Pluemon Part 1

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Chimon got very worried  when he found out about Gulf having a baby Papii wasnt very happy  when he found out  so now he has no choice but tell his parents about him and Pluem which is not that bad  since Papii his friends with Tay and New. All Chimon has to do is invite Pluem over tell them together hopefully they wouldnt care about them dating so he callled Pluem and told him to come over.

Pluem went over to Chimon's house with his parents telling the big news that they have been hiding for so long now. Chimon couldnt keep a secret any longer so he went to the living room where his parents were Papii and papa were sitting watching tv when they hear the door bell ring it was Pluem  at the door Gun had a suprise look on his face that made Off  look confused. Win who was came down saw Pluem in the living and said "HELLO P'PLUEM" how are you? Pluem answered  I'm good what about you? Win said I'm good  si why are you here? Chimon added I invited him here to tell something to Papii and Papa which may not be a great news but still I cant keep thi secret  any longer Win knew what he is talking about  since Chimon told him and Bright  that him and Pluem are dating. Pluem  looked like a nervious rack knowing the fact that Uncle Off and Gun are best friends with his parents.

Chimon: papii and papa I need to tell you guys something and I DONT KNOW  if your going to like it.

Gun:what is it son??

Chimon: promise me tou wont over react?

Papii:it depends on what it is son.

 Win: this is going to be fun and very interesting. 

Chimon:Win shut up. Is coming over here??

Win: yes he is almost here why do you ask?

Chimon: no reason. Im just asking .

Win: he is here.

Chimon:thank god he is here.

Pluem: oh boy are you ready?

Chimon: NO but  I HAVE NO CHOICE.

Gun: Son whatever it is we will be happy for you.

"Note that Pluem parents are in the same room"

Tay: Pluem son I agree with Gun.

New: me too

Papii:I agree also.

Chimon: here goes nothing 

Pluem: held Chimon's hand.

Chimon:papii,papa,uncle Tay and New I just wanted to say that ME and PLUEM ARE DATING.


Papii's reaction to the news wasnt not pleasant at all something that was worried about came true he papii over react like he always does Win looked his parents and uncles like he al ready knew about them datiing since the begining. Uncle Tay wasnt pleased either both Papii and Tay over reacted New and  Gun had to calm their husbands Tay the asked how long have you guys been dating?? Chimon looked at Win asking for help but Win wasnt pay any attention to his brother Pluem had to say it  "WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER SINCE BRIGHT AND WIN STARTING DATING" Chimon added  it has been almost a year just like Bright and Win Gun wasnt shocked since he and New already knew about it but the only reason why they were shocked was when Chimon said a year.Papii looked at both his sons and said "How come you both didnt tell me when Gulf was here" neither of them wanted to answer the question Gun was wondering the same thing Win said I WANTED TO TELL YOU BUT CHIMON SAID NOT TO.

Pluem was very happy that he came clean to his parents. He told then that Frank and  Nanon already knew as soon as he said that Tay was still shocked Pluem wanted to tell them about Frank dating Drake but he didnt it. Chimon wanted everyone to be happy but that is not how it went.

THIS STORY ABOUT Pluem is very interesting but at least he came clean right?? Next Chapter.

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