The Golden Guard/Hunter x Rea...

By LEStanley7206

25.2K 455 1K

Welcome to my Goldie x Fem!Reader One-shot book! This is my first time writing something like an "x Reader" s... More

Some Hunter Headcanons
The Phoenix under the Harvest Moon
A Midnight Flight
A Cosmic Christmas (Xmas Special 2022)
Connected by A Flower *Requested Piece*
Hide and Talk *Requested Piece*
A Blissful Blip
Cramps and Comfort, But Mostly Comfort:
OTP Prompt Generator #1:
Hair and Trauma and Fluff
Replacement or a New Beginning?
Author's Note, Recommend Reading (Tw)
Small Date Night at Home
I-I'm Bisexual...
Belle of the Ball: Grom AU
Celebratory Mini-Party
OTP Prompt Generator #2
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!
Extra TOH One-shots
Distance to Close: Huntlow One-shot
A Double Surprise: Lumity One-shot
Another Flower in the Garden: Huntlow One-shot
Tension at the Table: Huntlow One-Shot

Flowers For Potential Heartbreak

2.6K 36 118
By LEStanley7206

Hiiiiii! This one-shot is slightly angsty. I originally made this a few months back (Before TTT actually) when I first thought of creating this book. My sister; Ireland, chose this prompt out of all my choices, so thanks to her.

Love that you guys enjoyed the Headcanons, now please... enjoy!

Mentions: You have 2 moms in this story, because that's awesome. But "Mama" died before the story took place.

Y/n's POV

Dear Journal,

Hey, It's me again. Today is Scabuary 7th, one week from "Valentine's Day" as Luz calls it. It's a human holiday to celebrate love! As you know, Luz is a dear friend I go to school with, but also my Crush's little sister. It was all a great day, still got my good grades, got to see Hunter, no bumping into Boscha for once, all good... until Final period of Bard class. Let me explain...

Hunter Clawthorne, I've known him for a long time, or at least feels like a long time. He's my Best Friend and Bard class partner. He's sweet and kind, charming and super smart, and down right Handsome. He's everything, except I have never said anything to him except for anything dealing with class. Although I occasionally drop a few hints and get a little flirtatious towards him, he seems to flirt back.

Today, in class, our Professor wanted us to use our music to "charm" our Partner with Flowers. Certain notes were provided by each instrument that perform that specific "flower charm" that must be used along with a Melody of your own, or mostly your own. Of course since Hunter's favorite flower was a Lilly, I was gonna make the song sprout Lilies!

We were over in an uncrowded part of the classroom together. Hunter was writing down some notes and I glanced over at his work and I noticed that that song he was doing had some very familiar notes. "Hey Hunter?"

"Yeah?" He acknowledged.

"Would you mind playing those notes? I'm just wondering about something and I would like to hear your play them," I said.

"Oh! I-Um... Of course!" Hunter stuttered, accidentally knocked his flute over the desk. It clambered on the floor, causing the Teacher to look over. "Sorry, sir. Just clumsy."

I chuckled. He picked up his flute and played the notes. As he played the mesmerizing tune, realization hit me, it was the same tune I heard my Mom play to Mama when I had snuck out of bed one day as a child! They were dancing with each other in the living room and I stood behind a wall glancing over the stairs. They were so happy and peaceful enjoying each other's company, that night. But, it has been a while since she's been that happy.

I went to speak about the song when I felt a very weird sensation in my throat and I started to feel awfully nauseous. Hunter looked over at me, noticing my pink face. "Y/n, are you alright?"

My face turned more red and I felt like I was gonna hurl! I raced out of the classroom and headed for the bathroom. Thank god one was nearby, but I wasn't prepared for what was gonna come next.

I couldn't make it to a stall so my head was over the sink. I felt super dizzy so I held the sides of the sink to hold me still. I felt that weird fuzzy sensation in my throat and that's when I closed my eyes and hurled. I didn't want to look but my head was telling me to look and that's when my eyes met Pink-colored Lilies and small droplets of Blood. Oh no!

------ Small Time Skip Brought to you by: Hunter playing Minecraft ------

My Mom came to pick me up from school. When we got home, Mom called the Healing Coven for someone to come over to check-up on me. Luz had come by just to say that Hunter hopes I'm well and that she hopes I feel better soon.

I had only thrown up once, but I still didn't feel well. Mom was super panicky and made sure to stay with me up in my bedroom while I did my homework. Once the Healer arrived, Mom raced down the stairs and opened the door. I could hear the whispers, "Please, tell me she's alright. This can't be the Flower Pox like I had!"

"Please, let me just check on her, Mrs. L/n."

What did Mom mean by "Flower Pox?" Was I gonna die? Would I be alright? Was it temporary?

