[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] |...

By loveWriting0816

767K 21.4K 1.6K

Everly-Rose Thomas is an introvert, quiet and incredibly polite for her age. She has a pair of enchanting lar... More



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By loveWriting0816

"Then turn me."

Everly-Rose took the leisure to enjoy a hot shower and packed up a small bag of clothes before walking out of her apartment. As she was walking towards the elevator, a glimpse of red caught her eyes and her eyes widened when she was met with Jenna's pale face.

"Auntie J?"

"Rosie? What are you doing here?" They said in unison.

"I live here."

"Oh right," Jenna nodded and anxiously glanced at her phone, "I'm sorry Rosie. But I need to go."

"What's wrong?" Everly stepped closer, noticing her distress.

"Something's wrong with Elena. She called me earlier and she was panicking," She rapidly explained and began walking towards the emergency exit.

"But isn't- Wait, I'll go with you," Despite her inner doubts, Everly rushed after her and followed closely behind Jenna as she sprinted upstairs, ignoring the throbbing in her heart.

They halted in front of an apartment and Jenna frantically knocked on the door and yelled, "Elena? Are you in there? Are you okay? I came as soon as I can."

Everly stood behind her, panting heavily from their sprints, and a dreadful feeling filled her stomach and instinctively tried to pull Jenna back from the door. But she was too late and the door clicked open, revealing a dirty blonde man with a charming smile yet the dangerous glint in his eyes sent chills down Everly's spine.

"You must be Jenna?" The man said then diverted his gaze to the blue eye girl, "And you are Everly?" 

Shuffling sounds were heard from the unit.

"Who are you?" Jenna asked in confusion as Everly slowly grabbed onto the red hair's arm, tucking her backwards, and the former looked back at her with a questioning gaze, "Rosie?"

Remaining her stare on the smirking man and the incident from yesterday morning popped into her mind, Everly protectively stood in front of the red hair, "Jenna......." She dragged out then abruptly pushed the older woman to the hallway, causing the latter to stumble, and yelled, "Run!" 

But before Jenna could response, the man had sped in front of her and said, "I think not."

"Who are you?" The red hair asked, frightened. 

"Klaus. The hybrid. The big bad wolf. Whichever you prefer," He said smugly, stalking towards the two humans. 

"What do you want?" Everly asked, pulling Jenna closer to her, as they fearfully watched Klaus blocked their paths to safety with the door slamming closed behind him.

"Well, your friends decide to rescue the vampire and werewolf I prepared for the ritual, and killed my witch."

"Caroline and Tyler," She whispered under her breath.

Klaus hummed, "Fortunately, one werewolf always tie to a pack of werewolves. As for the vampire, there is no shortage of humans here," His gaze lingered on the Jenna, "I just need to choose who."

Everly's gaze followed his movement and landed on the fried she hadn't been able to reach, "Katherine?"

Katherine stood up from her seat, her mouth opened and closed but no words came out. She didn't know the human girl would follow Jenna and if she had known, she would never called Jenna like Klaus ordered.

"So you chose Jenna?" Everly questioned, glancing back at the hybrid.

"Oh no, I didn't," Klaus said, smiling deviously, "But your friend, Katherine, did."

"What?" She croaked out and her eyes widened in disbelief when the doppelgänger avoided her gaze, answering everything she wanted to know, then she felt her heart broke, the pain worse than the heart attack she had. 

"I gave her a choice, either call the aunt or I'll kill her, and she chose the former."

Everly blinked back the tears in her eyes and turned her attention back to the hybrid, "You want to turn Jenna because you want to teach my friends a lesson for trying to sabotage your plan," He raised an eyebrow at her sudden confidence, "And you keep Katherine here because you want her to suffer for her betrayals but you haven't decide what to do yet."

Klaus' smile fell, her interpretation was spot on and he did not like it, and gestured with his smirk returned to his lips, "What are you implying, love?"

Katherine looked worriedly at the human girl, knowing the hybrid was one step away from ripping the girl's heart out.

"If you want her to suffer, then turn me."

"No!" Katherine and Jenna opposed in unison.

Ignoring the two women, Everly continued, "I'm the only person she trusts and cares about. If you sacrifice me, she will be left alone and continued to be hated as the one and only Katherine Pierce."

Klaus intensely stared into her eyes as Everly held his gaze, unwavering. Contemplating her proposition, He indeed wanted Katerina to suffer for what she did half a century ago, much more than his desire to teach the Mystic Fall group a lesson, and he also did not like people knowing what he was planning, especially when she was his enemy.

The three women cautiously watched him placed his bleeding wrist under Everly's lips. 

Everly hesitantly asked before she sipped onto his blood, "Can I have my last moment?"

