DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x D...

By Leichenfaust97

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It has been some time since our beloved Invader brothers took control over the United States and crushed the... More

Prologue: We're all living in Amerika
Chapter 1: Big Brother's Rage
Chapter 2: New Plan, new Missions
Chapter 3: Annoyance and Revenge Part 1
Chapter 5: Coyote's demise and a new enemy
Chapter 6: From Russia with love
Chapter 7: New Mission available
Chapter ?: What happened in Hell? Part 1
Chapter ?: What happened in hell? Part 2
Chapter 8: Albion Infiltration
Chapter 9: Skin. Tight. Leathers suits. Part 1
Chapter 10: Skin. Tight. Leather suits. Part 2
Chapter 11: Jealousy and Decisions...
Chapter 12: Soho Slaughter
Chapter 13: Dark Energon Rampage
Chapter 14: Killing is an Art Form
Chapter 15: Party at the Embassy
Chapter 16: Origins

Chapter 4: Annoyance and Revenge Part 2

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By Leichenfaust97

Y/N's saucer flew with high speed towards Bay City. All to eager to finally start the killi-... the mission.

A signal let him knew that he was close to his destination, and so he activated his Camouflage. Turning his Spacecraft invisible for the human eye.

He reaches for his communicator and opened a channel to Tak.

Y/N: "Tak, i have arrived. I'm looking for a place to land. What did ya got for me?"

A Hologramm of Tak appeared next to him,

T: "I got something good for you, Y/N. A way to destroy all KGB activity in this City."

Y/N: "Oohhh. I'm all ears."

T: "I found something... or rather someone... who can tell us more about the KGB in this Sector. Apparently there's one Informant in Bay City who always knows what's "going down on the streets". They call him 'the Freak'."

That took Y/N's attention, he looks at Tak,

Y/N: "The Freak, huh? Yeah, i've heard about him. Cat's got connections all over town. He's kind of a burnout though. From what i hear he doesn't even NEED drugs anymore, he lives in his own personal mental lava lamp. But if any of those stinky monkeys knows what the KGB are up to, i bet he does."

T: "Then i suggest you locate him and find out what he knows. And please... don't kill him right after that, he might have some use for us after this."

Y/N: "No promises, my little Death Star."

Y/N landed his saucer inside an alleyway. After that he put his human disguise on and went after the coordinates Tak gave him. It looks like that "the Freak" hangs out at the public Park. Trying to become one with the universe on top of an small hill.

After Y/N walked into the Park his urge to purge begun to surge. Hippies begun to build their own small commune inside the Park. They were everywhere, like a plague.

He didn't know how long he could control himself so he quickly marched up the hill and confronted the Freak. Who's brain has already left into the next dimension it seems.

Remember, Y/N. You can't kill 'em all... YET.

Y/N stood now infront of that pathetic human. And what a piece of wasted cells it was.

Y/N: "Uh... hey there moondoggie. I'm lookin' for a dude with his ear to the street. The kids call him "the Freak"."

Freak: "You found him. But i'm all tapped out, man! The heat's coming down on me, y'know? Try me next week."


Y/N: "Look... Freak... what i need is information. What do you know about the Ivan's in the cheap suits who crashed our party?"

F: "You mean those KGB cats? Yeah, those dudes are straight, all right. Only they didn't crash, man - they were invited!"

Invited.... someone.... INVITED.... the fucking KGB....

Y/N: "Who "invited" the KGB to harsh our buzz?"

F: "From what i hear it was the cat who leads the commune. I don't know his real name but he calls himself 'Coyote Bongwater'. Wich IS pretty righteos. Supposedly, he's like this master of tantric medication and spiritual healing. All i know is, cat's got the chicks eating out of his hooka."

Y/N felt his braincells commiting suicide by only hearing that name,

Y/N: "Okay... and where do i find this "Bongwater"?"

F: "Well, from what i hear he's kinda paranoid, doesn't stay in the Park for long. I've heard that he has a pad someplace but i don't know where. Dudes been handing out this new turn on, a drink, like in a can. Calls it 'Revelade'. Aint that a bitch!"

