If you let me

By yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

twenty five

1.5K 72 3
By yagirlllay11

Three weeks later
7:10 p.m.

"You want some?" I offered my sister Jodie some popcorn

She shook her head "No I'm good."

Today was Morgan's last game, well it could be her last game of the season if her team won. If they lost then they would have to go one more game but I have faith that they will win.

Her team has energy like no other no matter how hard Karl's team try to put up a fight.

Yes, you heard right. She's been against Karl team these past few games. I honestly haven't kept up that much since our wedding on what teams they were facing.

But I love how so unbothered she's been when it came to playing against him though. You can tell he tries whatever he can to aggravate her on the court and get a reaction out of her.

All because of me which is sad because we haven't talked in over a year. I've moved on and I would love it if he did the same.

Giving Morgan her support today, I was with my mom, my brothers, Mia Jodie, Jade, Jamie, India, Kevin, and Tre.

Currently in the middle of third quarter.

"We are four minutes into the third quarter and LA is back with the ball."

"Hall with a light jog and passes the ball to Ingram, Ingram wide open for a three... and he makes it!"

I clapped for Brandon as Morgan got the assist

Karl had the ball now but it was stolen from one of Morgans teammates . Him and Morgan passed the ball back and forth until she threw it up for him to dunk. The crowd went crazy.

"Let's go baby!" Morgan clapped running down the court

Karl's team made the next shot but Morgan's team was up by a few more points.

"Two minutes left in the third and LA is up by twelve."

"You got to go to Hall, she's been killing it all night."

"Thirty six points, eight assists, four steals... She's been phenomenal."

"Here's Hall off the spin on Towns-

"She's down!" The ref blew the whistle as the crowd gasps

I stood up as Morgan held her knee in pain.

"Aye man what type of shit you on?" Brandon said pushing Karl

Coaches ran on the court to stop them from starting anything.

"Looks like her knee... that doesn't look good."

"Oh she's hurt, she's hurt for real."

Morgan slapped the ground while holding onto her right knee.

"Come on baby, you got this." I mumbled to myself

"It don't look like she's going to get up."

Soon the medic came out and a few others helped her up.

India clapped "You got this M, we right here!"

"I'll be back." I said walking towards her bodyguard

He led me towards her in the back. I walked as fast as my big belly would let me.

Once I made it, I knocked on the door and walked in. The medic was examining her and gave her some ice.

"I'll give you two some space, keep that on your leg." She said before leaving out

I rushed over to her side "Babe-


I raised a eyebrow and she sighed

"Im not fine. I don't know why i was about to lie." She chuckled before letting out a groan

"I'm sorry that-

She had cut me off "Don't cry J, come here."

I moved closer to her chair. She reached her hand over and wiped my tears with her thumb.

"You don't have to apologize that your ex nigga thinks he's going to get you so he's taking it out on me on the court. You're good, this shit ain't even your fault Jordyn so stop blaming yourself. You can't control someone else's emotions and actions. You're my wife and I'm going to let that be known and I don't care who feel any type of way."

I nodded as Morgan sat up a little "Shit."

"Morgan please keep still, you're acting like you didn't just hurt your knee."

She stopped her movements and watched the tv as it showed whatever was going on during the game right now.

In the last ten minutes we ending going down by six points.

Morgan sucked her teeth "I got to go out there."


"I can't just sit back Baby, my team is out there losing because of me."

"It's not because of you so stop blaming yourself. I don't want you to go out there and just get injured more."

"I'm not. Help me up."

I rolled my eyes "I swear you are the most hard headed person I know."

"Yeah but you love me."

I walked over and help her out of the seat. She had a limp on her.

"Babe are you sure? I don't want you doing this."

"I don't want to either knowing I could hurt myself more but I owe this to them."

"Can you make a deal with me?"

"I'm listening." She said

"First foul and I want you out the game."


"Morgan don't fucking push it." I said sternly

"Alright deal."

