Golden Orbs [TAEGI]

By stella_yoongles

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"π˜›π˜©π˜¦π˜Ί 𝘴𝘒𝘺 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘡𝘩𝘦 π˜₯𝘦𝘷π˜ͺ𝘭 𝘩𝘒𝘴 𝘎𝘰𝘭π˜₯𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴." - in which Min Yoongi, a young gho... More

Chapter- 1. The murders on Suseong District
chapter - 2. The man on the stairs.
chapter- 3. A 'candle'light dinner.
chapter- 4. A little eccentric neighbour.
chapter- 5. Kang Joohyung.
chapter- 6. Can this be called a date?
chapter- 8. A Mistake.
chapter - 9. Goodbye.
chapter- 10. What's with this tension?
chapter- 11. Come back to me.
chapter 12. Who is he?

chapter- 7. Is It Taehyung?

235 20 9
By stella_yoongles

..And the door plate is slanted again.

Is it because it's old and worn out? It was like this on the day Yoongi and Taehyung went to the restaurant, too. Yoongi tip toed his way up to the door plate and fixed it. Not only is it slanted, it is set so high that someone with as avarage height as Yoongi's can never reach it without some internal struggle.

Speaking about the restaurant, though..

Yoongi turned around and glanced at his neighbour's door. Room no. 302.

Kim Taehyung. Tall. Ridiculously handsome. Charming. A little bit eccentric.

Although he's awkward to deal with, he's not really a.. bad person. Well, neither is he a good person. It's simply too hard to get a read on him.

Yoongi drew his lips into a thin line as he remembered about the incidents that took place back at the restaurant with Taehyung. Turning back around, he turned the knob of his door. The door opens with a creak sound.

Whether he's uncouth,polite, kind or rude..

..No matter what. Getting more mixed up with someone as dangerous as Taehyung is clearly a bad idea.

He needs to leave this place as soon as he can.


It's easier than said. For a week or so, Yoongi went around looking for jobs in the writing field. Well, you ask why is he so persistent on working in this field?

He doesn't quite has the answer either. But as long as he can remember he'd always dreamt to be a writer.


"I'm afraid I've no work for you."

"I'm sorry, but we do not handle novels."

"We will discuss your interview, then get back to you."

The quotes mentioned above quite literally means in simple words: "we have no work for you. Get lost."

Yoongi has written the same letter for at least a fifty time by now. It is as followed:

"Dear editor,
We are now living in an-

"Fuck this,"Yoongi sighed, throwing the letter away in a dustbin nearby as he stepped inside the apartment.

At this point, just screw all the dreams. He needs a job to move out of this place already!

Yoongi glanced at the mail box. His ears perked up as he saw a mail tucked in his room number's box. He grabbed the brown envelope out of the mail box and pulled out the letter to take a look.

..If you send us such an impertinent letter again, we will be forced to take legal actions against you. Thank you very much, Mr. Min Yoongi.

Yoongi gritted his teeth and ripped the letter in tiny pieces and threw it away.

Great, just great. Both of the publishing company he'd applied for had rejected him in the worse way possible. Nor did he get the handyman job or auction house job either. And they said he simply looked too weak fraile to work as a grave digger.

"Fuck, nothing's going my way."Yoongi said as he shut his eyes close, trying not to think much about the consequences of staying with a murderer next door.

That's when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Yoongi turned around slowly to find Taehyung standing behind him with a tangerine on his hand.

Yoongi might as well call this man the tangerine demon at this point.

"You seem very busy these days." He said with his usual teasing smirk.

Yoongi just wishes he could ignore this man without being suspicious to his eyes. But Taehyung's very vicious, normally what you would call predatory, he'd know immediately if Yoongi purposefully ignores him.

","Yoongi mumbled,"It's nothing that serious.."

"But it appears to me that it is quite something, Yoongi." Taehyung replied.