The Healer came upstairs and sat in the chair in the corner of my room while Mom stood in the doorway. The doctor checked me out, light shined down my throat, checking and extra things and the Healer sighed.

"Yep, she's got it... I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do now, Mrs. L/n."

Mom started to tear up, I felt my heart sting because Mom never cried. "What's wrong? I'll be okay, it's only temporary, right?"

"You've got the Flower Pox, Sweetheart," Mom sniffled.

"The What-What?"

"It's a special kind of plague you usually get after about a year of knowing about your feelings for someone very special to you, unfortunately... You must confess to them before the end of the Week, or else..." Mom explained.

"Or else... what?" I inquire nervously.

"You'll... You'll pass on," The doctor revealed.

"No! I can't just die! I'm just a child!" I pressed.

"Well that's if your crush rejects you or you don't confess on time. There is an alternate way to get rid of it of course, but there's a really bad catch," The Healer said.

"Umm okay... What's the catch?" I asked.

Mom came next to me and knelt down grabbing both my hands and squeezed them tight, "Sweetie, this is gonna be a very hard decision for you. So, I'm gonna have to have you get the alternate way to get rid of this. I can't have you dying on me because some person you like won't reciprocate your feelings!"

"I want to know the catch, first please!" I replied sternly. Mom slightly backed off.

"Well," The doc started. "You can profess your love for your Special Person, or you can get a special surgery to remove the Flowers. But if you do, you will forget your current interest and never be able to love anyone but your Family again."

"What? But- But- there's gotta be more! I can't just do that," I exclaimed.

"Sweetie, I'm not giving you a choice. I'm not letting you have what happened to me," Mom said. "I almost died, because I procrastinated too much before I told your Mama about how I felt, and I never told my family about the issue!"

"But Mom!" I protested. "That boy is my life! He makes me laugh, he-he's kind and thoughtful, he's so smart an-and good-looking. He's someone worthwhile to lose myself to. Didn't you think that way about Mama? Was she someone worth risking your life for?"

"I did think that way about her. I kicked myself in the shins to grow a spine and just tell her, and if it didn't go well, then I would get the surgery. But it would have been highly impossible for me since I waited until the last possible moment," Mom admitted. "But I don't want you to have that risk of losing your life. Yes, it is 100% worth it to risk yourself for someone you love, but you have so much ahead of you. You're also much younger than I was when I got it. Plus, your procrastination comes from me, so I know you're gonna freak out every time you try to reveal your secret, then it'll be too late and I'll lose you."

"Yeah, but this time I think I got it! I'll tell him Valentine's Day after school because he invited me over to help with his project. If it doesn't go well, after I leave we can get that surgery before the end of day, right?" I suggested.

The healer nodded their head saying that would be a good idea and that they'll be on immediate stand-by just in case. Mom squeezed me tight and I told her everything would be alright. "You better be right about this, or I'm gonna die and join Mama," Mom joked.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be fine," I tried to stay confident.


Over the next few days, the Flowers got worse. My throat was sore and the petals were becoming more prominent and more blood was adding into the mix. Mon used her potion magic to create a tea to help soothe the pain. 

In school, Hunter had been disappearing from the class which was very unlike him. He was also more on edge and extra twitchy around me. I made sure to talk to Luz and she said he was fine, but her attitude about it seemed unusual.

At home I had planned out using that Music project to our advantage. Using it on Hunter before finally telling him how I felt. Kinda like setting the mood for a party, ya know?

------ Another Small Time Skip Brought to you by: Gus eating a Movie Disk ------

It was finally Valentine's day, Luz had gotten Amity some of her favorite Spider Eye flowers and promised a splice-of-life date at the Movies. Skara had gotten Viney a small dragon and Gus and Willow went to spend their "Pal-entine's Day" at a nice food place in Town square. Meanwhile, I was walking over nervously to the Owl House to hang out with Hunter and finally complete the project.

I grabbed my guitar (because I said so...), my scroll, and a bag of special cookies from Mom. Mom wished me luck and said if it did work out, "Make sure to bring [my] boyfriend over for dinner at some point." A little after the incident in school, I told Mom about Hunter and she seemed to approve, but she still wanted to meet him just to make sure he was "good enough."

"Sure thing," I laughed. I closed the door, took a deep breath, and went towards Luz's house.

I knocked on the door and Hunter opened it with a bashful smile. He awkwardly positioned himself leaning against the door but accidentally fell when his elbow slipped. I helped him back up and we headed up to his room.

I had been there a couple times before because Luz and I did sleepovers, but I had never gone into Hunter's room. I was terrified to go in there for some reason, like I know nothing bad would happen, but there was something about it... We left the door open for fresh air at the request of Eda. She was going out to get stuff from the market for later.

