"You're my Clementine to my A...

Av jesus_davito13

1.4K 51 141

I don't have an idea for this description yet and this will be rarely posted (doubting anyone will ever read... Mer



160 4 15
Av jesus_davito13

The DEF's


The dog had a eerie smile on his face as he floated around Jack, his dark, purple fur almost blending in with the pitch black abyss, only his yellow hat and bowtie showed his presents, alongside his glowing white pupils that were similar to Jack's.
"ZKDW DUH BRX GRLQJ? LV WKLV UHDOOB BRX QRZ? BRX'YH UHDOOB FUHDWHG D OHJDFB RXW RI VSLWH, KDYHQ'W BRX?" The dog snarled, his smile soon disappearing to a scowl as his paws clapped together. "ZHOO GRQH."
He'd sit on the ground in front of Jack, still clapping with his paws.
"What do you want?" Jacks voice echoed as he glared down at the unnatural dog, yet he ignored the orange man's question.
"No, I.."
"Just.. Just shut up!"
"SHUT UP!" Jack would yell, but it was no use, the dog's gibberish words echoed in a repeat, but it never seemed to quiet. He covered his ears but it didn't work, it was the same volume. He closed his eyes yet he could still see the dogs devilish grin in front of him before he faded away.

He jolted awake, his body shook as he tried to catch his breath. It was that same damn dream again. He sat up and slid out the bed, searching around in the blind dark for the bathroom till he found it, flipping on the harsh light made him shut his sensitive eyes and groan in pain. Stumbling to the toilet, he fell to his knees and coughed into the toilet, tears blurring his vision. He felt so sick.. his head throbbed in pain, the world spun around him. He couldn't thing straight, nor could he remember how he got in there in the first place.
The sudden sound of soft footsteps caught his attention as his head whipped around to face whatever the thing was, yet all he could see was the blurry purple silhouette of a man that seemed to glow from the light. He'd wipe his eyes to get a better look at the man, who was closer and now on one knee in front of him.
"Seems like you're not much of a drinker, are ya, Old Sport?" Dave said, a hand rubbing softly against Jack's back. Jack's only response to this a groan before turning back around and hurling into the toilet while Dave's soothing rubs would sometimes break to soft pats.
"There, there..." Dave whispered as Jack's head picked up from the bowl, he groaned once again as he slumping back against the wall, a hand resting against his forehead. "Stay right here, I've got somethin' to help."
Dave left the room, leaving the hungover tangerine alone in the bathroom with a massive headache, but he came back quickly after with a glass cup filled with water. He'd walk to the sink and open the mirror to the hidden cabinet inside and pull out some medicine bottle and taking out two pills before crouching back down in front of the sick one.
"Here, I've got some Aspirins for you, it should help out with the sickness. I've learned it from past experiences." A soft, caring smile shown on his face as he handed the pills and water to Jack... who tossed the pills into the water and drinking the glass with the pills inside.
"Thanks..." He'd mutter, staring down at the glass that had only a tiny drop of water left before looking back up at Dave. "Do you remember anything from yesterday? I can't seem to remember anything except for being inside the tube..."
Dave paused, well, more like froze on the spot, he wasn't sure on what to say but lie.
"Nothin', well, I do remember some house catching on fire but nothing else from that."
"Wow, guess we drank to much.."
"Yep. Must of been the time of our lives if that's the case!" They both chuckled before it turned into an awkward silence for a few seconds, but was broken by Dave standing up and holding his hand down to Jack. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up.
Jack took his hand and allowed for Dave to pull him up, although he wobbled, he maintained his balance so it was a bit easier on Dave. He'd lead the orange man back to the bedroom and get him a change of clothes that Jack picked out and left the room so he could change, but soon came back to check up on him.
The orange male was now wearing a white tank top and some casual black basketball shorts, not so bad for some sleep wear. Dave wandered over to the closet and grabbed a tank top out from his closet and casually change shirts in front of Jack since it wasn't gay to change in front of the "homies".
Jack didn't bother to comment on it and instead sunk into the blankets, turning to face the wall until he felt the spot beside him sink as sudden weight applied to it.
"Y'know, it's odd for a single man who lives alone to have such a big bed like this." Jack would turn around and come face to face with Dave.
"Well...it's nice to have all the space to yourself and to not have a giant body taking up most of the space."
"Hey! I'm not big, I'm fun sized." Dave would smirk, causing Jack to chuckle and gently shove him in a playful manner.
"You're an idiot."
"Say's you."
They'd go silent for awhile, this time it was more comforting. They started into each others half-lidded eyes with small smiles on their faces, no words had to be spoken for them to show how great full they were to have each other.
The only light that was in the room was the dim light from the still lit bathroom and the glow from each others pupils. Something they didn't notice was that before this it was raining outside, which set the mood just right. Comforting, calm, peaceful silence with that soothing background noise that could put babies to sleep..
"G'night, Old Sport." Dave muttered, instead of his usual loud New Yorker accent, it was a soft, more calmer tone. For a second, Jack thought somebody else was inside the room.
"Goodnight, Dave..." He'd mutter back, staring more into Dave's eyes before closing his.

There was something Dave wanted to say, yet it felt like something was pulling at his neck and choking back his words yet trying to force them out. He felt almost like he was a rocket, ready to take off but being held down before he can fly.
But yet, he never could say those words he was dying in the inside to say, so he stayed silent. Instead he stared at Jack's perfect face with a goofy smile spread across his face, and although he couldn't see it, his pupils managed to change into tiny hearts.
The thought of being like this felt like a dream come true to him. Ever since he met the man, he's never been able to get him off his mind. It was almost like he was addicted to the man.
He never truly understood what it meant until he searched up "why do i feel so adicted to old sport?" once online, the results were shocking, but he never wanted to deny it.
So, with a bit of disappointment, Dave shuffled around till he was up closer to the head of the bed and wrapped his arm around Jack's body, slowly moving him closer to himself before he rested his head softly above Jack's head. It was a comfortable yet a tad bit not finished, but what was missing..?
Suddenly, Jack's legs tangled with Dave's, which filled in that gap in what he was thinking of. Feeling this gave Dave's stomach butterflies and his heartbeat to quicken and almost skip a beat. A giant and warm smile spread on his face as he felt his body relax to the warmth of the man who's always been on his mind, a man who he's so dearly missed seeing, a man who he wished he could spend times like this for forever.
His dear, old sport.

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