NOON a fang-tastic love story

By Bowkid_Publications

256 23 46

The second Bellons got a new roommate, a long pale hunky woman named Edwrina; he knew his life would be chang... More

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter 13

chapter 11

5 1 0
By Bowkid_Publications

Edwrinas family had been planning Bellon and Edwrinas wedding for a while, so when they told them, Carlily rolled out a big white board with pictures taped to it and lists. She sat them down and started asking them what they thought about what was on the board.
    "So i was thinking you could wear my wedding dress, maybe just a little bit altered to fit you better. What do you think?" carlily asked edwrina.
    "I like that idea. Itll definitely need to be longer because im taller than you by like, a lot." she said to her adoptive mother. Carlily nodded and wrote it down the on whiteboard in bright green expo marker. Bellon raised his hand and Esman[is that the dads name ???] pointed at him.
    "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what will i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i we-wear?" he asked nervously tucking his hair behind both his ears. Esman looked bellon up and down.
    "Well youre way way way too short for any of our suits, but we could make one." he told the teeny emo man, "ill just need to take your measurements is all."
    Bellon nodded and smiled at him. Esman grabbed Bellon by the armpits and ran him to a tub full of cold soapy water.
    “We’ll have you, washed and dried,” He sang, while dousing the small emo boy in water.
    “Trimed and polished till you glow with pride, just my recipe for perfect bride.”
At that Bellon interrupted, his cold pasty emo skin was covered in chilly bubbles and he was most certainly not a bride,
    “I a-a-a-a-a-a-am a g-g-g-groom, not a b-b-b-bride!” he shrieked. The other ignored him and continued to wash him in the ice-cold water. When nothey were done they dried him and put him in a dress, applying makeup to his face. Bellon looked at himself in a mirror and stared at himself, mostly in disgust. He stormed out of the room and flopped onto a couch. He hated the Coolon family.