"Wrap your arm around me." I said

She did what I told her and we walked out of the room. I led us back to court where everybody was. It didn't take long for the crowd to start exploding with joy.

"Looks like Hall is back out to come rescue her team."

"She is. Her wife is by her side too!"

She limped over by her team while I stood on the sidelines next to them.

"You want to join in on these plays, Jordyn?" Her coach said

"I-i... sure." I said as he caught me off guard

"Um... Morgan and my dad only taught me a little about plays. But i believe in order to take this home, you have to make a little room for that middle section for Brandon to come through. Russell, you will go back and forth with Morgan with the ball but not too much because her knee is something she's not even supposed to be on right now."

"Ouuu wifey mad." Brandon mumbled

Morgan smack his head "Man be quiet with allat."

Russell nodded "Okay I could do that."

"Oh I know you could because you will. Now I'll draw it out on this board for y'all to see."

Once I did and everybody got a hold on the last two plays, they were back on the court.

Russell dribbled the back half way down before sending the ball Morgan way. She limped a little but dribbled mainly behind her back before an opening was made. Giving the ball to Brandon, as he ran to the goal, and slammed the ball in.

"Yes!" I said clapping

The other team got the ball but was stolen by Brandon who eventually threw the ball to Morgan.

With no one in front of her she took a step back and took the three point shot.

"And there you have it! Los Angeles has won the 2021 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP!"

I screamed as Morgan limped over to me

"I'm guessing I made it?" She asked

I laughed "Did you not see?"

"Honestly, a lil sweat got in my eye."

"If you're crying then just say that."

She laughed holding onto my waist. I brought my hand up to caress her cheek.

"Thank you."

"No problem. You ever need a intern coach just let me know." I shrugged

She chuckled "I'll be sure to tell coach that."

I smiled as she started leaning in to give me a kiss but I curved her by turning my head.

"Damn I get no love after winning the biggest game of the year?"

I groaned holding her hand

"What's wrong, love?"

"I think the baby is coming." I said

"Are you sure?"

"I think the water that's going down my pants is telling me i am."

"Alright no need to be a smart ass."

"Morgan get me off this damn court and to the hospital." I said

She snickered "Come on baby."

I led me and her to the driver "Go with Greg right quick to the car, I'll let everyone know the baby is coming."

"Okay." I grabbed Greg hand and he led us to the Tahoe truck

I sat in the back and buckled up, five minutes later Morgan got into the car with the help of Brandon. He walked off and Greg pulled off.

"Everyone is going to meet us at the hospital."

"Okay. I'm sorry you didn't get to celebrate with the guys."

She shook her head "Our child coming right now is the celebration for the night."

"Oh my god babe!"


"We finally get to know the gender!"

"I know I'm excited." She said as she let me squeeze her hand for the pain of the contractions

Her other hand rubbed my belly as i groaned

"Damn I'm all sweaty and shit. Our baby would choose this moment to come."

I playfully elbowed her "Shut up. Oh please text Jade and tell her to bring the baby bag."

"Okay." She pulled her phone out and quickly sent Jade a text

"How's your leg?"

"Painful but I'll be fine."

"Morgan I need you to get that checked out as soon as possible."

"I will." She responded as we pulled up to the hospital

Greg helped us both out and let Morgan wrap her arm around him

"Greg, bring her to get her leg check out and get some type of treatment."

" Jordyn-

"I'm probably not going into labor right at this moment just go get it checked out and come to my room."

"Okay." She huffed

I rolled me eyes at her extra actions. Sometimes she can be a child but I can be one too so it is what it is.

Jade walked into the hospital along with everyone else.

"Oh good you're here. You want to come to the room with me?"

"Girl did you really even have to ask? Come on." She locked her hand with mines and walked us to the room

A suite hotel? I swear Morgan goes all out but this might actually have been needed.

Jade say the bag down while my nurse helped me up on the bed.