Y/N: "And what is this Revelade stuff? New drug?"

F: "Well-"

Y/N raises an eyebrow,

F: "Pretty much yeah..."

Y/N: "Great.... as the monkeys aren't revolting enough already... Thanks, Freak. I gonna find Coyote Bongwater.... i can't believe i just said that..."

Y/N turned around and walked out of the Park as fast as he could. He lifts his wrist computer and turned on his communicator.

Y/N: "Tak. We have a new target."

T: "I heard it. And i think i know where he hides. There's a high concentration of weed and 60's music only a few roads further."

Y/N: "Bingo."

Y/N quickly made his way towards his new target, a Apartment building.
After making sure that no one sees him, he dropped his disguise and took his Zap-O-Matic out of his PAK. This 'Bongwater' is part of the reason why Y/N almost lost everyone he holds dear.

There will be no mercy.

Meanwhile inside Bongwater's living room

Bongwater just finished a meditation session with two of his followers, two hot Hippie chicks.

C.B: "...And next week start one on one shakti tutoring. I'll be giving each of you private, hands on instruction in Kriyanishpatti, the highest state of tantric arousel. These sessions can run ten hours, so eat a good breakfast. That's it for today! Remember, wherever you go, i'll be there. The shine in your Japan, the sparkle in your China."

Chick1: "Bodhisattva."

Chick2: "Bodhisattva."

Coyote's Apartment was truly a place of peace and the mind. A place that was still stuck in the 60s. A place where there is no worry. No need. A place of peace.

Okay that was until Y/N kicked the fucking door in, aiming his Energy weapon at Coyote.

The two chicks were to scared to make a sound. Y/N looked at them with a glare and nods towards the door, giving them a chance to leave before it gets ugly. They of course left without looking back.

Y/N: "Nice little setup. Guns, cheap russian booze, teenaged bra burning Hippie chicks... Man after my own heart... if i had one."

C.B: "Then join us! We're about to free the people of this City! Soon they'll see the truth and embrace our beautiful new utopia! The "Bay City Super Organic Communal Collective and Compost Farm"! Are you with us, man?!!"

Y/N: "If i'm with you?! You are involved in the destruction of my home AND the nearly demise of my family and friends! I TAKE YOUR HEAD AS AN TROPHY!!"

Y/N was about to pull the trigger but was stopped as the sound of multiple saves of handguns getting turned off got his attention. Multiple KGB agents aimed their guns at him while the squad leader lazely throws a grenade in the air and catched it again.

KGB: "Run along, comrade. My men handle this."

Coyote quickly made his way outside.

The squad leader thought he has the upper hand because of the grenade. Thinking that Y/N wouldn't be crazy enough to fight them because of it.

He clearly doesn't know Y/N.

The agent again lazely throws the grenade into the air and faster then the eye can see, one of Y/N's PAK Spiderlegs shoots out and the blade like end of the leg pulled the pin of the grenade out in mid air. The now armed grenade landed back in the agents hands. All KGB agents look at the grenade with wide eyes, then at Y/N.
He just smiled at them and then jumps out of the window.
An explosion blew the entire Apartment apart.

Y/N landed on the street only to see that he was surrounded by the KGB.
He pulled his Disintegrator Ray out of his PAK with his other Hand.

Good. I don't have to aim this way.

He opened fire at the KGB agents.

The chain lightning took care of the agents while his Disintegrator Ray took care of the vehicles. Running around on his Spiderlegs, he was way too fast for them.

With a combat roll he got out of the ambush and started to climb the buildings. After that he started to jump from rood to roof till he lost those pesky humans.

His communicator went off,

T: "Y/N are you there?! Are you okay?!"

Y/N: "Yes, yes i'm here. Dammit i lost him."

T: "You think the Freak knows where he went?"

Y/N: "Only one way to find out."

Y/N jumps off the building. After a short detour through an alleyway, he found the Freak and a couple other Hippies in their little camp inside the alleyway.

