Illuminating the Dark Prince

By DaturaMoon

269K 12.6K 5K

"What's a kiss?" He asked in my right ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "What's a kiss?" He was suddenly on... More

Prologue- The Crimson Crowning (Pt. 1)
Prologue- Abyssal Abdication (Pt. 2)
The Perfect Mischance
Knight of Nightmares
Sleeping in Shadows
Tongue Tied
Kindling the Flames
Illusions of the Orb
Kissed by Darkness
Romance in the River
Deceiving the Demon
The Amethyst Forest
Redamancy for Darkness
Royal Realization
Lurking Lloigors
Rain on the Mountain
Strange Visitors
Remnants of Humanity
The Spark of a Soulbond
A Sense of Community
The Dungeon
Matrimony and Mayhem
Important Note On Plagiarism
The Beauty of Life
The Sunrise
The Man Around the House
True Beauty
The Calm Before the Storm
A Perilous Proposal
Secret Shenanigans and Summonings
The Heights of Hell
Hope for the Brokenhearted
The Wingman
Edging and Erotic Enticements
Riding The Vovin
A Dance of Shadow and Flame
Back to the Abyss
Terror and Tragedy
A Gift from a God
The Winds of War
Rise of the Serpent
The Fall of Tenveriel
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.1)
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.2)
Dawn of an Illuminated World
Renewal of Vows
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 2)
Epilogue- A Kingdom of Light
Author's Note

The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 1)

2.3K 124 4
By DaturaMoon

The gleaming map of abyssal constellations stretched out over the ebon waters like a magical mirage, as Valarendrik and I hastily rode along the dark untrodden beach. Large hooves clangorously clanked upon the stones below, while the seafoam-tipped waves loudly hissed and crept up the shoreline like grasping fingers searching for souls to drag back down into the deep. My golden hair and flowy white dress billowed out into the night, while Valarendrik's huge armored frame held me tightly against his front. My butt was snuggly nestled between his spread thighs, allowing the firm eagerness bulging within his pants to rub up against me. It was the picture-perfect moment of the blushing bride being romantically whisked away by the mysterious dark knight and carried off into the darkness for a night full of fervent, pelvis-pulverizing passion.

With one hand firmly on the reins and the other wrapped tightly around my middle, he leaned forward and began eagerly peppering hot wet kisses up along the side of my neck. The intoxicating feeling of his intentional breath fanned my skin while his soft lips pressed and sucked ravenously. Warmth swirled deeper within my middle with each sensual sensation, spreading across my skin like a blazing wildfire. I reached up and spread my fingers through the silky hair on the back of his head, encouraging him to kiss me all the rougher.

A deep guttural growl vibrated in his chest, then he swiftly gave my left breast a harsh squeeze, his fingers indenting in the soft bouncing flesh as he did so. Then he suddenly rocked his hips forward. It pushed a yelp from my throat and forced my middle to firmly press against the sinister-looking horn of the saddle... Oh my!

"Do you have any idea just how sweet I find the scent of your arousal?" His deep voice rumbled into my ear. My hidden little bud began vigorously rubbing against the horn with each aggressive bounce of Sagacor's back.

With a flushed face and a string of gasps tumbling from my lips, I helplessly stammered like a flustered fool, intense desire beginning to ruthlessly burn between my legs. "Va-Valaren-oh!" He bucked his hips forward yet again, slamming my poor clitoris against the horn once more. Then his hand swiftly slipped up to my throat, giving it a firm yet comfortable squeeze. His claws were fully extended, threatening to puncture my soft pale flesh. I managed to shift my gaze to the side, catching a glimpse of his entirely blackened eyes and fearsome snarl.

Oh snap! He's in full horny-mode!

He languorously licked the side of my neck and up to the shell of my ear. A low dark purr vibrated from his throat and straight into my soul. "So sweet..." His sharp teeth grazed my soft feverish flesh in a way that was both threatening and seductive, like a beast trying to decide where to begin devouring his helpless prey. The saddle continued to roughly rub between my legs, kindling a prurient pyre within my pelvis. I gasped and grasped at Sagacor's satiny mane, causing the silly horse to snort while I teetered on the edge of release. "...And so beautiful you are, my blushing bride."