"So how's your project, Hunter?" I finally broke the awkward, blushing silence.

"Uh- It's um... Good. It's good," Hunter stuttered.

"O-kay, well did you finish it? Do you need any help? It looks great, like G and C notes work pretty well together!" I peaked over at his sheet music.

"Uh... Yeah, I-I would love to play it. Just be aware I heard this somewhere, so it's not entirely mine, I think... I can't remember specifically where, but I swear I heard it in a dream. It was just perfect," He replied, grabbing his flute.

He turned back to me and blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked adorable when he was flustered. He put the flute up to his lips then paused, "Would you like to go first? I know you've been working extremely hard over the past few days while being sick, I figure you could show off your work. You're obviously so much better than me."

I blushed at the compliment, "I'm not that good, but I suppose. Ladies First." 

I stroked the strings, making sure to get that feel and tuning them so they were just right. I usually would play it bare fingers but I didn't want to hurt myself more, so I used a pick instead. It was Mama's and she said it brought her good luck, so I figured I could use it.

When I played the song, Hunter looked so mesmerized by the music, like he was in a trance and the words were intoxicating, dragging him closer. His eyes were glimmering and his pupil dilated in the light. I wanted to scoot closer, it felt like the mood was set, this was the perfect moment. I didn't even finish the song, so the notes in which the Flower Charm didn't get to appear yet. (First song that came to mind was All I Need by Tom Felton, but feel free to use your own choice) 

"Hunter, I... I wanted to tell you something," I said, twiddling my thumbs.

Hunter blinked and sat up straight from his slouched state, "Really? Because uh- I-I have something to tell you too!" He said a little louder than I thought he intended.

"Hunter, I-I-" Then that fuzzy feeling came back and my breath hitched. I felt pinker and Hunter's face turned worried. Oh No! NOT NOW!

"Are you okay, Y/n? You're looking a little pink," Hunter pointed at his face, motioning my face was pink again.

I raced out of his bedroom and ran to the bathroom. I closed the door and kept hovered over the toilet for a few mins. There was a knock outside. "Y/n, a-are you okay?" He repeated.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I yelled. Nope, definitely not fine. It was so perfect, yet this freaking flower disease is literally killing me, and now I might not even get this chance. I broke into tears. "Okay, no I'm not!" I shouted. "But I don't want you to see me like this!"

More Lilies, more blood. More sore, more weak. More pain, more tears. Hunter's soft voice came again, soothing as always, "Can I come in? As long as it's not that 'extra girly' stuff that Luz and Eda claim they're doing in here once a month."

I laughed through my tears, "I-It's not that. It's fine. J-Just don't be scared when you see me."

He knocked on the door again, just to let me know he was coming in. He peaked around the door and saw me knelt on the floor next to the toilet. Flowers and blood in my hair from not putting it up.

"Oh my titan! Why didn't you tell me?" Hunter asked, alarmed.

"I didn't want you to be scared. I didn't know if you would reject me. Plus, I-I couldn't tell you I was sick with your favorite flowers down my throat," I sniffled. "I-I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and I was nervous. I just had the perfect moment, but this freaking thing ruined it!"

Hunter grabbed one of Luz's hair ties on the countertop and pulled my hair out of my face. He was gentle, not pulling hard. He used water to wipe the blood off my cheeks and grabbed the flowers out of my hair. "Bet this wasn't the kind of Flower you wanted to give to me, huh?" Hunter joked.

"No, of course not silly," I giggled. Hunter washed his hands and sat down on the ground. He placed his arms out as if asking for a hug, and I immediately curled up against him.

I could feel his heartbeat go faster and him grow tense at first, but it slowed over time and he softened. I just cried because of the insufferable pain in my throat now. It hurt to speak now. "Listen, Y/n. I know this is gonna sound like the dumbest thing I have ever said to you, still, just listen. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Before Eda, Belos had always told me that feelings needed to be kept a secret. That nobody has to know how you feel. Just keep to yourself and no one will get hurt. But what he didn't tell me was how much pain you, yourself felt. Feeling chained up by an unknown force, like someone you couldn't see held you back. And someone always wound up hurt. Most times it was me, this time it's you."

"W-What?" I sniffled. "What do you mean, 'it's me.'"

"Luz and Amity have been teasing me about it for a while, but I think it's finally time for me to let go of Belos' imaginary grip on me. I have something super important to get off my chest, I'm finally ready."

"Ready for what? I-I don't understand," I said.

"Well, I've kept a secret from you for some while now, because I didn't know how to tell you, and something in my life," he paused. "... finally, pushed me to do this because it's literally now or never."