Yoongi sighed and turned around, taking steps up the stairs. "I'm searching for jobs, but publishing companies won't hire me." Yoongi explained as Taehyung followed suit behind him. "And I can't be hired as a handyman, dummy auction bidder or even grave digger. Nothing's going my way. That's why I'm in such a bad mood today."

Yoongi climbed up the last stair and halted to a stop. Why isn't Taehyung saying anything?

"It must be my bad luck." Yoongi sighed.

"No, I don't believe that."Yoongi turned back around to find Taehyung smiling at him. "It's not luck that you're lacking, Yoongi."

Yoongi stared at the man.

Wow, getting to hear such words coming out from a murderer's mouth.. a weird feeling indeed. It can't be named, but Yoongi assumes it's not a bad feeling after all, seeing how his mind hasn't told him to run away yet.

"Pardon me?"Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "What is it I'm lacking then?"

"Three things." Taehyung replied as he raised three of his fingers up in the air. "Intellect, cunning, and wits."

Yoongi stared at the man in utter disbelief.

"Well, you sure do seem to know a lot about cunning and wits." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"That's right. I can see you don't have the showmanship to work at an auction. You aren't gusty enough to work at a graveyard."Taehyung looked back up at Yoongi,"and.."

Yoongi yelped all of a sudden when Taehyung grabbed his wrist pulled him closer to him.

"What are you-"

Taehyung opened Yoongi's palm and grabbed his one hand with his own two tightly. "See here, Yoongi. You only have calluses on the edge of your palm and middle finger.",

Taehyung digged his fingers deeper in Yoongi's palm to which the shorter let out a small ouch. "It means you're not used to menial work." Taehyung peeked down only enough to take one small look at Yoongi. He was intensely staring at Taehyung's hand on his palm.

"People who tend to have more calluses..." Taehyung said as he slipped one of his slander fingers inside Yoongi's sleeves. ""

Yoongi looked away as he found his cheeks burning up. Taehyung caressed his wrist with his fingers and they were so cold against Yoongi's warm skin.

"And here-"

Yoongi slapped Taehyung's hands away. "J-just what e-exactly do you think you're doing?"

"What do you mean?"Taehyung raised his hands up in the air as if surrendering. He was smiling widely as well. "I'm just giving you moral support, Yoongi."

Yoongi blushed furiously when Taehyung smiled and winked at him. Just how can somebody be so charming and dangerous at the same time?

And with that, Yoongi's desire to leave Suseong District became even stronger.


A few days later.

Yoongi was stepping down from his apartment complex as usually, thinking about how he has only one more publishing company to hear back from.

Though he doubts he'll have any mails today, he steps towards the mailbox. That last publishing company had said the same thing he'd heard for the past few weeks, there's a very rare chance that he'd hear back, but it doesn't cost money to have some hopes and positive thoughts for once, right?

Yoongi has prominent dark circles under his eyes from working himself up these few days. It's so very tiring to go around walking but coming back home empty handed.

What if he doesn't hear back from them either?

Yoongi opened the mail box with the hopes of finding an empty mail box filled with spider webs and dirt.

He expected everything but a little bottle of banana milk with a sticky note.

"Drink me! ;D"

"What the.." Yoongi gasped as he realised.

It's that stalker of his!

Does that mean he's stil stalking Yoongi?

Yoongi grabbed the note and grabbed his black pen from his pocket.

He wrote a huge Fuck you on the note and stuck it back on the banana milk bottle.

"Stuff your dirty mouth with that, you creepy bastard." Yoongi said as he slammed the mail box shut.

Yoongi sighed as he walked up the stairs.

The next day, however, he didn't hear back from the publishing company again.

"Just another bottle of that damned banana milk-" Yoongi stopped as he slowly read the sticky note.

It's a newly written one.

"I promise you there's nothing suspicious in it. Nothing that'll kill you or make your stomach upset. Come on, it's finally something that isn't tangerines!>:("

Yoongi stared at the note in utter horror.

Tangerines...? Is...

Is his stalker...



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