Transcendent King

By pausevlim

295K 6.5K 4.3K

Aizen Sosuke has been transported into the world of DxD and there is no plot armor to stop him now Disclaimer... More

Kidnaped by Someone
Knowledge is Power
Canis Lykaon
Young Devil Mixer
Divine Dividing
Vali Lucifer
Slash Dog vs Vanishing Dragon
Subjugate the Black Dragon
Smol Alatreon
Kouh Academy
Disappointment and Developments
Marriage Troubles
Priest of Gluttony Vs Hero Faction
How far can you Fall?
Ddraig and the Trap
Peace? There is no Peace!
The Summoning
All The Worlds Evil
Primate Murder
Witch Queen Vs Dark King
The Espada
Spoils of War
Kings Arrival
Lose Ends
Beginning of the End
King of Heaven: Gilgamesh
True Red Dragon Emperor
Diablos Dragon Ascension!
Finale of Rome
Beast of Comparison
Greatest Hunter
Aspect of Death
The Apocalypse
The Big 3
Beast of Regression
Lady of the Lake
Chao's End
Battle of Kings
Breakdown the King
Right of Ruling
Transcendent Arrival
Life Goes On
The Final Bio

My Underworld

3.7K 105 51
By pausevlim

The underworld has been through a crisis that caused a lot of chaos to spread throughout the entire world. Two of their leaders died after all. Leaving only the slothful general and the genius himself to rule.

Thankfully Ajuka stepped up and took control. Now all of the chaos has been quelled and order has taken its place. Everyone is preparing for Aizens next move. Causing them all to be nervous at first. Now though 3 full months have passed without a single sign of Aizen and his subordinates. Causing the devils to rejoice.

That does not mean that all is good for the underworld though. The most feared devil, Alucard, is now out and about doing practically whatever he wants. Thankfully he cannot massacre the devils like he wants because of the seal placed on his hand. Which, much like the command spells, does not allow him to break curtain rules placed upon him.

He still loves to mess with the devils though.

Other than that everything is going good. The Gremory and Sitri families are getting over the loss of their children and Seekvaria has finally left her room after spending a entire month in depression. Everything seems to be turning around and looking up for the devils.

That was until a flying fortress suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

And from it a thousands of Taken descended upon the underworld and began their slaughter. Ajuka responded to this by sending out the devil army's and Alucard. Starting the first act of the 2nd Great War.

Entire cities were destroyed in a matter of minutes. Family's were slaughtered without a second thought. Ajuka can not be everywhere at once. He can only watch as his people are killed. As he fails to protect them. Rage builds in the heart of the devil.

And finally. The destruction and ruin that the Taken bring reached the capital. Now Ajuka can do something. Yet as he went to intercept those monsters, he was the one who was intercepted. By a man dressed in attire that he once saw being worn a century ago. Without a doubt this man is a heroic spirit. Who is singing.

Jack: London bridge is falling down... falling down... falling down... London bridge is falling down... my... fair... lady...

The man before him looked at him with blood lust and pure malice reminding Ajuka of Alucard.

Ajuka: Who are you? Do not stand in my way.

Jack simply chuckled at his words.

Jack: My my. You know that it is polite to introduce yourself first before asking someone to do the same? Have you devils lost your class? How sad.

Then suddenly Jack was in front of Ajuka without making a sound. He just appeared there.

Jack: People that do not know how to act are nothing more then animals. I will rip you apart like an animal. For I am Jack the Ripper.

This information shocked Ajuka. Around 100 hundred years ago Jack was the talk of the underworld. Every high-class devil wanted him in their peerage. Yet none ever came back if they went to search for him.

This shock allowed for Jack to pull out throwing knifes and throw them before Ajuka even noticed. He quickly made a barrier to block them but they went right through it and stabbed him. This surprised him but he quickly healed himself as Jack spoke.

Jack: My Lord knows all about the Kankara Formula. The ability to control all forms of energy with calculations and formulas is an incredible power. That is why Lord Aizen has sent me to deal with the annoyance that is YOU.

Ajuka expected that. Aizen has lived in their society for a long time and his ability is not exactly a secret. But how did those knifes get threw his barrier so easily? Not even the True Longinus cam do that!