The heel of his boot tapped Sagacor's side twice, giving him the command to canter at a speed that was just shy of a gallop. I screamed like a fucking banshee out into the evenfall-veiled ocean-scapes. My whole body rapidly bounced and thrashed, causing the horn to stroke my throbbing middle all the more vigorously. My legs tensed up and twitched around the saddle, hardly able to handle the intensity of it. Valarendrik's erection powerfully pressed against my backside, shoving further forward with each jolt as if he was trying to sear me with his straining serpent of seduction.

The rattling of the reins, clanking of the saddle, and smell of the salted wind were all drowned out as a surge of pleasure violently rippled up my spine and caused tingles to dance across my skin. I rigidly shuddered and my head lulled back and off to the side, my mouth hanging open in a dramatic 'O'. With feral passion, Valarendrik took full advantage and swiftly swooped his head down, shoving his long silky tongue deep into my mouth while I helplessly convulsed in his strong armored arms. He wrapped his tongue around mine and ferally growled, provoking a few extra shivers of delight to spread throughout my body.

Sagacor steadily slowed down with a whinny and nod of his head. We passed beneath violet silver-lined leaves which flittered upon twisted black branches overhanging from the rocky cliffside. The trees had been taken as saplings from the amethyst forest and made to grow to full size. Threads of quivering starlight beamed down through the enchanting foliage and kissed my flushed face. I tried to catch my breath, desperately sucking in air through my nose as my heart continued to race.

Valarendrik released my tongue and wiggled his hips back a bit, allowing just enough space for him to scrunch up my dress. He sensually slipped his inhuman hand down into the white lacey barrier of my soaking-wet panties. I twitched in startlement when his middle finger quickly dipped into my silken pool of arousal. My back unwittingly arched from the sudden stretch while something between a breathy moan and a whimper chimed from my lust-slackened lips.

"Oh, Valarendrik..." I crooned as his lips once again danced across my throat, his finger starting to slowly pump halfway into my slick core. I knew that he was going to be relentless with me tonight, especially considering the special endeavors we had planned, but he hadn't even given me a chance to catch my breath.

"Such a tight, pretty little pussy..." He lecherously purred. "I know you're going to take my cock so well tonight, isn't that right, my queen?"

"Yes, please, I want to take all of you!" I rocked my hips back and forth like a promiscuous little minx, desperate for more fiery friction.

He snarled against my skin and abruptly shoved his finger in all the way up to the knuckle. "Believe me, my sweet little bride, I will be buried unfathomably deep inside of this tight little cunt until the dawn crests over the northern mountains. Until you are weak and unable to stand, flushed and filled with my seed... And then I'm going to fuck and fill you again." His pointer and ring fingers lazily lifted and curled, dragging the backs of his claws over my dewy twin petals.

Holy spice cakes!

I bit my lower lip, relishing the feeling of his digit diving deep inside of me. "Oh yeah?" I breathily panted in a seductive tone. "How are you going to take me first?"

A huffed-out purr danced across my glistening skin, then he slowly flicked his tongue up and down the column of my neck. "Hmm, well I'm surely going to use my tongue to drink in every last drop of your sweetness before filling you to the brim with my cock." My belly fluttered at his casually murmured words. "But truthfully, I'd like to fuck these pretty pink lips before we begin." He grabbed my face and lazily swiped his thumb over my bottom lip, mimicking exactly that with the hand between my legs as well. I all but melted at the feeling.

We came upon the mighty torrents cascading down the cliffs, creating a ghostly haze where the river poured into the sea. The roar of the waterfalls was deafening as we slowly passed through the thick veil of swirling mist, with tangled drapes of vining flowers and ferns delicately quivering beside us. Sagacor's hooves began clomping up along a stone staircase which was beautifully carved into the cliffside and curved up from the beach, leading us to the lush riverside meadows and plentiful groves of caedis trees above. The season of death was fast approaching, causing some of the leaves to rain down like silvery tears of sorrow and the branches to mournfully bleed an abundance of crimson sap with their loss. A few screeching creatures quickly flew out of the grass, twirling around one another upon webbed wings as they disappeared into the night.

