You Got To Be Kidding Me [MAR...

By peacockdragon12345

81.1K 2.2K 1.2K

Soulmates are hard to find but harder to understand.Yet how in the world did you have all the heros and villa... More

Statues Check
Rainy Pepraily
Bloody Tissues
Safe Side
Still Pause
Protective Creatures
Overnight Request
Fair Business
Box Ivy
Broke Wallet
Creeper Runaway
Solo Savior

Unbreakable Cabinet

6.8K 180 152
By peacockdragon12345

The moment you realize you made a mistake your forcibly shutting the cabinet door latching it close.How dose this cabinet have a latch?God knows why but you should've done it sooner.

"I don't think she wants to be found." One of them tried to open it, finding out they can't even open it at all "What the?How did you lock it from the inside??"

Your thoughts were going haywire.Yes you accepted all them but your plan to not make eye contact went down hill so fast.All you were doing was curling up into a ball all red faced in embarrassment..

The one you made eye contact with, Beast Boy, was grinning ear to ear.He found you.The green skinned man was dead on happy, warm, and all fuzzie from the moment your eyes met.The bond was then complete.He felt whole.

"Brother, Garth is spacing out." Shuri informs, the girl herself had to take him to lay down, he was still smiling like an idiot.

The Black Panther, King of Wakanda, however thinks on what to do.He wish not to scare her but she proceeded to hide from them....he could ripe it off its hinges?No.She will be deathly scared of him.

Erik looks around, spying Okoye spear in her pocket like sactle "I'm gonna need to use that spear."

"You will not use my spear!What if you stab our soulmate, accidentally kill her with it?"

His eyes darkened at that, kinda hurt "I won't." then proceeds with it, carefully and very slow.


"Yes my king?"

"Inform the others of our location will you?"

Okoye nods, saluting as well "Yes immediately my king!" and did as told, informing everyone right then and there.

Shuri soon gave up on Garth, coming over to help Erik "Need help?"

"Nah, I got from here."

It wasn't even budging.Whatever lock that is, it's a bloody good one..

"Are you alright in there?" Shuri was trying to get a conversation going, see if she could help out Erik in some way "There is bloody tissues out here, are you still bleeding?"

Nothing but silence, your embarrassment and emotions going into a unbelievable mess.How could you say anything after hiding from them?For two hours straight at that??

Shuri, who glance over to T"challa, tried again "You don't have to hide from us.We just want to meet you."

"I-I don't know."

Erik at this point gave back the spear, kneeling down, trying to pry it open with his fingers "Damn it!I'm really struggling here!" he was, it wasn't even budging.

Trying to make yourself feel small you lean into the cabinet, a weary creaky sound coming from it, wanting to feel invisible and so small.You just weren't ready to meet all of them.

"Erik stop I think your scaring her."

Erik ignores T"challa, trying to not give up so easily.You were right there, in this cabinet, he was eager to see you.He was so ready to see you.

Okoye shakes her head "He will not listen, do not waste your breathe my king." yet she stood guard, frowning that your not coming out to see them willingly, but wave over the others coming this way.

At this point you felt like passing out.In your mind the words 'I'm not ready!' continuously repeat over and over every passing second.It was happening all to fast.You weren't ready at all.Leaning back more the creaking grew, not noticing it at all, it seems you found your new way out.Just a little more push to open it and book it.

"Where are they!?"

"It's been three hours now!"

"Okoye where are they!?"

"Why is Garth in la la land?"

The ones that arrived before anyone else was Wally, Peter, Tim, and Jason.All of them seemed to be the closest near by, so each of them ran down here without hesitation.The moment they get in they don't see their new soulmate anywhere.Why even tell then to come down here and not have their new soulmate with them?

Okoye points at the Shuri and Erik "Their in the cabinet." not long step aside as all of them rush over to open that bitch up.

"What the fuck?Why won't it budge??" Jason, Erik, and Peter tried opening it all at once.It moved but didn't open.

Tim looks down at Shuri "What you doing?"

Shuri rubs her neck, trying to think of a way to open that stubborn cabinet "She seemed to locked it from the inside.Erik can't even open it, nor can Peter or Jason."

T"challa was wondering around the room, looking for something to use.Not much here but art supplies..

Jason was pissed off by now "You know what?Fuck it!" he began to KICK it open.

This action alone made the others immediately dog pile him.He could hurt you if he so continues that brute act.However unknown to them that kick to the cabinet was enough to make you jump further back, once they finally stop Jason from doing more damage, your tumbling down hill from the hole you created within the cabinet.Luckily you didn't crash into anything.Looking back at the way you came you chose not to stay, you ran for the hills.Not once questioning on how you managed to do such a escape like that before.

Your skipping school today, actually, your gonna do online school for the rest of your senior year instead.

By a few minutes later Clark, Bruce Banner, Arthur, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, and the two speedsters Pietro and Barry show up.

"Clark open this peice of shit cabinet open."

He quirks a brow, very confused himself "What's in the cabinet?"

"Our soulmate."

That was all he need to hear, striding over with haste, grab the edge of that cabinet door, and unlike the others open it with complete ease.


They all stared into the hole like tunnel, expecting her to be right there before them, but instead the back of the cabinet was kicked open.No soulmate in site.

By the time they found out, every hero going to search in both air and school, you managed to successfully make it to a bus stop.

The bus comes in, a nice lady offers you a bottle of water "Here you go, where do you wish to go dear?"

"Thank you." Your eyes drift off to the school, but your immediately walking into the bus, giving the woman a nice tip "Drop me off at Kohl's, I live not to far from there."

The woman nods.From the moment you sat down you never once look out the window.You kept your eyes close and listen to the music from your phone, once in a while taking slow sips of the water given to you.You were not going to make a mistake like that again.

You accepted them but you were not ready to face any of them...not yet.


Marvel People (Good luck!)
•Tony Stark
•Peter Parker
•Steve Rogers
•Bucky Barnes
•Bruce Banner
•T'challa (R.I.P legend..)
•Erik Killmonoger
•Natasha Romanoff
•Wanda Maximoff
•Peitro Maximoff
•Thor Odison
•Loki Odison

DC People (Good luck here also!)
•Clark Kent
•Bruce Wayne
•Arthur Kurry
•Barry Allen
•Jason Todd
•Tim Drake
•Dick Grayson
•Damian Wayne
•Harely Quinn
•Poison Ivy
•Beast Boy
•Wally West

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