    In another room, Edwrina was trying on Carlily's dress. She looked and asked everyone what they thought since she wasn't able to see herself in the mirror. They all nodded in approval and sat her down in a chair so they could apply makeup to her pale pasty face.
on the day of the wedding, bellon and edwrina were getting ready. Bellon was given the same dress as before, and he totally hated it but he couldnt take it off cause his muscles were microscopic because he was too emo.
Edwrina had on Carlilys dress and she looked great. and very tall. and pasty. everyone was sobbing their eyes out when the ceremony was about to begin. suddenly, Jacella burst through the door into the kitchen where the wedding was being held.
"I'm getting married too!" shouted the completely natural, commonplace, regularly sized girl. And with flourish she took her average hand and lifted a short and squat boy from out behind her dress.
"This is Reneseman! And he is your and Edwrina's child, Bellon!" Bellon gasped in an emo way.
"I-i-i-i-imp-posible!" Bellon cried, staring at the tiny wide, funky looking man dangling from Jacellas hand.
"W-w-we had our r-r-r-reproductive o-o-organs removed!" He continued, rather confused and upset that Jacella would come in and crash the wedding like this. Jacella simply laughed regularly and explained the process of creating the little Reneseman. The small emo boy and the tall strong woman's faces were slowly morphing into horrified expressions as they heard that their organs had been cut out and shoved inside a dead girl who was periodically shoved into the inratarator and that was how their child had formed.
Edwrina nodded "Let's cut out the middle man and have a double marriage!"
All of a sudden there was a huge poof of smoke and there stood a group of 9.4.
"Stop! You cant do this.", said the shortest one. Edwrina stared at the short bloodsucker and scowled.
     "Why are you here?", she asked, annoyed. The short bloodsucker cackled and looked up to the tall pale lady.
"Thats no way to speak to your elders.", they said to her. Bellon peeked out from behind Edwrina and tucked his hair behind both his ears.
"U-u-u-u-um, wh-wh-who a-are y-y-y-y-y-you ex-exactly?", he questioned. The short one looked over at him, looking him up and down in disgust.
"We, human, are the Poultry. We are basically the rulers of all of our kind.", she said, gesturing to the rest of the group. Bellon noticed one of them had an extra arm that was noticeably more muscular than the other 2, but decided to just ignore it. After all that wasn't the weirdest thing he'd ever seen.
"I am Tobi, and I'm basically the big boss.", the short one said. Tobi then started introducing the rest of them when Edwrina interrupted.
"Why did you interrupt our wedding?", she demanded. Tobi scoffed at her.
"I don't need to give you any reason at all, Edwrina. In case you've forgotten, I can do what I want. I just explained it to your…human pet.", Tobi stated, smirking at the tree like woman. Edwrina glared at the short person.
"He is NOT my pet," Edwrina shoved Bellon back behind her,"He is the love of my life." Tobi and the rest of the poultry smiled in evil poultry fashion.
"We interrupted your wedding… because… we know your secret."
"W-w-wh-w-what s-s-secret?!" Bellon stuttered angstishly.
"We know about you being the filthy half breed that you are! And we also know about that filthy misshapen half breed rat born over there!" The leader of the Poultry shouted.
"And that is not allowed." The short bloodsucker with a flat face.
"FILTHY MISSHAPEN HALF BREED RAT BORN?!?!? AHHH? GEET EM' RENESMAN MY BABY LOVE!" Jacella unclenched her fist and released the crooked warped, non symmetrical, ugly child. Renesemans walk was a sight, his floppy left leg was flying in the wind and slapping on the ground. While his right leg was a single stump, pounding small mishapen craters into the ground. His foaming mouth was open and slicking up his torn up shirt. His single arm protuding from his chest was the main thing helping his walk, his huge three fingers grabbing the dirt and pulling his grostesc body forward.
"HAAAABERGENFURGER!" He skreeched gaining speed. With a mighty leap from his stump leg he was propelled into the air, flailing untill his floppy left leg wrapped around Tobis neck like a noose, bringing them to the ground as Reneseman fell. Tobi PANICKED and started trying to aim their butt at it. Everyone was freaking the heck out as Reneseman strangled the Pountry leader.
"RELEASE THE FIRE TOBI! ITS THE ONLY WAY!", the bloodsucker with an extra arm shouted.
"IM- AcKAkC! TRYING! HE'S TOO- AckACKA! FAST- ACkAKc! AND SMALL!", Tobi shouted back. Still trying to aim her butt at Reneseman, he used his toes to gab their eyes, causing them to bleed from their now empty eye sockets. It was clear the leader of the Poultry was being beat. By a child. How lame to be quite honest.
The Poutlry just stood there in horror and watched their leader beig murdered, for fear of accidently hurting Tobi. They did not want the fire released on them, so they just watched.
With a sputtering cry the leader of the Poultry died. And the monsterous boy hobbled back to his fiancee/adoptive mother. Bellon was in awe that his new apperent son could do something like that. And Edwrina took control of the situation.
"If any of you wish to die at the hands of my fat ugly child, then stay here. Any Poultry who remains will be killed." the tediously large woman proclaimed. Bellon was so impressed with his soon-to-be wife that a little lemony colored, gummy piss got on his nice clean suit.
"O-o-o-ops, I w-w-went wee-wee!" Bellon cried looking up at his tall fiancee. But Edwrina just smirked down at him, hardly even disappointed that he wasn't wearing his diaper.
Jacella looked at him in mild disgust and was relived that she gave up on the strange, baby-like man. She put him out of her mind and turned her attention to her baby love, Reneseman. Jacella hugged him tight and started praising him.
"You did so good, yes you did! Murdering that disgusting bloodsucker leader!", she said in a baby voice. Reneseman looked at her and spoke his first actual words.
"Please do not talk to me like zat way, Mozzer." he said a deep French accent rumbling from his ugly face. Jacella looked a him in surprise.
"You can talk!" She exclaimed. "I am just so shook right now, I can't even!"

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