My legs were weak and noodly from my orgasm, rendering me helpless as Valarendrik dragged my small frame up into his arms. His lips found mine in a fit of passion while he gracefully swung his leg over the saddle and slipped off beside the river. A tendril of his shadows retrieved a lantern from the saddle bag and worked a lighter to set it agleam. Sagacor happily moseyed on over to one of the caedis trees and immediately began nibbling on a ripe piece of fruit, not once sparing us a second glance. I wound my arms around Valaredrik's broad shoulders, kissing him back with equal zealousness in the dim flickering light. His peppery rosewood scent enveloped my senses while his large body dwarfed mine with immense strength yet mindful gentleness.

We feverishly grasped and clawed at one another as he dropped to his knees. The tall wavering grass and wildflowers danced all around us as he did so. His tongue powerfully snaked into my mouth and wrapped around mine yet again, holding it hostage as he tried to lay me down onto the grass. But I didn't want to give him complete control just yet. My hands darted up to his shoulders like rockets and I forcefully attempted to push him backward. He obliged with a soft growl and leaned back, allowing me to direct our makeout session. Everything about him was driving me to madness and I was way too impatient not to taste him at the first possible opportunity.

Without breaking the kiss, I hastily spread my legs to straddle his stomach, loving the sensation of his soft tunic rubbing against my inner thighs. He leaned back on one elbow, with his other arm reaching up to rest a hand upon my arching back. My lips wavered against his and his tongue twisted and tightened around mine. I moaned into his mouth as his tongue unwound to roughly lick across my lower lip. My kisses danced over his cheek and down to his jawline, moving lower yet to lewdly suckle on the side of his neck.

Gods, I can't get enough of this man...

"Please, won't you take this off now?" I breathily asked while trying to push his spiked shoulder pads away, leaning back to peer up into his black fathomless eyes. Shadows wisped through his night-spun hair, making his ponytail eerily writhe behind his abyssal features. He was breathtaking in his wedding attire, equally as frightening as he was handsome. Yet, I hated not being able to feel the smooth grey skin and muscles which rippled beneath it.

His sharp teeth flashed in a snarl, then he swiftly reached up and began yanking the armored plates off one at a time. "Yes, of course, my love! In fact, as king of Tenveriel, I decree that no clothing shall ever be permitted to loiter between us whilst we are alone, lest it be imprisoned!"

I giggled and stared like a wide-eyed schoolgirl ogling over a shirtless rockstar for the first time, watching while he lifted his black tunic off over his head. The full enticing view of his perfectly sculpted upper body was finally revealed, making my insides quiver with want. Each curve of well-defined muscle was highlighted by dark shadows, silvery starlight, and the warm lantern glow, creating a delicious delineation of natural masculine beauty beneath my fingertips. Unable to help myself, I growled like an absolute freak and quickly pounced, ravenously kissing and licking at the sharp ridge of his collarbone.

He leaned back even further and spread his thighs so that I slipped between them, causing my thighs to brush up against his straining erection. His claws slowly raked up and down my back in a possessive and protective manner, sending a blissful shiver up my spine. I kissed my way to the firm grooves of his flexing stomach, swirling my tongue around his belly button before moving even further down. The tips of my fingers curled into the waistline of his pants, firmly tugging to show how badly I wanted them gone.

"Off to the dungeon with these then." I spoke with a slight laugh... Even though I was dead serious.

He growled and entangled his fingers in my hair, his body subtly thrusting forward in anticipation as I kissed the quivering skin just above his waistline. My small hands moved to latch onto either side of his lower hips, while my lips began to heatedly kiss the tight fabric over his bulging crotch. He was so hard, like steel cloaked in silk just waiting to be unwrapped. He twitched beneath my kiss, compelling even more heat to pool between my legs and soak through my panties. I inhaled his purely raw masculine scent and gazed up at him with hungry, lust-possessed eyes.

With a soft growl, I bit the zipper of his pants, dragging it all the way down with my teeth. My fingers hastily worked at the button as I psychotically ripped his fly open, causing the beastly erection within to spring free and smack me in the face with a soft slapping sound... I didn't even care. My gaze honed in on the small bead of precum glistening in the starlight upon his tip, enticing my very soul to drink him in with wild abandon. I felt like a feral madwoman as I quickly grabbed the girthy base of his cock and wrapped my lips around the swollen tip, sucking like an absolute savage with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever.

