JJ Skips School

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Morning that AJ and JJ were supposed to be at school that's what Gun thought until he gets a call from JJ's school  saying " Hello Mr. Adulkittiporn I'm just calling to inform you that JJ wasn't not in homeroom today Gun looked at papii was driving and he also heard the message from JJ's teacher Gun knows that papii is very strict about school more than anything else so he understands his husband feeling angry. Gun then called JJ but he didn't pick up the phone papii also tried but no answer that is when Gun texted AJ to see where is brother is.


Gun: Hello son 

AJ: Hello dad

Gun: the school called about your brother not being at school is this true.

AJ: Papa I really don't know where he went all he told was that he was going to the bathroom and I haven't seen him since this morning I really don't know where he is at have you tried calling Win or Mix?

Gun: no I haven't why would I ask them??

AJ: will usually Mix sometimes picks me up from school during lunch don't worry he brings us back but I think Win can tell since JJ likes to go Music Club with Win and P' Bright .

Gun: oh k I will ask Win than

AJ:  I have to papa see you at home.

Gun: bye love you.

After that talk Papii decided to ask Win so he called his son but he didn't answer papii didn't give up he kept on calling, calling and calling until finally someone picked up the phone.


Papii: hello Win

Bright: hello sir Win is busy right now.

Papii: Bright just tell Win to come to the phone is about his brother JJ.

Bright: I will let him know ( Bright takes the phone to Win)

Win: hello papii 

Papii: hello son 

Win: Bright told me that you wanted to talk to me about JJ? 

Papii: yes I do but before that why did he answer your phone??

Win: oh I was busy preparing for the concert and talent show here at the school and I put my phone in my bag Bright most of heard it ring so he picked it up. 

Papii: oh k well AJ told us that JJ likes to spend time in the music club with you is that true??

Win: yes he does come here with me but when the bell rings he leaves so I really don't know where he is at cause he is not here with me he should be in class.

Papii: oh k will he isn't in class cause the school called papa about JJ not being class this morning do you know where he goes to hang out with friends??

Win: I Might have an idea but I'm not sure you should call Frank or Fiat because sometimes he, Frank, Fiat wouldn't be at school alongside Nanon and Ohm I'm sorry I can't be any help. Just whatever you do don't tell Uncle Singto and Tay.

Papii: I can't  make any promises but I'll check with them. thank you though see you at home. bye

Win: ok bye see you later.

Meanwhile JJ,  Frank, Fiat, Nanon  and Ohm are in Ohm's car going somewhere other than school  where their parents thought they should be "this is the plan we are going the beach far away from here  your  phone keeps ringing so don't answer maybe your parents are calling you" Nanon said directing at everyone in the car Ohm kept on driving as fast as possible " Ohm I know you want to get there but I really need you to slow down JJ said to Ohm who was driving little bit over the speed limit" Frank also added "you drive like Drake does just like JJ said slow down before we all get into trouble by the police and you know they can call our parents" Nanon just nodded at his brother then replied with " babe he does have a point please slow down a little bit"  Ohm just ok an slowed down. JJ kept looking at phone same a Fiat who looking more scared every time Fiat knows he can get away with everything but this isn't one of those kind times unlike his follow cousins who has parents who are unreasonable. Fiat then gets a text from his new boyfriend the message reads " hey baby listen I'm at home I don't any classes today can you come get me you told that you were going to the beach I wanna go too so ask whoever is driving to get me love you" Fait showed the message to everyone including Ohm they all just nodded at Fait Nanon said " we will go get him tell him meet us outside" Fiat just replied to his boyfriend. Fiat then " why didn't Drake come" he asked Frank. Frank didn't answer then JJ asked him the same question again but still no answer which is odd to say the least usually Drake follows Frank everywhere he goes so for them not see Drake with Frank  was interesting and shocking for them not seeing Drake with Frank. JJ received a text from AJ asking him "where are you at papa and papii having been calling me and Win asking us if we have seen you" JJ didn't know what to say or if he should reply when Nanon gets a call from  Pluem asking the  same question. Fait is the only one who hasn't had a call from his parents


After a long drive they all arrive at  the beach. everyone got out of the car not realizing that some one is waiting for them everyone was so shocked to see P' Mew and Gulf at the beach. Gulf saw them walked up to them said "shouldn't you all be at school"? JJ is looking like he saw a ghost or something but he hoped that he didn't call their parents Fiat replied with " yes we were supposed to be at school since we all had exams to do but we didn't want too" Mew was like he was about have freak out cause if his father-in-law knows that his son was there and  he didn't say anything this could be really bad both Gulf ,Mew and JJ and the others. Mew is worried about two other people which Frank and Nanon. Gulf couldn't believe his eyes when saw JJ, Nanon and Frank at the beach. Frank begged Gulf and Mew not to call his parents which a little suspicious Gulf obliged at the request from Frank every one knows how P' Tay would react knowing his sons are not at school where he think they are. Every one went to the check in desk to get there keys to their rooms Frank decided to call Drake because he misses him so much despite being angry at him and Frank seeing Fiat, Nap, Nanon and Ohm he got jealous. He wasn't though he had JJ to keep them company as they are cousins and everything else Drake wouldn't mind at all that JJ and Frank sharing a room together.  JJ kept getting phone calls after calls, calls, calls until finally he answered it was Chimon calling him he thought it was his parents calling him or Win calling him too. Chimon got angry at JJ for not answering when thier parents called him after they found out about him skipping school. JJ hang up the phone on Chimon's face now JJ is going to get an earful from his family when gets back from the beach but he hopes they wont be home by the time he gets there if they're he will need a plan fast.  

Next chapter............................................

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