Y/N: "Hey, Freak. I need uh... a little more info. I found Bongwater but he run before i could ice 'em. You know where he could be now?"

F: "Whoa, man. I don't know, you didn't say you gonna get violent."

Y/N: "You didn't ask... smart hippie. Listen! Just tell me what you know and i return to do the things i do best."

F: "Well, what can i say, man? No one has seen the dude. Well... all except his new protege maybe."

Y/N: "New protege?"

F: "Yeah. She's a singer, always hanging out with Bongwater since a few weeks. She's givin' a concert at the Park right now."

Y/N: "Oh is that so? Okay. Let see if she talks if i ask nicely or when i have to use violence."

Y/N proceeds to make his way towards the Park again. After entering it he saw a big crowd of people. He made his way to the front row pushing all the hippies aside.
It really takes a lot of self control not just to blast them with his weapons.

T: "Y/N, you need to know something before you meet Bongwater's protege."

Y/N: "And what is that? Is she a Russkie in disguise?"

T: "Uhh... no. Uhhh.. you know her."

Y/N: "I do? And from wh-"

He got an answer before he even asked the question. A voice he hoped he would never hear again came from the speakers.


Y/N stood now in the first row looking at the "person" he needs to ask for the information he needs. And this look... turned into a death glare.

Because this "person" is also an Alien that lived on Millies weird Homeplanet. A being that tested his patience multiple times.

Verosika Mayday

She didn't even bothered to wear her disguise. Those hippies think it's all part of their trip anyway.

As Verosika looks through the cloud of people... she would recognize this death glare anywhere.

She walks to the front of the stage, now crouching down.

V: "Y/N~. What a surprise. I didn't knew you would come all the way just to visit me~."

She was speaking through the microphone. Y/N has now the attention of the crowd. He looks up at her.

Y/N: "We need to talk. NOW!"

V: "Aww. I knew sooner or later you would open your heart for me~."

The concert was interrupted and Verosika guided Y/N behind the stage. Once they were alone she turned around and faced him. But he grabbed her throat and pushed her against the wall before she got a word out.

V: "Ahg! Skipping... the foreplay?"

Y/N: "Verosika... if you weren't important right now..."

V: "Finally... admiting that... i'm important... for you?"

He let go of her and she catched her breath.

V: "Long time no see, honey."

Y/N: "Verosika. The only two reasons why you are alive right now is because 1: You helped me finding spare parts to build my Teleport Gate back on your planet. And 2: I need information."

V: "Let me guess, about me being single~?"

Y/N: "How many times do i have to tell you that i already have a bondmate, you perverted waste of cells."

V: "Fine, she can watch if she wants to."

Y/N's patience was running out very quickly. He had to get the information he needed before he accidentely kills her.
He took a deep breath. And Verosika a cigarette.

V: "What does little ol' me get if i give you what you want~?"

Y/N: "I let you live, how about that, V?"

V: "Aww, you always had such a good way with words~."

She ignited her cigarette.

V: "What do ya want to know?"

Y/N: "I've heard you know the whereabouts of Coyote Bongwater. He got away before i could ice 'em."

V: "Coyote? Yeah i know where he propably is. Why you wanna ice him?"

Y/N: "He's involved in the destruction of my home. My friends, my bondmate and my little brother almost died in the explosion."

Verosika looks at him with wide eyes,

V: "Oh... Fuck... Uhh, listen Y/N. I just joined in for the drugs, okay. I didn't knew-"

Y/N: "Just... answer the question, V."

Verosika moves on very thin ice and she knows this.

V: "Alright. I heard that he plans to pump this Revelade stuff into the Harbor. There's a hideout right under the big hill behind the Highway. He's without a doubt there."

Y/N slowly turned around, and returns back to his saucer.
Like it or not, Y/N is a Irken of his word. If Verosika is smart, she would stop any kind of teasing or even contact with Y/N.


Verosika finished her cigarette. And then got her phone out. She opened a group chat.

Mayday69: Ladies, he's back.