Jack: You want to know, do you? I will tell you as a parting gift. My noble phantasm allowed me to turn anything I touched into the pinnacle of human craftsmanship. This alone is a amazing ability yet my Lord is a seeker of perfection! So he made me even stronger when I decided to serve under him and now I can turn anything a touch into a divine artifact!

Dread enclosed around Ajuka at the mere thought. Divine artifacts take years, centuries even, for the gods to make and yet he can do that with a simple touch? Impossible! Such a thing could never exist!

Jack can see his emotions thanks to his Soul Eye

Jack: So you do not believe me, eh? Then allow me to show you as I dye you in my favorite color!

Thus his onslaught begun. Every attack Ajuka sent was blocked by Jacks cloak that he had turned into a divine artifact and every attack Jack did was unable to be blocked by Ajuka because of their power. 

In the end Ajuka laid on the floor from all of injures that laced his body. To exhausted to even stand. He can only wallow in hate as he knows that Jack was just playing with him. All of his attacks being non-fatal.

Jack: Done already? I would have thought that you wound have lasted longer. Then again, you rely way to much upon your calculations. Thus I am your worst nightmare! 

He then walked up to the green haired devil and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off of the ground.

Jack: Its time to end this.

He then thrusted his hand towards Ajuka's heart but was stopped by a voice. The voice that could only belong to Aizen Sosuke.

Aizen: You did well, Jack. 

Jack dropped the devil and instantly knelled to Aizen.

Jack: Thank you, my Lord. I do not deserve your praise.

Aizen smiled at how much the serial killer has changed. When he first arrived he watched Aizen closely with eye. Seeing his emotions that lie on the inside and if they matched with the ones he shows on the outside. The only time they did not is when Angra Mainyu asked him is he wanted to be a god. After that they always matched. Something that Jack respects.

He could see that Aizen held no disgust towards him for his past actions and only held the highest of expectations for him. Like a father would to his son. This caused Jack to become the most loyal of Aizens peerage. Excluding Vali and Tobio.

Aizen: Never mind that. Why, Ajuka, are you staring at me with such hate? What have I done to you?

Ajuka gritted his teeth in anger. This man just committed genocide and yet he would speak so calmly?

Ajuka: Don't you dare act like I have no reason to be angry! You have killed all of my people! Massacred countless innocents that have no place in this war! You have destroyed the underworld all because of your greed! You are a monster! How could you do all of that with a smile on your face!? Answer me!

Aizen just stared at the devil on the ground and chuckled.

Aizen: Murdered countless innocents you say? Innocents? I did not see any such people when I arrived here. You are devils. Creatures of sin! You are the scum of the universe. If anyone else held my power then they would have destroyed you as well! Do not act like you are the ones in the right. Devils massacred the Nekoshous over the simplest of reasons! Not caring that you guys were the ones in the wrong! Every faction hates your race. They just cant do anything because of the power you held. But I could. After years of having to live amongst filth I am finally clean. With your death the devils will no longer exist and I will have cleansed the universe.

Ajuka could not even deny it. He just closed his eyes as he died having to except the nature that all devils are born into. 

Jack: What now my lord? 

Aizen looked off into the distance where a battle is taking place. 

Aizen: We wait.


Falbium was making his was towards his fellow Satan when he sensed his friend facing a strong opponent but was stopped when a women with black hair and yellow eyes appeared before him. 

Semiramis: I have been ordered to kill you. 

Sensing the danger Falbium instantly activated his Absolute Defense but it is pointless. Suddenly their surroundings became filled with with a purple mist.

This being Sikera Ušum Semiramis's noble phantasm. Which originally could only be used within the throne room of the Hanging Gardens of Bablyon but thanks to the Predator piece she is no longer bound by that condition.  

So when this mist touched the absolute defense, Falbium demonic power was turned poisonous against him and he instantly died. Another terrible match up that lead to a easy win. The assassin sighed at how easily it was.

Semiramis: I bet Morgan is having more fun fighting that Alucard fellow. It must be something. A battle between the Witch Queen and the 

True Vampire

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