Nobody's Girl (British urban...

By shedontcurrr

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sometimes hate can be the best love. More



613 50 18
By shedontcurrr

This is shorter than my usual so think of it as chapter 11 part 2.

vote/comment xx


"What do you mean its stuck!?" I tried to contain my frustration but my stomach was hurting and I was in dire need of some aspirin.

He pulled and pushed at the door a few more times before giving up, cursing. I immediately furrowed through my pocket for my phone and called the first number I saw.

"Hello? Hazel, I'm stuck in_"

"I'm sorry but the number you have dialed is currently unavailable, please_"


I don't know why I didn't think to call Robbie. And I felt guilty for not doing so. I'd never had a boyfriend before but I didn't think he would have liked to know I was stuck in a room with another guy.

I stood still on the spot and tried to imagine any situation that was better than this. Being stuck in a freaking storage room, with hardly any light, just a damp, cold floor and a crooked table.

"It can't be stuck." I walked past him and tried opening the door too. This had to be some kind of joke. This whole day was just God having banter with my life.

"This is your fault." He grunted and cursed rapidly scrolling through his phone.  I tried to contain how annoyed I was getting of him.

"My fault?" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. "Aren't you the one who chose to come in here?"

"I should've have just walked past and minded my own business." He muttered to himself.

"Yeh, maybe you shou_". A sharp pain kicked in my stomach, causing me to topple in half.

He grunted. "I can't believe you, don't you get it? CJ would've fucked you up so bad!"

I sat in the corner I was originally at and locked my head between my knees so his voice was just silent muffles.

"You're so ungrateful, I shouldn't have even helped you, stuck up bitch!"

He kicked the door and paced around the cramped room.

Suddenly I began to feel the impact of CJ's punches to my head. I tried to contain the pain and keep collected till we got out of here but the migraines were getting excruciating.

"Oh, and you better not think you and me are cool just cos I helped you out."

"Trust me, a friendship with you is not on my bucket list."

It was silent after my remark. He sat on the table and I prayed on of the legs will come loose so he could fall on his ass. Maybe even break a couple vital bones whilst he was at it.

"And that Sunday at the Café..."

My head stopped hurting and my heartbeat quickened. 

"Which part? The part where you shrugged me off when I tried to help you or the part where you..."

"The part where I kissed you."

My breath got caught in my throat and I thanked the lord that the light bulb had failed because I was a hundred percent sure that my face was flushed. I didn't need him thinking the peck on the lips meant anything to me.

"I was mad highh and I wasn't thinking straight." He let out a deep sigh. "Sorry innit."

I tried to hide my disappointment. But I'd realised I wasn't very good at hiding any feelings when it came to Devonte.

"Are you fucking serious?" I got up and practically stormed at him. "You're apologising for a stupid kiss but not the part when you shrugged me off like I wasn't just trynna help you!?"

He looked taken aback and even scared. "What? I said I was high_"


I punched him in the shoulder with so much force, I felt like I'd broken my finger or something. His arms were so toned.

He started to laugh and I punched him again.

"Nah wait." He said between his chuckles and grabbed both my wrists before I could hit him again. "You're mad because I'm apologising?"

I tried to pull my arms from his hold but he held me in place with so much ease. Why was I even angry? Did the kiss mean that much to me. Did I really care?"I'm not mad, I'm just..." I trialed off, suddenly embarrassed at how I acted.

He dropped my hands from his hold and leant further back into the wall. I stayed in my immediate position in front of him.

"I was trying to help you, and I just don't understand why one second I can be having a civil conversation with you, and then the next it's like I've done you wrong."

He was silent for a second. I thought he'd zoned out and stopped listening because his leg was swinging beside me.

"I was high as fuck."

"That's not an excuse because you're always rude to me anyways? And I was just concerned about the cut on your head..."

He stiffened.

"It was just a stupid fight I got into." He hissed, his tone suddenly hostile. "There, are you happy now?"

I took a step away from him even though it hurt to do so. "See, there you go again, I was trying to h_"

"I DON'T NEED OR WANT YOUR FUCKING HELP!" He jumped off the table and pushed me by the shoulder and the room was narrow so I immediately went flying at the wall. "SHIT MAN, WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYONE THINK I NEED THEM? I DON'T NEED NOBODY!"

Maybe I should've just shut up.