Feeling generous, he allowed his blood to dripped into a glass and said, "Whenever you are ready, love."

She nodded and turned towards the red hair, "Auntie J."

Jenna shook her head, "No, you're not dying today. Rosie, you can't take my place."

"You need to take care of Elena and Jeremy. They can't survive without you."

"What about your mom? You are the only person she has."

A sad smile made its way up to her lips, Everly quietly said, "I know but she'll be okay. She won't be burdened by me. Please," She stopped Jenna's incoming words, "Tell my mom that I'm sorry and I love her very very much. And I'll go find daddy and that I'm resting."

Tears welled up in Jenna's eyes as she suppressed a sob coming out of her. Everly let out a deep breath, surprisingly calm as she took off the wooden protection necklace and grabbed onto the bloody glass.

Klaus narrowed his eyes at the oddly familiar necklace in the human's palm and strode towards Everly, "What is that?"

She opened her palm, revealing the gold finch in the middle of the hollow circle, and he questioned, "Where did you get this?""

Everly frowned, bewildered by his sudden obsession over her necklace, but she remained silent.

"Elijah gave it to you, didn't he?" Klaus asked but his tone wasn't inquisitive as he smelt a barely noticeable scent of blood from the small ornament. 

She tightened her lips into a thin line, refusing to answer.

"Won't matter. I already know my brother gave this to you. I can smell his blood on it," Klaus said and now that the tables had completely turned, he patiently explained when he noticed Everly's puzzlement, "Elijah made this necklace when we were human. This is the first artwork he made after he learnt how to carve, and he accidentally cut his finger while doing so."

"I never saw this necklace after we turned. I thought he gave it to his first love, but it seemed like he kept it..........." He paused, studying the blonde girl, and frowned when he heard her odd heartbeats, "What is wrong with your heart?"

Before Everly could answer, Klaus shook his head, taking away the glass of blood from her hand, "Never mind. It doesn't matter," He smirked at the girl, "It appears you will not be dying tonight, love. You have just revoked your status as dispensable human."


"You will make a great leverage to my dear brother..........just in case. Greta, gentle for this one," He ordered and a dark-skin woman appeared from one of the closed bedroom. Chanting quietly, Everly felt herself became lightheaded and black dots filled her vision, falling as strength escaped from her body, but before she collapsed on the floor, Klaus caught her in his arms and placed her on the couch.

"What did you do to her?" Katherine rushed to the unconscious girl and glared at the hybrid, surprising him with her boldness.

"It's a simple sleeping spell, Katerina. No need to get all worked up. I wouldn't harm Elijah's girl now, would I?" Klaus turned his attention back to Jenna and his lips curled up into a murderous smile, "But you......are a different story."

Under her horror-filled eyes, he sped towards her and forced his blood down her throat before cruelly snapping her neck in a swift, startling the doppelgänger. 

· ──── ·☼· ──── ·

With Klaus and Greta had left for the sacrifice, Katherine stopped Damon from leaving the apartment, "Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out. There was nothing that I could do. I didn't have a choice."

"That's why I gave you the vervain. So you had a choice," Damon replied.

"It was her or me. I chose her."

"I helped you. You owed me. Now when Klaus dies, you're going to walk out of here without a scratch and Elena's aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins. How'd that happen?"

"I didn't let love get in the way."

"Do you know Everly call Jenna 'aunt' too?" He questioned, anticipating the shock and guilt in her eyes, or something that could identify as some sort of suffering for causing the heartbreak of her only friend. Getting no reaction, Damon scoffed, "Right. I forgot you're a heartless bitch, caring no one but yourself."

"..........I know," Katherine said quietly, not knowing if she was replying to his question or his taunt. 

"What?" He snapped his head back to the doppelgänger.

"Klaus told her when she followed Jenna here," His eyes widened at the new information as she continued, "Everly offered herself to take Jenna's place."

"And you let him take her?!" Damon questioned in disbelief.

"No, Klaus wouldn't take her. He sent her into a magical coma."

"What? Where is she?"

She glanced at a closed bedroom, "In there–"

Damon sped over but stumbled into an invisible wall, and hissed, "What the hell?"

"You didn't let me finish. Klaus had his witch spell the bedroom, no one but him can open the door," She quickly asked when he began to leave, "What are you going to do?"

He turned and looked at Katherine, "I'm going to offer myself as a replacement to Klaus and have him give back Everly and Jenna."

She shook her head, "He won't take you. He saw your bite, he said that your blood is impure. I'm sorry, Damon. But Jenna's dead, there's nothing you can do about it," She then yelled behind his retreating figure before he disappeared into the hallway, "Everly is here because of Elijah. Ask him about the necklace he gave her!"

A/N: OOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~ The hidden pessimistic side of Everly that no one knows~

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