I hoped he was saying what I thought he was saying. His heartbeat sped up again and it suddenly felt very warm. "So... Y/n L/n, my best friend, my Bard Partner, the most beautiful, kindest, most intelligent, thoughtful, determined, most stubborn knucklehead I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I really, really-"

Then he let go of his embrace and leaned over the sink and I heard him vomit, "No, not now! You stupid curse! Why?"

I got up from the floor and rubbed his back and looked in the sink, Palistrom flowers, from being a grimwalker, and also my favorite flowers! He had it too! That's why he went missing from class!

"Oh no! I'm sorry I-I didn't realize, Hunter," I gave him a back hug and I sighed. "I think it's finally time I came clean about something too."

------ Tiny Time Skip Brought to you by Willow Beating up Terra Snapdragon ------

"Listen," I said, sitting back on his bed. We were all cleaned up now. "I saw you in the hallways at school. I always thought you were some mean, corrupted, slimy git still working for that son-of-a-witch Belos. I didn't know that Eda had adopted you until later when Luz finally told me, and I really felt bad about what I thought about you. Like instant guilt stab for being judgy.

Then, when we finally got to know each other and we shared our love for music, I got to see a side that I'd never thought I'd see. You laughed and smiled, you joked and goofed off and that made me feel full. We were amazing friends and I just felt on top of the Highest point of the Knee.

Finally, I started stealing glances  at you and blushed in the hallway, I tried to drop hints and playfully flirting with you when I finally figured out my feelings. Then when I figured out I had the Flower Pox and I thought it was the end for me. I played it off at home saying I'd be fine but I wasn't ever fine. I tried to act confident to hide my frightened state.

But the one thing I knew was that you were worth risking myself for. I didn't want to live in a world where I would forget the one person, besides my family and friends, that makes me feel amazing and always on top of the World! I didn't want to forget someone who was always by my side, someone who made me laugh, someone who I shared a deep connection with, someone that..." I paused, that unknown force was holding me back. Just let go Y/n! Just let go, like Hunter said. 

"... I... loved." Hunter looked up from the floor and had a profuse blush on his face. His eyes sparkled in admiration and I instantly buried my head in my hands, "Oh my titan, I just did that! Why in Heck did I do that? I mean I know why, but whhhyyyy!"

Hunter came over to the bed and sat on his feet and knees, looking towards me with a slightly teary smile. He placed his hands on both my cheeks and tilted my face up and towards him. We just stared into each other's eyes, the tension growing. My face was heating up and I felt sweaty. Hunter moved closer to my face, I moved closer, our noses almost touching. "May I?" He asked.

I slightly nodded and he pulled me closer. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt soft lips grace mine. Butterflies were erupting in my stomach and my breath hitched. It felt like those old Human fairy tales Mama used to read to me, like I was in another world. It felt as if it were just us. Fireworks popped and my heart skipped a beat. I grabbed his scarred cheek and lightly pressed a little bit more, but Hunter backed off.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/n. I-I don't know what came over me," Hunter stuttered. His face was similar to his eyes and his ears were slightly twitching. "I-I shouldn't have done that."

I giggled and blushed. Hunter did the same, rubbing the back of his neck. He stood up and so did I, and I hugged him tight. I would have gladly given him another kiss, but a hug was much better in the moment. We hugged each other to the point my bile sack and his galderstone would be crushed. I felt no more of that itchy, tingly, flowery sensation in the back of my throat anymore. It was a washed away effect. It was finally over!

"Hunter?" I whispered into his ear.


"I think I'm cured," I said.

"Thank the Titan!" Hunter screamed, twirling me around. I laughed in delight.

"Who in the Hello is screaming up there?" A Voice called. Eda had just come home.

"Sorry Eda!" Hunter called.

We pressed our foreheads together before separating and continuing our work. I finished up my melody which Hunter extremely enjoyed. Loved the smell of the flowers.

Hunter's magical tune was super nostalgic given my Mothers. He said the Tune actually came in a dream of him and me dancing in the moonlight, walking on clouds. He remembered the Question he asked during our game of "Favorites" of what was my favorite flower and knew it was perfect.

He was also cured, so both our families were delighted at the news. Eda invited me to stay for dinner, to which I called Mom first saying everything was alright and not to worry that I'm late coming Home. She was so proud of me.

Luz was happy to have Hunter smiling again and was jokingly asking when the Wedding would be, but I just reversed the question on her and Amity. She got immediately flustered.

A Couple weeks later, Hunter officially asked me out and I've never been happier with my new Boyfriend.

Dear Journal,

How could have I been so lucky? Was it that Pick or Guitar? Or the Familiar tune? Or was it just fate?

Wow... 3,727 words total. I have never written that much before! Not even in my other books (check them out plz).

I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I did making it, got a lot of blushes and my face heating up around the kiss... which I love to write and read those, so there will be more. PROMISE!

Published 11/22/2022

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