His sharp breaths permeated the entire room. I don't know why I wasn't running for my life. The room was small and if he wanted to wile-out again, I'd be the obvious target.

He paced up and down the room and oh God, I should've just stayed in the corner till someone came to get us. I should have just shut up and left him the fuck alone to deal with whatever was making him like this. But the thing is, I never have any common sense when I'm around Devonte. I always end up doing the stupidest things. Like slapping him across the face. Which is exactly what I did.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" My palm tingled at how hard my hand swept around his face. He stopped in his tracks and even though there was hardly any light, I could blatantly make out the shocked expression on his face.

"I_I, I don't_"

Why did I even do that? For the second time that week I had to mentally plan my funeral.

"Are you mad bruhv?"

The next thing I knew he brought his left hand and pushed me in the shoulder. It caught me off guard but my instant reaction was to do the same to him. Even though it had little to no impact on his stance. He was like 6ft.

"You're not serious." He pushed me again, harder this time.

I pushed him and he did the same.

"Don't forget who took boxing classes in year six." He spoke with arrogance thick in his voice and nudged me, as if it was a threat.

Any person in their right mind would have ended it there but see I was not in my right mind. I was angry and annoyed just for the sake of it.

I brought my fist and punched him with all the might I could in his jaw.

I heard a click in my finger and I prayed I hadn't broken anything. But he cursed like he had.

"Don't forget who took the same class with you." I grimaced.

Did I really hit him that hard? Well I must have because the next think I knew I was out on the cold floor. He punch me with so much ease but the impact was agonizing.

I started to groan and clutch onto my stomach melodramatically and Devonte raced beside me seconds later.

"Shit, are you alright?"

He bent towards me and I purposely mumbled. "hmmmh."

"What? I can't hear you." Just as he brought himself lower, I lifted my leg and kneed him in the groin.

"FUUUUUCCCCK." He toppled in half and held onto his crotch.

I couldn't help laughing at the amount of pain he was in. I got off the floor and stood in front of him with my arms folded across my chest.

"Don't EVER try it with me." I tried to get all sassy and waved my index finger in his face but he clenched onto my wrist unexpectedly and pushed me back onto my original position on the wall.

I don't know why I didn't kick the door down and run for my life when he started to back me further to the wall. Even the way he strut towards me was enough for me to know he was livid.

He grabbed hold of my shaking jaw and lifted my head so I had no choice but to look directly at him. Something I hated doing because my insides will crumble and I'd end up thinking about things I shouldn't.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He hissed.

I didn't even realize how close he had gotten till his breath was blowing on my lips.

He took both my hands and lifted them over my head so my heaving chest was directly on his. My senses were going crazy and my heart was beating way too fast.

He brought his face closer and closer to mine and I felt my skin heat up and my knees buckle slightly.

"Don't.." He brushed his bottom lip against mine. "Ever even think about pulling a stunt like that again."

I was in so much shock that my breath was coming out all jaggered and hot.

Immediately I nodded my head up once, our lips connected and just like that.

He kissed me.

I should have pushed him off because this was wrong and I didn't even like Devonte. I wasn't attracted to him. All he ever did was call me names and throw things at my head. I hated him.

But why was I kissing him back and why did it feel so normal?

He ran his tongue over my lip and I completely lost it from then on.

"Devonte.." I mumbled between my messy breaths.

"Shutup." The next thing I knew he'd taken both my legs and lifted me up so I was straddling him.

He rubbed his fingers all over my thighs and I didn't have the self-control to stop him.

"I.. I hate you so much." I mumbled between our messy kisses. I don't know how we went from punching each other to this, but it happened.

He replied by grabbing harder on my butt. I gasped lightly and he used this as his queue to put his tongue in my mouth. I'd never kissed with tongues before and It felt so surreal. I found my breaths fastening and he laughed against my lips.

"No you don't."

"Yes. Yes I do."

Before I knew it he had me pressed up against the cold wall and my top was half way up my chest.

"Then prove it."

With each murmur he stroked my thigh. Just the sound of his voice was enough to make me lose control of my legs altogether. I was lusting so bad.

"Stop kissing me."

"I'm not even kissing you."

"Take your hands from under my shirt."

"I have." I traced the tips of my finger on the hardness of his stomach.  I don't know how his buttons became undone because I don't recall even touching him

"Okay, good"

He pulled my legs further into him and kissed me harder.


This was not good. 

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