StarOwl: ???

Lunawolf: Fucking what now?

Mayday69: Tall as Vortex, green, anger issues


Lunawolf: Wait you saw him?

Verosika looked at the direction where Y/N went.

V: "Oh, Y/N. You can thank me later~."

A part of her thought that teasing and messing with Y/N like that would be really funny.

But on the other hand a part of her asked herself... was this a good idea?


While Y/N hunts down the KGB and it's allies, what are Zim and Millie doing right now?

Well, both of them are closing in on their destination. The Voot Cruiser flying with top speed over a forest.

MI: "Sooo... this Dark Energon stuff... it's inside Y/N's system because of an accident?"

Z: "Exactly. And after that, it got into mine after a blood transfusion."

MI: "Oh wow."

Z: "Yeah. Our Military years were really wild."

MI: "Say, Zim... do you know when we will arrive at our destination?"

Z: "No, sorry. The timer glitched out after the crash. Why?"

A mischievous grin creeped on Millie's face before she stood up and then sits down on Zim's lap, her legs beside his hips and facing him.

Z: "Uhh, M-Millie?"

MI: "Oh come on, Z. Don't tell me the big bad Invader isn't in for a little fun~."

She pulled his face towards her, locking their lips. Good thing the autopilot is working. But (for their dismay) a beeping sound of the computer gave the signal that they reached their destination.

The Voot Cruiser landed and both of them climbed out of the Spacecraft. They walked the remaining 400 meters on foot.

But then... voices... a bonefire in the fistance... BINGO.

Zim and Millie climbed up a tree and looked down.

There they are.

The Top Secret Psychic Training Facility.

Camp Whispering Rock.

But one question remains.

Why are the recruits just some snotty teenagers??!!

The recruits are sitting behind a bonefire. Infront of it was a small stage with three people on it, the Psychopaths Agents who are in charge of this camp and with it in charge of the training courses.

One of them looks like some sort of drill Sergeant, he also talks like one. Agent Oleander.

Another men stands behind him. Pale skin, shades covering his eyes, looks almost like a robot. Agent Nein.

Beside him stands a woman who looks like she travelled from the 60s straight to the modern day. Agent Vodello.

Agent Oleander started to give a speech about the human mind, about what it means to become a Psychonaut. The recruits listened to what he says, some with worry, some with boredom in their eyes.
Oleanders speech was so powerful(!!!) he made one of the recruits cry...

Dogen: "*Sniff* They told me this was a summer camp."

The scary goth girl (wich could be Gaz twin at this point) calmed Dogen down.

Lili: "Ah, Dogen. Don't worry about ol' Coach Oleander. I've been coming here for years, and trust me - nothing ever happens."

Zim and Millie looked down at those humans with a puzzled look on their faces.

This is it??

Those are the secret agents Zim worried so much about?

What a joke.

MI: "Okay, Zim. What's the plan?"

Z: "Okay. I sneek my way down and blend in, pretending that i'm one of them. Then-"


The branch Zim was sitting on slowly cracked and gave in.

Z: "Uh oh..."


The branch broke and Zim fell down. Millie tried to catch him but was too late. Zim landed down in the bushes.
Since they're in the woods, the fresh recruits thought a monster would come and get them.

Dogen: "Lake Monster!!"

Before Millie could help her husband, all three Agents used their combined Psychic powers to grab Zim out of the bushes.

Agent Nein: "What. Is. It?"

Agent Vodello: "It's just a little boy. What's your name darling?"

Agent Oleander tried to read Zim's mind but because of Zim's superior Irken mind he was unable to do it. They putted Zim down on the small stage.

Oh no... they are all looking him... Quick Zim say something!! Anything!!!

Z: "My name... uhh..."

Agent Oleander: "Starts with an D!"

Z: "Uh.. Is Razputin!.... Yes... But everyone calls me... Raz!"

Dogen: "Don't eat us Lake Monster!!"

Zim just jumped the bullet there. Okay... Training Facility infiltrated. There is no way that this could backfire... right?

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