I'm practically a dick-druggy at this point...

He hissed in pleasure and his shadows twisted all around us. The aphrodisiac effects of him were violently exploding through me, making my body shiver and sweat in desirous desperation. I hastily pumped the base of his shaft with one hand, trying to coax out more of his essence while ravenously swirling my tongue over the salty slit. The addictive effects of his precum had not diminished over time, and like a true addict, I needed every last drop that I could possibly get to state my huger for him.

"Lucy..." His deep gravelly voice murmured my name like a sensual benediction, his claws seductively gliding through my hair. I continued to mindlessly suck and moan, absolutely loving his taste. Wisping tendrils of his shadows began to seep from his soul and wrapped around my midriff and legs like eerie ribbons of darkness. They slowly pulled my body upside down and flipped me over, making it as if I was doing a back-bend over him with my lips still feverishly sucking at his cock. My wedding dress and hair draped onto his stomach, with my feet landing on his shoulders and sliding further down his back. The shadows then slowly pulled my core closer toward his awaiting face. Other shadows swirled down his legs, pulling his pants and boots entirely off to discard them in the grass.

I resumed messily sucking and licking at his length, only stopping to gasp when I felt his long tongue swipe over and under my inner thigh. His clawed hands reached up with spread fingers to hold onto my outer thighs and butt. Teasingly slow, he buried his face into my heat, nuzzling and nipping against my panties. Then his tongue snaked out once more, dextrously slipping beneath the material. A low moan bled from my throat as it slithered up between the top of my folds. The underside began to lick back and forth over my shaved mound of Venus like a windshield wiper, painting it with a thin sheen of his saliva. After a moment, it steadily slid back down and gave my clit a quick yet firm flick, sending a jolt through me. He then wasted no time at all in plunging it straight into my weeping hole, vigorously twisting it as it dove far deeper than any human tongue ever could.

Sometimes I wonder if that tongue actually has a mind of its own...

The tiara slipped from the top of my head as the hairpins gave way, glittering beautifully in the starlight while it tumbled into the grass. I grabbed Valarendrik's constricting balls with one hand, fondling them with my middle and ring fingers curling around the underside. The effects of his precum continued to sweep through my entire body like a crimson conflagration of craving, causing me to squeeze his head with my thighs and writhe in my fit of unbridled lust. His tongue relentlessly surged over my neediest areas, coiling and flicking to drag my scorching soul up to the heavenly threshold of release.

Our aligned passions drew in like untamable storm clouds raging over a blazing valley. They swelled with dangerous potency, looming right above our salaciously feasting souls. Shadows swirled underneath my dress and around my nipples, moving in a line down my stomach to please the pearl hidden between my thighs. His tongue struck a particular spot deep within my core while I squeezed his balls, sending us both crashing over the edge with a violent clap of pleasure and a lightning storm of sparks. His shaft muffled my wild screams, as hot thick spurts of his release exploded into my mouth and dripped down to his flexing base. My cunt spasmed against his soft lips and gripped his greedy tongue, pulsating while wanton waves of ecstasy poured down upon my burning spirit. He rapidly drank in every last drop like a starving man devouring his favorite meal for the first time in years.

I slumped, limp as a linguine, while his shadows flipped me over and laid me down upon my back on the ground. A few clusters of bluebell blooms danced around my love-flushed face while the quivering green spears of grass tickled my arms. My hair tumbled out around my head like a halo of gold-spun silk, with my sapphire eyes sparkling up in satisfaction at my handsome king. The river beside us peacefully sang songs of comfort to the restless sea, and the glimmering rays of starlight brightly danced across the abyssal skies in a celestial show that transcended even the most radiant of earthly nights. 

Valarendrik leaned over and grabbed one of his swords from the pile of discarded clothing. The black pools of his eyes remained on me as he slowly unsheathed it with a metallic hiss. He then stood to formidably loom over my trembling frame in all his naked glory, like a dark cloud hovering over rippling water. He gently placed the tip right at the neckline of my wedding dress. "Now..." His deep voice cooed as the impossibly sharp blade menacingly gleamed above my heaving bosom. "Time to sentence this dress to death."

"Wait, what!?"

