Babii Family Story

By Mariie3195

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This is a story about OffGun marriage More

The Babii Family
Gulf Meeting Mew
Mew Meeting The Parents
Mew Meeting The Parents Part 2
Pluemon Part 1
Dinner Table
BrightWin Part 2
13 years ego
The lies
The Lies Part 2
Gulf Comes Home
Gulf Comes Home Part 2
Win Comes Clean
Win Come Clean Part 2
AJ's First Girlfriend
JJ Skips School
JJ Sneaks Out
AJ' Problem
AJ's Problem Part 2
Win Skips Class For The First Time Part 2
Party In Thailand
How JJ And Pawin Met
JJ's Problem

Win Skips Class For The First Time

88 4 0
By Mariie3195

Win's Pov

I got up early today because there is a meeting today with the music club memebers it is manditory for all club memebers to go  if you don't go you will be scolded even if you show up late to a meeting you'll get scolded. This why I get up early whenever there is a meeting club or when the cheerleaders have meeting I always get up early to avoid getting scolded by anyone.  I get my self dressed went downstairs got my shoe on out the door I went. I got into my car turned on my car engine out the driveway I went out I usually tell my parents that I left early but since I was running a little late I didn't bother with it at all my dad Gun is not like Papii Off  let me explain what I mean example 1: dad Gun doesn't ask too many questions example 2: dad Gun doesn't scold you for no reson in order for him to do it you have something bad or something mean to him example 3: dad Gun doesn't look throught you phone like papaii does. Here is my explaintion for papii example 1: papii will scold you for everything it doesn't matter who you are will do it example 2: papii will askyou so many questions all at once and if you don't answe him right away he will get pissed the fuck of trust me I have seen this many times with my brothers example 3: papii loves to embrass you whenever you have friends he does it when Bright is around  Bright and my dad never got along in the begining so its safe to say that now Bright and papii gets along but any way I love my parents so much that going to college is going to be hard for me since I'm staying in the dorms this wasn't my idea but Bright talked into it so me and Bright are going to be living together without papii knowing bout it because if he finds out that I'm movng in with Bright before we get married it will be bad for all of us involve including my dad  Gun. Just like me my cousins are going through the same thing as me  Fiat is lucky tho because his parents lets him to whatever he wants I sometimes that parents were uncle Singto and Krist but you choice your parents . I'm finally at school I started to run thinking I'm late for the meeting as soon as got there the meeting hasn't started yet lucky me I wont be in trouble or get scolded like someetimes I wonder how can be people be so rude and mean towards someone else.  I have never gotten supended or exspelled from school my other cousins even my brother Chimon has gotten supended from for fighting just because someone looked at him funny. Needless to say Chimon is the trouble maker in this family. Like I said earlier I'm moving in with Bright when we start college but my papii wouldn't like it one bit so I have to keep it a secret for a long while I really don't want my papii to be upset with me just like he was when he found out that Gulf moved out and not letting him know, AJ,JJ and I never wanted to be like Gulf  or Chim who are leaving with there boyfriends before marriage I guess at some point Chimon wanted to be just like Gulf. The meeting is now under way P' Green started saying something about the concert and who is going to be participating and who is not going to be there. 

The meeting is finally over now is time for class ughhhhhhhhh I hope today goes better than yesterday or the the day before that. But you never know what the day wil bring you.Your day can go from good to bad to worse it depends on the person  my cousins and I have parents who are strict and possive so that sucks when we told them that we had boyfriends some them freaked out and some took it a little better I kept mine as secret for a long time until papii had someone follow me everywhere I went. If you think I'm the only with that problem your wrong many of us had secrets boyfriends some we already knew about like Chimon and Pluem weren't secretly dating everyone know Pluem just had to make it official I mean come on now my parents and Pluem's parents were already discussing about them getting married so Chim got lucky that out parents loves Pluem so much vice versa also Nanon got lucky too with Ohm who uncle Tay became friends right away even before Ohm and Nanon got together Tay ship them to get together. You might asking your selves why my papii didn't approve of Bright in the begining will I tell you the reason was because I was at his house everyday after school and I was ever home for family dinners you know how parents are about that especially my parents to tehm eating together is a priority and mandatory unless you have a good reason but I didn't have any so my papii hated Bright for that.  Listen have you wanted to be with someone all the time that if your not with them you feel like you can't breathe or like your world is upside down?? if so same I have felt like this many times before. I'm still at school can't wait for this class to end I only have 4 classes today unlike me Bright only  has 3 classes today I usually wait for him in the library or in the cafetaria finally class over as soon as that happens my phone started ringing I took it out I saw who is was calling me it Frank Taynew's son and another troublemaker I answered it