I groaned as she checked on the baby

"Would you like to know the sex yet?" The nurse asked

"Yes." Jade said

"No." I immediately said after glaring at her

She laughed and rolled her eyes "I'm just trolling , their going to wait once the baby comes out."

She chuckled "Okay will do. Well you're not that too far yet, but their coming soon. I'll be back with the obstetrician so he can come check up on you too."

"Okay thank you."

She smiled before leaving out

"Are you nervous?"

"A little. I'm more excited to see them come out and stop kicking." I rubbed my belly

Before Jade could respond the door opened with Morgan and my mom walking in.

She had a cast on her leg and it looked better than before.

She limped over towards my side of the bed in the long two piece chair and slowly cocked her leg up. She locked her hand in mines.

"Why haven't you went to sleep yet?" I asked

"I don't know. I'm not tired. My adrenaline running and I don't wanna miss anything." Morgan said

"Same." I replied, "I'm hungry," I mumble

"Want some ice chips?" My mom ask.

"Yeah that's f-fine. Ssss..." I hissed and I quickly snatch my hand out of Morgans as another contraction hits.

I gripped onto the sheets with my eyes closed shut. I tried controlling my breathing but definitely failed. Morgan took my hand caressed her thumb against it until the pain passed by.

My mom raised a eyebrow "Do you want me to call the nurse while I'm out to get the ice chips?"

"No I'm okay for now."

"Okay." She said before leaving out

"Is your mom and dad here?"

"I talked to her she should be on her way soon."

"Okay good." I took deep breaths

"Where's my other baby?"

I needed to ask questions and talk to help get my mind off of this pain my other little one was giving me.

"She's outside in the waiting area with everyone else."

"How she's feeling?"

"She's excited, she wants to see you." Morgan chuckled

"Oh tell her she can come see mama before the baby comes."

Morgan nodded and pulled her phone out before sending someone a text.

Not even five minutes later, my mom and Mia came into the room.

"Mama! Are you okay?" She frowned at my condition

I groaned "Yeah just hurting a little bit but seeing you is making me feel better."

She smiled shyly

"Am I having a brother?" She raised an eyebrow looking like Morgan

I chuckled "I don't know yet baby girl."

Mia and continued our conversation until the doctor came in.

He checked everything before looking at me "Okay looks like you're beautiful joy is ready to come out."

I nervously nodded as he got in between her knees.

Morgan sat up as Jade took Mia out and Morgan's mom walked in.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. Traffic is terrible out there."

"It's okay mom as long as you're here." Morgan said

Her mom helped her up and wrapped her arms around so she could hold her get a better view of the birth.

"Jordyn, I'm going to need you to push."

I listened. I pushed.... I pushed as long and hard as I could. Minutes passed by and a little progress was made because the head was shown.

If this pain was only coming from one baby then she didn't want to know what twins felt like.

"W-wait I need some water." I said

My mom handed me a cup of water. I took a sip, breathed in and out before pushing again.

"Keep pushing Jordyn, you're almost there." The doctor reminded me

I screamed still pushing steadily.

"Move me down by the bottom of the bed." Morgan told her mom

Her mom helped her move down and Morgan lifted one of my legs up.

Believe it or not but the position felt better than before.

"Babe... I'm scared." I cried

"I know mama but you got this. I got you just push for us." Morgan replied

More minutes passed and the same cycle on. My screaming, pushing, breathing and crying.

It felt like I was never going to get this baby out but I wrong. It took that one long last push that made them come out.

Loud cries was heard out the room and Morgan had tears running down her face.

She looked up at me "A girl."

She immediately cut the umbilical cord.
After the doctor cleaned her up a bit, baby girl was soon placed in my arms on my chest.

I cried as I felt Morgan wrap her arm around me. She opened her eyes and the only thing I seen on her was my eyes. Everything else was Morgan.

I swear her genes are strong as hell.

"So what's her name?" Morgan's mom asked

"Jenesis Marie Hall." We both said

Morgan the side of my face "I love you... I love you so much."

"I love you too."


A beautiful little chapter 🥹

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