All within the span of two seconds, the blade flashed and slashed right down the middle of my dress, slicing it perfectly in two along with my bra. He then spun his sword in wide, impossibly fast circles. It glowed like swirling trails of stardust while slicing through the sleeves at my shoulders, the material of my panties over my hips, and ruthlessly shredding the scrunched-up skirt. His shadows then promptly slithered across my body, brushing aside the mangled remains of the fabric to leave my dewy flesh completely bare for his lecherous viewing... Oh my!

"Beautiful..." He darkly purred in a tone dripping with desire.

He carelessly tossed the sword off to the side with a clank, keeping his focus solely on me. One clawed foot nudged my legs further apart to give him a view of the glistening pink flower hidden within my core. With the dark purr still rumbling in his chest, he knelt down and brushed my inner thighs with his knees. His face lowered to my heaving bosom and his hands slipped behind my arching back, holding my soft rounded breasts up to his lips as though they were a rare delicacy. The tips of his sharp teeth grazed over my beaded left nipple, with his tongue darting out to tightly coil around it. I wantonly moaned and wound my legs around his hips, bucking upward in a failed attempt to feel his scorching shaft press against my needy wet middle.

The obsidian crown was still on his head, so I gently lifted it off, leaving only the band behind as I freed him from its weight. The points of the crown caught the glittering starbeams in their sharp reflective tips. He embraced me all the tighter and I could feel his lips smiling against my skin. Joy welled in my soul knowing just how much being able to take it off truly meant to him. I then happily tossed it off into the grass, grinning with exhilaration as I did so. It landed on its side next to my tiara, with a flurry of silvery leaves raining down behind them. Valarendrik was a king now, never again to suffer under the torment of some dark diadem.

I leaned forward and pressed a loving kiss upon his forehead just above the band, the piece of him that had been imprisoned by bars of bone for far too long. My fingers wove through his tied-up hair, while his head lifted to reveal a wide grin that mirrored my own. "I love you." He tenderly murmured with a gaze full of endearment.

"I love you too." I replied in a breathy whisper.

The faintest hint of crimson lingered in his eyes, then it was once again swallowed by the darkness of his lust, fully reminding me of our promiscuous position. A tendril of shadows suddenly swirled over my other tit, pinching and pulling at my nipple in the most maddening way. I squeaked in surprise, jerking in his hold. He straightened back up to sit on his heels, pulling my body along with his. His legs then folded forward into a cross-legged position, with my core finally pressed tightly against the underside of his throbbing cock. He softly purred at the contact, feeling my arousal drip down his length and coat his heavy balls.

A trail of feverish kisses was left in his wake as his lips danced up to my collarbone and then to the pale crescent of my neck. He pressed a passionate smooch to my lips, locking our naked flesh even closer together in a tight embrace as though I was the most beloved thing in the world to him. I lovingly squeezed him in return, feeling the hard muscles of his back flexing beneath my fingertips. Silvery leaves enchantingly fluttered all around our embraced forms, while the most profound feelings of fondness overflowed within my heart.

"Lucilia..." His softly murmured words brushed against my lips. He evanesced the kiss to gaze back into my eyes with ineffable adoration. "If you are willing, I would like to perform a benediction of blood with you before we begin the soul-binding incantation." His large hand tenderly glided down the length of my arm, pulling my hand forward so he could gently caress my palm with his thumb.

This wasn't the first time we'd done a benediction of blood since he'd rescued me from the castle, but he never failed to ask for my permission regardless. I understood that the scent and taste of my blood was enough to drive him completely mad with blood lust. Yet he invariably showed exceptional self-control and always drank it lovingly, proving how much of a good man and worthy partner he truly was... Yep, he sure is a keeper.

My eyes gleamed with lustful mischief, then I teasingly rocked my hips forward, gliding my glistening pussy lips up and down his swollen shaft. "Only if you're inside me while we do it."

His lips twisted into a wicked smirk, allowing his fangs to sinisterly gleam in the lantern light. With a growl, his large hands hastily swooped down to my butt. Then he lifted me up and sadistically held my weeping center right above the tip of his throbbing erection. "Whatever made you think that wouldn't be the case?" He questioned with a lusty lilt.

Oh snap...

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