrance arch, and made their way immediately towards the farthest building.

The small bird in her hands expanded and contracted slightly with each breath she took. Her head lolled towards it and her thumb curled around the bird's head, stroking it lightly.

"Lord Xu!" Jin called as he pulled on the reins of the horse. Yun's eyes closed, but she was careful not to crush the bird in her hands as she whimpered. The horse kicked it's front feet in air and neighed, before hitting back onto the ground again.

"Lord Xu, Yun-"

"I know. Bring them down." There was a hint of panic in his voice, so different than the cool and composed man that he knew.

Jin leaned over, and Yun's lips brushed against his neck. Even in this state, his scent managed to capture her attention as she breathed in. He gently moved her legs to one side, and held onto her as she slid down the horse.

"Is that?"

"She's gravely hurt." Yun managed to get out with her raspy voice, and Lord Xu reached out, his hands trembling, to cup the bird.

"Lord Xu, Yun needs medicinal attention." Jin sounded worried and impatient as he supported Yun by holding her shoulders. He glared at the bird, and Yun knew that he was confused, really confused by the attention were showering Ying.

"Take Yun to her room, I'll have someone over immediately."

Jin nodded, and again, scooped Yun up. "Where's your room?"

Yun pointed in that direction, and Jin broke into a small jog, caring not to jostle her too much as she lay against his chest. Her eyes struggled to flutter open as the midday sun shone down. The next thing she knew, she was set down gently on the bed in her room. She groaned as Jin tried to adjust her.

Someone else came into the door and they conversed in low voices with Jin. A pail of water sloshed as it was set on the ground.

"Yun, these healers will help you. I'll be waiting outside." Jin said lowly into her ear, and then a hand brushed across her hair. Her head arched towards his hand slightly, trying to lean into the warmth of it as he lifted it, the door creaking as he left room and slid it shut.

"You'll be all right." Someone reassured her as they checked her pulse. "I hope you fare well with bitter medicine though."

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