Frank: hey Win

                                               Win: hey Frank what's up?

Frank: welp me, AJ, Nanon, Drake, Earth,Mix, and Ohm are going to skip after lunch and I was wondering if you wanted to join us I've asked Bright if he wanted to go but he said no unless you come with us do you want come??

                                                                                  Win: yes I wanna go I'm going to the my next class I will                                                                                      let you know where to pick me up.

Frank: ok cool and I forgot to mention that the new kids are coming too.

                                                                        Win: sweet where are we going tho??

Frank: I think we are to either Top's or Gulf's house I'm not cuase I have pick up Fiat and his fiance.

                                                    Win: alright than I hope I don't get trouble by my parents.

Frank: will go to your next class and we will wait for you just call any of us.

                                  Win: alright bye see you soon.

Frank: bye.

I hope this class goes fast I sometimes wish that I dropped out of high school my parents will be upset or angry with me I can't wait for college tho I move out and do whatever I want to do without asking my parents I really I hope that my papii don't find out. Another class finally over great we are having a test on Friday so I hae to study for two tests on Friday since I already told F0rank that I would skip with them I have to go the cafetaria cause its my lunch time so its the perfect time to skip so I texted  Frank to let him know to pick me up. Many people from music club have 1-7 classes lucky me I got only 4 class but I'm not going to the last one. Frank arrived to pick me up which is a good thing there is no teachers around I got into the car not realizing that AJ and JJ are in the too. " Win are you okey bro"?? JJ asked me when I got into the car  I replied " I'm fine I'm just scared that the school wiill call our parents" AJ started laughing as soon as I said that  "what's so funny"? I asked AJ looked at and said " you do you think that thought parents will answer their  phones?? " maybe if its abut school they probrably would. " I think AJand JJ have been here before they have skipped so many that they know how act like your parents" Drake said which to be honest that is true this is my first time skipping school so I'm a little uneasy about getting into trouble but since AJ and JJ have done it before I guess I feel better. I have no idea where we are going but I'm hoping its far from home and school I don't want any one to know that I skipped school for no reason AJ and JJ are very good at lying but me on the hand I can't lie at all if AJ or JJ coes with a plan when get home I would be a ease with Frank tho he is no stranger getting into trouble he knows how his parents most of the time he gets away with it especially with uncle Newwie who is the only one that takes his side no matter what which usually turns into uncle Newwie and Tay bickering like they always do. Nanon who is sitting next Ohm who is seating by the window said this to me "dude Iknow this you're first time skipping class or whatever but I need you to keep calm please don't worry abut getting caught or into trouble we've been here so many times and we know how not to get caught so worrying to much even Bright has skipped with us at least 5 times this is his 6th time this time he with you so trust us"   I just nodded and to be honest I feel some kinda way bout this whole thing. I love how they have a plan which is good I like that " so what is the plan"?? I asked  no one replied until Earth said " we don't have a plan yet we were going to make one when you got in the car  I guess we forgot" Mix added " don't worry I put my number as a phone to call for anything rememeber I go the office most of the time so its easier for me change the numbers" everyone was shocked when Mix said that no one knew that Mix did that not even me I was shook just like them or more like surprised no one would have thought Mix would do something like this not eve me.  

Check out my other stories if you want to thank you................... I need ideas on this story so if you have any let me know in the comments thank you for reading I hope you liked it.

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